And just like that, it's the end of 2016. "Wow," is about all I have to sum it up. Seems like a lot of people are complaining about how awful this year has been. I understand -- bad things have happened. This year has seemed to be a lot harder for me than other years.
But this year has had good moments. A year with many opportunities and growth and memories that I will never forget. Here's a little (well... actually it's quite long. :P) wrap-up of my 2016. I can't wait for next year. <3
But this year has had good moments. A year with many opportunities and growth and memories that I will never forget. Here's a little (well... actually it's quite long. :P) wrap-up of my 2016. I can't wait for next year. <3
[also, here's my 2015 wrap-up post if you're interested]
Writing this year was an absolute blur. Actually, everything this year was a blur. SO CRAZY INSANE. But also very good. There are many mixed feelings. xD
There were exciting writing happenings this year. I wrote a flash fiction and shared it on the blog. This is something that always terrifies me, but it went over well? And I'm proud of it? So... if you somehow missed it and want to go read some of my writing, there you are. :P
There were exciting writing happenings this year. I wrote a flash fiction and shared it on the blog. This is something that always terrifies me, but it went over well? And I'm proud of it? So... if you somehow missed it and want to go read some of my writing, there you are. :P
I also talked about my novel Song of the Desert (where I shared snippets, mwahah), and my novel Where Shadows Lie. I'm not quite comfortable openly talking about my writing yet... BUT I'M GETTING THERE. Little baby steps is how I roll.
I made all of my first drafts into books...?? This was super cool (...and time consuming), and now I'm forever doing it as a reward for finishing every novel I write from now on. :P
I made all of my first drafts into books...?? This was super cool (...and time consuming), and now I'm forever doing it as a reward for finishing every novel I write from now on. :P
I sent my baby, Song of the Desert, to beta readers, which was simultaneously the most terrifying thing but best thing that I could've done. HAVING BETA READERS IS SO IMPORTANT. I will never stop shouting that because you need other eyes to look over your work. Unfortunately we aren't perfect writers. (though we can dream...)
A giant thank you to those who read it again. I just... you were so helpful. Still flailing over the fact that you spent time to help me and my book and... I'm so thankful. <3 *pizza*
I ALSO GAVE MY MOM MY BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS SOOOO. I'm terrified. I'm not sure what to do with myself and I may just hide forever until she's finished. (If she finishes. :P)
So much editing was done this year. TOO MUCH EDITING. All sorts of editing. Line editing and rewriting and major plot edits and beta edits and allll the possible editing things. It was quite horrible, but I guess it's for the best in the long run. But. Ugh. Editing. *bangs head on desk*
Many writing posts were written this year on the blog. I'm having a very hard time not linking you to all of them, so here are some that I'm proud of. (I don't know if anyone actually clicks on the links to previous blog posts, but I'M DOING THE THING ANYWAYS.)
A giant thank you to those who read it again. I just... you were so helpful. Still flailing over the fact that you spent time to help me and my book and... I'm so thankful. <3 *pizza*
I ALSO GAVE MY MOM MY BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS SOOOO. I'm terrified. I'm not sure what to do with myself and I may just hide forever until she's finished. (If she finishes. :P)
So much editing was done this year. TOO MUCH EDITING. All sorts of editing. Line editing and rewriting and major plot edits and beta edits and allll the possible editing things. It was quite horrible, but I guess it's for the best in the long run. But. Ugh. Editing. *bangs head on desk*
Many writing posts were written this year on the blog. I'm having a very hard time not linking you to all of them, so here are some that I'm proud of. (I don't know if anyone actually clicks on the links to previous blog posts, but I'M DOING THE THING ANYWAYS.)
how writing has shaped my everyday life | writing 20,000 words in one day | being a writer is powerful
(in 2015 I wrote 240,000. In 2014, when I first started writing, I wrote 123,000. That's 585,000 total words. o.O that's... that's a lot of time spent on writing. xD)

Wow. So. Blogging kind of exploded in the best sort of way. I'm... not even sure where to start with the blogging. I've met blogging buddies in person this year, I had lovely conversations in the comment section of this blog. I got a NEW BLOG DESIGN?!? I will never ever stop freaking out about it because it is my favorite thing ever. :P
I just really love blogging and all of you. *cheesiness ensues but it's TRUE*
Some stats, because I am a dork about stats. I hit 100,000 pageviews. 200 GFC followers. And I'm 9 readers away from 400 followers! That's exciting and a number I thought I'd never hit. xD
Blogger updated, and I'm not happy with the update. :/ It's not that different, but it's annoying if you're part of several blogs. Plus my overview page is gone, and I loved having a general place for stats, comments, and pageviews. Oh well.
I just really love blogging and all of you. *cheesiness ensues but it's TRUE*
Some stats, because I am a dork about stats. I hit 100,000 pageviews. 200 GFC followers. And I'm 9 readers away from 400 followers! That's exciting and a number I thought I'd never hit. xD
Blogger updated, and I'm not happy with the update. :/ It's not that different, but it's annoying if you're part of several blogs. Plus my overview page is gone, and I loved having a general place for stats, comments, and pageviews. Oh well.
I wrote 61 posts this year! My most popular post was Being Real // burning youth. I'm proud of that post, and still ridiculously excited about this project. I'm planning to start posting consistently on this blog starting the new year, and it'll be a fabulous journey. <3
My second most viewed post was The Summer Bucket List, which I find kind of amusing because it wasn't an overly creative post. :P
A huge thank you to everyone who follows. Every Saturday my day is made waking up to comments, and I have such a fun time flailing and screeching with everyone. xD SOMEDAY I WILL MEET ALL OF YOU IN PERSON AND IT WILL BE A GLORIOUS, WONDERFUL THING. <3
My second most viewed post was The Summer Bucket List, which I find kind of amusing because it wasn't an overly creative post. :P
A huge thank you to everyone who follows. Every Saturday my day is made waking up to comments, and I have such a fun time flailing and screeching with everyone. xD SOMEDAY I WILL MEET ALL OF YOU IN PERSON AND IT WILL BE A GLORIOUS, WONDERFUL THING. <3

Reading started off wonderfully this year. I was reading 20 books a month. I was on track for 200. And then it slowly plummeted like a balloon losing helium until it finally just crashed on the ground. :P But in all, I read 124 books this year. (Technically I read more than that with beta reading... but. eh. :P) That's 44 more than last year, and I'll take it. xD)
I recently did a post on my favorite books (this year) and the only book I have to add to that is Scythe by Neal Shusterman. *sighs* It's the best and one of my new favorites... ever. READ THE THING.
I bought so many books this year. I am slightly ashamed but I also love books, so. <3 I got about half at a clearance price through one way or another, a fourth for free, and the other fourth I bought on Amazon. I just received a new bookshelf, and I already am running out of space. Whhyyyyyy. :P
Total, I read about 45,000 pages this year, which averages to about 123 pages per day. I'm looking at that number with complete astonishment, because that is a lot of reading. HOW DID I FIND TIME?? DID I SLEEP READ?? Past Katie, please tell me your secrets.
My most read genre is fantasy by a long shot, but I started reading more sci-fi and contemporary this year. I really enjoyed it and hope to continue in 2017. :D
(also, throw allll the recommendations at me! I'm going to need a bunch of reading material if I'm shooting for 100 books again. :D)

I recently did a post on my favorite books (this year) and the only book I have to add to that is Scythe by Neal Shusterman. *sighs* It's the best and one of my new favorites... ever. READ THE THING.
I bought so many books this year. I am slightly ashamed but I also love books, so. <3 I got about half at a clearance price through one way or another, a fourth for free, and the other fourth I bought on Amazon. I just received a new bookshelf, and I already am running out of space. Whhyyyyyy. :P
Total, I read about 45,000 pages this year, which averages to about 123 pages per day. I'm looking at that number with complete astonishment, because that is a lot of reading. HOW DID I FIND TIME?? DID I SLEEP READ?? Past Katie, please tell me your secrets.
My most read genre is fantasy by a long shot, but I started reading more sci-fi and contemporary this year. I really enjoyed it and hope to continue in 2017. :D
(also, throw allll the recommendations at me! I'm going to need a bunch of reading material if I'm shooting for 100 books again. :D)

I've been staring at this "LIFE" header for awhile now, wondering how to quickly summarize this year. So many amazing things happened. Writing retreats, conferences, meeting internet friends, fun family moments, writing achievements... it was crazy.
It's been a year of growing. A bazillion things smashed on me -- fun things, and also big things like getting a driver's licence and a job and more responsibilities. Not going to lie, but it's felt like a bit too much at times. This year has been stressful and life seemed to love unloading on my head and making everything a bit overwhelming.
2016 was exhausting, and I am so ready for 2017 to come (I think). I'm really hoping I can conquer next year and make it epic. This year was just a practice round for all the things I'm gonna tackle next year. ;)
- meeting all of my internet frens. <3
- retreating with nadine during nano!
- getting a job. (even though this is seen as a sucky thing to some people, I... really enjoy my job? my coworkers are awesome -- we sing hamilton and twenty one pilots together and giggle the whole time. I get money and free drinks and spotify so it's not all that bad.)
- driver's license! so basically I can pick up pizza and books at the library whenever I want. Mwahaha. (with how I phrased that, it sounds like I'm picking up pizza at the library. That is unfortunately not true, but I wish it was. :P)
- Captain America: Civil War came out and I've already watched it five times. Maybe six?
- also twenty one pilots came out with six new songs this year. Uhm. That's pretty epic. <3
- I discovered a bunch of new artists I've been listening to -- NF, Truslow, Relient K, Gungor, Hamilton...
- started watching sherlock. (I love it so, so, so much. <3)
- new bookshelves! (that are almost full! oops! :P)
- printing out copies of my novel.
- starting to do the bullet journaling thing.
- lots of pizza eating.
- many lovely memories with my writing frens. (wars and flailing and skyping sessions and all the fun times. <3)
- + lots of other awesome times that I won't list here because this post is already quite long. :P
Last year all of the bloggers were doing surveys, but I haven't seen a single one this year? I was trying to decide whether to do one or not, but I finally decided to do one for several reasons.
1. It gives me ideas for posts. This was very helpful when I did a survey last year. Because sometimes my mind is crammed with story ideas and not blog post ideas. xD
2. I find it very interesting. As I've said before, I just really love stats. I love knowing how people found my blog -- how I can put myself out there and better connect with other bloggers.
3. It gives me ideas on how to improve. I'm not a perfect blogger and I'm still learning details of the craft. It's like writing -- there's always room to improve and get better. So by answering honestly it helps me realize that maybe I make too many typos, or something technical isn't working right, or anything else you may want to say.
1. It gives me ideas for posts. This was very helpful when I did a survey last year. Because sometimes my mind is crammed with story ideas and not blog post ideas. xD
2. I find it very interesting. As I've said before, I just really love stats. I love knowing how people found my blog -- how I can put myself out there and better connect with other bloggers.
3. It gives me ideas on how to improve. I'm not a perfect blogger and I'm still learning details of the craft. It's like writing -- there's always room to improve and get better. So by answering honestly it helps me realize that maybe I make too many typos, or something technical isn't working right, or anything else you may want to say.
Anywho, here's the survey if you want to take it. I also included a couple questions for you to drop your social media links so I can go stalk/friend you on there. Sometimes your names under which you comment don't link to your blog, so this way I can actually stop by. :P
Powered byTypeform
Thank you all for being so encouraging and wonderful! I hope your 2016 was epic, and that your 2017 will be even better. <3
// katie grace
How was your year? Favorite memories?
(also what are your favorite books because I want to read allll of them)
(also what are your favorite books because I want to read allll of them)
2016 was a crazy year, but it sounds like it was pretty good to you overall!! Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeleteSeemed like it was crazy for a lot of people. Glad we're in this together. xD
DeleteHAPPY NEW YEAR, ABBY! *hugs* <3
It seems like you had a great (but also busy) year! And wow, you read a lot of books, especially considering all the other things you had going on!
ReplyDeleteI know. o.o I'm kind of surprised by all the books I read this year. I don't understand. :P
DeleteThanks for commenting!
I actually loved 2016. I grew sooo much with my writing, and I wrote a book that I'm super proud of. AND EVERYONE WHO'S READ IT IS CRYING SO IDK WHAT THIS MEAN.
ReplyDeleteGrowing in writing is awesome. I think I grew a lot in writing as well, and it's very satisfying. :D
DeleteCongrats... for making your readers cry? :P
Ack, this year has flown by. O.o I feel like it was only a couple months ago that I was playing board games and talking about Star Wars Episode Seven with friends at the New Years party.
ReplyDelete2016 has been a rollercoaster for me! The writing thing, the moving thing, the growing thing. None of it's been easy. :P But it did teach me so much, and I will forever be grateful for it in the long run. I feel very different than I did last year, since so much has changed. But I suppose that can be a god thing! :)
And I don't really understand why people are hating on 2016. 2017 might not be better; it might actually be harder! Because the world is sinful, and bad things happen. But I hope it will be another year where much growing will happen!
One of my favorite parts of the year has been figuring out the whole writing thing. I'm finding myself wanting to participate in allll the NaNo and writer events, but my biggest roadblock has been feeling like everything I write is just trash. That is not a feeling that makes me want to push through and finish my current novel, even though I've gotten so far already. (but! I'm trying to write at least 40,000 in January, so that should give me a leap. Hopefully.)
Anyway. Your blog has been so much fun to read, Katie! It's one of my favorite internet places. You are gonna go far. Cheers to 2017!
RIGHT?! Ahh, Star Wars. Have you seen Rogue One yet? I've seen it twice already. :P I think I like it better than The Force Awakens. *nod*
DeleteYeah, you've had a crazy busy year. o.O You're so inspiring, though! Especially how you did Camp with moving as well. So insane.
Exactly! Each year is hard for it's own reasons. Next year will be hard for other reasons. Sometimes it's hard to look at things positively when the bad things hang in the front of our minds. That's part of growing with the year I guess, though.
Eee, 40,000 is a lot! o.o This is the novel you started in November, yeah? I'll be editing 40 hours in January, so we'll push through it together. :D
Awwhh, thank you! <3 YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER. You make me so happy. :D
Have a happy, happy New Year!
I DID. Oh my goodness. I am emotionally wrecked. Just... what do I even say? What do I even do?? Cry? Laugh? Try to hold back spoilers from those who have not seen it? I DON'T KNOW.
DeleteAwhh, thanks. :) This year has been difficult, but a good one too.
Wow, awesome how that parallels! We shall be there for each other to perform virtual CPR in case the words try to murder us... ;)
Thank you so much! I'm so looking forward to continue reading your blog. :D (I might even start one of my own eventually... who knows...)
You too! :D
RIGHT!? Ohh. It was worse the second time. -.- But... it's one of my favorite movies ever. AND THE ENDING SCENE. WITH THE VILLIAN. AHH. HELP. THAT WAS THE MOST EPIC SCENE AND I CANNOT STOP FLAILING ABOUT IT. o.o
DeleteEek, yay for starting your own blog! That would be exciting. :D <3
Eek how is 2016 over already. But KATIE YOU DID SO MUCH STUFF while I'm such an unproductive creature. XD
ReplyDeletePsssh, you probably did lots this year. xD Even if it's not writing related, I bet you had school and other projects and other hobbies going on, so I bet you did lovely. <3
DeleteWhat a fun year!! Off to take your survey right now.
Yay! Thank you. :D
DeleteWow, I flailed so much over this!!!
ReplyDeleteLike wow you. Read. So. Muchly. Booooooks!!! Hooooow??? Are you a wizard? An alien? An octopus??? Teach me your ways, please!
Also I clearly need to work where you work???
Lastly I just had to screech about how much I admire your writing skills. Like how did you write SO MUCH WORDSSSSS???? And sending books off to beta readers???? #onlyinmydreams
Anyway sounds like it was a pretty awesome year overall! Also you got to meet and hang out with a published author???? Like whuuuut???? Too cool.
*flails with you* xD
It was a craaaazy year. That's how. I stayed up late too many time than it's probably healthy. :P
Right?? This year was crazy and felt like a dream. asjdklf;. xD
Thanks for commenting! I hope your new year is awesome. :D
Wonderful post, Katie!! Sounds like you have had a pretty good (and full ;)) year...and I can totally relate to the feeling of life dumping everything on your head. I just started high school this year, and I'm trying to work ahead and not get behind cuz I want to graduate early. SO. MUCH. WORK. But I've learned about time management and how to organize my priorities, so I guess there is some good in that. *thumbs up*
ReplyDelete2016 has been a hard year for us. But God taught us how to trust Him, and I got to see many glorious glimpses of His love and care, so that was pretty great. =) But there were sooo many good moments, too; can't forget about those. ;)
Have a glorious 2017, Katie!
Eek, you want to graduate early? o.O Like... a couple months early? Or more than that? Wow. You go, girl! (Remember to breathe throughout all the work. That sounds like a lot of work. xD)
DeleteYes, I totally understand. It's really through the hard moments that God shows Himself, so it become worth it in a way. <3
I hope your 2017 is awesome! :D Thanks for being so awesome and encouraging to me this year. :)
Yup! Hehe...yeah, more than a couple months. Like a year. XD Not even kidding, though. Savannah and I will be graduating at the same time!! WE CAN HAVE A BIG PARTY. XD
THAT IS SO COOL. Double the food, mwahahaha. xD
DeleteYou're so impressive. I don't understand. :P
This year has been a really hard and not very good one for me...but it sounds like you have had a great one!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for having this amazing blog! I really love it!!! I would love it if you would check out this post of mine, if not it's completely fine!!!
Ps. Does anyone else read the posts in Katie's voice and see her facial expressions?! I do! It's crazy!!!
Awhh, that's always tough. :/ I've had some hard moments this year too as well, but it's gotten better as it went on. I hope next year will be better for you! It's always nice to have a fresh slate.
DeleteHa, I do that with other bloggers whose vlogs I've watched. xD
WOW THIS SURVEY IS SO PROFESSIONAL THOUGH. O.O XD Woot woot for nearly 400 followers though, definitely not in awe. Nope. Not at all. AHEM. :P
ReplyDeleteI have to edit in 2017, so yeeeaaaaah. *screams and hides* Hopefully I don't die. XD
And you read so many books, omw. I NEED TO READ SOME OF THESE. *casually stalks your goodreads*
WELL THANK YOU MUCHLY. It's free and easy and nice to use and I am very thankful for programs like that. :P
DeletePsshh, well look at you sitting over there all nice and pretty with 150 followers after TEN MONTHS. Super impressed by you, dude. Seriously. You're doing amazing.
YEAH NOT SURE HOW I READ SO MANY BOOKS. Stalk allll the things. xD
2016 was the best year for me yet. I'm excited to see what 2017 will bring. :)
ReplyDeleteAwhh, I am so, so, so glad to hear that. It seems like a lot of people have had a hard 2016. Even if yours was hard at times, it's awesome that you can look and focus on the positive things instead.
DeleteI'm excited as well! Hopefully we can conquer this next year together. :D
First off, thanks for sharing that post on Lulu because I did it with my old manuscripts. I skipped across the parking lot screaming when they arrived, then stared at them for an hour in awe XD
ReplyDeleteLife slammed me hard this past year for sure, but looking back, I now realize it was a necessary nudge closer to God. I learned SO MUCH and am ready to conquer the new year with Him. (hopefully that will keep me safe when I get my permit in a few months :P)
Have a wonderful wonderful New Year with pizza and chocolate and all that ;)
audrey caylin
OOOOH YOU DID??! THAT IS SO EXCITING. You should totally post pictures of them if you haven't already. (I might've missed them. In that case you should link me to the post because I've been a bit absent in the blogosphere this month. :P)
DeleteI totally, totally agree with you. Like I said in a comment above, it's the hard times that really force you to rely on God. And that's proven to be important for me. I'm excited about next year. :D
(Eek. Good luck with your permit. xD Driving is scary at first, but it's nice to be able to have the freedom to drive to the library. :P)
YES! I hope your year is awesome as well. :D Thank you for being so awesome! <3
Great wrap up! sounds like a fun year! Man your book looks cool, I love the way the whole picture looks like a desert with a sand dragon behind the girl. Just amazing!
ReplyDeleteHave a Happy New Year!
Isn't the picture amazing? o.O It fits my book perfectly, so I was endlessly excited when I found it. :P
DeleteI hope your new year is awesome!
2016 was a fabulous year! My first nephew was born, and I gained a new sister in law! Plus reading tons of good books. :)
ReplyDeleteAny book by N.D. Wilson is amazing in my opinion. i.e. Hundred Cupboard series, Ashtown Burials, Leepike Ridge etc.
Awwwh, that is so sweet! Little babies are adorable. <3
DeleteI've read some N.D Wilson! Maybe it's time for some rereads of his books I used to read them when I was younger a lot. It's always fun to take a blast to the past. :D
AHhh you're back! *ugs* Your posts are so lovely! And I've actually been wanting to do a survey but I have yet to figure out how to make the fancy little thingy ... XP I'll probably do one for my one year blog-o-versery :D You should read ... have you read Lockwood and Co.? IF YOU HAVEN'T, YOU NEED TO. O.O
ReplyDeleteYOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO A SURVEY. Then I can gush about how amazing your blog is .xD
DeleteIt's really easy! I will send you the link and lead you through it if you want. :D (your blogoversary is coming up soon, isn't it? o.o)
Lockwood and Co.? Hmm. I don't think so. I'll have to go look that up immediately because I trust your reading judgement. :P
I had so much fun reading this post! I just discovered your blog recently, and can't wait to read all your posts, they're so fun!
ReplyDeleteEeep, thank you so much! This makes me happy. <3
DeleteCan't wait to see you around this blog!
Happy new year, Katie! Fun post. =)
ReplyDeleteMy blog just had it's 3rd yr annivarsary (I did a Q&A vlog, for the first time, haha, in celebration...) and I've just in the past year really entered the whole blogging world. ;D Your blog has been a fun stop. Keep on going, God is with you!
Yahweh is always with us. Through the storm, we can lift our eyes up on Him- then we can walk on the water along side Yeshua. ♥ God bless!
-Angela |
Happy New Year, Angela!
DeleteOoh, I'll have to go look at your vlog! I love watching and seeing other blogger's faces as weird as that sounds.
Thank you -- I totally agree. You are such an encouragement! <3
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say my 2016 was pretty good. Hard at times, but for the most part I can't remember anything that made it horrible. And it definitely had some highlights, the biggest being that I went to Florida for my graduation, and had one of the best, most surreal weeks of my life.
And I think I've grown a lot this year... in God, but also just as a person. I appreciate more, I love more, I want to do everything I can to spread God's love... good grief, this is getting sappy. But oh well. xD
On to favorite books! I think I've mentioned Melanie Dickerson's fairytale retellings to you before, but they'll forever some of my warm, fuzzy favorites. Also books by Krista McGee, especially the Anomaly trilogy. Another book I think I've mentioned before is The Farwalker's Quest... a definite standout for me this year. Couldn't get it out of my head after I finished it. I've read its sequel, The Timekeeper's Moon, too, but I haven't been able to find the last book in the trilogy yet. :( That's all I can think of for now, but I'll let you know if I come up with anything else. xD
MWAHAHAH HOW EXCITING. I should give you cake or pizza or confetti or something for this occasions. xD
DeleteI'm glad your 2016 was pretty good, despite the hard times. Whoah, going to Florida for your graduation? Dude, that sounds awesome. :D
*accepts all the sappiness* Aww, that's so awesome that you can spot how you grew this year. :D I think I really did, too. And I'm hoping that this year I can grow in loving more and God, because that would be awesome.
Ooh, yes! I shall look those up. Actually, I shall only look up The Farwalker's Quest because I've heard of and read the others. xD (though not all of Melanie's fairytales...)
THIS POST MADE ME SO HAPPY!!!! It sounds like you've had a really amazing, really full year. :)
DeleteWonderful post, Katie!! =) You go, girl! 124 books!? That's crazy, I could never do that. =P
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had an amazing year. =)
Jaidyn Elise
Eek, thank you, Jaidyn! Not sure how I did 124... it just kind of happened.
DeleteHow many books are you hoping to read this year? (if you have a goal)
I hope your year was amazing! <3
happy 2017, Katie!!
ReplyDelete*wants your novel* it's sooo beauuttiffulll xD legit tho, you've accomplished so much this year WAY TO GO GIRL *waves* have an epic new year
sarah » the introverted extrovert
Deleteasjdkfl; I hope your new year is just as epic. it's been very fun talking and getting to know you more and hopefully we'll have all the epic memories and accomplishments next year as well. xD
Ahhhhh your posts make me so happy! <3 Happy new year, friend!
ReplyDeleteYOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY. <3 Happy new year, Petra! I hope it's awesome.
DeleteUsually in a comment, I latch onto one of the things people said, but there are so many things I want to talk about! *cries*
ReplyDelete*takes a deep breath and tries to pick the most important things*
YOU STARTED WATCHING SHERLOCK, OMGEEE!!! *explodes into a fiery burst of fan girl energy* I love Sherlock.
BOOK SUGGESTIONS! *explodes again* (I just need to say that I'm always going to your blog for suggestions on books. That's why I now own A Time to Die. AND ITS SO GOOD SO FAR! I'm not that far in, but yeah. XD)
I usually read some younger books for "kids 8-12 or whatever", but the ones I'll tell you about are still really good. XD
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger
Pegasus by Kate O'Hearn
Valkyrie by Kate O'Hearn
The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann
Out of my Mind by Sharon M Draper
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (if you don't mind lots of mild swearing)
Get Happy by Mary Amato
Guitar Notes by Mary Amato (I CANNOT RECOMMEND THESE TWO ENOUGH!!!!)
Half Upon A Time by James Riley
Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata
Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell
The Romeo and Juliet Code/Romeo Blue by Phoebe Stone
Double Identity by Margaret Peter Haddix
The Seven Wonders by Peter Lerangis
And that's all that I have...XD LOL! Happy New Year!
YESSSS SHERLOCK. I JUST FINISHED THE THIRD SEASON YESTERDAY AND MY MIND IS SPINNING. MARY. AH. SHERLOCK. "DID YOU MISS ME." <-- I died at that part and I really hope he's back even though he's a villain but he was an amazing villain. I'm going to start the fourth season tonight and cannot. wait.
DeleteOh my goshhh so many books. O.O Wow Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of these down! I am so excited to check these out and hopefully read some of them! These will definitely make a huge chunk out of 100 books. xD
ALSO A TIME TO DIE ISN'T IT AMAZING?? Go ahead and buy the next two books immediately, because cliffhangers. Oh goodness. They're so amazing. <3 <3 <3
EEP! I know!! I watched the first episode of season 4 with my mom and sister last night and oh my goodness. So amazingly awful. O.O
DeleteYay! Out of all of them I most recommend Keeper, Pegasus, Half Upon A Time, and Mary Amato's books! I hope you get to read them! :D
Uh oh! I'll definitely be buying the next ones, it's just a matter of time! XD
you can definitely count me as a new follower - your blog is beautiful! And huge kudos to you for sharing your writing - I'm way to much of a coward to post anything like that on my own blog. Even my own beta readers have to prod and poke to see anything I've written! But I'm glad you had a great 2016 - I hope this year will be just as amazing for you. All the best for 2017!
ReplyDeleteAWHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! That makes me so happy and creates alll the happy feelings <3
DeleteYou totally got this! Sharing your writing is scary, but even just by posting on your blog... you are posting your own words in a way. It takes baby steps :D
Thank you! <3 I hope your year is awesome as well. :D
Book Recommendations. Geek Girl by Holly Smale. If you don't like the first one, the second one is waay much better but if you don't like either, it's okay. :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, okay! I'll have to check that out. Thank you so much!
DeleteMy summer bucketlist post was the one with the most likes for a while too. xD I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteIt was great seeing what your year was like! I can't wait to see what this year holds for you. *hugs and pizza*
Weeeird. That's so weird and strange. Maybe that's when most people are reading blogs, since they just recovered from school and are entering summer break? *shrug* I dunno man. Blogs are weird. xD
Delete*hugs tightly back* Thank you, you awesome human. <3
I love your blog! The layout and the pictures are always so pretty. =) And also you kind of inspired me to do the bullet journalling thing, although mine is way more functional than pretty, haha.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful new year!
Eek, thank you so much, Katherine! You're so sweet. :D
DeleteAHH REALLY? That is so exciting! And bullet journals are meant to be functional. I just like going out of my way to make it pretty because it's a nice way to release some of the inner artist in there. :P
You too! <3