Wow. So, March was a crazy insane month, and it's looking like April is going to be even more insane. Hopefully in a good way, though. :P
SPRING BREAK! What a glorious week of no school... just... so I could edit instead. (ha) We watched a bunch of movies as a family and I stayed up to insane hours of the night and slept in late each day. It was so lovely. xD
I, um, turned sixteen? So that's a thing. I was planning to just stay home and eat pizza, but then my amazing friends held a SURPRISE party for me. It was just the sweetest thing ever and I'm so blessed by them. <3 Here's the short clip of them giving me a heart attack:
(hopefully the video works out. otherwise just picture me very frightened. :P)
I've started applying for jobs, too. :D Which is terrifying. So far I'm just applying for coffee shops -- we'll see if that turns into anything. *crosses fingers*
OH AND THE PIZZA SOCKS! I promised a picture in my last post. Here they are in all their glory:

MY BOOKSHELF IS FULL. This only means another bookshelf, mwahaha. I already have stacks of books on the floor waiting for a new home.
So last month I read a whopping twenty-one books, but reading dramatically lowered to 15 books this month. *sigh* Hopefully next month I can squeeze in some more reading time. But then there's Camp NaNo. So probably not. xD
Anyways, let's look at the books:
Favorite: STARS ABOVE! Ahh, it was such a lovely collection of short stories. *hugs all the charries*
Least Favorite: Ugh, Zeroes. Too many characters, wayyyy too long, and there really wasn't much of a plot? And I was bored for most of the time. So.
Best Cover: Ooh, probably The Shadow Queen. I love the gold lettering in the apple.
So I "accidentally" got a lot of books this month. Three birthday books, two for five dollars, and then another five books under three dollars each on Thrift Books. So I was a very happy bookish person for the whole month. ^.^
left to right: scarlet, the goose girl, enna burning, unwind, princess of the silver woods, the shadows, the schwa was here, leviathan, five enchanted roses, son, and gathering blue.
This happened:
This happened:
It's not even #NaNoWriMo and I've (re)wrote over 5k in two days. WHAT IS THIS MAGICAL INSANITY??!#amwriting #amediting— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) March 18, 2016
So I made a lot of progress. I finished sending off chapters to my critique partner, Abi, and then ventured out into the scary world of beta readers. If I haven't sent the thing out already, be looking for it today! *screams*
I've also kinda started planning my Camp NaNoWriMo novel. (Yes, I know that it starts tomorrow. Yes, I know that I'm horribly unprepared. Yes, I'm freaking out.) It's going to be a loose retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. I'm calling it Little Red Rain Coat -- contemporary, takes place in Seattle, and my main character is an adopted girl from China.
Here's how prepared I am to start this story tomorrow.
Do I know the beginning? No.
Do I have a name for my main character? No.
Do I know the ending? ...Kind of? Ish?
Do I really know ANYTHING about the novel? No.
But I have a playlist made for it! ...Important, right? No? Sigh. xD
To make April crazier than it already is, my goal is to write this story by the fifteenth. So 50-70k in fifteen days. Can I do it? I'm certainly going to try. I'll be editing the rest of the month with what extra words I have left.
A guest post by the lovely Hannah.
A GIVEAWAY?!? Mwahaha, yes. It'll be my first giveaway on this little blog so I'm rather excited. :D
A letter to my novel. (inspired by Aimee's post a while back.)
So, much excitement to come. Looking forward to next month with all of you even though it's gonna be crazy. We got this.
// katie grace
What are you doing for Camp? Are you prepared?! (if you're not, join me in freaking out and we can band together in our unpreparedness)