- I kinda, maybe, sorta signed up for Realm Makers and am freaking out with nerves and excitement!! Are any of you going?
- I started learning how to play the guitar. I'm excited, but my fingers aren't. xD
- Along with the fact above, my last piano recital is today! It's rather odd, actually. I've been playing for nine years, and now it's just going to end. I'm playing a really epic piece, though, which makes happy. :D
- I went to the dentist and didn't have any cavities. (I've actually never had any cavities, but I couldn't think of anything else to put down for my highlights and that's what my mom came up with. :p)
- I got sick, but then I got better. (That's a highlight, right? Not the getting sick part, but getting better?)
(... I'll stop with the odd highlights.)
- And I'll end it with this picture from Pinterest, because it is both equally funny and true.
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Books I Read This Month:
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Mindwar - [3.5/5] I liked it, but didn't love it. There was one page where I counted ten exclamation marks in a matter of eleven sentences. A little too excessive, I think.
The Forgotten Sisters - [4/5] This was a good end to the trilogy. I remember loving the first one, Princess Academy, but the second just dragged. It seemed more like a MG story than YA, (maybe it was, though?) but it was good.
Steelheart - [5/5] I usually don't read action/superhero story type stories, but this one was awesome. Especially the main character, David. He was just hilarious.
Gathering Blue - [4/5] This is the next book in The Giver quartet, and apparently it does not follow Jonas's story. Oops. I probably should've read the back of the book. Regardless of that disappointment, I enjoyed it, and have the next two books on hold at the library!
Bridge to Terabithia - [5/5] Let's see if I can write this without breaking down -- *sobs* Yeah. This was a heartbreaking book. Despite the fact that this was a reread, I was crying really hard by the end of this. And then in the evening we watched the movie. (Which was very good.) It turned into a rather tearful day.
Buuut, it was a good book! :p
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Book Things on the Internet:
- Jaye's newest novella, Half Blood, is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER! (Mhmm. It was needed to be said in all caps. Because you must read it. xD)
- The next five something something fairytale will be revealed TOMORROW (!) on Anne Elisabeth Stengl's blog! (And a bunch of others.) I am flipping out with excitement. :D
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Yeah. It was an empty month posting-wise. So, to make up for it, I'm going to share a snippet from my WIP, Song of the Desert. (Originally titled The Music Master, but I changed my mind. :p)
It might turn up pretty small, so click on the image to enlarge it.
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Aimee @ To the Barricade! posted about killing allll the characters.
Emily @ For the Bookish asked if you "really read books cover to cover?"
Chloe @ Curious Ramblings has this genius idea about giving someone an "un-birthday" gift. I'm in love.
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- Katie Grace
What were your highlights of this month? How many books did you read? Favorite and least favorite book?