Happy Saturday, everyone! I'm on a youth retreat this weekend, so I'll be a little slow in answering comments. (and which is why I'm doing a Camp NaNo wrap up of sorts instead of an official post, because my brain cannot brain anymore.)
In past posts I've gone over the NaNo journey day by day, but as I tried to piece that together, all the days seemed the same and I couldn't differentiate one from the other. So... you're getting a mashup of them all and general rambles about the month. xD
(image headers will return in may once the nano insanity is over xD)
(image headers will return in may once the nano insanity is over xD)
"So, Katie," you hypothetically ask me. "How is Camp really going? How are you really feeling about the insanity of this month?"
[insert me collapsed on the ground with dreary eyes trying to do the wording thing at twelve a.m. every night and failing]
This month was not the greatest month for Camp NaNoWriMo, and I'm feeling quite exhausted. Like this past week -- I've been busy literally all day with school and work and other activities, and my first opportunity to write is ten at night. Which by then the last thing I want to do is try to make words come out. xD
But I've been chugging along. I have three more days of insanity and then (hopefully) I'll have some time to catch up. I'm beginning to realize that this is the new normal and I just have to learn how to deal with it. (yaaay xD)
In some ways I "enjoy" being busy. I'm an extrovert, so constantly connecting with people really awakes my mind and gives me energy. Having a full schedule motivates me to make the most out of the little free time I have, which leads to wasting less time overall.
In some ways I "enjoy" being busy. I'm an extrovert, so constantly connecting with people really awakes my mind and gives me energy. Having a full schedule motivates me to make the most out of the little free time I have, which leads to wasting less time overall.
On the other hand, all this activity still makes me worn out and it's hard to balance everything. My reading has plummeted this month and I had to return all my library books without reading them. (and received fines in the process because I keep forgetting to check the due date wHOOPS) The busyness has led to lots of stress which is never fun. -.-
One of the good things about this month was a lovely writing retreat with Nadine, Tricia, and Ashley. This was absolutely crucial to my word count and taking a nice rest in general. There were many giggles and cups of coffee and tea and pizza and laughter and word wars and pictures and happiness that weekend. <3

![]() |
how we felt after conquering #10k1day |
"So you talked about the month, Katie, but what about your story? How's the writing going?"
My story started off wonderfully! Now? Ehhh. I didn't plot as in depth as I should've, which has led to me feeling a little stuck. I have a vague ending to the story, but... I'm going to have to channel my inner panster for the rest of this novel. :P I already know that this novel will require lots of edits. Huzzah. xD
I do love this story, though. I love the aesthetics and the mood and the characters are slowly growing on me. It's my first time doing a prequel, and it's been fun incorporating little hints and things that will take place in Where Shadows Lie.
I do love this story, though. I love the aesthetics and the mood and the characters are slowly growing on me. It's my first time doing a prequel, and it's been fun incorporating little hints and things that will take place in Where Shadows Lie.
Because I'm slightly obsessed with aesthetics, I made one last night instead of writing. #noregrets (I'm really happy with how this one turned out and asdjkfl; I can't stop looking at ittt)
'Twas a quick little update, but thank you for reading anyways. I hope you all survive your own busy lives and that Camp NaNo is going well! EIGHT MORE DAYS. Basically a week. Don't freak out, don't freak out... [quietly freaks out]
katie grace
katie grace
you ready for camp to end?
do you have any novel aesthetics?
that picture is gorgeousness.
ReplyDeletethat's so awesome that you got to go on that little writer's retreat!
you can survive camp nano, i have faith in you miss katie grace :)
eeep thank you! you're so sweet, Eliza. <3
DeleteGood luck on the last week of camp :-)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOUU! <3
DeleteGO KATIE YOU CAN DO IT. I BELIEVE IN YOU. *sends you motivational pizza and dragons and confetti*
ReplyDeleteSo jealous of that writer's retreat though (WITH NADIIIINE <3). It sounds like it was insanely fun.
I actually had a week over at my cousin's place, and she's in my cabin so we had a few word wars and stuff. (Although a lot of the time we got distracted by other things xP) But it was a ton of fun and we both had a great time. (And she introduced me to chai tea, which is now officially the best *nods*)
I've been really enjoying camp, but this month has gone SO FAST. And I'm really hoping to get my novel draft done by the end of the month. *starts freaking out* *actually was already freaking out* *keeps freaking out* I MUST MAKE MORE WORDS. I met my 50k goal a few days ago, but I still have about a third of my novel left and aaaack. I hope I get it finished.
Life has been tough to balance for me too. >.< All the school and church and life stuff in general has been eating all my writing time, and I can feel myself getting to the end of my late-nights-in-a-row limit. I actually fell asleep writing a few nights ago and I've literally NEVER done that before. So I'm reeeeaally hoping I can hold on a bit longer before I crash completely. xD On the other hand I am trying to get to bed earlier to I don't kill myself. Because that wouldn't be a good idea.
On that note, I've actually been really pleased with myself for managing to stay physically active this month, which has actually helped me a loooot. Because in November last year I didn't do so well with that and I was actually not very well after I finished my novel. I completely crashed and was barely eating, and sleeping a lot and in general not good. So hopefully that isn't going to happen this time. I'm determined it won't.
Ooh and I LOVE that aesthetic. *applauds* I too *cough cough* have made one or two aesthetic collages this month. :P
ANYWAY. This comment is probably hugely long. Oops. BUT KEEP UP THE WRITING. You can do this. *hugs*
DeleteOooh, that sounds like a lot of fun! Is this the cousin you did the spontaneous 10k1day with? (also CHAIIIIII. Dude. Chai. It's just... the best. <3)
Dude. You've already met your 50k goal? A couple of days ago?? I am so proud. That's amazing. o.o
Oooh, being physically active is important. (and... something I have a habit of pushing off to the side. Oops. :P)
Long comments are always acceptable. You're awesome! :D <3
Hehe yep! That cousin. That 10k1day was very much spontaneous. Apparently she'd actually been joking, but after I'd agreed to her joking challenge she couldn't back out. XD
DeleteI don't even know howww. It's insane. And I'm getting closer to the end, and it's looking very hopeful. *flails*
I'm HOPING to do a post including them on the first of May. Fingers crossed. Actually no, I'm pretty sure I'll get it. A sort of Camp wrap-up that is probably going to morph into me screaming and dropping snippets left and right and dumping all the collages around the place. xP
Awh. You're awesome too. <3
YOU CAN DO THIS! *cheers you on* You're not so far behind you can't catch up! I know it's hard when you're burnt out, but the end is within sight!
ReplyDeleteAlso, every time you mention your writer retreats, I get a teensy bit jealous, because a writer retreat in and of itself sounds awesome, but you get to do it with awesome author people? Doubly cool.
Eep thank you! You totally got this too. <3
DeleteI knoww I'm so blessed to get this opportunity. Someday we'll meet and have epic writer wars as well. *nodnod*
Of course I'm ready for Camp to end! (then again, I didn't do it but shh)
ReplyDeleteI'm more content with my reading this month in comparison to last month. I'm finishing books quickly. I haven't read many good ones, though. Boo :(
I also haven't read that much, either. Oh well...
(psshh, that's a teensy little detail xD)
DeleteNooo not finding good books is always the worst. -.- Maybe you could reread some of your favorites?
Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS! Get the thing done and I believe in you. :D
DeleteYOU ARE AN AMAZING, EPIC WRITER AND YOU CAN DO THIS. Just the fact that you're even doing Camp makes you an awesome writer! I believe in you! Good luck Katie! *hands you lots of dark chocolate and pizza* 😊❤🍕🍫
ReplyDeleteYAY FOR PIZZA AND DARK CHOCOLATE! Mmm now I'm hungry. o.O
DeleteKATIE. But your goal is insane. How even. And you're still doing it. You're still cranking those words out. How are you human? xD
ReplyDeleteYes, a little over a week left! I've been 1k behind my goal for basically all month, but that shouldn't be too hard to take care of soon.
YOU GO, GIRL! We will have many pizza parties when this insane month is over. :P
I knoww I don't know how it's happening I'm so exhausted. xD
DeleteYOU CAN DO THIS. *nod* I HAVE FAITH IN YOU! 1k is manageable. How are you feeling about your story?
Mwhahaha. Heck yes we will. xD
For once, I can actually say that I'm feeling pretty fabulous about my story! Wow, that feels so foreign to finally say. xD Basically I finished slogging through a slow but important part and am now really motivated. :D Yay!!
DeleteWhat about you?
LOVE THE AESTHETIC!! Also, you can totally conquer this writing thing!! I believe in you!!
DeleteHahaha, I understand the trying to word at 12am and failing part (muse wanted to write last night and absolutely refused to churn out words #strugglesofbeinganabstractthinker
ReplyDeleteI'm not in Camp, but I have a couple of friends that are, and I'm pretty sure neither one of them are ready for Camp to end yet (or maybe they are....)
Keep going, it won't be long now!
DeleteThank you for your encouragement! <3
I WANT TO GO ON A WRITER'S RETREAT! That looks so much fun! And those aestheticsssssssssss. <3 And wow, 75K is a lot! I'm only aiming for 15K. XD Good luck with the rest of Camp! I'm sort of relieved and sad that Camp is about to end. :P
ReplyDeleteMay @ Forever and Everly
YESS wouldn't it be cool if a bunch of bloggers/writers got together for a NaNo retreat. :D
DeleteHey, 15k is still a challenging amount! Are you on track for your goal?
I am absolutely ready for it to end :P In fact, I can't wait until April is over! My month has been waaaaay too crazy, and now I'm drowning in beta reader feedback (which isn't bad at all, but definitely a little daunting xD).
ReplyDeleteTHOSE AESTHETICS ARE GORGEOUS. I haven't dared to go on Pinterest lately because I know I'll get lost. Perhaps I'll make some next month... if next month slows down ;)
audrey caylin
Eek, yes. Beta feedback is quite daunting. xD
DeleteI KNOWW. I don't fall into the chasm of Pinterest too often... but when I do, I fall rather deep. :P
That aesthetic is really awesome. 😊
DeleteYou're so welcome, Katie Grace! Hey random question: What are your favorite books? I'm always looking for recommendations as long as they're somewhat clean with the language and sexual content. 😜
DeleteYou can do this, Katie!!! It'll be worth it!!!
ReplyDeleteMan, I totally understand what you mean about the extrovert side enjoying being busy, yet getting stressed. I'm the same way. If only I could find some way to be busy without stress, my productivity would be through the roof!!! XD
You got this girl!
Ahh I'm so glad someone else is the same way! I seem to know a lot of introvert writers (who are all awesome), but it's cool to see another extrovert.
DeleteSo do you!! <3
that looks like so much fun and craziness and you are all so adorable <33
ReplyDeleteWE CAN DO THISSS (i can't believe it's almost over tho like waaahhhtt)
aawwwh thanks xD
Ooh good luck with the last few days of NaNo!! I'm that awful fish who finished like....in the first week, ahem. I did plan to keep writing later on but LIFE GOT IN THE WAY. So I totally hear you about the busyness. That's so cool you did a writing retreat there though. :D :D
ReplyDeleteSHHH yes you're insane and I don't understand. BUT GO YOU THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER. I'm so impressed. o.o
DeleteAhhh a writer's retreat looks so fun! But... school?? How?
ReplyDeleteI have "aesthetics" on my Pinterest board, but it's mostly writing prompts/pictures of people that look like my characters. I finished Camp NaNoWriMo two/three days ago (it's midnight here). Choosing to write two books at a time was like, the best thing ever for my writer productivity.
Good luck! You got this!
I'm homeschooled, so my mom was awesome and helped me take some time off. :)
DeleteWhaat, you already finished? DUDE AMAZING JOB! I'm so impressed. You all are crazy. xD
Ah, okay. We have a set-in-stone curriculum, sadly. And thank you! XD
DeleteYAY for busy times and lots of writing! I wish working full-time gave me enough time for Camp NaNo, but alas, there's always next year, and small edits in the meantime. I LOVE YOUR AESTETHIC. (Probably because ocean waves and that quote are perfection.) Anywho, hang in there, Katie; YOU CAN DO THIS.
ReplyDeleteAwhh, that's always tough. It's annoying when work gets in the way. :/
DeleteEep thank you!! :D
Yo, I'm actually amazed at how productive you are. Balancing school, social stuff, work, writing, etc. is hard for everyone. I'm sure you can finish strong with this! Good luck with it all!
ReplyDeleteAlso, that aesthetic is perfection. I have a secret Pinterest board or two where I try to do that for my stories, but I'm continually in awe of how people like you do it so well.
WOW it definitely sounds like a busy month for you. The 10k1day pictures are so cute :) I love your aesthetic collage and I totally understand getting side tracked on writing to make a few...or reorganize the Pinterest board...or make a mock cover. :D
YOU'VE GOT THIS, KATIE. *sends you all the writing motivation* And OH BOY am I jealous of your writing retreat xD. It looks like you guys had a ton of fun and a ton of words, GO YOU!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE making novel aesthetics - I tend to make one before a writing event starts, and then I set it as my desktop background to inspire myself. And it's a good way to remind myself to WRITE right when I turn on my laptop xD.
(also, just wanted to make sure the two NaNo messages I sent you got through - I don't mind that you haven't replied to them, but I just wanted to make sure that I had actually SENT them xD)
Anyways. There are FIVE DAYS of Camp left and I still have 8k words to write - which, in a draft I'm trying to make semi-presentable, will be HARD TO DO, but I'm gonna try my best xD.
~ Savannah
Your novel aesthetics are always so beautiful <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your blog! It is so beautifully done! Cant wait to see more of your writing :)