July was a good month, but I'm excited for August to come.
This happened this month:
The Night Circus [3/5]
The Scorpio Races [5/5]
Kingdom of Ash and Briars [1/5]
(I feel like my month could be summarized as "a superhero-y kind of month" :P)
I know I comment on the busyness of life every month... but I honestly think July was my busiest month yet. *collapses* I think I feel this way after every NaNo month -- exhausted and accomplished... but really just ready for a break after all the late nights of writing after work and school and life. :P
Let me say this: I really love movies. I know I'm a bookworm and I feel a little traitorous by typing that... but movies hold a special place in my heart. July's movies can be summed up by one character: Spider-Man. I watched the original Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man, and the newest one twice! Bet you can't guess who my favorite superhero is. :P
I also saw the movie Dunkirk! It's not my usual genre -- I don't think I've really ever watched a war movie, but the trailer looked awesome, the music sounded awesome, and Christopher Nolan directed it, so I knew it would be awesome. It was such a different movie, which is why I loved it so much. It's like it was made of a series of moments, not focusing on the big picture, but the memories and images that stand out. It's hard to explain so you'll just have to go and see it for yourself. But, man. I want to write books like Christopher Nolan directs movies. <3
Switching to talking about blogging... One night, when I was supposed to be editing, I became inspired and did some coding for a new sidebar widget. If you're reading this post in your browser on a desktop, you can hover over the images under the "read more" section and it should direct you to new posts. (The HTML coding might've broken my brain but I'm glad I finally figured it out :P)
I've woken up exactly seven minutes before my alarm two days in a row so does this mean I'm a superhero now— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) July 22, 2017
So. Reading this month. *laughs nervously* ...I read three books. (and bought four. heh. (pictured above) No, not the greatest. Not the worst, but I'm okay with it. I'm debating whether I should change my Goodreads goal from 100 to... something lower. But that feels like cheating, and I don't know what to change it to, and part of me hopes to still reach 100 even though there's like a .0001% chance of that still happening. (one can dream :P)
Even if it wasn't a good month for reading lots of books... LOOK AT HOW GORGEOUS ALL THOSE COVERS ARE (!!!). That automatically makes everything a bit better. xD
The Scorpio Races [5/5]
Kingdom of Ash and Briars [1/5]
Along the lines of good and bookish things... I finally converted my sister into the bookworm world. She's cruising through the Lunar Chronicles faster than any of the books I read this month, and this is HUGE, considering she read a total of like three books last year. So I'm a happy and proud older sister. :')
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[editing on Independence Day with appropriately themed pen colors :P] |
So many writing things have gone done this month. I started off July strong with finishing my novel, WTaRR. I'm not happy with the ending (or most of the book, if we're being honest), but I'm just glad to be done with it. This novel has become my new "problem child," and I'm content to let it rest on the shelf for a good couple years months before tackling edits.
Meanwhile, I'm slowly cranking along with my Camp NaNo goal (90 minutes a day). I'm behind (no surprise) BUT I'M DETERMINED TO STILL MAKE IT! I'm editing the second draft of Where Shadows Lie. I spent the first week of Camp re-outlining the entire plot, which was exhausting, but SO. WORTH. IT. I finally solved a plot hole hole that's been bothering me since I've plotted this novel, and I couldn't be more relieved. (it's the best feeling ever <3)
Also... *whisper*
in a matter of one day I went from, "nah, I don't think I'll every write a superhero book" to, "GUESS WHAT THIS YEAR'S NANO NOVEL WILL BE?"— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) July 5, 2017
By the way, I'm insanely jealous of all you lucky people who went to Realm Makers this year. I didn't think I would get very envious, but the pictures and workshop tidbits are being posted and I want a teleportation device now more than ever.
*whisper* August is going to be my three year blogging anniversary. o.o And I have nothing planned. Any ideas or posts you want to see? Otherwise I might do things a little more laid-back this year. It'll be a surprise for everyone involved. :P
Jeneca and I had a lovely conversation about conflicting feedback from critiquers and beta readers, so I might wrap up some of the points we discussed in a post ('tis a tricky matter).
I look forward to chatting with all of you in August! Enjoy the last month of summer. *sniff* (but that means fall is next, which is my favorite season, so I can't be too sad. ;)
katie grace
did you buy any books this month?
watch any good movies?