Happy Saturday!
Have you heard of #WIPjoy? If you're not familiar with it, it's a Twitter hashtag created by Bethany Jennings that involves daily prompts and chances for writers to share about their novel. She's created a lovely Twitter community full of writers encouraging each other and becoming excited over future stories. :D
The idea is that you keep up with the hashtag, tweeting your answers every day... but I have a habit of forgetting about it and falling behind (whoops). So I'm going to choose my favorite questions and compile them in a blog post.
describe yourself and your WIP
I'm a pizza eating, pun making, and story flailing, and bad-at-describing-myself writer. :P
My WIP is called Where Shadows Lie, and it follows Eerie, a young girl, trying to save her parents from shape-shifting shadows. (and that's the best I can do for a one sentence pitch xD)
My WIP is called Where Shadows Lie, and it follows Eerie, a young girl, trying to save her parents from shape-shifting shadows. (and that's the best I can do for a one sentence pitch xD)
your first inspiration for this WIP
I feel like a lot of writers get their first inspiration for the plot or characters, but I usually get my ideas from a mood/aesthetic/vibe/feel (who knows if that makes sense xD). I was on the way to a youth retreat with my youth group. We drove past a hauntingly beautiful forest of birch trees and BOOM! I immediately knew that I had to make their twisting branches and shadows my next story setting.
would you rather: get trapped in your story for a week, or have your antagonist enter your life for a day?
BOTH OF THESE SOUND EQUALLY TERRIFYING. Have my antagonist enter my life? Uhh, no thanks, especially if they're specifically in my life to hunt me down, and, er, finish me.
I would love to meet the characters in my world... but I'm not sure how I well I'd survive with the shadows and the creepy forest and the shape-shifting darkness. I'd probably have to go with that option, though. How could I pass down an opportunity like that? <3 (I feel like being trapped in my story is basically like being trapped in my own mind for a week. #research xD)
a line you nailed perfectly
I'm not one to share a lot of my writing, and it's rare for me to be insanely confident with one line... but I spent forever trying to come up with the title for my first chapter and I'm happy with how it turned out:
chapter one: beware the monsters of the birchwood forestI'm also fairly satisfied with my first line?? (below)
We can't leave, because the shadows won't let us.So the first two lines are great, and then everything's a mess from there on out. xD
OKAY THAT'S JUST AN EVIL QUESTION. *shudders* Are you trying to torture me? ('cause you're succeeding)
*comes back to this question after a literal ten minutes of thinking about it*
I've decided that I'd be okay with either. Yeah, I'd love to publish this WIP, but I have so many novels in my future! I've got time -- lately I've been talking about not rushing the process, and this is part of that.
If this WIP was made into a horrible movie, at first I would be terribly disappointed. But look at the Percy Jackson movies -- everyone hates those, but the books are still insanely popular and loved. If anything, it would drive more traffic back to the original story.
So, like any other "would you rather" question I'm given, I can't decide. But there's my reasoning for both. :P
*comes back to this question after a literal ten minutes of thinking about it*
I've decided that I'd be okay with either. Yeah, I'd love to publish this WIP, but I have so many novels in my future! I've got time -- lately I've been talking about not rushing the process, and this is part of that.
If this WIP was made into a horrible movie, at first I would be terribly disappointed. But look at the Percy Jackson movies -- everyone hates those, but the books are still insanely popular and loved. If anything, it would drive more traffic back to the original story.
So, like any other "would you rather" question I'm given, I can't decide. But there's my reasoning for both. :P
choose an ideal reading spot, food, drink, and music to go with your book

reading spot: quiet window seat with the view of a gray, stormy sea
food: pizza DUH
drink: CHAI. <3 or tea. or coffee. really anything cozy and soothing would work
drink: CHAI. <3 or tea. or coffee. really anything cozy and soothing would work
music: haunting instrumentals, Aurora, the sound of the crashing waves, aching silence
what's something you're still figuring out about this WIP?
Beside the plot and the beginning and the middle and the characters and the setting and the conflict and the story arc? (you think I'm kidding but I'm mostly serious. :P)
The ending. Endings are incredibly difficult for me. (because no matter how great of a beginning you have, I feel like the reader is always going to walk away from the book with the emotion you give them at the end: are they satisfied? disappointed? angry? inspired?)
The ending. Endings are incredibly difficult for me. (because no matter how great of a beginning you have, I feel like the reader is always going to walk away from the book with the emotion you give them at the end: are they satisfied? disappointed? angry? inspired?)
share a thought that keeps you going as a writer
Here's a couple because I can't just keep it to one:
You're the only person who can write this story.
A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit. (Richard Bach)
A writer is a writer not because she has amazing talent, or because everything she does is golden. A writer is a writer because, even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway. (Junot Diaz)
The secret to writing is pizza. (Katie Grace (hehe...)
a line that was hard to write
The answer to this question would mean copying and pasting my 77,000 word novel into this blog post, because every. single. sentence. proved to be difficult and took much thought and creativity.
So. There. Writing is hard. :P
So. There. Writing is hard. :P
why do you yearn to share this story with the world?
katie grace
how did you get the inspiration for your WIP?
OOH EEEP *SCREAMS AND FLAILS AND RUNS IN CIRCLES* THIS IS SO COOOL. *screams some more* I loved hearing more about Where Shadows Lie AND ACK IT SOUNDS SO AMAZING - LIKE ALWAYS - AND YEEEP. *more screaming*
ReplyDeleteSorry for all the screams. XD
DeleteAHHHH that vibe <3 *hearteyes*
ReplyDeleteI have seen #WIPjoy and it seems like a really cool hashtag :) I absolutely love the aesthetic and feel of your novel, keep us updated!
Anna - www.worldthroughherheart.blogspot.com
Doesn't it? I need to get better about actually participating... but it's a cool prompt. :D
ReplyDelete*gulp* *wide eyes* UM... PRETTY SURE I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE RIGHT NOW. xD
Deleteomw this is cool and I want to read your book rn XD
ReplyDeletearg, I feel the same way. Like I plotted my whole book and came to a dead stop with the ending. I just /dont/ know what last feeling I want to leave people with, but I kinda figure it might come to me in the end (ooorrrr) feel really lame. :P I feel like it has made writing a struggle, though. I am majorly failing at nano, which is totally not me normally, but oh well xP hows nano going for you??
good luck on your novel, Katie, you can do this!
eeee thank you, sarah xD
DeleteRIGHT? Ugh, why do endings even have to exist? They're such a bother. >.<
Nooo I'm sorry NaNo isn't going well. Are you writing for this Camp? Or editing? Camp is going okay for me, but it's exhausting. So busy ugh. :P
ReplyDeleteKATIE YOUR NOVEL SOUNDS SO AMAZING. *flails* So... (the dreaded question of all time) When are you publishing it??!
Kidding. Sort of. I definitely want to read it, though.
And I really like this... thing. The #wipJoy thing. I don't even know what to call it. Maybe I'll do it after the craziness of Nano is over! :D
*rereads post and flails some more*
<333, Zane
*weeps* I wish there was an easy answer to that question. Someday? xD Meanwhile I have lots and lots and LOTS of editing to do. :P
DeleteOOH you should totally do that! I'd love to read your post. *flails* :D
Oh my gosh, this looks so cool. I love hearing about people's WIPs.
ReplyDeleteEee, thank you. I'd always love to hear about your WIP if you're even open to sharing. ^.^
DeleteIt's not much; I've been working on it really inconsistently for ages and I'm just now starting to draft it. It's this sci fi/fantasy mess wherein a couple scientists mess around a bit too much with genetics and magic and semi-accidentally create several dragon creatures which, predictably, end up escaping and wreaking havoc on a city. The story sort of alternates between the group of people leading the defense in the town and the two scientists as they struggle with what they've done and scramble to find a solution That's not a very good synopsis, haha.
DeleteDUDE that sounds so cool, though?? I can just picture the scientists panicking over these monsters they created. XD I really want to read this because it sounds amazing. It's very unique. :D
DeleteOh hey, thanks so much!
DeleteThe inspiration for my WIP came from the sea. I adore the sea so much ( and it's a bonus my last name means by the sea). :)
ReplyDeleteI honestly can't remember what first triggered my idea.
And I can relate on writing endings. I'm coming down to the end on my WIP and I feel like it's such a let down.
Oooh, that is so intriguing! I love the sea -- the waves and the mystery and how it can be seen as calming or deadly. So cool. :D
DeleteSigh, you're not the only one. Thankfully that's where editing comes in. :P
AAAHHH THIS POST WAS SO AWESOME. I LOVED LOVED LOVED hearing about your WIP. You're so brave to talk about it xD
ReplyDeleteomw THANK YOU for introducing me to Aurora bc she's literally all I listen to now! "Runway" feels like the soundtrack to my current WIP and the creepy vibes of "Winter Bird" I'm saving for the (creepy) sequel xD Then "Warrior" is playing in my head 24/7 and inspiring my new nanowrimo novel. The inspiration from that one came from literally nothing several weeks ago (well, kinda. I was thinking about dreams then wondered "what if they are illegal?" and "what if this girl could only see in shades of gray?")
audrey caylin
EEE I KNOW IT WAS SCARY TO POST. But I figure that as an author I'm going to have to talk about it more freely, and I didn't give away that much information, so I was pretty comfortable with clicking publish. :P
DeleteAHHH RIGHT?? I'M SO GLAD YOU GAVE HER A LISTEN! Eeeek she's so amazing. *flails*
Duude illegal dreams? I'm in for this. o.o
Your story sounds amazing, Katie!! <3 <3 THIS POST WAS SO INSPIRATIONAL.
DeleteMy life is my inspiration for my WIP to be honest xD
ReplyDeleteAnd your story sounds so good!
Ehehe that works plenty well enough. xD
DeleteAww I love this post so much!! I remember learning some about this one ... for NaNo maybe?? Anyway, this is a GREAT post idea and it was so fun to learn more about Where Shadows Lie :D
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, I honestly haven't had much inspiration for Martin Crossroads because it's a sequel, so it had to happen XP That's been one of my problems with writing it I think ;) But I'm getting there.
Yes! It was for NaNo. Great memory -- I could barely remember when I had posted about it last. :P
DeleteAhh that makes sense! I think sequels are always harder that way because there's not the big strike of inspiration and excitement when the idea first arises. You got this!
THIS IS SUCH A FANTASTIC POST! I'm so intrigued by your story! Shape-shifting shadows??? Gah I want to read this. And I feel you- my novel was somewhat inspired by an aesthetic as well. It's crazy how something so simple can trigger a whole story!
DeleteOooh really? You're writing a dystopian novel, right? Ugh I can't remember. -.-
I loved this post so much! Your WIP sounds so cool!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Abby! <3
DeleteAHHH this post was so cool.
ReplyDeleteI actually have a cool story behind Forgotten. See, it originated from More Than You Think I Am by Danny Gokey. However, it's since changed in too many ways to even be close to the same story.
DeleteOoh, really? That's so cool! That's a song, right...? (I recognize the artist name, I think.) I've had a story idea come song before as well and it's always cool to have a theme song for the story. :D
Yeah, it's one of his more popular songs I think...he's like my favorite artist lol. Yeah, problem is it can't really be a theme song for Forgotten anymore cause the concept has completely changed...
DeleteYour story sounds very creepy I love it!
ReplyDeleteEee thank you! ^.^
DeleteAs always when you mention this story, I am amazed. :-P I sooo want to read this, even if it's a mess right now. ^~^
ReplyDeleteUgh. *headdesks repeatedly* Endings. Yes. >.< That's my problem, too. Especially in this story...
No, you don't want to read it. Believe me when I say that. xD
Delete(but... I want to read yours, so. :P)
*stabs the ending because that should all the problems, right?*
Heh. xP I could say the same to you about mine.
DeleteEnding: *is stabbed and all the problems are solved*
Oooh other people's WIPs are always so cool to read about!!
ReplyDelete(Also y'all writerly people. WOW. I can't)
Right? It's one of my favorite things. :D
ReplyDeleteI love it when you can get totally inspired by just being in a cool atmosphere! I've gotten lots of story ideas from aesthetic and just going out and observing the world.
Yessss, endings are HARD. I never know if it's too much of a cliffhanger, especially writing series...because *I* know what's going to happen, (usually, anyway XD), but the reader doesn't going to know ANYTHING. How do I know if I did it right?! HELP. XD
I might do a post about one of my WIPs...We'll see. ;)
DeleteOooh, that's also super hard. I have a major love-hate relationship with cliffhangers. :P When you're ready to send it out to beta readers I'm sure they can always help with the opinion on the ending. :D
DO IT! I really want to know more about your stores. o.o
I love hearing about your WIPs!! And I also come up with the mood and aesthetic of my story first :D
Ooh, really? That's so cool! Nice to know that I'm not the only one like that. :D
DeleteYour WIP sounds so interesting!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jolly!
DeleteLove this! I really ought to do it on my blog this week. And . . . inspiration for my WIP? It actually came from a handful of different places over time, but mostly from the books Torrent (River of Time Series) and Defy (Blades of Acktar Series). EEPPIICC BOOKS!
ReplyDeleteYour WIP sounds seriously cool. Good luck! *sends pizza your way for inspiration* :)
DO IT! I'd love to read your post. :D
DeleteBLADES OF ACKTAR! That series is awesome (as well as the author). It makes me happy that you're familiar with them. :D
*shares pizza for allll the inspiration*
Done! And such fun! https://hannahgaudetteauthor.wordpress.com/2017/07/31/wipjoy-and-a-book-update/
DeleteKAAATIEE this book seriously still sounds so amazing. I need it. Right now. xD
DeleteOy, your story sounds so cool! That's really neat where you got the idea from - my WIP was built up over a few months, as little ideas came to me (a character here, a plot there, a scene from somewhere else). But I love hearing about other writer's stories! *raises cup of tea in salute*
ReplyDeleteAnd the quotes you choose are great!
Ooh that's interesting! What is your WIP about? *raises my own cuppa tea in salute*
DeleteGoshers, this is so fun! :D I love your post... and I feel you about the 'mood' thing and seeing something random driving by, getting a whole story from it... yes. Your story sounds so cool! :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm gonna do this, but in video form. =P If you wanna see it, I can send it to you when I finish it. ;)
God bless!
-Ang | thepeculiarmessenger.wordpress.com
Yeah it's so weird how it randomly came to me. I'm very thankful that it did, though. xD
DeleteDO IT! TOTALLY SEND IT TO ME! I want to see it. :D
Where Shadows Lie looks amazing!!! I'm not on twitter, but I think I might do part of this because it looks really cool. And I really like the name Eerie, its pretty and sounds so...well, eerie. that first line as well gives me shivers. well done!
ReplyDeleteYou should totally do it! I think it works well as a blogging prompt as well. :)
DeleteEeep thank you. <3
I love those lines and quotes!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteFavorite part of the post: Eerie's name. It's so beautiful and haunting at the same time.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I know the secret to writing! Yay, pizza!
Yes, I totally agree about Eerie's name. It's so perfect for the story!
DeleteDude, thank you so much! I spent so much time trying to find the right name. Names are the hardest. -.-
DeleteHUZZAH! :P
Your book sounds Amazing!! (If you don't know who I am, I'm one of Jane and Slisby's friends, Ralraymee)
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about Jane Maree? *waves* Nice to meet you. :D
DeleteAhhh I'm so happy to finally read a WSL post!! *hugs post* This is such a lovely idea. And I love all your answers!! :D
ReplyDeleteEEE thank you hannah dear. <3 <3
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