You did it. We did it. November is over.
Just thinking about this month exhausts me, but it's been a good one filled with many wonderful things. In a way, I'm sad to see it end. I love NaNo, and I'm already looking forward to next year.
But for now, I'm going to revel in the fact that I don't have a novel to write.
But for now, I'm going to revel in the fact that I don't have a novel to write.
... I just have seven billion novels to edit. -.- (On that lovely note, onto the post. xD)
I saw three movies in theaters this month, which is exactly three more than I normally see. xD I saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Arrival, and Doctor Strange. I love them all for different reasons. I loved Fantastic Beasts because of the setting and Newt and the magic and the lovely feel of the movie. I loved Arrival because it's my type of movie with its epicness and mystery and ajskdlf;j;. It's too much. And I loved Doctor Strange because... it's Marvel, duh. Of course I'm gonna love it.
Snow appeared for the first time this month, which is one big nope for me. The only good thing about snow is that I buy peppermint creamer for my coffee, which is lovely. <3
Snow appeared for the first time this month, which is one big nope for me. The only good thing about snow is that I buy peppermint creamer for my coffee, which is lovely. <3
Obviously the biggest highlight of this month was my writing retreat with Nadine Brandes. I have no words for the amazing opportunity and how great she is. So much happiness. <3
One of my newest hobbies is bullet journaling (here's a tour of my bullet journal), but NaNo stole everything from me... including bullet journaling. So I'm looking forward to December and hopefully doing the thing daily again. :D
I was going to take a photoshoot of all of these books... but then I miscalculated my days (I blame NaNo), so the lighting was not ideal for pictures. *weeping because there's hardly ever sun in winter which means it's insanely difficult for pictures* -.-
ANYWAYS, I got Scythe, Some Kind of Happiness, Scarlet Moon, and These Broken Stars.
I only read two books this month. But I also wrote a book, soooo. xD
SCYTHE WAS A BRILLIANT MASTERPIECE AND EVERYONE MUST READ IT IMMEDIATELY. The plot. Characters. The idea. How it makes you think. The cover. ajsdfkla; I cannot with this book and I need to flail with people over it.
I kept things simple this month, and shared highlights from each week of NaNoWriMo. Feel free to go read them and laugh at the terrible suffering I put myself through. :P
Week One Post: I share snippets, some writing music, and pictures scattered throughout that I'm kind of proud of.
Week One Post: I share snippets, some writing music, and pictures scattered throughout that I'm kind of proud of.
Week Two Post: I somehow hit 50,000 words, and I am probably not even alive anymore.
Week Three Post: More snippets, and a generally tough writing week, which is okay because it happens to everyone.
Week Four Post: In which I wrap up the last week of NaNo and am RIDICULOUSLY close to the end of my novel.

It seems like a bunch of my friends are suddenly self-publishing, so I'm shouting them out because they're awesome and I cannot wait until their novels are released to the world. <3
My critique partner, Abi, has a release date for her novel, Martin Hospitality! You can read more about her contemporary Christian novel here.
I met Olivia at the Minneapolis Young Writer's Workshop last year, and she just announced that she's self-publishing her novel! You can read about her spy novel here.
Lastly, this post was written a few months ago, but Liz wrote a lovely rant about defending writing as a job. I can't hug this post enough.
I saved this section for last, because here is that NaNo Vlog I've been talking about! I'm still not one hundred percent used to talking to a camera... (as is probably quite evident. xD) ...but I found myself warming up toward the end of the video, and am looking forward to possibly doing more in the future. Who knows -- maybe this will turn into something I create regularly. All things to think about. xD
There is also flailing and excited squealing in the vlog. Because OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS I FINISHED MY NOVEL. Cannot even. *flops on the ground*
Anyways, here is the vlog below! Thanks for bearing with my awkwardness. :P
Anyways, here is the vlog below! Thanks for bearing with my awkwardness. :P
I am taking a half-hiatus during the month of December. I don't know if half-hiatuses are a thing, but if they aren't... they are now. :P
I will be posting Saturday, December 3rd, and Saturday, December 31st. The 31st will be an end of the year wrap up post similar to the one I did last year. Then in January I'll be back with my normal posting schedule. :D
*tries not to freak out over the fact that the year is coming to an end so soon* *help*
Happy last day of NaNo! (though maybe "happy" isn't the best word... stressful or agonizing is more like it. :P)
BUT YOU CAN DO THE THING. I believe in you. <3
// katie grace
*tries not to freak out over the fact that the year is coming to an end so soon* *help*
Happy last day of NaNo! (though maybe "happy" isn't the best word... stressful or agonizing is more like it. :P)
BUT YOU CAN DO THE THING. I believe in you. <3
// katie grace
How did NaNo go?
Did you get any reading done throughout this crazy month?
Great vlog! It was fun to watch! I saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Doctor Strange in the theater recently, and both movies were so amazing! Scarlet Moon sounds really interesting..
ReplyDelete-Jollygirl @ Reflections of a Jolly Girl
Eeeep, weren't they awesome? Do you have a favorite of the two?
DeleteThanks for believing in me to do the thing! Haha, love your post, I'm super excited that you finished your novel and oh my gosh isn't Fantastic Beasts amazing? I cried. Can't wait to read your next few posts!
ReplyDelete-Lo @ Into The Light
YES FANTASTIC BEASTS WAS AMAZING. I felt like the plot was a little disjointed, but I loooved Newt. He was amazing. xD
DeleteEep, thank you! Thanks for commenting. :D
Ahh, I love your vlog! You are seriously so cute, and at one point it DID sound like you had an accent. :P Loved seeing the little clips throughout your day.
ReplyDeleteEEK YOU FINISHED WHERE SHADOWS LIE! asdlfjaflksjflak << my excitement for you. I hope editing goes well when it happens! (I absolutely adore your chapter titles. Ack. I need to do that sometime.)
YES, Fantastic Beasts was epic. I thought it was quite a bit darker than the other Harry Potter films, which kind of caught me off guard... but. I really, really loved it. <3 (Newt is basically the best ever. Why can't Newt be real.)
Best wishes for December! We'll miss your regular posts. :P (But seriously, TAKE THAT BREAK. You deserve it, you writing queen.)
(also forgot to mention that a post or two ago I said I'd been reading your blog for two months. I meant 1 YEAR and two months. :P Gah, typos.)
DeleteEeeep thank you! <3 <3 <3
DeleteYES DO THE CHAPTER TITLES THING. It is ridiculously fun and also hard. :P
I know, I wasn't expecting it to be so dark. o.O But it was done in a very amazing way and NEWT. NEEEEWT. I love Newt so much it's probably not healthy. <3
I will miss posting, too, even though it will be awesome to have the break. What are you planning to do in December? (writing, editing, fun plans?)
Heh, I saw. Bothersome typos. But a year and two months makes much more sense. xD
Newt is awesome. :D I saw Eddie Redmayne as Marius in Les Mis, and he was fabulous there too! I must say, Marius and Newt are very different. :P
DeleteWell, I'm planning on finishing the semester (THE END IS NEAR) and trying to fit in writing through the holidays and craziness because this novel still needs to be written. :P What are your plans?
It certainly does. xD
Congratulations on finishing the novel as well as all the other amazing things that happened for you in november! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Faith! <3
DeleteCongrats to you for finishing your book!!!!! Enjoy your well deserved break <3
ReplyDeleteAs for me, NaNo did not go as planned. My assignments workload reached new heights as the term is coming to a end so I am blessed if I can reach 15,000 today XD definitely doing it again next year though :)
What are you gonna do for December if you're not going to blog (and I hope not edit - yet)?
I had to read b/c of my program and my my was I glad about it! Kindred was my favorite of the month. You guys have to check it out if you haven't read it yet. It's just sooooooo good. All the feels :D but I haven't set foot in a movie theater since September actually :( I'll have to catch up during the winter break!
Where did 2k16 go? Wheeeeeeeeeere?
(haven't seen your blog yet, it doesn't show on my cellphone, but I already know I'll claim over your lovely voice ;) )
DeleteYesss, there's always next year. And 15k is awesome! Do you like where your story is going?
DECEMBER IS GOING TO BE SO BUSY. I'm hoping to get ahead on some blog posts, maybe write a flash fiction, figure out my plan of attack for TSDS, and then start editing the third draft of TSDS, as well as alllll the Christmas presents and cleaning and bullet journaling and goodness it's gonna be crazy but I'm ready for it. xD
Do you have any plans for December?
Oooh, that's nice that you get credit for reading. Huh. I haven't heard of Kindred. I shall check it out. *nodnod*
I loved your vlog! And I want to see those movies! They look SO good!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR NOVEL!!!!! I have one scene I want to finish before I say I'm "done", but I won NaNo! So excited.
Are you going to do the Litograph? (where you print your novel on a scarf?)
DeleteOh my goodness, I'm so excited for you! *sprinkles confetti* Amazing job. <3
No, I don't think so. At least not yet. I don't want to print my first draft on a scarf where anyone could read my cringe-worthy words. xD
Are you?
It's a bit too much right now, but I want to do it at some point (even if it's not this novel) they look really cool though
DeleteHOE ARE YOUR MONTHLY WRAP UPS SO BEAUTIFUL?! Also, good to see you're reading a human number of books for once XD And what is wrong with you and snow?! Fix your relationship, woman! I am incredibly envious of your November dusting. :) But coffe makes it all better, right? ((this is actually the first year I've drunk coffee))
ReplyDeleteYou finished your noveeeeel!! Woohoo! I still need to go write 3400 words to win, hehe ... But your vlog omagosh <3 You're so beautiful and I love getting bits of the real flesh and blood you :D
AWWWWW you mentioned my release date!!! *glows forever* You're the best for so many reasons <3 We've survived half this holiday season ^.^ ONTO DECEMBER!
Oh and Fantastic Beasts *faints* I WAS SO IMPRESSED. <3 Newt <3
DeleteAWH THANK YOU. <3 (I have to say, I do miss seeing your wrap ups... they were lovely to read as well.)
DeleteCoffee makes things bearable, and I'm so very happy that you're drinking coffee as well. It's a needed thing for NaNo. xD
asjdklf; THANK YOU.
Eek. The holiday season. Heeelp. It's a great festive time, but also stressful and crazy. :P
eeeeee. *randomly hugs you for no reason*
ReplyDeleteVLOG. I want mooooore, precious. You're so cute and your voice is too (have you been told you sometimes go into a slight British accent?) and yeah. I'm so happy for you and NaNo and your novel and yeah. =D
(also snow. I wish we got snow here. IT'S SO PRETTY. But cold so I guess I'll be content with no snow.)
*glomps you* <3
DeleteI WANT TO SEE YOU DO A VLOG. It would make me most happy.
And gahh I assume that is the accent people thing I have sometimes? I don't mean to go into it at all, but... apparently it just happens occasionally. :P
It is pretty, but... cold. Sooo cold. :P
Oh my...I love your vlog! Also, congrats on finishing your novel!
Awwh, thank you! <3
DeleteCongrats on finishing your novel! That is awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you! <3
Deleteokay so first off EEPP YOU FINISHED YOU NOVEL SO EPIC *flops on floor with you* I wish I could say the same but this beast intends on staying around for a bit longer :P xD
ReplyDeleteYASSS MORE VLOGS. I love how you did the updated k it was the best evah xD
EEEP thank you!! And bothersome beast. I will make sure to sprinkle twice the amount of confetti when you finally finish it. xD
DeleteThank you. xD
I LOVED YOUR VLOG!!! And yes, thank you for not screaming because I in fact WAS listening with earbuds, so... yeah. Thank you for that. XD
ReplyDeleteBUT OH MY GOSH YOU FINISHED YOUR NOVEL!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm SO excited for you!! *pizza* *cake* *chocolate* *tea* *coffee* *AND ALL THAT AWESOMENESS*
But seriously, Katie - you're a beast. I don't even understand how you do it, but you do and it's so inspiring! I've almost reached my goal - I'm a little over 2,000 words away so I'll be a NaNoWriMo winner soon! :D
Also your accent is amazing. I love it. That might sound weird, but I am kind of obsessed with accents and I LOVE yours!! XD
Okay, I need to go write now...
I'll miss you so much in December, but I hope you enjoy your break and hey - GET SOME SLEEP! XD
Always looking out for you. ;)
DeleteEEEP YES THANK YOU. You just listed all my favorite things and now I will eat them all. mwahaha. I'm having pizza tonight, actually, and am ridiculously excited. :P
CONGRATS!!!!! Finishing a novel is so exciting. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the vlogs! They're the best. You're kind of hilarious. :D
Isn't it? It's an amazing feeling that I will never ever get tired of.
DeleteAwh, thank you! They're fun to make. xD
ACK I loved the vlog. xD I've thought about doing one myself sometime but I do't think I could keep it on track AT ALL. But hearing your voice is so cool.
YOU SHOULD DO IT. And yeah, keeping on track is terribly difficult. xD But I would love to see your face. o.o weird as that sounds.
DeleteEEEP I KNOW IT'S CRAZY. My mind is exploding. xD
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm still ridiculously proud of you and all the writing you got done this month. *celebrates* *and hugs*
I just wanted to jump in here and say YES JANE PRETTY PLEASE DO A VLOG. =) I really want to see your beautiful face speak to us! XD
Wow okay! Maybe I'll start thinking more seriously about it then! *nods* Makes me feel special that you guys both want it. :)
DeleteThank youuuu!!! *hugs back* I honestly just want to grab everyone who's encouraged me with NaNo and just give them this massive hug. <3
*yells as I point at you* HOLD THE PHONE (OR VLOG)! In that first clip, I SEE TED DEKKER'S LOST BOOK!!!! AHHH. Sorry. I LOVE Ted Dekker. That series... fantastic. And all his books. Circle Trilogy. Everything I have read from Ted Dekker is just- beyond words. ANYWAY. =D
ReplyDeleteFun vlog! :)
I've been editing my novel Seek (which I wrote in Camp Nano, July, lol) and yeah- lots of praying. :) ♥ Writing is such a gift, and whenever I start feeling Satan creep up with lies... I remember I am God's! :D And Yahweh is my Light, all I have to do is pray and He'll guide me.
YHVH bless!
-Angela |
AHHH YES. I haven't read it yet... but I got it for a dollar at a book sale, so I figured someday I'll be able to read it.
DeleteEek, editing. And yes! I totally agree with you. He's given us words and stories to write, and that's such an amazing thing. <3
OH MY WORD. OK, Ted Dekker is one of my inspirations... He is seriously amazing, and his books make you think. Awesome guy using his gift for Yeshua! :D
DeleteLol. ;D Editing, aka, waking up early and drinking coffee as I glare at my characters with all the love in my heart... but "y'all... y'all killin' me." xD Good luck editing- we can do all things through Christ. Yes!!
I KNOW. 0-0 GOSH. I'm looking forward to the tree and family though. :D What about you?
YAYAYAY So glad you did NaNo and it was a lot of fun reading your updates throughout the month!! Will be watching the vlog soon... x)
ReplyDeleteAwh, thank you! I hope you enjoy watching it. :D
DeleteLove the vlog!!!!!
ReplyDelete(and thank you for not screaming and blasting my ears out, though I feel exactly the same way every time I finish a novel or do something else writerly awesome. I just want to scream from the rooftops: I FINISHED MY NOVEL, PEOPLE!)
Congrats on your novel! Try to get SOME sleep this month ;)
AND SNOW!!!! I wish it snowed where I live! *pines away*
Thank you!
DeleteRIGHT? I want to go shout it to the world, but I don't think they'd quite understand. :P
I shall "try." :P
ReplyDeleteI loved your vlog!!!! Are you something other than an American?
DeleteNope, I'm American. xD
DeleteOkay cool! It was something you said that made me think you might have been something else! I can't remember what it was though lol!
DeleteAhhhhh I loved your vlog ahjkfdhafkljdshfkjsd *hugs* You make me grin and giggle with all your puns and fangirling XP
ReplyDeleteALSO: I READ ONE BOOK. ha. ha. *is actually surprised i even read that much, tbh*
Katie! Congratulations on finishing your book!!!! *throws confetti into the air* That is so exciting, I like how you did writing updates in your vlog. Thanks for sharing it with us. I think you should do more vlogs. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd oh yes. I did read books last month. (It's kinda strange to say that. I can't believe it's December 1st already!) It was either 4 or 5, which I was excited about since they have been sitting on the shelf and I never got around to reading them.
Hope you have a happy day, and a happy break. I'd say you need a break after writing so much and making a novel. :)
Thanks for watching! It's fun to do writing updates in a more natural way of talking. :D
DeleteOoh, four or five books is a good amount! Good for you! :D What were some of them you read?
CONGRATS ON FINISHING NANOWRIMO! And also getting all those books.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to watch your blog.
Have a nice Christmas holiday!
THANK YOU! It's very exciting. xD
DeleteI wish the same for you!
Loved your vlog!!!! You do such a good job with them! Congrats on finishing your book!
ReplyDeleteAwhh, thank you! It's exciting. :D
DeleteI LOVE THE VIDEO!!! You have to do this again <3
ReplyDeleteI want to see Fantastic Beasts so badly oh my gosh.
ReplyDeleteHow have I never tried peppermint creamer before??? That sounds amazing oh my.
I LITERALLY LOVED YOUR VLOG SO MUCH OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I am thoroughly convinced that you are the cutest human being to ever walk the planet. Case closed.
NaNo went really well for me! So much better than I expected, haha. I'm in the middle of writing my wrap-up post right now, actually!!!
Didn't read the entire post, but I did watch the vlog and loved it. :) I've never done NaNo, but I have a friend who tries it out every year. I want to get some work done during this break, but so far I haven't gotten to it. :(
ReplyDeleteAgain, loved the vlog! Subscribed to your channel for any further rambles you might have. :)
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