This month has been absolutely crazy and I feel like I'm 10000000 years behind on everything. I started this post thinking, "oh yeah I have a couple days to write this" when I quickly realized "NOPE IT HAS TO GO UP TOMORROW MORNING."
Ah, typical me. Let's do this.

SO LIFE WAS CRAZY. (I already said that this month was crazy above but it seriously was crazy so I just need to say it again.) Honestly, this wasn't the greatest month of the year. Between vacationing for a week, starting up school, working twenty hours a week, blogging, betaing several novels, and trying to get up the energy to write, it's been insane. I feel like I haven't been able to take a full breath for awhile. But I'm working on it, and trying to make a way for more writing time in September.
After Realm Makers, my family and I went for a week to tour Washington D.C. It was hot and busy, but also fun -- especially taking pretty pictures.
August 17th was my one year anniversary of listening to Twenty One Pilots. That was one of the best things of the month, because the band is so encouraging and their music can just speak to my heart in beautiful ways. If you watched my vlog, you'll see that I got twenty one pilots socks. They're amazing. Soft. Comfortable. Perfect for sliding around on the floors.
(I should've taken a picture of them but now since it's at night the lighting would be horrible so I'll just have to squeeze them in another post a different time. :P)I officially finished my first shift on the bar at Starbucks! (working on the bar means you're making alllll the drinks.) It's stressful. But in a fun way. And now I have the freedom to make allll the coffee, mwahaha.
WE ARE CURRENTLY IN POSSESSION OF 600+ CHERRY TOMATOES. My dad and sister plant a community garden each year, and every time without fail, it goes crazy. (but at least the tomatoes are very aesthetic for taking pictures?? so that's a plus??)
I already mentioned that school started up and it's not fun so I shall refrain from speaking of it any longer because I do not want this blog to be the place of tears and groans.
On a happier note, I have a new blog design??? Some little things are still getting sorted out, BUT I AM SO HAPPY OVER IT. *hugs the pretty greys and fall colors and asjadkf;l*
Reading was about the same as last month: a flop. I read six books. Which, considering all that was going on, is a good amount. And I was (er, still am...) betaing two novels. So I'll try to cut myself some slack. ;)
I didn't buy any books this month. I promise I'm not even speaking in sarcasm. I am very proud of this fact, especially since I like doing daily visits to Amazon and dreaming about owning allll the pretties on my shelf. (Someday... someday...)
So since I didn't buy books this month, that means double in September? Right? (oh, or not? fine.) Here are the books for this month:
(The good thing about reading six books, is that they line up very nicely on Goodreads so I can take a perfect screenshot. So I guess that's something to be happy about?)
AND ALSO I HIT MY READING GOAL FOR THIS YEAR. I hit 100 books?? Already?? Last year I read 80 total, so I'm not sure how I bumped up my read count so much. But I won't complain. xD
I didn't buy any books this month. I promise I'm not even speaking in sarcasm. I am very proud of this fact, especially since I like doing daily visits to Amazon and dreaming about owning allll the pretties on my shelf. (Someday... someday...)
So since I didn't buy books this month, that means double in September? Right? (oh, or not? fine.) Here are the books for this month:
(The good thing about reading six books, is that they line up very nicely on Goodreads so I can take a perfect screenshot. So I guess that's something to be happy about?)
AND ALSO I HIT MY READING GOAL FOR THIS YEAR. I hit 100 books?? Already?? Last year I read 80 total, so I'm not sure how I bumped up my read count so much. But I won't complain. xD
I wrote 7,418 words this month. It's not what I wanted -- I wanted to be done with this evil rewrite (kill it! kill it! :P), but that's not what happened. And that's okay. My new goal is to be done with this beast by the end of September. It's gonna be hard, but I'M READY TO TAKE ON THE CHALLENGE. (<-- so she says with six cups of caffeine by her side and bloodshot, crazed eyes.)
That's... all that has to do with writing. Like I mentioned before, I have been doing a lot of beta reading. It's a lot of thinking power, but I really do love doing it. Especially when it's my awesome writer friend's novels, because they're the best.
OOH, I got new headphones! They're very awesome and pretty and the background picture below is actually of the inner pages of my astronomy book. (the one thing that will keep me from burning my school books: photography purposes)
OOH, I got new headphones! They're very awesome and pretty and the background picture below is actually of the inner pages of my astronomy book. (the one thing that will keep me from burning my school books: photography purposes)
How do you know if writing is your idol? Rosalie writes wise words (as always) about this.
I love rap music. I love the author Nadine Brandes. (she and her books are awesome.) So of course I loved her post about finding inspiration from rap music.
Writing a a second draft? Anna wrote about the struggles. (and how you may not actually survive. whoops.)
Wow I sound in an infomercial. Love burgers and fresh fries? Try McDonalds! <--not sponsored but their fries are just really good.
Lastly, Gillian talked about really living.
Normally, this is the section where I talk about what's happening next month + some things to look forward to... but I hardly know what's happening tomorrow. So we'll keep the details to include "awesome and epic posts."
Ooh, and I'm going to start bullet journaling. There will be a post on that eventually. *nodnod*
Ooh, and I'm going to start bullet journaling. There will be a post on that eventually. *nodnod*
// katie grace
(Also, time is running out to enter by blogoversary giveaway! (super amazing pens and a cute journal. mah favorite. I'm almost tempted to keep them for myself, BUT I SHALL TRY TO REFRAIN.)
(and thanks for all the love on that post. it meant so much to me and I love you all. <3)
(and thanks for all the love on that post. it meant so much to me and I love you all. <3)
How was your month? Are you keeping up with the craziness okay? Am I the only one feeling like I'm in a small reading/writing slump?
Katie, Katie, Katie...
ReplyDelete*hugs and pats on back*
You must have had a rough month. Poor thing. Did you know that you put "September Highlights" in the post image? :)
Aside from the fact that you nearly gave me a heart attack (along the lines of "WHAT DID I MISS SEPTEMBER, TOO?!?!?) I loved this highlight. Sounds like you were insanely busy. Your new headphones are lovely, by the way. None of my college textbooks are even nice enough to use as a background for pictures. :(
And yes, McDonalds fries are the best.
Hope this month goes a little smoother for you. *hugs again and giggles about "September"* :)
Ivy! *hugs* It was a good month. Just... very, very busy. o.o
DeleteYES I CHANGED IT. whoops. This is the second time it's happened and I don't know how I keep doing that. :P
*hugs* Thank you, Ivy! (also, I love your blog tag idea!)
Wow, it looks like you had a crazy month. *gives you pizza*
ReplyDeleteMy cousin always has MILLIONS of tomatoes in summer, they just grow totally insane. Last time I was over at her farm in tomato season we LITERALLY ate them almost EVERY SINGLE MEAL. Including breakfast. It was interesting. By the time I was going home I was kinda over the taste for a few weeks. xD
Writing slumps are horrible. *gives you more pizza* At the moment I'm not actually in one, but they're still awful. *shudders* It feels so depressing to not feel like you can even get a word out - and writing is what I love doing! Just... *starts eating some of the pizza just from thinking about writing slumps*
Yay for journalling. I'm completely hopeless at it. I've tried every now and then but nope. It fails. every. single. time. :P
*takes allll the pizza* THANK YOU. <3
Delete...tomatoes for breakfast? Huh. Weird. I don't love tomatoes THAT much. :P
UGH, right? I WANT to love my story but ajskfl; I just can't write now. And it's so hard to force myself to write. Ugh.
Journaling. I'M DETERMINED TO BE GOOD AT IT. (even though I'm not. ha.)
ReplyDeleteSo yeah...that's how writings been going...
Eating soup... and searching for a lost chest of pocket hankerchiefs...
DeleteI'm not sure whether to laugh or love it or cry or give you sleep. XD
xD That's a metaphor, but still, it's accurate.
DeleteYou've done fantastic this month! We wrote together a few times and though we were lacking in energy, we got stuff done. GOOD JOB ON SURVIVING AUGUST :D
DeleteWe must war more in September, because it was very helpful. *nodnod* xD
Great post! I wasn't able to read much either because of school. :/ were only 3 hours away from me when you were in D.C.!
Ew school. *stabs*
Deleteo.O I was? AH, that is so cool!
I confess, seeing September on the blog picture made me panic for a second. I seriously thought maybe another month had passed by without my consent. XD UGH, TIME, STOP BEING SO RUDE AND PASSING QUICKLY.
ReplyDeleteI had a pretty busy month myself, what with school starting (ugh), registering for college classes (we signed up for the wrong one accidentally so it doesn't start till September), and my birthday. I can't believe that you read 6 books, wrote alllll those blog posts, and wrote over 7k! Like...I completely failed and am only in the process of reading book 4 for the month. :P (And we shan't speak of my horrible posting schedule...)
Can't wait to see what's in store for September! It already looks like mine will be SUPER crazy so...yeah. This shall be interesting. XP But hey, we can do anything with the aid of pizza. *nods*
DeleteCollege... classes? o.O Eeek, that sounds terrifying. What classes are you taking?
You can do the thing! September will be crazy for a lot of it, but we'll survive. <3
Haha, nah, you're good. XD I once accidentally told everyone on my blog that we were a fourth of the way through the year when we were actually a third of the way through. #cannotmath (They actually believed me, though. :P)
DeleteYEAH, IT'S TERRIFYING. D: I'm just taking one this semester: speech. Which, to be honest, is freaking me out excessively. Eheh. WISH ME LUUUUCK.
Ack, MY LIFE IS PASSING BY BEFORE MY EYES. I cannot stop it. I cannot do ANYTHING about it, and that makes me mad. o.o
ReplyDeleteLike you, I've been reeeeaaally busy. I moved into my new house! It's epic and beautiful (and somewhat peculiar in areas) but I love it. <3 We're still settling in, still not completely unpacked yet, but we like it. :D
OH OH OH AND WE GOT A DOG. She's a little Irish Setter Doodle, and we named her Piper. Despite having to get rid of some nasty parasites and her having to grow up for the first several weeks amidst the boxes of doom (mwahaha), she adapted nicely, and we love her. <3
We also dove headfirst into school almost a month ago, and we're getting increasingly busier. And we're trying out churches and youth groups, and I just joined a choir, so life is busy but good over all. :)
THOSE TOMATOES ARE SO PRETTY! Aaw, I love that picture. <3
Happy double anniversary - both for you blog and Twenty One Pilots! :D I have NO CLUE when I first started listening to my favorite artists. xD
I hope you have an awesome, not-as-busy September! And here's to hoping September won't pass as quickly as all the other months had. (very unlikely, but still. xP)
Oh, and YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN A READING SLUMP. I've been in a reading slump for the past several months, and that means I don't read /anything./ *crying* Except stuff for school. But I just got my hands on Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl, and HOPEFULLY that'll yank me out of it. ;)
DeleteCommenting yet again because WAIT YOU WENT TO D.C.?? It's epic there. o.o I lived there before Nevada which was before where I live now (I know, confusing) and D.C. was skfjlsdkj SO AWESOME. Which museums did you visit?
DeleteMoving and dogs and new Churches and school and GOOD GRACIOUS WOMAN YOU HAVE SO MUCH GOING ON. o.o In just life! That's not even the blogging world! HOW!? :P *sends you caffeine because you probably need it*
Omgoodness, Heartless is amazing. And even if you don't like Heartless, the rest of the series is even better. (Heartless is my least favorite.) So do stick with it. *flailing* I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU THINK OF IT.
You've lived in so many places. o.o
Eek, it's hard to remember all the names. xD Air and Space, Smithsonian, Spy museum, Holocoust, Newseum, and all the popular landmarks. :D
Haha, yes, it has been busy... but now it's settling down some, and we're gettin' settled.
DeleteOH OH KATIE I'M SO GLAD, YAY FOR GETTING OUT OF CREATIVE SLUMPS! :D I'm excited that you're starting to get back into your reading/writing groove!
YES, it is. o.o I've only read a few chapters so far, but... I'm basically wordless?? I never knew such flowing and pretty and MAGICAL writing was possible. o.o And I usually don't like fairytale-esque stuff a whole lot, but this... yeah, I do love it. :D
Ahh, those are all such amazing museums! Those names triggered many memories. :') I remember the Holocaust museum especially... that one moved me so, so much. So glad you had this vacation! :D D.C. is certainly a place to remember.
Oh, and when I lived in D.C. I went to a sunrise Easter service at the Lincoln Memorial. :')
DeleteSeriously, girl, this visit of yours has triggered a wave of memories on this end. :P
RIGHT?! Anne is one of my favorite authors and I aspire for my writing style to someday be as gorgeous as hers, because her words just flow and they're so pretty and asjfda;. MAYBE SOMEDAY I CAN BE THAT AMAZING. xD
Delete*allll the memories* Awhh, that sounds like a lovely service. o.O
I still can't fully grasp the fact that August is over.
ReplyDeleteOMG YAY FOR WORKING ON THE BAR that's super cool! Alllll the coffee sounds wonderful!
Those tomatoes are beautiful and very aesthetically pleasing indeed.
Well maybe you didn't read as much this month but 100 BOOKS YAY *flailing and pizza and confetti*
Those headphones are amazing and I'm kind of in love.
Ooh yay for bullet journaling that's fun!
Here's too a smoother, less stressful September! *pretends to raise a glass and starts singing Hamilton accidentally*
Yes! Do you bullet journal?
DeleteHAMILTONNNN! xD *so much love*
Oh my gosh, I totally know how you feel! It's been pretty crazy with my life, too, AND I just got my first job! *squeals* Now I have to really make sure I have a good schedule going and stick with it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on working at the bar! *gives round of applause* Both of my parents worked for Starbucks for YEARS and they're both coffee masters. :)
Congrats on reaching your reading goal! Now hopefully, you will allow yourself a little breathing period to relax. Oh, and you should definitely do that bullet journal post (no rush, though)! I've been thinking about doing that recently. :D
Gasp, you did?! Where are you working?
DeleteAwhh, that is so cool! It's fun knowing other people who worked there. :D
Yes. Breathing. o.o It's a good thing to remember to do. XD
I will totally do a post! Right now it's a jumbled mess, but I will make sure to take pictures and post them once it starts to look a little bit nicer. xD
I got a job at a food place called Culver's! My first day was on Thursday and now they already have me working at the cash register! *shrieks*
DeleteSo Cool!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI mean..ha ha know. *nods*
OOH HEADPHONES. I must get me some. xD
*sad face* NOOOO. :P
DeleteYaas, you must. They are very nice for focusing and blocking out noise. xD
Writing slump? Absolutely. Reading slump? Storms, no. I read more this month than I have in absolute ages. (And I need to get my Doings post up today . . . and I have class . . . help!)
ReplyDeleteHow was The Crown's Game? I never got around to reading it, and I'm not sure how sad or otherwise I should be about that.
And I feel your pain with rewrites. I'm still not done with mine either, and I've been working on-and-off since January or February at least.
Well, I'm glad you're not in a slump for one of the things! I look forward to seeing all the books you've read in your Doings post. (ack, class. nooo. No stress! <3)
DeleteEhhh. :P I didn't love it. It had a super cool concept, but I feel like it just wasn't carried out taht well?
Rewrites are THE WORST. I'm glad I'm not the only one with that struggle. When do you hope to be done with yours by?
I WAS in a writing slump, but #BlogBattle is helping with that... Unfortunately, the word for this week is "SACRILEGE..." And I have no clue how to put that in the story I'm writing. *hides* >.<
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'm so glad that your writing slump is done. And since you're out of the writing slump, now you can work on editing! *cheers*
Delete... sorry. :P
Huh. That... that would be hard. I look forward to reading it if you manage to come up with something. xD (and, also, I can war you once you think of an idea if you need help writing it. *nodnod*)
Sounds like you had a full August, girl!! We did too...but that's summer for you! =)
ReplyDeleteAnd are you into taking pictures? Probably not as much as I am *grin* but it's cool knowing that I have a photography buddy! =)
Have a great school year, Katie!!
Every summer I think, "maybe I can just relax!" And every time my dream just goes downhill. :P
DeleteYES. I looove taking pictures. I didn't use to take as many, but I want to get into the habit of taking more, because I really do enjoy doing it. :D
Oooh, do you happen to have your pictures uploaded anywhere? I would love to see them! ^.^
I'm so glad!! Photography is AWEsome!! *high-five*
DeleteWell, I do have a blog, where I post quite a few of my pictures. It's private, but I would love to invite you if you want to read it! =)
So awesome. :D
DeleteOoh, I would love to be invited!
ReplyDeleteAnd sadness at the thought of September.
Anyhow. YOU WENT TO D.C!!!! I went there in May and it was so much fun <3 Where all did you go? IT WAS JUST SO MUCH FUN THOUGH GAHHH. Like the Air and Space Museum and the Lincoln Memorial and all of it <33
TOMATOES!!!!!!!!! I live in the country kind of? I don't know, but we always have like an abundance (key word: ABUNDANCE.) of tomatoes. AND ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the amount of cherry tomatoes is like quadrupled from the regular ones. THERE IS SUCH AN INSANE AMOUNT OF THEM. And I LOVE IT. I don't know, I just really love the smell of tomatoes? THEY REMIND ME OF SUMMER AND HAPPINESS AND FRIENDS AND GOOD THINGS. (probably because I have too many memories attached with picking tomatoes. wow. no one says that even. WHO HAS MEMORIES WITH PICKING TOMATOES?
meh. guess this country person does.)
BUT TOMATOES. YES. YUM. And they're really good and healthy which is nice. Yes. :)
YAYY I LOVE YOUR NEW HEADPHONES THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. Oh yes, and I relate to the slump. I was in a writing slump for the LONGEST time but I think I'm starting to get over it. I AM SO HAPPY. And reading? Hmm, I actually haven't done a TON lately. SO many of my friends were talking about a Christy Miller series or something? I don't know, I read the first book and ha. ha. ha. I really, really don't like it very much. IT INFURIATES ME. Well, kinda. It's not ALL that bad but GRRR IT GETS ON MY NERVES. AND I COULD RANT FOR LIKE THREE MORE COMMENTS BUT THEN YOU MIGHT GET TIRED OF ME SO I WON'T.
RIGHT?! WRAP UP POSTS MAKE ME SO HAPPY. I know that some people hate them but they are my favorite thing ever for some reason. It's just a really nice way of seeing how the month went for people and keeping up with their lives.
DeleteYUS I went to all of those places as well! Gah, I wish we went in the same month. I would've died getting a chance to meet you. xD (two ENFPs in the same room would be hilarious. xD)
(okay and I just love how you basically rambled about tomatoes forever and it makes me giggly and happy xD)
YES I actually haven't picked any tomatoes... whoops... but I WILL NEED TO! Last year when I picked them we had an incident with a snake in the garden and it was rather terrifying but simultaneously hilarious. xD
I love eating the cherry tomatoes with basil and mozzarella cheese. mmmmm.
I've heard of that series. And... eh. I'm not that interested in reading them. :P SO YOU'RE NOT ALONE! (well, maybe I would love them but they just don't seem to be my type of book.)
Aw, I can relate. August has not been as kind to me as I had hoped. DEFINITELY in a reading/writing slump. I want to read so bad. Every morning I get up and put it on my to-do list and every night I go to bed sad because I don't get to it :(( But hey, I turned 18, registered to vote, scheduled my driving test, and got beta readers. *cough cough* Anywho. SEPTEMBER SHALL BE BETTER FOR THE BOTH OF US OR ELSE!
ReplyDeleteSAME. SAME. SAME. It makes me sad that I have to put reading on my to-do list but UGH I'm so busy and asjf;.
DeleteWow. Dude. That is so exciting. (also did I miss your birthday??? I hope I didn't. That would be awful. Now I can't remember. HAPPY BIRTHDAY in case I didn't say that to you. xD)
*quietly crawls out of the darkness* How come I haven't visited your blog in AGES??! SHAME ON ME. But hello! It's been forever! haha. Ahem. Ooh, what a busy month! I feel like the fact you squeezed any reading in top of all that is amazing!! And yay for your job and wah for school and super-yay for a blogversary! CAKE FOR EVERYONE.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is...a lot of tomatoes. Wow.😂
Did you like This Savage Song?!? That's been one of my favourites of this year. <3
August wasn't hugely busy for me, more like...averagely busy. But I still don't feel like I got enough done. haha. I reached my monthly reading goal BUT IT WAS HARD and I did exactly 0% writing, but did plot out three books. :D Now I just have to decide which to write next. D: The writers life, oh so hard.😂
Delete(*whisper* you probably haven't visited it lately because I haven't commented on yours lately. I READ EVERY POST BUT I'M ACTUALLY THE WORST AT COMMENTING. xD)
Ha. Ha.
Cait: I didn't do any writing this month. :( :( :(
Cait: All I did was read a million books and PLOT OUT THREE WHOLE BOOKS.
... o.o
You're insane, girl. XD
*hugs and hands you consoling pizza because of school* I understand. I beginning to feel school busy already, and I haven't even started all my subjects yet. O_O
ReplyDeleteI severally appreciate the sacrifice of your time to beta read. Well, I don't know if severely appreciating something is possible. Let's just say I really appreciate it.
I was in a bit of a writing slump... but not anymore.
due to the above.
Lovely pictures, by the way! <3
-Jeneca @Jeniqua Writes
*pizzaaaa* o.O
DeleteOF COURSE! <3 I was so happy to read it and allll the lovely feelings. :D
*more happiness* Awhh, I'm grinning so hard. And, hey. If you ever want to war to get those rewrites or edits done, I'm here. Shoot me a Twitter DM and we can totally have fun and be productive at the same time. XD
Thank you! :D <3
I do that with literally every post, it's fineeee XD
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I'm amazed at your time management skills. HOW HAVE YOU DONE SO MUCH??? Superwoman I say, superwoman.
Making all the drinks would be semi terrifying but amazing at the same time. I actually had a nightmare that I had to run a Starbucks by myself one time. I think that was a sign I needed to go to Starbucks a little less frequently.
I'm absolutely in love with the design. <3
SIX BOOKS IS NOT A FLOP. Sigh. I just want to be you. You're so productive.
These posts are literally so perfect oh my goodness. I read two of them and I'm off to read the rest.
YAY BULLET JOURNALING! I want to start soon, too, but I haven't decided which journal to use. Hmm.....
YAS I'm glad I'm not the only one. xD
Gahhh thank youu I love the design as well. <3
omg I'm dying. That dream is actually the best. XD
UGH THAT IS MY SAME PROBLEM. I found a *dream journal* online but it's like 30 bucks and HA no thank you. So my mom found one for three dollars that said, "Wake up and be awesome," and that'll do for now. XD
I want those headphones!
ReplyDeleteThey're sooo nice. And surprisingly cheap? They were just twenty dollars on amazon. (still kind of expensive, but compared to other headphones...)
DeleteYou're funny, you know?
ReplyDeleteAwhh, well thank you. XD
DeleteUgh, writing slumps. The thing is, I did write but I only re-wrote. So yeah, nothing fresh. However, I might have to force myself to write. Better than doing nothing :P
ReplyDeleteRewriting. *hides* that is the WORST.
DeleteWow, you sound busy busy!! Congrats on everything! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteSophia xx
A Lantern In Her Hand
The Inkpot Girl
Eek, so busy! o.o
DeleteThank you! <3
My month was busy and not as busy at the same time. XD I started a second job so that's new and I was catching up from being away, but it was less stressful at the same time than others. I'm glad you had a good month!
Ahh, I saw that in your post! It's SO cool that you got hired on the spot. :D
DeleteHa. I just read one book in August. But it was The Way of Kings so that's understandable. XD
ReplyDeleteAlso D.C.! We visited it when I was like . . . ten? I'd love to go again.
Omg, that book is giant and scary and eeek. o.O It's like five books within a book. :P
DeleteAwhh, that is so cool!
You get to work at Starbucks?! I’m jealous ;P COFFEE :D
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry to hear school hasn’t been as fun as you’d have liked it to be. Hopefully it turns out better as the year goes along? :)
Love the new blog design! It’s very refreshing and neat.
Hope you have an awesome September!! :D