Sometimes blogging gets stressful.
Before I go on, let me quickly say that it's not always stressful. The fun is there -- almost always there -- but often enough I'll let the stress of blogging get to me.
I've been talking to lots of bloggers lately, and I've realized that we all feel the stress to a certain degree. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in that... but why? We blog because we enjoy it, right?
I've been talking to lots of bloggers lately, and I've realized that we all feel the stress to a certain degree. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in that... but why? We blog because we enjoy it, right?
Of course. But it's so easy to put the joy behind and let the stress rule instead (gosh, this is especially true for real life).
I'm going to explore the fears + doubts + stresses + pressures + thoughts we have about writing and talk about why they're insignificant. Let's do this.

But you are posting.
Let's face it -- blogging takes lots of time, and especially with school being a happening thing, time is hard to find. Sometimes you gotta enjoy the time you have and not fret about posting seventy times a week. (or even weekly. monthly. school and life is a thing and it's evil.)
Relax -- it's okay to push yourself to make time for blogging, but don't overdo it.
I struggle with this thought. If you struggle with it also, I'm gonna stop you right there. Your posts are interesting to someone. Different readers have different tastes. Some like humor, some like serious posts, writing inspiration, pictures, writing advice, wrap ups... the list goes on and on.
Not everyone is going to enjoy your posts, and that's okay. You have a blog because you have passion and talent. But someone out there is going to love what you do. (*points to myself* I love what you do, so there.)
Not everyone is going to enjoy your posts, and that's okay. You have a blog because you have passion and talent. But someone out there is going to love what you do. (*points to myself* I love what you do, so there.)
Relax -- if you are writing what you enjoy, someone else is going to enjoy the same thing.
So keep doing the thing.

But I have to keep repeating these reminders to myself:
- You will always grow and learn.
- You will keep writing books -- and have new things to write about through that.
- The world is always changing. Life is changing. You're changing. That alone is a great and wonderful story.
You may have "blogger's block" at several points throughout time, but you have a mind to keep creating posts.
Relax -- don't let your fear consume your creativity.
Relax -- don't let your fear consume your creativity.
Bloggers. Need. Breaks.
I can't reiterate that enough. I highly suggest that bloggers take "mind breaks." (a hiatus) It could be a week, a month -- however long you need to recover your poor, exhausted brain.
Will people be mad at you for taking a break? No. Disappointed, perhaps, that they won't see some posts for awhile, but you'll return and the wait is so worth it, then.
Will people stop reading your blog for you taking a break? Ha, no. The break helps them catch up on all the other posts you've written.
Will people forget about you once you take a break? No. Your blog will still be there. Their email subscription will still be there.
They might miss you while you take a break, but most of your readers are also bloggers. We understand. And even if they aren't bloggers -- it's easy to understand that life gets crazy.
Relax -- taking a break is important, and don't be afraid to do the thing.
... brainstorming some post topics that I'm really excited to write about.
... planning a blogging hiatus. (Not sure when. Either December or November. Or maybe half and half. WE'LL SEE.)
... creating a giant list of blog post ideas so I won't run out of posts anytime soon. (or so I hope -- ha.)
katie grace
Can you relate to any of these?
Does blogging ever stress you out?
Egh. Yes. I'm not a stressing sort of person, but I totally get all of this. I CONSTANTLY think 'maybe I don't post enough' and also the 'but what if this isn't actually as interesting as I think it is?'
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm totally planning an at least partial break in November. So I can focus on NaNo and not keep switching back to my Serial Blog story and getting distracted. (So I'm gonna think up a big cliffhanger for the last Friday of October and then say "See you in a month!" and run away laughing evilly. xD)
And, I just wanted to say, I love the title picture thing. :D It's just...I dunno, it looks cool anyway. :)
RIGHT? Ugh, I'm glad and sad that I'm not the only one. :P
DeleteOoh, that's a good idea. *nodnod* I think most people get behind in reading blog posts during November anyways, since they're so busy writing thousands for words. xD
(Evil, evil... *tsk* :P)
Eeep, thank you! I have to say, I'm quite proud of it, too. :P
I have been trying to rid myself of unnecessary stress, and taking breaks when I need them, has been incredibly helpful.
ReplyDeleteMost people are super sweet about it too.
I think that's what we need to keep remembering -- that bloggers understand and don't mind at all.
DeleteThis was so helpful! Usually I can leave any stress and worry behind and just enjoy making posts, but sometimes I can worry when I'm not posting enough or the ideas just are not coming. Luckily, I am at a good point with ideas.;)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your upcoming posts! I feel like you could write about your observations of the color black, and I would be totally interested and read every word.XD
Ooh, I'm glad you don't struggle with the stress as much. And I'm the same way. I used to worry more about that I wasn't posting enough, but now that I have a schedule I'm feeling better about it.
DeleteAwh. XD That made me laugh. :P
It's sooo... hard.... thoughh...
ReplyDeleteI KNOW. You're not alone in it, though. You can do it! <3
DeleteThis was such a good post! I totally understand when bloggers need to take a hiatus to rest and just really LIVE.
ReplyDeleteAlso, even though I don't have a blog, I may get one someday, so it's good for me to get this kind of exposure beforehand that it's HARD sometimes.
I'm so excited for your future posts! :D
Oh, and also, I love the beautiful photos you have in this post! <3
DeleteAnd... I think the 'share' buttons are blocking the post title? I don't know if it's purposeful or not, but I just thought I'd point it out. *shrugs*
Oh, you too? I thought it was just my computer and kept trying to refresh the page to see if that would make the share buttons move off the title. XD
DeleteIt is very hard. o.o Not scare you or anything... :P
DeleteUGH YES. xD I'm working on getting that fixed. For now it's just something annoying and distracting for you to look upon. :P
Blogging is indeed super stressful sometimes. And the thing is... I have loads of ideas! But hopefully, I might be able to organise things soon.
ReplyDeleteOoh, do share your ideas. ;)
DeleteKidding, but I'm glad you don't struggle with that! Heh, organizing is always the hard part. :P
Super helpful post, Katie! This is so true, and something that probably every single dedicated blogger struggles with. I look forward to your future posts, and will definitely keep coming back to this one! :D
Eeep, thank you, Emily! <3
DeleteI love how you tackle being afraid of running out of ideas. I've been blogging once a week for 3-ish years and I totally thought I'd run out of ideas after a year! Nope! Just like you said, te world is always changing, life is always changing, and we're ALWAYS learning new things.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Owl Ninja! ;)
I don't understand how you can keep it up for three years. YOU'RE A SUPER NINJA. o.o (even, uh, super-er than you were before. :P)
Delete*hugs* ;)
I love this post! It is so true..I have struggled with all of these at some point.
ReplyDeleteThis post was super helpful! Thank you, Katie!! ♥
You're so welcome, Megan! Thank you for reading. <3
DeleteSuch a helpful and encouraging post!!! I've been struggling with the same things lately, particularly blogger's block (yay it's a real term now) and content-wise. Thanks so much for the inspiration!! Keep doing what you're doing. I love all your posts. :D
ReplyDeleteBlogger's block. xD The term just makes me giggle because it sounds so ridiculous. :P
DeleteThank you! You can do the thing. :D
Wonderful post, Katie! These are definitely helpful tips. =)
Thank you, Ariel! <3
DeleteBlogging has super stressed me out in the past-- actually, consistant social media posting to build community/sell products/ etc etc IS SUPER STRESSFUL... if you're worried about content, posting enough, being interesting, etc... :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post, Katie! I needed to be reminded of this and I know a lot of other people did to.
Jeneca @ Jeniqua Writes
RIGHT? That has stressed me out, too. Which is silly, because social media shouldn't stress you out. But it's so very different being a writer, because that's just another part of your job. :P
DeleteThank you! <3
Okay, I really liked this post okay.
Deleteyou crack me up. I love that. XD (I guess I'm a toddler now? In the terrible twos? :P)
This was such a great post, Katie! I can relate to a lot of those actually...
ReplyDeleteI do get pretty stressed out with blogging and thinking of what to post. Sometimes I even feel guilty posting something I want post, when I know my readers are wanting something different. In those cases I have to remind myself that I owe it to myself to post something I'M wanting to post. And oh, blogger's block. Such a terrible thing... I've been having some blogger's block lately on my fandom/writing blog, but I'm determined to get through it! :)
Thanks for this post, Katie! Your posts are always so inspiring :)
Ugh, totally. I understand that. I'm trying to reshape my point of blogging, and make sure to post things that will be interesting, but also things that *I* enjoy. :D
DeleteAwh, thank you, Jaclynn! You're so sweet. <3
I took a huge break from blogging (like 3-4 MONTHS) because I just wanted to have some kind of plan and goals for it instead of just figuring it as I go. Thanks for the reassuring thoughts! I really needed some to dive back into the blogging pool! :)
ReplyDeleteOooh, that sounds so nice! I'm glad you were able to do that, and it also gives you time to become excited about returning back to the "blogging world." :D
Delete*applauds the lovely Katie post*
ReplyDeleteYES blogging can be stressful sometimes. Now and then I'll look through my posts and be like 'what IS this junk?!' because seriously, sometimes I just don't like what I write.
But then I remember that I'm writing for me and not anyone else, and I can go on posting. Somehow XD.
*applauds the nice Savannah comments* :P
DeleteRIGHT?! I refrain from going back and reading my own posts, because, no. Nope. XD
YES you must keep posting. :P
That's a great post, glad to know we're not alone. Very helpful.
ReplyDeleteSUCH A HELPFUL POST, OH MY WORD. I constantly wrestle with the stress of blogging. I don't post enough. I don't comment enough (gosh, it's so hard for me to be consistent in commenting :P). My posts are too boring. Too long. Too rambly.
ReplyDeleteOh, and my blog's too pink. (That's most likely true. :P)
I'm a very easily stressed out person. Everything seems to stress me out, and it's not. fun.
But you're so right! Ultimately, we blog because we LIKE it. It's FUN. Sure, we blog so we can get to know other bloggers and yes, our posts are partly for other people. But in the end, we blog because it's our passion. It's something we enjoy doing.
Thank you so much for the encouraging post, Katie! Your posts are always amazing. :D
IT'S SO HARD TO BE CONSISTENT IN COMMENTING. o.o I'm good at commenting back when people comment on my blog, but I'm HORRIBLE at going out of the way to just post a random comment. Gah, I need to get better at that, because comments are the nicest thing.
DeleteBahh, it *is* pink, but I don't think it can be *too* pink. (Maybe for the guys. But there's like two guys bloggers to ever exist so you're good. XD)
RIGHT? Same. I'm with you, girl. I can get stressed over the littlest of things and its just not fun. x.x
Thank you for your sweet comments, Mary! <3
*whispers* NO your blog doesn't have too much pink, Mary - I love it!
Delete~ Savannah
*blushes* D'awww, thanks so much, Savannah! <3
DeleteOh, yes. I think every blogger feels these. Thanks for putting them all in one post.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think November would be a good time to take a break, especially if you're doing NaNoWriMo. And then you can come back with a NaNo wrap-up. ^-^
You are very welcome. :P
DeleteMwahaha, that is a good idea. I should decide what I'm doing soon, so it's not suddenly March and I'm still debating when to take a hiatus. -.-
SUCH A GOOD POST!! Bravo. And I have been thinking about taking a break, and I think this post was just what I needed to be the deciding factor. :)
ReplyDeleteDO THE THING! We'll miss you, but look forward to when you come back. It'll be so refreshing. :D
DeleteGreat post, Katie!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Aunt Kathy! <3
DeleteKatie, yes, yes, yes. I feel quite stressed currently with school and such and I've pushed blogging aside, which stresses me out because I don't want to push it aside. I fear not having enough, not reading enough, and not relating enough. But you encouraged me that even an awesome blogger like yourself struggles with these things too! We're in this together, so let's make it a joyful, not stressful, experience!
DeleteI love what you said. It's so nice having a community to go to when it all gets a little overwhelming. So blessed to know you! <3
ReplyDeleteLike the entire I read this post I'm just nodding at everything IT'S SO TRUE. We blog because we genuinely lOVE blogging, and honestly sometimes I wonder how I stuck it out for so long. BECAUSE SO TRUE TO MY ENFP CHARACTER I USUALLY PICK UP A PROJECT FOR ONE MONTH AND THEN FORGOT ABOUT IT FOR THREE YEARS. And then I find it and want to restart it. ^_^ So I've figured that blogging/writing is something that is me. Because I'm pretty sure otherwise I would've dropped it ages ago. :)
AND YES the fear of what if no one likes my posts IS SO REAL. Like half the time I'm just like "Okay no one is going to read this and it's going to be a fail." SOMETIMES IT IS AND SOMETIMES IT ISN'T. Like you said, I think everybody's going to have something they like. BUT DUDE like you are seriously like an amazing blogger. One day you're going to be this famous author who runs this popular blog and everyone will want to be like you.
YES EXACTLY. As ENFPs we are so prone to forget and drop and be scatter brained and start a million things but never finish everything, and this is especially why I think I writing is for me, because I can't see myself dropping it anytime soon.
DeleteRIGHT?! I think that with every post and it scares me half to death. That's why I publish it right before I go to bed (or schedule it to publish in the middle of the night) so I don't have that fear of, "Have people read it yet? Did they like it? Do they hate it?" :P
I started my first blog when I was 10, and slowed down over the past couple of years. Due to different things, but most of what you mention here.
ReplyDeleteBlogging hard, but fun. :)
Oh, wow. You've been blogging for such a long time, then! Wow, good for you. :D
DeleteI definitely agree.
Yes, I like the points you brought up here - your posts are always helpful and practical.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that's really helped me with the stresses of blogging is remembering that it's my blog. (I hate saying that to be honest, because only God enables me to do it, but anyway, for this particular point, it's my blog.) Yes, I care deeply about my readers, and yes it's nice to write posts that get lots of views, but in the end if I don't get that post written on time, that's okay. If a post doesn't get so many views, that's okay. I shared what was on my heart, and that's all I can do. I don't even know if that explanation made sense - but basically, it's freeing to just be genuine, and stop trying to be perfect.
Anyway, once I again: I enjoyed this post. It was encouraging. :)
That is so important to remember. I think what we want to write can sometimes be different than what people want to read, but like you said -- it's for us. :D
DeleteThank you! <3
Oh no, your social media share button bar went mad like mine, my web designer sister managed to fix it for me though... the problems with custom blogs.
ReplyDeleteI know. -.- I'm working on it. :P
DeleteI can definitely relate to this post. Only started my blog this year and one worry had early on was that I wasn't posting enough though now I feel more confident about how much it was still there. I definitely worry that I will run out of things to say, but I also know that a pieces here and here to be developed into blog posts or ones that have already been written in a notebook or elsewhere. I think sometimes we tend to worry when we really don't need to be.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post. :)
YES! I try to write down all the blogging thoughts I have so I will have them in "storage" for later use, though lots of times I think I'll remember it and then forget. #fail :P
DeleteThank you! <3
Oh, I can so relate to this post! Thanks for writing! =)
ReplyDeleteYou're so welcome -- thank you for reading. :D
DeleteBlogging stress? I wouldn't know what that is, says she who took an unplanned two month blogging break due to stress, burnout and general lack of motivation. Relating to this post so much. I'm slowly trying to come back without getting stressed out again. Which involves revamping my posting schedule, and writing whatever interests me in the moment. Breaks are the best things for killing blogging stress *nods*
ReplyDeleteYES, breaks are amazing as are changing up posting schedules. Mine works well for me right now. I would love to post more often, but life is too crazy and doesn't allow for that. :P Maybe someday.
DeleteI haven't really been a blogger for very long, but I still have stressed. I was worried about design and coding stuff, which I'm clueless at. And I was worried about people not liking my content or my writing style. I had a lot of thoughts like, this is lame, or no ones going to do the tag so why bother. That's actually what kept me from starting a blog for so long. I was worried people wouldn't like it and I'd have no ideas for content. I get worked up and stressed easily so it's something I've just learned to (somewhat) get over.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your posts. And I agree. I'm always telling my blogging buddies that taking a break is okay.
But overall I think it's worth it :).
Brooke @ The Brookeworm
DESIGN AND CODING STUFF IS SO COMPLICATED. xD I think everyone struggles with that to a fair amount, so don't worry. :P
DeleteYou can do it! I can't wait to see all of YOUR future posts! New blogs are so exciting. :D
ReplyDelete*fist pump*
ReplyDeleteExcuse me while I stalk all posts and bloggers for the next 1240857 hours. cya! *lowers professional stalking sunglasses*
- Emily @
*thinks that maybe you commented on the wrong post but YES* xD
DeleteWhoops! Yes indeed. Meant to post that on the next to the last post... Haha! BUT THIS WAS A GOOD POST TOO
DeleteOh wow, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR. Earlier this week I was beating myself up that I hadn't posted anything for several days and thinking what a horrible blogger I am for that, but you're so right. It should be fun, not stressful. And this whole post just kicked a lot of my blogging insecurities, for which I am thankful.
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE SUCH A GOOD BLOGGER, THOUGH. I love all of your posts (even if I fail to comment on a lot of them. :D
Delete...blogging doesn't need to be stressful???
ReplyDeleteXD Kidding. Kind of. I love blogging but gosh it stresses me out too often hahaha.
Um your posts are so far from boring it's not even funny. I literally love everything that you post!!
I just came back from a hiatus and it's like BAM CATCH UP ON EVERYTHING. So I'm trying not to let myself stress out over that. I WILL PREVAIL!
I can't wait to see the posts that you're excited about! :) We'll miss you when you go on hiatus, but I know it's a very good thing<3
That's the one thing that freaks me out about taking a hiatus -- I literally do not know how I will keep up on everything. XD I'll probably take a hiatus from just posting on my blog, but continue to stalk and comment on allll the blogs.
DeleteBlogging stress? What is that? *maniacal laughter*
Thank you for this post, Katie! It's timely for me since I've really struggled with blogging ever since I started working back in March. My track record since then makes me cringe, but you're right--I'm still blogging, I just need to adjust my schedule and take a look at it from a new angle.
Amen, sister. I used to be afraid that I would run out of content ideas, but I keep on having ones constantly and new things I learn, read, hear just create more. And taking a haitus definitely helps, so take heart, Katie! Although, we'll miss you lots. <3 Will you still be on Twitter and available to chat?
*maniacal laughter with you* xD
DeleteEek, yes. I totally understand the struggle with the new working angle. I'm in that boat right now, and it's SO HARD. *sobs* You can do it! <3 <3
Ha, I don't think I could ever NOT be on Twitter. ;)