HAPPY LEAP DAY! *leaps* *or is just completely lazy, heh*
February was busy. And also it wasn't. I was at home for most of the time, but I was busy with all things blogging, editing, and reading. THIS WAS MY LIFE THIS MONTH:
Me: I'm gonna get so much editing done this week!— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 22, 2016
Library: ten of your holds just came in
Me: I'm gonna get so much READING done this week!
More on the month below.
APPARENTLY IT WAS NATIONAL PIZZA DAY ON FEBRUARY 9th! So it was obviously a very special day, but also kind of sad day, because I didn't have pizza.
I actually went THREE WHOLE WEEKS without eating pizza. o.o (It's practically a crime. I feel faint just talking about it. *flops*) My Church held a month long fast (except I did it for three weeks. Sigh.) and since I didn't think giving up internet, blogging, or writing was the best idea, the next obvious choice was... pizza.
But I survived and here's a picture of me happily eating pizza AND hash browns. (Hash browns are my second favorite food. Did you know that? No? Now you do. :P)

I FINISHED LOST. ACK. THE ENDING. I cried so hard, but... it was amazing. So perfect. *happy flailing*
Family quotes:
Tonight's quotes:— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 24, 2016
Dad: *at my new pants* ...Funky.
Mom: My guac's cold. Can you sit on it?
Dad: Can I use your Twitter for a football Q&A?
I also love Aimee's books a little too much. So much that I put her collage aesthetic thingys on my wall and I can now look at them every day. <3

SO MUCH READING THIS MONTH. o.o It just... never stopped. I'd finish a book, and I'd pick up a new one. I never stopped reading. I read seven more books than last month. My total count?
(Yes, I understand that there's only 20 books up there. I haven't read twenty-one books yet just because I'm posting this in the morning and I'll finish my last book tomorrow. :P)
Favorite: THE RECKONERS TRILOGY! (picture below.) I love this series so much. It's hilarious and epic and a series I will forever shove in people's face.
Disappointment: Six of Crows. Ack. There was so much hype for this book, but I just... I just couldn't. I DNFed it at around 30%.
Cover love: Curio or Blue Lily, Lily Blue. THEY'RE BOTH SO GORGEOUS. <3
I love Friday nights because then this can happen:
*casually starts a book at midnight*— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 20, 2016
So now I'm up to 37 books for the year! READING IS JUST EXPLODING! :P
Writing was on and off this month. I'd edit. I'd complain about editing. I'd shun my novel. I'd beg for word wars from my writing friends. I'd get more editing done. REPEAT THE CYCLE again and again. :P
One good thing happened, though. I FINISHED MY FOURTH DRAFT! *collapses* I basically skimmed the last fifteen pages to see if there were any major rewriting spots, and then I just called it good. xD
Now I'm just handing off chapters to my critique partner, Abi. She's about 1/3 of the way done, and after all that, I'll have sign ups for beta readers at the end of March! *freaks out with excitement and nerves*
If you missed it... I posted some of my writing on the blog!
(And of course I'm still counting down the days to the writing conference in June.)


Elsewhere on the internet...
New blogs! :D My amazing writing buddy, Hannah(who I get to meet this summer at the conference, eek!), started a blog: Ink Blots and Coffee Stains.
Another one of my writing friends, Rosalie, is currently writing a serial story! It includes glow in the dark fish, lovely characters, and epic, epic worldbuilding. She has two parts posted so far -- read the first one here.
Hannah(different Hannah from above) has some lovely thoughts on when life gets stressful.
NEXT MONTH IS AN EXCITING (and terrifying and exhausting. xD) MONTH. Because...
- A post about my novel... by my novel. (Yes, Tan is returning to the blog. If you don't know who Tan is... Well... Read this post by him. And good luck.)
- Beta readers. o.o
- MY BIRTHDAY! I'm turning sixteen. Eek. o.o
- I might do some tags. I HAVE SO MANY TAGS TO CATCH UP ON. I may just squish together a whole bunch of questions that are interesting. I'll probably do that on a surprise Tuesday.
- Someone wanted to see my whole novel writing process, so I'll be sharing that as well.
// Katie Grace
How's reading and writing going for you? What are your goals for March?
*leaps* ;)
*leaps* ;)
- - -
I've read 26 books so far this year, and plan on reading 100 throughout the rest of the year. Writing's...going...I've not been terribly good lately, putting off my editing, pretending it's not there...Y'know the feeling of dread as to what you might find in those pages? Not fun. :(
ReplyDeleteOoh, you totally are on track for 100! YOU CAN DO THIS! What are some of your favorite books you've read this year?
DeleteYup. I totally understand the feeling. It's so hard to face the dread of editing. But you can do it! :D
I really liked the Lunar Chronicles (Marrissa Meyer), I've read the first two and I'm DYING to read Cress! Out of Darkness Rising (Gillian Bronte Adams) was another good one. The Hunger Games wasn't bad either, and I quite liked Many-Coloured Realm (Anne Hamilton)...I'll stop there before I list all the rest of the books I've read this year...XD Those ones were my favourites though.
DeleteYum that pizza looks good, I have way too many books and not enough time.
ReplyDeleteIt's Papa John's pizza. My favorite. Mmmm...
DeleteI...um...I'm four behind, but school got harder, so I'm working on books at night *cough* secretly, and watching a tv show with my mom when I can in the afternoon! Phew, I'm so busy. xD Writing is going really well, my critique partner and I are writing a book and we totally fangirl every time someone bad happens! My goal for March is to write a thousand a day, just because I need thirty thousand before Camp NaNo.
ReplyDeleteHeh, I read a lot at night, too. xD
DeleteOoh, what TV show?
YOU CAN DO IT! What are you writing/doing for Camp NaNo?
Yeah...booklight out and I have to click it off anytime anyone breathes!
DeleteIt's a foreign show called Signal about people who solve cold cases, I was literally crying!
It's a fantasy, I said I was never going to write another one again, but hey, the books control me!
I am on THE BIGGEST reading slump EVER, this month and it is killllllling me. But there is always March to redeem myself.
Thank you for a lovely post!!
Ughhhh reading slumps are the WORST. I went through a 2-3 month period last year where I read like five books... total. -.- I wanted to read, but I just couldn't get into anything. Sometimes reading a light, fluffy contemporary helps or rereading one of your favorites.
DeleteThank YOU for reading! <3
21 books. I'd be jealous except that I had a really good writing month, so. Not jealous. (Also, how was Curio? Good? Not good?)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the return of Tan . . . and yay for your birthday coming!
I'd be jealous of your good writing month, except I read 21 books. So. Not jealous. ;)
DeleteCurio was... eh. I rated it three stars. I was confused for a lot of the time, and there seemed no reason for worldbuiling. Not to mention that the book was heavily focused on appearance. Which, I mean, whatever. But for a Christian Fiction book I feel like the main character and other characters were too invested about how they looked, how other people looked (oh, look at those muscles! *swoon* -.-), and the look of general society. So, blah.
So much excitement! :D
Pizza and hashbrown are life. Just saying.
All your upcoming posts sound wonderful. I can't wait. Also, happy early birthday xD. I, too, am turning 16. But not till September. *sigh* so far away.
Um, right? I can't get enough of them. :P
Thank you. xD Happy... early, early birthday to you in September. :P What date are you turning sixteen?
Sadly, we never have hashbrowns here. *sigh*
September 1st. I realllly need to get my permit *before* then. *sigh* I have to like do adultish stuff aghhh
I always feel like I read sufficiently until I read your posts. 21?! How do you live life and read that much?! I have 5 I'm in the middle of (my new bad habit) and 1 I finished . . . Then there's like 12 calling to me from my shelf :P
ReplyDeleteAnd happy early birthday!!! Feel free to dump me with chapters. I can totally finish by the end of March if you want :D
I don't know. o.o Believe me, I was not this fantastic at reading last year. Heh, I'm TRYING to keep myself to a minimum of two books at a time. One school book and one fun book. So far I've kept it up, but we'll see if I can continue that...
DeleteTHANK YOU! :D And I shall totally do that. I'm glad you're up to working with me. xD (and dump me with chapters. I want to read more. o.o) I plan on binge-editing chapters tonight so hopefully I'll have the next one for you by tonight. :D
How have you read so many books??? Writings going okay, I am planning my next WIP and I'm pretty stuck. Congratulations on finishing your fourth draft!!! Oh... HAPPY LEAP DAY EVERYONE. :)
ReplyDeleteI READ REALLY FAST. And I try to set aside at LEAST a half an hour of reading before I go to bed.
DeleteAww, it's hard when you're stuck. You can do it! What's this new WIP called?
*leaps* ;)
Katie, I just recently found your blog and love it!
ReplyDeleteI am in such a reading slump! I hate it! What did you think of Dangerous, Mark of the Thief, and the Winner's Curse? I've read those three. I was super disappointed by Dangerous. Mark of the Thief was okay but not as good as the Ascendance trilogy. And I really liked The Winner's Curse, but now I'm not really sure if I like it.
Eeep, thank you! <3
DeleteDangerous was a hugedisappointment. I LOVE Shannon Hale's books, but this one just... was... well, terrible. :P Maybe she needs to stick to fantasy, cause I couldn't take anything in that book seriously.
I rated Mark of the Thief and the Winner's Curse both three stars. I liked parts, but then... I didn't. :P I couldn't really ship the two characters in The Winner's Curse, and if I can't ship the characters when the romance is a huge part of the book, I'm automatically docking a star.
ReplyDeleteYOU READ 21 BOOKS?!? Goodness, how? And aren't those Brandon Sanderson things super long? I've never read them, but I've heard about how long they can be.
I read the Five Enchanted Roses collection and really liked it. I also started Water Princes, Fire Prince by Kendra E. Ardnek. THAT'S ALL. You are a super-reader. :D
Tan is coming back! *throws confetti into the air* Despite his rather blunt, sarcastic attitude, I'm really looking forward to this! AND YOU'RE POSTING ABOUT YOUR NOVEL WRITING PROCESS. O.O I CANNOT WAIT for that post. :D
I hope editing goes really well. :)
*smacks head* I meant to say Water Princess, not Water Princes. :)
DeleteTHANK YOU, EMILY! Happy Leap Day to you, too! <3
DeleteI KNOW. o.o I try to read for at least a half an hour each day and then I usually read two books over the weekend. :D
Brandon Sanderson's ADULT books are, like, over a thousand pages long. But his YA ones are the size of normal books. (300-400 pages.) So they didn't take me too long to finish.
Ack, I REALLY want to read the Five Enchanted Roses collection! I want to get it in paperback, but it's seventeen dollars, which is kind of a lot of money... So maybe in a few years it'll go down in price and I can buy it.
Ooh, how are you liking Water Princess, Fire Prince? I've heard good things about that one. I have it on my Kindle app but the size of the book is daunting. :P
YES! HE'S COMING BACK! He couldn't be more thrilled. I couldn't be more terrified. :P I may have to intervene more than last time so it doesn't get out of control... :P
I'm excited to write the novel process post! Hopefully it will prove to be interesting. :D
Ahh, I see, his adult books are the long ones.
DeleteYes, Five Enchanted Roses is very expensive. I got it on kindle, which was only four dollars. I like paperback books so much more, but man, they can cost a lot. :P
I'm not very far into WPFP, but so far, so good. :D
So excited for the return of Tan, your novel process post, and BETA-READING. :)
Hi Katie! I've been one of those terrible silent stalkers for a few months now. Sorry about that. :) Your blog never fails to bring a smile to my face, even in the midst of a hard day!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to hearing more about this novel of yours. And wow--21 books? That's impressive. I thought I was was doing good at 7 books this month. :/
I am (vainly) trying to keep myself from writing so I can focus my efforts on editing. :( I need to finish editing by the end of March so I have time to participate in a 50,000 word NaNo in April. Writing is SO much more fun than editing.
Good luck with your own editing!
Hey, Ivy! (I love your name. It's so pretty.) I'm so glad you commented! Your words makes me soooo happy and brought a smile to my face. :D
DeleteI know. o.o I'm not sure how it happened. And, hey! 21 is still awesome. When I was doing NaNoWriMo last year I only read ONE book. So I understand the feeling. :P
Eek, You're doing Camp NaNo, too? I haven't quite decided what I'm doing yet. I may write a Little Red Riding Hood retelling or start editing the sequel to Song of the Desert. We'll see.
So close to youuuuu! I've read 34 books so far this year. It really doesnt feel like I read a book every other day...lol. ;)
ReplyDeleteEeeek! 16! Yayyyyy!
P.S. Any tips for rewrites? I'm seriously stuck on this one thing, I can't describe mountain terrain, seriously. I've never seen real mountains (sometimes I don't believe they exist) and I just have make the mountains big enough to be realistically trying..ugh. Serously. Any tips? ;P
Oh my gosh, you're catching up to me! *read faster* ;) But seriously. 34 is amazing. o.o
DeleteREWRITES GACK. I despise rewrites so much. More than editing. More than plotting. More than pizza with olives on top. Rewriting you kinda just have to push through and try to convince your mind that you're excited about this project. :P I might write up a post on this soon. *nod*
The mountains... I guess you can always research? It depends on how big of mountains you're making them. If it's Everest size, you can watch Everest movies and books. You can look up pictures online and research mountain articles. I've had to struggle through this with my desert novel... I've never been in a desert. But I've had to push through it with research and such. :P
hahahaa, it's hilarious. Because I read 17 books in Jan. and 17 books in Feb. :D I keep track of the amount of pages I read as well. lol!
DeleteWell, thankssss. :P I think. lol! Myself, I mostly have to force myself into it. It's painful. :P I get so messed up because I write on my alphasmart, which needs to be downloaded. And I'm always changing stuff. My grandpa is going to give me his computer he is getting rid of, so I'm going to be using that for my writing soon. Hopefully that will help me, just to have one document that I can change anything at and time and not be stressed out about changing and moving stuff around. :D
hahaaa, not quite Everest size. I got some mountain terrain photos to help me describe, I tried it before and my writing buddy said it was a little confusing. Gosh, that was probably hard if you have your whole book in the desert. ;P
Gosh, btw, I'm so envious of your talent to come up with titles for books. Like, seriously. Love them.
This post makes me happy! And GIRL, you can READ! With school and ballet, I've almost finished two books this year. I know, that makes me sad too. Someday I will read more, because I have a large to-read list.
ReplyDeleteAnd the fourth draft! I'm proud of you for this! Get the editing done!
Plus, thank-you so much for featuring my post!!!!!! THIS IS SUPER FUN!!!!
Speaking of super fun, I also nominated you for an award, the Infinity Dreams Award. Pick which ever questions you like. THat's actually a good idea, so just choose some of the questions from each.
Have a fabulous week!
Ehh, that's okay! Reading is important, but school and ballet are also important. :P
DeleteOh my goodness you are SO WELCOME! I feel like as teens we're all stressed out a lot, so it's an article I think a lot of people should read. :)
Ooh, I'll make sure to check that out! (If I haven't already... I need to keep better track. *headdesk*)
I hope YOU have a fabulous week! <3
IT WAS NATIONAL PIZZA DAY AND I DIDN"T KNOW IT?! Oh my. I shall have to remember it next year :D.
ReplyDelete21 books. You read 21 books. *gapes* That is a lot. And I LOVE the cover of Blue Lily, Lily Blue!
*high-fives Katie* YAY, YOU FINISHED YOUR FORTH DRAFT! Gooo, Katie!
Beta readers? Next month? Ooo ... hopefully it shall work out for me to be one of them :).
You're going to be sixteen? That's SO cool! I'm turning sixteen this year, too :). When is your birthday?
Writing is going ... well, slow. But reading is pretty good! I read ... uh ... I think it was about ten or eleven books this month. I've already got books lined up to read in March because I bought all seven of the books in the Narnia series. I am going to gobble those up very fast :D.
*leaps with you* (also, I read your whole leap-day checklist and laughed. A lot. I actually followed through with #58 XD)
I KNOW! O.O It was a very exciting day. :P
DeleteIsn't it a lovely cover? The illustrated/dreamlike feel of it is just awesome.
YOU ARE?! Aaah, how exciting! When's your birthday? Mine's on the 19th. :D
Ooh, that's awesome! I'm hoping to reread the Narnia series sometime soon, here. I think the last time I read them was sometime in elementary school. o.o
Hoping to see your name on the winner's list tomorrow... But even if you don't win, that's so awesome that you stuck with it and edited it and handed it in. It'll be fun to reread and look back on when you're older. :D
(Yay! I'm so happy. :D Actually I followed #58, too... But then I leapt(?) out of bed too fast and I got a headache. xD)
My birthday is September 11th. So I'm about six months younger than you :).
DeleteThe last time I read all the Narnia books was ... I dunno, a long time ago. But then someone was selling a collection of all seven books for seven dollars, and I couldn't pass that up, so I bought them :D.
I hope my name is on that list too! You have NO idea how excited I am (well, okay, maybe you do have some idea) for tomorrow :D. But yes, if I don't win I'll also be pleased that I carried through. I learned a lot. *nods*
(I sleep in an upper bunk, but I don't climb the ladder when I get out of bed. I climb over the rail, jump down, and land on the floor. My sisters sometimes think I'm crazy. I probably am XD.)
Ahhh yay sounds like you had a great month! And oh my word, you're quite the reader. o_o I read . . . *weak voice* one book this month? *hides under a blanket* I must have a book hangover of which I cannot identify the source.
ReplyDeleteOH AND no pressure but I'm not sure if you saw, I've tagged you for two thingamajigs:
So um yeah. Have fun with that. XD
ONE BOOK IS STILL SOMETHING. :P I hope that for your case the book was extra epic. xD
DeleteAck. o.o Thanks. :P It's always nice when people leave a comment with the tag because otherwise I'll forget. :P
I'm just going to echo everyone else and say OH MY GOODNESS, HOW CAN YOU READ SO MANY BOOOOKS?! That's like...crazy. XD I barely had time to finish 3 :( Life is really so rude. It thinks it's somehow more important than reading. (Ha, what does it know?)
ReplyDeleteAlso, PIZZA. I somehow missed National Pizza Day :/ But that pizza you have looks gooood.
And happy Leap Day! February's one of my favorite months, and I love having an extra day this year! ^_^
I HAVE NO IDEA. o.o This time last year I was NOT successful in book reading. And it's not like I have more time. Maybe I'm just... staying up later? Oops. xD
DeleteIt's SO GOOD. Papa Johns. My favorite. Mmm...
*leaps* It's exciting. :D
I have The Winners Curse on my desk waiting to be read. Did you enjoy it??
ReplyDeleteYay for all the reading!! :)
I... liked it. It was just a "meh" book for me. The writing was very engaging and such, but I COULDN'T SHIP THE MAIN CHARACTERS. And if I can't ship them, I just don't care very much. :P
DeleteMy reading was great this month :D I read a total of 15 books! My favorite being Orphan's Song by Gillian Bronte Adams! My writing... was very meh. I have been in a big writing slump since December 31st. Finally got out of it and wrote about 1,500 words this weekend. Not a number I'm super proud of but at least it's a start :)
ReplyDeleteMy goal for writing is to write 300 words every day this month! So i'm participating in The GO Teen Writers thingy!
Ooh, fifteen books is awesome! That's one every two days which is impressive.
DeleteEek! I would SO participate in the GTW thing if I wasn't editing. *sigh* So instead my goal is just to get a half a chapter hopefully a chapter done of editing each day so I'll be done by the end of March.
How's the challenge going for you so far?
ReplyDeleteHash browns are truly glorious.
Your tweets give me life XD
FOURTH DRAFT OH MY GOODNESS YAY!! THAT'S SO EXCITING!!! I'm so excited for you right now oh my goodness.
I'm insanely impressed by the amount that you've read. I've hardly gotten to read at all lately, it's frustrating. Just picked up a copy of All The Light We Cannot See, so hopefully I'll get to read that soon. Do you have some good book recommendations? I've been having trouble finding books haha.
Hannah's post was so perfect:)
HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!! *brings you pizza*
YESYESYES you most definitely should do tags.
Writing's been going okay, kind of slow. I've hit a bit of a roadblock so that's frustrating. :P
I can't wait to see your writing process!! That will be so cool!!!
DeleteOooh, I've heard so much about that book. But I've never really actually picked it up. Maybe someday.
Recommendations? Ack. Well, what genre do you like?
THANK YOUUUU! *eats all the pizza*
I shall do the tags. *nodnod* Sometimes people think tags are boring but I love reading about them. xD
Ughhh, roadblocks are the WORST. You got this, girl! <3 *hands chocolate* Put on some headphones, brainstorm on paper, and just get some words down, even if they suck. You'll conquer it.
Ahhh, I'm still way too happy about the aesthetic thing. xD
ReplyDeleteSameee I can't wait until I read Harvard/the Iliad thingy so I can put up more collages. xD
Deletei totally get the crazy. This month I have tech week for Aristocats. But, last Saturday I had my district history day, for this I performed a script I wrote over a woman who just finished traveling to Oregon. OMG it was super amazing. I was soooooo scared doing, but all the work I have put into it in the last probably five months was worth it. I succeeded, and now I'm preparing to go to state with it. The judges critique you and if you win you can have them give more comments. And the majority of what the one judge who was still there told me that I did amazing and the only thing I really need to work on is expression, but they all loved it. The best part is:they told me that they wanted to see me again in the next couple of years(like to come back and compete again). I didn't think they meant in the next couple of months!!!! Sooooooo excited. At the very beginning of April I have my last math competition, and in the same day I go to my very last TYP(Topeka Youth Players) meeting as a TYPer. I turn 14 April 18th, so hyped for that
ReplyDeleteHey, Ems! Been awhile since I've seen you comment. Hi. :P
DeleteWow. You sound busy. o.o BUT I'M SO GLAD YOU DID WELL! That's extremely exciting, so congrats to you!
It's so funny because it seems that a lot of people are just crazy about pizza, but I never eat it anymore. I am lactose intolerant and also have problems with acid so it really is the totally wrong kind of food for me. Impressive that you were able to hold out for 3 weeks though! Does your Church usually do these kind of group fasts? Looks like you have also been quite productive with reading!
ReplyDeleteRae | Love from Berlin
Aww, becoming lactose intolerant is one of the worst things. I would struggle with that so much. :/
DeleteNot usually -- we've just started doing it every February. :)
Thanks for the comment!
*is jealous because you read so fast how why can't it be an ENFP thing so I can tooooooo*
ReplyDelete*sigh I don't knowwww* *but you aren't like, slow* *you ARE fast* *just... not as fast as me* :P *you kept up with me fineeee with our readalong thingamajig* (I can't words xD)
DeleteDUDE OKAY SO the fact that you printed off Aimee's aesthetics is REALLY INSPIRING for some reason. Because I imagined you putting the aesthetic collages for /my/ characters on your wall and that's REALLY MOTIVATING SO YEAH.
DeleteI can't wait to read ittt go writeeee xD <3
I read super fast too, so I never exactly set monthly goals, just yearly ones.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I nominated you for the Liebster Award, if you'd like to do it! :)
That makes sense. :)
DeleteOoooh, thank you! I will make sure to check it out. :D
Wow it sounds like a fun month! Congrats for sticking with your fast even though it was hard. But yay for pizza coming back! Yay for writing progress and happy early birthday! And for reading Curio. I loved it too. So much happy. ^ ^ I hope March is just as great.
ReplyDeleteMy February: http://storitorigrace.blogspot.com/2016/02/monthly-summary-february-2016.html
So much yay! xD
DeleteI didn't like Curio very much, but I'm glad you liked it!
Congrats for giving up pizza for three weeks! That is truly an amazing accomplishment!
ReplyDeleteHow. do. you. read. so. many. books. in. one. month.
I struggle to read two, to be honest.
I know. o.o It was tough. :P
DeleteI DONT KNOW. I just... read so much. But this month I've only read one book so far, so I probably won't read as much.