2017 GOALS

Saturday, January 7, 2017
There's a certain amount of fear that sneaks into my soul as I type out 2017. It sounds so big and important. When I was younger, seventeen was my favorite number, and this year always seemed so far off. 

And now it is 2017. There's a little bit of sad nostalgia when I think back... (I was so young and tiny!) but I'm determined to make this year awesome. 

New Years Resolutions are always happening this time of year. I usually make a list of goals I want to accomplish, like I did on the blog last year.

Here were my goals for last year and how I did on them:

1. Send my novel, Song of the Desert, to beta readers. HA. I did this one. It was terrifying, but one of the most helpful experiences, and I'm so thankful to all those who read it. You are all the best. *squishes you with hugs*

2. Post consistently on A Writer's Faith. Guys... I didn't miss a single post last year. Kind of confused with how that happened, but... yay?? Hoping to do this again in 2017! (and maybe throw in some extra posts more often)

3. Comment on other blogs. Only half crossing off this one. I did comment on blogs... I always visit bloggers who comment on mine. But I didn't make too much of an effort to comment on other blogs beside commenting back. So. Kind of a fail.

4. Read 100 books. Smacked this one out of the ballpark, seeing that I read 124 books. I started off splendidly in the beginning of the year, and then got worse as jobs and school and NaNo came along. :P

5. Stay caught up with school. This has been a success. So far. Heh.

6. Write one new draft. Mwahaha, I wrote two new drafts! They all stink and are a mess but I wrote them! :P *confetti*

7. Get a job. Yes! I am officially a barista at Starbucks and it is the most lovely thing. <3

8. Buy a big bookshelf. YES. I got a bookshelf, and now it's almost filled already. Sigh. #bookwormproblems

9. Go to a Twenty One Pilots concert. Another half-cross off, because I didn't go to one last year, but I got tickets for one that's in February! I AM SO PUMPED.

10. Go to bed before midnight on a consistent basis. Ha. Ha. Hahahaha. I'm so funny. SO FUNNY. Yeah. This definitely didn't happen. xD

Overall? I'm glad I met my goals. I'm not too surprised, though. I purposely kept them pretty simple because I knew it was going to be a busy year. :P So don't be too impressed that I met most of my goals -- I made them easy to suit me.

Here are my goals for 2017!

I love taking pictures. Making them look pretty, finding the right lighting, arranging the angle in the perfect way so it catches the eye. But I don't take pictures very often, and I want that to change. I'm looking forward to posting more on my Instagram, and connecting with all the fine and talented folks who are on there. (seriously, I'm blown away by the talent over on Instagram. o.o)
As I'm writing about this goal, I'm largely reconsidering it. :P This year might be more of an editing year. I have lots of projects that I need to sit down and make look pretty, so writing more books that will eventually need editing may not be the best idea. I will write at least one book this year. It's just a matter of deciding about the other one. :P

(*winces at the thought of editing for most of the year*)

[let's just pretend that the lightening and colors in this picture don't look as horrible as they actually do]

This is a terrifying goal -- things that involve other people reading my writing always are. But it's necessary, so I'm going to do the thing. People were so encouraging when they read the first book, so hopefully this one goes well. I'm in the middle (er... beginning...) of edits right now. Super excited, but also a teensy bit daunted at ALL. THE. WORK. IT. NEEDS. (so much rewriting. help.)


There are so many and I can't wait. Spiderman Homecoming (oh my goodness this looks like one of my new favorite movies), Beauty and the Beast, Thor: Ragnarok, A Monster Calls, The Lego Batman Movie(it looks stupidly hilarious xD), and the next Pirates of the Caribbean.

They all look fantastic, so I am going to (hopefully) be a very satisfied movie-goer this year. :P

I've been realizing how important it is to focus on Him through all the craziness. So many things in life are unsure, and when I graduate, I want to be firm with God, because He is the only sure thing in this world.

One of the things I'm doing this year is Scripture memorization! My goal is to memorize 52 verses (one a week). This is something my Church is doing, and I'm really excited to bring God's word closer to my heart. <3 Just in case you want to join me on this adventure... here's the link to the Facebook page. (I'm in charge of all the graphics, so you can also follow along if you want to view pretty pictures with powerful verses to encourage you throughout your week.)

I had this goal last year too. It's a nice round number that makes me happy and feel accomplished, so I'm going for it again! I am going to be busier than last year, so I'm a touch nervous about that. And I don't know if I'll have enough books to read. (shocker, right?) So many young adult books are filled with icky things, which makes it incredible hard to pick a book off the shelf without a second thought. -.-

But I've been gathering recommendations and plan to reread a bunch of my favorites, so it should be an amazing reading year. <3
I don't binge watch shows often, and I'd like to keep it that way(I procrastinate enough through Twitter and Facebook)... but I really do love getting wrapped up in a series occasionally. Last year I watched all the Sherlock seasons (which were absolutely fantastic and sparked a new love for murder mysteries/mysteries in general).

I have some shows on my list -- Merlin, Stranger Things, Firefly, Daredevil, Psych... and I know that there are many more out there that I'm missing. (so... if you have a favorite show, go ahead and suggest the thing.) The hard part is finding a way to watch it because I'm one of the only people in the world who doesn't have a netflix. :P

In my end of the year wrap-up post survey (thank you to all who took that, by the way. You're the absolute best. <3)... the number one thing you all requested by far is more vlogs. Which I was not expecting, but now I'm excited by the possibility of filming more, and the wheels are turning if I want to make this a regular YouTube thing or not. 

Regardless of what I decide, I will post some more rambling videos of my face this year, and I'm super excited. Vlogs seem a lot more personable and they're fun to make. (beside the fact that I feel awkward since I'm talking to a camera. :P)
I wrote a post that's going up on burning youth tomorrow expanding on this goal, but encouraging and inspiring others is something that makes my heart fill to the brim. So I want to be doing more of that this year -- in person and in the writing world.
- - -

It's going to be a crazy year, but I'm ready. I look forward to hopefully conquering all of these goals, and exploring other projects. I got a new bullet journal for Christmas, so be on the lookout for another post or two on that. :D

Oh! Also, if you want to see what I'm up to with writing projects and all that, I'll be updating allll the things on MyWriteClub. It's a lovely website for setting goals and tracking progress and you should definitely check it out.

I hope that 2017 is epic for all of you lovely people. <3
// katie grace

what are some of your goals for 2017?


  1. OKAY WHAT KIND OF CAMERA IS THAT *cough cough* yes i love all the cameras xD

    these sound like some epic goals *thumbs up* YOU SHALL ROCK THEM ALL, KATIE. *shoos you off bc i want to beta read the sand dragons song*



  2. These are awesome goals, hope you achieve all of them! Also, good luck with editing your story. :)

  3. Congratulations on achieving so many of your goals last year, and best of luck with your goals this year!

    I, too, will probably have to spend most of the year in edits. We can encourage each other, hey? (Also, if you need book recommendations, I'm pretty sure you know my Goodreads username; I'm always happy to give suggestions!)

    Also: WATCH FIREFLY. It's awesome. And amazing. And I wish it hadn't been canceled, because I need moooooore (and yes I know there's a movie and I need that too but) and just watch it, ok?

    1. Yesss, we will do the horrid editing thing together. xD

      Ooh, okay! I will go stalk your goodreads eventually, then, because I will need all of the recommendations.

      I WILL IF I CAN FIND A WAY TO WATCH IT. It looks super amazing and I want ittt.

  4. Those are some good goals Katie. :)
    Have you ever heard of When Calls the Heart? It's a tv show, but we've been watching the new episodes on YouTube since we don't have television or Netflix. :) (You're not the only one!) The Christmas special just came out, so you can watch it on YouTube before it gets taken out. The show starts in February, and I think it airs every night.
    Anyway......I look forward too your vlogs. They are fun to watch. :)

    Have a wonderful day!


    1. Hmm, I haven't heard of that! I'll have to check it out. (and yay for not being the only one, I suppose! xD)

      Yay, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for commenting!

  5. Ooh, awesome goals, Katie! Last year was my worst writing year (like ever lol), so I guess I'm making this year's focus drafting. *shrugs*

    Oh my goodness I'm not the only one without Netflix. *high fives* The one show I've been flailing over is called Designated Survivor . . . the winter season is over, but the next episode comes out in March, I think. But AHHH IT'S SO GOOD. And it's appropriate + not really graphic. It just keeps you on the edge of your seat. Kay, rant over. 😂

    1. Awwh, I'm sorry! Sometimes writing gets tough and that's okay. I hope you're able to come back and conquer it feeling confident and energized. :D

      WAHOO! *high fives back* Oooh, I've heard of that one a little bit? I SHOULD REALLY CHECK IT OUT. Though now I'm too late to see the episodes as they air, so I'll need to find it another way. xD Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. I'm so excited for Beauty and the Beast!!

    I feel your pain--I don't have Netflix either, and I fear that I'm going to run out of books soon as well. Haha. Happy 2017!


    1. It looks so amazing. o.o It comes out just a couple days before my birthday, so it's like a birthday present for me! xD

      Eek, we'll have to supply recommendations to each other to get through it .xD Happy 2017 to you as well!

  7. It's so cool that you work at Starbucks! I have a friend in my yearbook staff group who also works there and she always gets me free stuff XD
    But seriously, good luck on writing two books this year! I can't wait to hopefully read snippets of them :) And just like you, I want to incorprate more memorization in this year as well!

    1. I know the free stuff is fabulous. xD

      Thank you! And you got this memorization! I pray that it will bless us both. <3

  8. Hey, Katie! I hope you accomplish all of your goals for this year. I, personally, can't wait for Beauty and the Beast to come out. You're looking for new shows? Well, Once Upon a Time is a good one. And if you're in to the murder mysteries thing, NCIS is a great one. I love murder mystery shows and books. :)

    Your blog is one of my favorites. I just started a blog of my own: gottahavecoffee.blogspot.com I'm kinda new to blogging.

    1. Thanks for the show suggestions! :D

      Oooh, yay for new blogs! I'll definitely go check it out. I love the url -- it's awesome. xD

  9. You are such a terrific goal-reacher. :D Eek, I'm so excited to see more of your vlogs + beta-read The Sand Dragon's Song + see how your blog will grow within this next year! And your pictures are always so aesthetic so I can't wait for more of them. :D

    One of my first goals included finishing my NaNo novel. So I was going to write 40,000 words in January in order to get another leap of it done, but then I lowered it to 30,000. It's January 7 and guess how many words I've written? ABOUT 400. (ha. heh. faiiil.) I need to reevaluate it and gather more inspiration for it before starting up again. Also, I'll need to find my groove with school again since that's a thing. :P But I'm excited in general to do this!

    Another one of the things I plan on doing this next year is reading one chapter of a Christian living book on the weekend and journaling about it. I got some great books like that for Christmas, and I can't wait to dive deeper into them, one chapter at a time.

    (Also, maaaybe I want to start regular journaling? But I feel like I wouldn't be consistent with that just yet.)

    I also want to make a goal of not comparing myself so much to people and realizing that God made me the way I am in every way for a reason, and I should embrace that rather than let it hurt me. :)

    Hope you have a fabulous 2017. :D

    1. Eeep and you are the sweetest. <3

      Gah, January is always one of the craziest months because of school starting up and resolutions and goals and ALL THE THINGS seem to want to happen at once. :P But you totally got this! Each day is a new day to keep working on that goal. 400 words is still good! I hope the words will come easily throughout the rest of the month and year. :D

      Ooh, I really love that idea. What are some of the books called? I'd love to check them out for myself as well.

      (I'm struggling with the same thing. xD I set a goal for myself to journal at least once a week this year. That's 52 entries, and there's probably more of a finding the time to read 52 entries instead of 365 when I'm older. :P Maybe someday I'll increase it to every other day, but right now I'm going to shoot for once a week which seems to be a good goal.

      YES. ALL THE YES TO THAT. Amen, sister. Comparing is sooo easy to do, and whenever I do it (which probably happens more often that it should... -.^) it only makes me feel bad about myself. Praying for you! <3

      (also, just a random scary thought, we're already 1/52nd of the way through the new year. o.O IT'S GOING BY SO FAST.)

    2. Thank you. <3

      The two that come to mind are Girl Defined by Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird and Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. My uncle also gave me a good book for teens a couple years ago that I still haven't read, but the name is escaping me. :P

      (ohh, that's a good idea, though! Is this bullet journaling you're talking about, or a longer sort of journaling?)

      Yes, it definitely is. xP That's one of my greatest pitfalls.

      (Ahhh. DON'T REMIND ME. )

  10. ACK, YES - you sent SOTD to betas and WE LOVED IT *hugs the beautimous book* And YOU MUST GET IT PUBLISHED so that I can buy it and put it on my bookshelf and pet the pretty cover all the live-long day xD.

    "Write Two More Books" - DO IT, DO IT. I want more Katie-words, oh yes *nodnod*. Or you can edit so that you can send your books to betas so that I can READ ALL THE KATIE WORDS xD.

    EEP you want to send TSDS to betas THIS YEAR?! *hyperventilates* OH GRACIOUS I want to read it SO BAD. Song Of The Desert was INCREDIBLE and I REALLY need the next book in the series. *scribbles my name onto your list of betas* xD

    New vlog, new vlogs, yassss. I LOVE watching your vlogs - the NaNo one was so epic, I almost want to do something like that myself for Camp xD. But YES it should be a regular thing, they're so fun :D.

    *will be stalking Burning Youth for your post tomorrow* ;) Good luck with all your wonderful goals this year, Katie!

    ~ Savannah

    1. EEEEK. *flailing and hides at the thought of that experience* I CAN'T WAIT TO SEND THE SEQUEL TO YOU. BUT YET I CAN WAIT BECAUSE THAT THOUGHT IS SCARY. :P

      Ooooh, you should totally do that! It would be so fun to watch. :D

      Mwahaha, allll the stalking. xD

      Good luck with your goals as well! <3


    I am calm, I am calm.
    But it's Batman. and LEGOS.


    1. RIGHT??? I looooved the Lego Movie so much -- even with all it's stupidly brilliant humor. My sister and I quote it all the time and just thinking about it makes me giggle.

      *bounces* Cannot wait! :D

    2. The Lego movie was a fangirl's dream... The whole Gandalf/Dumbledore thing! Eee!

      And even my grandmother loves Batman so it looks like I'll get to see it.

  12. Sweet goals! And oh my goodness, you should totally watch Merlin -- it's AMAZING! The first few episodes are slightly cheesy, but it gets better pretty quickly. :D


    1. Noted! Sometimes it's easy to give up if the first few episodes aren't the greatest, so I'll keep that in mind. :D

  13. I also don't have a Netflix. Just as well. I don't watch much shows but the majority shows I watch these days are korean dramas xD And I don't even have that much time to watch them. Language videos and booktube is such a distraction! :P

    I started bullet journalling this year! Can't wait for your future posts!


    1. I knowww there are so many distractions in this world to keep us away from writing. *sigh* BUT WE GOT THIS!

      Oooh, I hope to see pictures of your bullet journal! That's awesome that you're doing it as well. :D

  14. Awesome post, Katie!! You have some really great goals. <3
    I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with on this blog for 2017.

    Sophie xx

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to having you along on this journey. <3

  15. Congrats on doing so well with your 2016 goals!! And I love these new ones too. Can't wait to see what you have in store for your readers this year x)

  16. KATIE! You did so good accomplishing all your goals! <3 I need to be making New Year's goals, so why not make them into a post? :D Your new goals look awesome. I'm not nearly so adventurous XD

    Aren't there SO many good movies coming out?! I can't even believe it! I just saw a preview for "The Zookeeper's Wife" (which apparently was a book first) and now I'm very excited for that :D And Beauty & the Beast!!! <3 <3 <3 If that is not perfection there will be tears. Actually there will be tears either way :P

    Welcome to the new year my friend! We'll see how long it takes to get used to writing 2017 :P But yes. 17 is such a good number. Let's use it right :D


      Huh, I haven't heard about "The Zookeeper's Wife" yet. I'll have to go watch the trailer!

      Let's conquer this year. <3

  17. As I'm reading through your goals for 2017, I think I've added a few to my list. XD These are really good.

    Also, I'm sure you have tons of betas because everyone wants a chance to read your flawless writing, but if you ever need another one...you know where to find me.

    1. Yay! What are some of your goals for the new year?

      I will keep you in mind! This novel is a sequel, so I'll only be asking those that have already read the first one. (and maybe a few others.) But thank you -- hopefully there are other books you can beta in the future. :D

  18. You did so awesome reaching all of last year's goals, girl! And I know you're gonna do just as awesome this year! Your new goals sound perfect.

    I feel you on the needing to edit more than write more books thing. I think this year for me will be much heavier on the editing side of things. Hopefully I won't die, but no promises. *grins* But whatever writing projects you decide to undertake, I know you'll rock them!

    I'm soooo excited about this year's movies, too! Especially Beauty and the Beast and Spiderman Homecoming. MEEP. I CAN'T WAIT.

    You might watch Merlin? YESSSSSSSS. THAT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW. I mean, it's crazy cheesy and ridiculous, but the characters are so precious I don't even care. And the cheese does lessen at least a little by season 3. *nods* Also PSYCH. PSYYYCH. That show is HILARIOUS. I think you will absolutely love it! Have you ever watched Monk? I put it and Psych in the same category. It's also hilarious.
    I'm so ecstatic you saw Sherlock! That, Doctor Who, and Merlin are hands down my top three favorite shows. I seem to have a thing for BBC. XD

    Anyways, I hope you have the most amazing 2017, Katie. Keep being awesome! <3

    1. *sighs* I know, so much editing and it makes me annoyed. BUT I WILL DO IT. YOU CAN DO IT. WE BOTH WILL DO IT AND CONQUER :D

      RIGHT?! They look like such fantastic movies. :D

      Oooh, I've heard of Monk! I'll put that on my to-watch list as well. I will have alll the shows to watch this year. xD

      I hope your year is fabulous, Christine! <3

    2. WE CAN TOTALLY DO THIS YESSSS!!! *takes red pen and charges*

      ALSO. I thought of another show (because I know you need more suggestions, bwahaha!). I can't believe I forgot to mention it before. LEVERAGE. It's probably my favorite show after Merlin, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. It's this fun heist show and has the most adorable characters and just slkdjlfkjsdf. It's a blast! If you haven't seen it I totally recommend it.

    3. OOH, that sounds good! I will put it on my list! (which right now is an imaginary list in my head. I really should make it into an "official" list. xD)

  19. Way to go on those 2016 goals, Katie! That's awesome. And I love how widespread/balanced your 2017 goals are. Writing, reading, God, relationships... ^_^

    It's funny that this might be a year of editing for you, because it's looking to be a year of drafting for me. XD Which I'm okay with, seeing as I've spent *cough* a few years doing mostly editing.

    Ooh, show recommendations? I personally LOVE Once Upon a Time and The Flash. Not sure if you've already seen those or if they're your thing or not.

    One of my 2017 goals is to finally attend Realm Makers! Eeek, so excited! And I'm also watching flight prices like a hawk. Canada to US flights are not cheap. o.o

    Happy New Year, and all the best with your pursuits! ^_^

    1. I know, there are tons of different goals for me this year, but I'm excited. :D

      Oooh, really? Enjoy the writing break! You totally deserve it if you've been doing lots of editing. o.o

      Ooh, The Flash! I forgot about that one. I'll need to put that on my ever-growing list as well

      YES. YES. YES. Eek, I bet that wouldn't be cheap. But I'm planning to go to Realm Makers as well this year, which mean I CAN MEET YOU. WE CAN HAVE ALL THE BOOKISH AND WRITING FLAILING AND IT WILL BE LOVELY. <3

      Happy New Year!

  20. Ooh! That's so great that you finished all of your goals for last year! :D
    My biggest goal this year is to finish my NaNo novel I did last year (wow that feels so weird to call it last year XD), because it'll be my first actually completed book! Minus editing and rewriting and stuff, but that's not even in the picture right now. XD

    MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN!!!!!!!! GOSH, YOU NEED TO WATCH MERLIN!!!! XD XD I just started watching it in December, and it's the best thing ever!! The first episode is weird (really dark magic), but if you skip some things (or don't care XD) it's okay! All of the other episodes I've seen so far are really good! :D

    1. (right?? I'm still getting used to writing 2017 instead of 2016 :P)

      OKAY I WILL WATCH IT. Hopefully my library has it because otherwise I don't know I will find it. :P

  21. Brilliant stuff! I think I might just join you on that Scripture Memory goal. What a fab idea! It's so easy to get caught up in work, writing, twitter, etc. & forget to spend time with THE Author, isn't it? I really pray - for you & me both - that would become the heart's desire in 2017! Because really, he makes writing Story worth the while:)

    And well done for writing for Burning Youth - I'd say you're definitely gifted in inspiring/encouraging... and generally being bold in a winsome way. Keep up the good work!

    I'm inspired to go check out this myWriteClub. Thanks for the recommendation!
    And looking forward to seeing more vlogs & more lovely images!

    God bless, & may He enable you to blow all the goals right out of the water this year!

    Mez @

    1. It would be so cool if you joined the scripture memory program! It's a lovely idea. :D

      myWriteClub is SUCH a fabulous tool. I plan on using it consistently this year and I'm really excited. :D

      Hoping this year is amazing for you. <3

  22. Looooove all your goals. <3 Here's to a year full of fabulousness!

  23. YOU DID ALL YOUR GOALS FROM LAST YEAR WHOA YOU ROCK!!! And I'm totally signing up to beta as soon as possible. =)

    Some of my goals for the new year include reading 100 books, posting regularly on my new blog, Notebooks and Novels (http://www.notebooksandnovels.com), studying the Bible with She Reads Truth (http://shereadstruth.com), do Nano anything, and finish the third draft of my novel.

    1. Yay for reading 100 books as well! YOU CAN TOTALLY ROCK THESE GOALS. :D

  24. Ahhhh all the goals! *flails* You are such a boss! O.O *aggressively cannot wait to read TSDS*

    1. *is aggressively scared to give it to you but I'm very excited as well*

  25. Katie, I am insanely jealous of your super-human capabilities. HOW DO YOU DO IT ALL. I reeeeallllyy wanted to read 100 books last year, but I completely and utterly failed. (I read 53. I am not a fast reader.) This year, my biggest goal is to finally finish a novel, and I'm so pumped for the novel idea I have in mind. Also: HOW DID I NEVER KNOW YOU HAD A YOUTUBE CHANNEL? You're even more adorable on camera, and now I'm dying for more Katie vlogs. ;) (By the way, I find it so funny when people pronounce "tag" as "tage," with a long A. Haha!)

    -Emily @ forthebookish.com

    1. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO WRITE A NOVEL. Like seriously. After reading the short story on your blog, I know you have such a gift with words and I really want to read something by you someday. <3

      (awwwh, thank you for watching! xD)

  26. AWESOME STUFF FOR 2016!!!! It's cool that you did so many things you said you would do!

    If I even write two first drafts this year, I'll be shocked! There's SO much editing I need to do for EVERYTHING! May editing luck be in our favor ;-)

    Reading Scripture more often is definitely on my 2017 list and I CANNOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER OF YOUR VLOGS! Seriously, they're awesome (though I can imagine the feeling of talking to a camera...)

    Great post! :D

    -audrey caylin

    1. YOU CAN DO IT. We'll both try to survive doing all the writing and editing things together. xD

      Thank you for being awesome! <3

  27. Great job on completing a lot of your goals from 2016, Katie! :)
    All of your goals for this year are great! :)

  28. You have some awesome goals!
    AND YES! MERLIN AND PSYCH ARE AMAZING!!! You'll have to let n know what you think of them. As for suggestions, El Gran Hotel is really good, but it's in spanish, so you may not like having to read subtitles
    (And there are so many cool movies coming out this year! I can't wait for Beauty and the Beast, Spiderman, and Star Wars 8)
    Hope 2017 goes well for you!



      Right?? There will be much flailing on the blogosphere about all the new movies and I look forward to it.

  29. *sneaks in the back door* *whispers* psssttt, you should add Downton Abbey to your watch-list. I'm more than slightly obsessed.
    *stops whispering*
    Also, the struggle with YA fiction. I'm telling ya, I come home with a STACK of novels to read and I usually only end up finishing 2.


      ughhh I know it's such a struggle. -.-

  30. Wow, props to you on the ones you've finished from last year! I'm happy if I've completed close to half!

    How did you not get behind on school or blogging??! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS

  31. These all sound great!!!

    Also, Katie, what size are your books? I'm trying to decide what size mine should be.

    1. Thank you!

      The most recent size I did was 5.5 by 8.5, and I really like that one. It's a standard book size and feels nice to hold. :D

  32. Sand Dragon's Song to betas? YEET. I CAN'T WAIT. SO MUCH YES. *flails forever*

    This year I reeeaaally should focus a little on editing, but...the actual writing is so much funner. *shakes fist at editing* In my dreams I'd like to write at least three books this year...but I don't know how that will turn out.


      And I totally understand. I would rather write allll year long but unfortunately editing never stops demanding my attention. -.-

  33. Wow, you accomplished a lot of goals!
    Good luck on this year's goals!

    1. Thank you!
      Do you have any goals for this year?

  34. Cool post! it's nice to see people who are satisfied with goals that DID meet last year! I hope your New goals go better as well!

    I don't have Netflix's either :D so the only show I really keep up with is the Flash :P

    1. Thank you! :D

      Ooooh, I've heard good things about the Flash. I must find a way to watch that, then. *nodnod*

  35. Great job on last year's goals! :) I like your goals for this year, too. Although honestly as far as reading and writing they're *way* bigger than mine, lol. 52 verses is such an awesome goal! Over the past few years I've realized how important Scripture memory is for life... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the same person without it. :D

    1. Right? I'm really excited to bring Scripture closer to my heart, and hopefully keep it there for many years to come. <3

  36. So much goals achieved in 2016, ooh :) I'm totally with Savannah Grace on this one, get your beautiful book published so I can buy and pet it and admire it and read it and then flail at it :D

    Two novels? Yeah, I can totally see you accomplish that. You do the thang :D

    OMG I don't have Netflix too!!!!! so I have to do it the old fashion and record the entire series to then watch them without advertisements! Right now my cousins got me into Supergirl, and I watched a episode of Agents of SHIELD and liked it so I might keep up with it if I have time during the imminent session (Ah, dear me! I am so not motivated to go outside to wait for the bus!)

    More vlogs? YES! More Katie's wonderful voice!!!

    1. asdfjk; you guys are the sweetest. I cannot wait until it is someday published. <3

      I HOPE SO. We'll see if editing slays me or not. (or if I slay the editing... :P)

      YEAH NON-NETFLIX-ERS UNITE. Ooh, is Supergirl good?



    And I DEFINITELY cannot wait to see more vlogs:)

  38. EEEP THESE GOALS ARE ALL SO AWESOME! and they all sound achievable SO GO KATIE =) I'm thinking about setting a goal for a certain number of books tor end this year (like I never did it before...but IT IS SUCH A GENIUS IDEA, TRULY.). 100 THOUGH WOW.


    1. Oooh you should DO THE THING. I find that setting goals actually keep me accountable and such... if I don't set goals I never do them. :P

      THANKS YO. <3

  39. You have some good goals Katie. You've inspired me....I made it a goal to read at least 100 books this year. And read as many new ones as I can. :) I probably did that last year...only wish I would've kept track. :)
    I would love to see more vlogs! :)


    1. Eeep! You can totally do this. What are some books you plan on reading?

  40. Hello! I love your blog so much; you have a really beautiful design! These are some really adventurous goals, everyone should be this inspired at the start of the year! I have followed your blog because I think it’s so good!!! I would love it if you had a look at my blog; I’m a very passionate teenage blogger but I’m quite new and really need the support! Perhaps we could become friends? Thank you so much // Jeani xxx www.jeanithoughts.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Awwhh, thank you! You're so sweet.

      And your blog looks awesome! It's always hard to start out as a new blogger, but you got this. :D

  41. Replies
    1. It's super awesome! I would totally recommend applying to work at a Starbucks. :)

  42. this is amazing!
    congrats to you on accomplishing so many of your goals!
    you have a lovely blog, katie. it was a joy to visit with you.
    i pray you'll be blessed in all you do and that you will continue to thrive and accomplish your goals!

    be blessed!

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