Welcome to October. Let's conquer this thing.
(actually, first there's this post. then go conquer the thing.)

(On a randomish note, does anyone know any coders? I have some things that are being a little wacky on my blog (search bar, social share buttons...) and I have no idea how to do the thing. Help/recommendations would be very appreciated. :P)
Also, I guess fall is officially here? Fall is one of my favorite seasons, though now that it's arrived I've been nothing but a shivering pile of sweatshirts and blankets. I despise the cold, which is unfortunate since I'm always cold. And it's freezing where I live. Blerch.

Now what will I do, seeing that the rewrites are done?
There is this deep, dark, exciting force that looms in the near future. Hundreds of thousands of writers await its arrival each and every year. It is pronounced many ways, but has only one name: NANOWRIMO.
I tried to sound dramatic did I succeed?

/ katie grace
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slapped some text on a picture because there were no pretty leaves to take pictures of and be fancy with. *sobs* |

I DID THE BULLET JOURNALING THING. And... I actually really liked it. Loved it. It's a great way to review the day quickly, and set up important tasks for the month/day/week. Pretty sure I'm hooked and there's no going back. :P
It was my dad's birthday this month, and we got him an ice cream maker! (which really means that he gets to make us yummy ice cream all the time. love you, dad.) Vanilla chocolate chip malt, raspberry, peach, vanilla, and oreo mint are the ones we've made so far. SO GOOD. And a little chilly, but then it's just an excuse for fuzzy socks and blankets. ;)
Apparently it was National Coffee Day on September 29th? Which was lovely, since I work at a coffee shop and got to celebrate by serving coffee for most of the day. I used to hate coffee, but I've grown a rather strong liking to it -- especially when there's chocolate IN it. :P

Several exciting things that have to do with my favorite band in the entire world. (aka = twenty one pilots.) One, my sister and dad surprised me by getting these bracelets (that also work as anklets) from the Mall of America! They're the cutest things and I am probably going to wear them nonstop.
Two... *drum roll* I'M GOING TO A TWENTY ONE PILOTS CONCERT. Excuse me while I shriek forever. And cry. Because twenty one pilots. Enough said. *happy sighing and flailing*
(On a randomish note, does anyone know any coders? I have some things that are being a little wacky on my blog (search bar, social share buttons...) and I have no idea how to do the thing. Help/recommendations would be very appreciated. :P)
Also, I guess fall is officially here? Fall is one of my favorite seasons, though now that it's arrived I've been nothing but a shivering pile of sweatshirts and blankets. I despise the cold, which is unfortunate since I'm always cold. And it's freezing where I live. Blerch.
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(sneak peak of the bullet journal, mwahaha) |

Not a lot of books this month, but rewriting practically ate me alive, so I'm happy with what I have. :P
The Star-Touched Queen: 2/5 -- wasn't thrilled with this one. kind of bored? there was a huge plot twist that I thought was amazing, but then I stopped caring as much.
Some Kind of Happiness: 5/5 -- THE COVER. THE STORY. THE WRITING. THE MESSAGE. ugh. dear goodness this is easily one of my favorite books ever now and I love it so. stinking. much. it's amazing. <3 <3 <3
The Progeny: 2/5 -- *hides because I didn't like this one but SO many people loved it*
A Time to Rise: 5/5 -- This book. Ohh, my heart. I was just amazed by the character's growth and the themes. It made my heart ache with happiness and everyone must read this series. <3
Deny: 4/5 -- I haven't been loving many fantasy books lately, but I loved this one! It reminds me a lot of the Ilyon Chronicles. :D
The Leaving: 4/5 -- the writing and the premise was super cool, but I wasn't terribly thrilled by the ending. but overall I liked most of it.

Ahhh, writing. Writing was acting like an evil villain this month, continuously punching me in the head and thinking that I would never finish this stupid draft.
But the little hero inside me arose to conquer the villain. But, dude, it was hard. Second drafts are my least favorite thing in the world. Second drafts are the drafts that make me hate writing, hate my book, hate everything. THEY'RE JUST NOT FUN, OKAY?
The good news? This little hero finished her second draft rewrites. *celebration* I wrote 17,000 words this month, and then closed my document, shut my computer, and proceeded to ignore it aggressively.
(I didn't touch my computer until I needed to write this blog post. almost a week! o.o)
Now what will I do, seeing that the rewrites are done?
There is this deep, dark, exciting force that looms in the near future. Hundreds of thousands of writers await its arrival each and every year. It is pronounced many ways, but has only one name: NANOWRIMO.
I will be plotting Where Shadows Lie during the month of October. I'm using the Snowflake Method, and a whole post on that will be coming later, so I'll stop before I start rambling. xD

I actually have my posts planned out for once? Here are some that I'll write...
A tour of my bullet journal! I'm really excited about this one -- hoping that my pictures will turn out for it. :D
What it was like to give plotting a try. I'm a hardcore pantser, so I'm interested to see how it works out. We'll see if I survive. xD
/ katie grace
Are you a coffee drinker?
and now you can go conquer the thing.
*sends pizza with you to aid you in your quest*
I'M REALLY EXCITED TO START BULLET JOURNALING. And also weirdly nervous? Like, I've been planning to do this forever and I have all this inspiration from Pinterest, but I'm such a perfectionist that it should be interesting. XD
ReplyDeleteHOMEMADE ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. I want to come over and eat ice cream!
I'm currently working on learning to like coffee- so far the only drink I've actually learned to like is a java chip frappuccino, but hey, it's a start! (Also pretty sure I just butchered that spelling, I'm sorry I probably just killed your barista soul.)
Congrats on finishing your second draft!!! That's seriously amazing. ALL THE PIZZA AND WAFFLES FOR YOU.
I'm debating over whether to do NaNo next month- I really want to, but I just don't have the time! I'm thinking of maybe setting a lower word count for myself or something. I don't know yet.
OH MY GOSH YOU ARE GOING TO START BULLET JOURNALING AS WELL? Mwahaha, this makes me happy for some reason. xD
DeleteBut I'm totally the same way! I was so nervous to start my bullet journal. xD What I'm doing is using a "trial" journal (like a $3 one from target) that allows me to make alll the mistakes. And then if i continue to like it, I'm going to get a fancy journal for the new year and hopefully make it "perfect" then. xD
COME OVER. <3 And oh my gosh, the java chip frappuchino is my favorite one. xD It's sooo good.
DO THE THING. Seriously. Do it. And if it's a little bit too intimidating, setting a lower goal is totally okay! Then you're one step ahead of those who decide not to even do it.
AHHH HOMEMADE ICE CREAM. JUST ALL THE YES. My dad makes homemade vanilla ice cream sometimes, and I swear it tastes like happiness. <3
ReplyDeleteCan we trade places, please and thank you? Because it's still in the 80s over here, and I NEEDS ALL THE COLD WEATHER. I loooooove the cold! LET US SWITCH.
WHOA CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING YOUR SECOND DRAFT. :O That is amazing, girl! I've only ever done first drafts in the past so...*cough* There's a reason. ;)
OH MY GOSH, NANO IS COMING!!!! I think I've officially decided I'm doing it. I mean, life is REALLY crazy right now, but I've been wanting to do NaNo for years. I don't think life will ever slow down enough so I'm just going to have to take the plunge now. *is still highly doubting my sanity* I think I might be trying to finish up my WIP this month instead of starting a new project because I just...really don't want to have two books in the works at the same time. BUT WE'LL SEE BECAUSE I CHANGE MY MIND LIKE EVERY OTHER SECOND.
I loved hearing all about your September! AND OH MY WORD, HOW IS IT ALREADY OCTOBER LIKE WHAT???
"tastes like happiness." <-- perfect description. :D
DeleteIT'S IN THE 80s? o.o Today was rather nice, actually, despite it being 50 when I woke up. -.- I'm hanging onto these last few nice days before allll the below freezing temperatures come. :P
YOU'RE DOING NANO?! Eeek! That's so exciting! It makes me so happy to have my other writing friends join me in this insane adventure. :D
Ugh, deciding what novel to do is the worst. YOU CAN DO IT. Write them all. xD
Right?! I'm mildly (possibly more than mildly) freaking out about that.
Okay, I've never tried bullet journaling, but now i really want to give it a shot!!
ReplyDeleteOKAY IT WAS NATIONAL COFFEE DAY AND I DIDNT KNOW????? Inconceivable. Now I have to go drink an inordinate amount of coffee to make up for it x)
GOOD LUCK ON NANO!!! I'm taking a break this year. Can't wait to see how it goes for you!!
YES you totally should!
DeleteOH MY GOSH, YOU DIDN'T KNOW? *gasp* Go drink all the coffee to make up for it. Immediately. ;)
ReplyDeleteYUSS do the post about the bullet journal! I love what little I've seen of it (and alll that I've heard about it!!) I might want to get myself one of these bullet journals...
Ohhh man...I can't imagine how you reacted when you found out you were going to a REAL LIVE TWENTY-FIVE PILOTS CONCERT! Like WHAT EVEN?!
And it is October... *faints* *revives* *faints*...
HOW IS THE YEAR ALMOST OVER?! I feel like everyone keeps saying that! XD Maybe someone has used a time machine...
ACK that means twenty-nine days to decide whether I'm doing this thing called NaNo or not... *shifty eyes*
Wonderful post, Katie! I hope you have the best October!
DeleteI'm super excited to post about the bullet journal! It should be a fun one. :D
I know! I am beginning to sound like a broken record, "This year is going by so fast!" But it IS. Crazy.
*whisper* You should totally do the NaNo thing. :D Then we can be buddies on the site!
I hope your October is the best as well, Ariel! <3 Do you have anything you're looking forward to? :D
ANYTHING WITH CHOCLATE IS GOOD. Which reminds me, I need to snag the four dollar change and use that on food from the library coffee shop because that's the one place where you can treat yourself, and TREAT YO SELF is important. xD Bullet journaling <3 Your journal looks fantastic! And agh, Twenty One Pilots, you go (and blog and show us cool fangirling stuff, even if it's just the ticket stub)! But.. Mall of America? #problemsnotlivingincontinentialUS
ReplyDeleteAlso, for coding: I actually self-code. I've learned a ton of it via university summer courses alongside CodeAcademy and I code my blog designs anyway. I've used that same social media bar near your post titles code before, encountered the same problem, and actually know how to fix it, so if you still are looking for help on that, feel free to ask me or send me an email! ^.^
Ahahaha, second drafts... *sniffles* I'm kind of sad that NaNo isn't something that can be done this year, due to so many personal things and really just concentrating on editing to get beta readers look at it by Janurary, at the latest. I'm actually flailing because I don't know where to start editing, so it's been resorted to mainly plotting out what needed to happen and comparing a bunch of notes. But back to plotting-- you need to tell us what the Snowflake method is! xD
All right, time for APES. *orders pizza for takeout*
xoxo Morning
omg. wait. what. YOUR LIBRARY HAS A COFFEE SHOP? okay that is the best of both worlds and I need to visit wherever this beautiful place is. xD
DeleteOH YEAH I forget that it's probably just a big thing in my state. It's a giant four level mall with hundreds of shops and an amusement park and lots of craziness. xD
EEK. You are the kindest being on the earth. I was just about to email you when a girl got back to me! So I *should* be good now, but if I run into any problems or questions in the future I will think of you! You're awesome for volunteering. :D <3
Oooh, beta readers by January? o.O *can't remember if you already told me that or not but STILL THAT'S EXCITING* And I definitely will tell you about the Snowflake method! It's the best thing ever and I'm convinced I will use it for all my future novels. xD (at least if it continues to go well)
ReplyDeleteand that's SO cool that you're going to a twenty one pilots concert--I've heard that they put on really really good shows, and I'm so excited for you!
Can't wait to see your tour of your bullet journal!
Deleteand ahhh they really do and I cannot wait to actually *go* to one in person. It will be fabulous.
Thank you! I'm excited to post it. :D
dude. how do you seriously come up with the best titles ever like wut
ReplyDeletewhat's the snowflake method of plotting??
btw I'm going to "do" nano. a.k.a writing 20-30k in the month to finish up my already 45k book. so hopefully 60k or more? xD OCTOBER. GAH.
DeleteI honestly don't know how to explain it but. um. it helps you plot your book and it does that through a story and WELL HOPEFULLY I'LL COME UP WITH A BETTER WAY TO DESCRIBE IT BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST. xD
YUS. You can do the thing. And 20-30k is nothing to sneeze at. o.o
(Pshh, your header is gorgeous; it always is.)
ReplyDeleteFREAKING OUT OVER HERE ABOUT NANO. Just... eeek. o.o Ooh, and you're using the snowflake method? I shall have to try that, seeing as plotting is not coming along well. *cries*
AND FALL HAS COME! *aggressively loves fall but also despises cold like you* On the mountain where I live, the weather literally went from WARM to COLD just like that. Now I've cracked open the jeans and oversized sweaters. <3
Ahhh, your bullet journal is just so gorgeous. waht even. I reaaaally need to actually start my new journal, but I'M JUST SO BUSY. Ughhh. :P
A TIME TO RISE. It's almost here. I may or may not be freaking out. Just... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS THE END. Oh, my heart. Oh, my feels.
Basically another month has whirled by, and I am left with my mouth open. I'm so busy with school + NaNo plotting. (and the plotting part is usually useless words from an inspirationless brain that I quickly delete. -.-) So yes. My world is flying by. Hopefully I can slow down and b r e a t h e enough so I don't obsess over not being prepared for NaNo.
(also, just because I'm wondering, do you have a date slated for your first Burning Youth post? Because I'm really looking forward to that. <3)
Have a fabulous October, Katie! WE WILL SLAY NANO. Hopefully we can get together for some plotting sometime.
gahhh thank you <3
DeleteYES. I need some oversized sweaters. All my sweaters from last year became a-little-too-small-and-tight-to-be-called-an-appropriate-fall-sweater. :P
Sigh, same. It's been so insane these last few months. And we should totally have some times we can plot together and try to take things easy and relax before the nano craziness starts up. :P
(NOT YET. I will have to do it soon, though. :P It's one of those things I want to take slowly and when I have inspiration for and not necessarily have a deadline for and force the creative vibes. But I have a few ideas so I just have to write them. BUT GAH you made me so happy for asking you're the sweetest. <3)
Haha, mostly same over here. :P
DeleteYes, we shall have to do that. NaNo is just going to make things crazier, and while I'm ridiculously excited for it... I'm also dreading it? In a way. :P *doesn't make sense of things*
(Ohh, okay! That makes a lot of sense. So excited! :D)
This was an awesome post! Congrats on finishing your second draft! I'm still working on my first draft of my story.;) I wrote so much this month, and now I'm curious to know the actual word count...I wrote almost every day of the month and only took three days off! It was awesome!;)
ReplyDeleteMmm...yes, coffee... Although I can't do very strong coffee because it's just way too bitter.;P I like coffee with lots of cream and sugar.XD
I can't wait to see your future posts!!:D
Dude, that's so impressive! It's ridiculously difficult to make writing a habit, so I'm super impressed that you were able to do it so often. Go you!! :D
DeleteCOFFEE. I can't have too much cream or sugar in mine. Which is weird because I used to put lots of it in there. xD
Thank you, Emma! <3
*gives you a hug and chocolate kisses 'cause I love your blog and you're just a super fun person*
ReplyDelete*returns the hug and scatters the chocolate kisses everywhere like confetti because HEY YOU AND YOUR BLOG ROCK AS WELL*
DeleteI thrive off of coffeeee!
ReplyDeleteFor NaNo...*flops and feels horrible but I have no idea what I'm even doing* ARG ARG ARG
NO YOU STILL HAVE TIME. (well, not much time, but pfffft details)
DeleteAre you for sure going to do it?
*nods* AND I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING NOW SO THAT'S GOOD! *feels creepy because it's Thursday and I'm just now replying* NOW I HAVE TO FINISH THE OUTLINE AND TRY TO KEEP IT UNDER 100k
ehem. Sorry. i, um ... really like this title. *sheepish grin*
I CAN'T SADKJFALHSDKJFHASLDKJFWEALJF;AWE *flails wildly* it is just so beautiful AHHHHHH *cries*
EHEM. I live on coffee, as you know. COFFEE IS LIIIIIIFE. BUT LIKE, COFFEE DAY??? THAT'S A THING??? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. O.O I'm so glad you like it now AHHH! ALSO, i cannot wait to see your journal AHHH.
Delete(and gah I need to message you about the thing I keep forgetting. XD)
Yeess I love coffee. I actually drank some on National Coffee Day without realizing it was National Coffee day... Anyway, I plan on drinking a lot of it this November. xD
ReplyDeleteThat only proves that you're a true coffee lover. xD
DeleteDude, November is when writers live off of coffee and no sleep and it is fabulous. :P
Yes, I am a coffee drinker! I always thought it would be fun to work at a coffee shop! Those Twenty-Once Pilot bracelets are so cool! Oh, and I'm looking forward to seeing your bullet journal post!
ReplyDeleteIt is super fun to work at a coffee shop! It feels very writerly and it's nice to get free caffeine to fuel those creative vibes. :P
DeleteYay! I'm excited to write it. :D
You people doing NANOWRIMO are SOOO BRAVE and amazingly fast writers. Maybe writers should like coffee or tea, I dislike both :) And A Time To Rise... I am still not over that amazing book, I recommend the series to most people... but sometimes hesitate when I realize they will want to borrow my precious copies of the book, nope just not happening.
ReplyDeleteI used to dislike both, so you're not alone. Hot cocoa used to be my preferred drink. (it's still my preferred drink in the evenings. :D)
DeleteI'M SO GLAD THAT I'M NOT ALONE IN THAT. I want to borrow my copy to people, but then what if they bend the cover? or it tears? BECAUSE IT'S A SIGNED COPY AND THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT. I should probably just buy a copy of the book just for borrowing purposes. :P
YAY, I started bullet journaling this week and I'm already hooked so I'm curious to see yours. Literally, looking at other people's creation is my latest obssession.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your second draft, that's so amazing! But I have those same feelings towards my work. I just need to keep reminding myself that it can be polished and that I'm to critical. :D :D
YAY! Ooh, you should totally plan on sharing pictures of yours. That would be so neat to see!
DeleteYess, that is such a good reminder. Though hard to actually remember most of the time. -.-
Yaaaas coffee!! (And anything with chocolate in it is best, right?!?) Although I haven't had coffee in absolutely forever. Which is very sad and I should fix that *nods* ANYWAY! Congrats on finishing your draft! THAT IS AMAZING YAYYYYY!! Just in time for a little time off before NaNo, right?! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I just bought a little art journal that I'm going to start using for bullet journalling! If I...get up the courage.š There's just so many ways to do it ahhh!
Oh and we are in absolute agreement on The Star Touched Queen. I mean where even was the plot? I was so disappointed because everyone else seems to adore it. *weeps bitterly in the corner* And I also was totally befuddled with The Leaving's ending. But the rest was good so IDEK. OPINIONS ARE HARD SOMETIMES.š
I hope you have a grand October!!
(chocolate is just the best in general.)
DeleteYES YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO THE THING. Dude I bet yours will be the best of all and it will be sooo much fun to see pictures of the thing. *bounces* DO IT. xD
I KNOW. Ugh. Why is rating books so harddd. :P
Same to you, Cait! <3
COFFEE. Hm. I don't really like it, but it's good with stuff? Like I could never drink it straight up black (like 99.99% of the people I'm surrounded with everyday.) but i love frappuccinos and cappuccinos and all that good stuff so. (ALSO I THINK I JUST FIGURED OUT YOU WORK AT STARBUCKS? that is so cool!)
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR DRAFT!! That is so exciting. I don't think I'll be doing NaNo, just because I have like zero time (BECAUSE OF LOVELY SCHOOL OF COURSE) but I want to do it SOMEDAY.
I can't wait for your upcoming posts!
Ahhh yus that totally makes sense. I don't mind it black, but I also love the frappuccinos and all that. xD
Lovely school. .-. *stabs it*
Eek, thank you! :D
YOU'RE GOING TO A TWENTY ONE PILOTS CONCERT!!! *throws confetti* Something tells me that you're very excited right now XD. Will this be the first time you've gone to one of their concerts?
ReplyDeleteYOU FINISHED SECOND-DRAFT REWRITES! *more confetti* (this post calls for lots of confetti *nods*)So ... when do we get to read this thing? XD
NANO *shrieks*. I'm technically writing two things (apparently that's allowed?) but I wrote my main novel (The Game) down as what I'm writing this November, since that's what I'll (probably) be focusing on most. IT'S GOING TO BE SO FUN! (also, have you used 4TheWords before? NaNo has it on their 'sponsor' page and I though you might know about it)
A tour of your bullet journal. This sounds epic *nods*. AND YOU'RE GOING TO PLOT SOMETHING?! As a plantser, I wish you good luck *hands you luck (that's totally a thing)*.
~ Savannah
I AM SO VERY EXCITED AND I CANNOT WAIT. xD It will be my first concert! And I totally didn't expect that I would ever be able to go to one so soon, so I am a happy mess. :P
DeleteSO MUCH CONFETTI. Gah, who even knows. xD NEXT YEAR. Hopefully earlier than later but this book has been the evilest so far. I will be working hard on it and continue to give updates, though. *nod*
NANO. Ooh, nice. And scary. XD
Dude. So. Whoah. I just checked out 4TheWords and that looks SO COOL. o.O I want to try this out so badly. But yet I feel like I should use my free trial when I need the motivation instead of using it for November which is the most motivating month ever. I WILL DEFINITELY KEEP THIS IN MIND BECAUSE I WANT TO USE IT. o.o
Thank you! XD (and yes, luck is in the form of a pizza. how did you ever not know? ;)
Congrats on the second draft! I myself am working on the second draft rewrites of my book, and let me tell you, I am ready for the moment when I can push it into a deep dark corner and forget about it for the time being. XD
ReplyDeleteIT WILL COME, I PROMISE YOU. it just seems very far off. o.o BUT YOU CAN DO THE THING AND I BELIEVE IN YOU.
Deletebut seriously. I'm giving you all the luck in the world because you need it for those evil second drafts. xD
Awesome wrap up! Your journaling looks great and I can't wait to see more of it. Your book list looks like it had some great ones as well. Happy October! :D
ReplyDeleteEeek, thank you! I hope you have a great October. :D
DeleteAGHH *cries* You posted too late in the day so I am waaaay down low in the comments. D: I haven't been this low for sooo long.
ReplyDeleteFor the coders, my sister Alice can probably help you out. She has a website design business, and fixed my other sister's coded blog when it went weird. If you want her to try, I'm sure she'll be plenty happy to. :)
I need need neeeeed to start plotting my NaNo novel, because I have no clue what even happens in it, and we're going to be on holiday for half of October so-- *tries not to run away screaming* *deep breath* Hopefully I'll have SOME idea at least by the time NaNo comes. But it's waaaay too close.
*tosses pizza at you* YAY FOR FINISHING THE REWRITES!!! *starts dancing in mushroom clouds of confetti explosions*
Oh my goodness. That pic of your bullet journal is SO PRETTY!!! <3 <3 And the title of your NaNo novelll. So epic. Mine's 'Agent Kit.' :)
Great post basically. And I think this comment was quite long... :P
YEAH I was a very frustrated Katie when I woke up to find out that my scheduled post didn't ACTUALLY post. So now the email and everything was messed up but oh well. *sigh* :P
DeleteACK. YOU SHOULD GO PLOT THE THING NOW. o.o this is... the fairy tale retelling? I think? Or did you have a few different ideas you were deciding on? *has the worst memory in the world*
Mushroom clouds of confetti explosions. My new favorite thing. xD
Ooh, Agent Kit is cool! :D Now I'm double unsure of what you're writing. :P
Bahh, long comments are cool with me. xD
It took me aggges to decide between the Beauty and the Beast retelling, and the sequel to my Robin Hood retelling, but I've eventually decided on the sequel. :P I still want to do the retelling sometime though. Maybe for April Camp...
DeleteHehe, I've been told that the mushroom clouds is quite original. xD
*forces self to stop lengthening the comment and go and plot the thing* :P
AH! I need to finish writing my book so I can start something new for NaNoWriMo! But I seriously have no idea when it's going to be finished. I have a vague idea, but I don't know how long it is going to take me to get there.
ReplyDeleteEek, go go go, Gabriela!! I am around for alll the wars if you want them. :D
DeleteWe both started bullet journal last month!!! I'm in love with it too. It's just so much fun. I don't know why I didn't start one sooner. It's an amazing way to keep track of tasks and little moments. I CANT WAIT for the journal tour!!!! It'll be so great to see yours and maybe get some ideas! I bet it looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteI've been pretty busy the last few weeks, and I'm already neglecting my blog. Haha. I've only had it for one month. I'm crazy.
I'm so excited for you!!! TOP!!! When I saw it was coming to our home state I wondered if you'd go. I hope you have fun!! You'll have plenty of time to prepare!
Are you going to go to any of the red balloon events this week?
Brooke @ The Brookeworm
Oooh, you did? I NEED TO SEE PICTURES OF YOUR JOURNAL! You should totally do a post on them or send me some. :D
DeleteHeh, I totally understand. Blogging is hard. xD
YES! SUPER EXCITED! *dances* And I am, actually! I'm seeing Marissa Meyer tomorrow and this is exactly my reaction --> asjkdlf;.
I enjoyed reading through your monthly highlights! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's cool that you work at a coffee shop! :D
Oh, I've read "Deny" too. :)
I'm so glad! <3
DeleteIsn't it? It feels like a very writerly thing to do so it makes me happy. And free coffee to fuel me during NaNoWriMo! Mwahaha.
Awwh, it's such a lovely series. Have you read all of them?
Yes, I have read the other books in the Blades of Acktar series. :)
DeleteCoffee has and forever will have my heart! <3 Loved the post!
Yay for coffee! :D
DeleteAnd thank you, Hannah! <3
Oh my goodness! That is so awesome that you'll be going to a Twenty One Pilots concert!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually reading A Time to Speak right now, and so far I really like it. The cover for A Time to Rise is so cool.
ISN'T IT??! I am so stinking excited. o.O
DeleteOoh, you are? That's awesome! What part are you at? (and you'll need A Time to Rise after it... the cliffhanger is insane.)
They just got to Elm's village. It's such a good book! :D Oh no...I love cliffhangers, but it's so hard to wait for the next book then. :D Is A Time to Rise actually released yet?
DeleteI feel you on the editing subject. *groans* I'm trying to conquer two books at once, edited by different people and gosh is it HARD. It's so humiliating. >_< Thankfully, my editors are all very nice about their ways of telling me to fix everything. ;) But seriously, editing your book is like killing it. Slowly. With lots of torture devices. Arg.
ReplyDeleteI've decided too much is on my plate to handle NaNo this year, but I'm really REALLY hoping to pull it off next year. We'll have to see. ;)
Thank you for the pizza. I'll eat it while editing. :)
Eeek, how terrifying. Do you hire editors, or do you have friends for critique partners? Just curious. ^.^
DeleteThat makes sense! You can start planning wayyy ahead of time. xD
Just friends. But very talented ones. ;) I may have a professional editor take it past level three though. What do you do?
DeleteTWENTY PILOTS AAAAAHHHHHH. How was the concert? I got to go to a Casting Crowns concert last night, just random. =D
ReplyDeleteI don't drink coffee. And yet I love Starbucks to death. *hides face*
I haven't gone to the concert yet -- I'm going in February. :D
DeleteOoh, really? That's so cool! How was it? Do you have a favorite song by them? I discovered their song, "Just be Held" not too long ago, and really like it.
Hehe, Starbucks has lots of non-coffee drinks that are totally delicious. xD
Great post!!! Awesome!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! <3
DeleteYou're bullet journal looks like it is super cute! I haven't tried one yet, but constantly seeing them all over the internet in all their loveliness makes me want to try. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's what eventually made me cave and try one. There are just so many pretty ones, and it seems like exactly my type of thing -- and so far it is!
DeleteCoffee and Fall are my all time favorite things, Twenty One Pilots lucky!
DeleteSecond re writes sound so stressful o.O Hopefully I'll get to do one one day. And I want to start bullet journalling so that I'll actually do what intend to.