HAPPY LEAP DAY! *leaps* *or is just completely lazy, heh*
February was busy. And also it wasn't. I was at home for most of the time, but I was busy with all things blogging, editing, and reading. THIS WAS MY LIFE THIS MONTH:
Me: I'm gonna get so much editing done this week!— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 22, 2016
Library: ten of your holds just came in
Me: I'm gonna get so much READING done this week!
More on the month below.
APPARENTLY IT WAS NATIONAL PIZZA DAY ON FEBRUARY 9th! So it was obviously a very special day, but also kind of sad day, because I didn't have pizza.
I actually went THREE WHOLE WEEKS without eating pizza. o.o (It's practically a crime. I feel faint just talking about it. *flops*) My Church held a month long fast (except I did it for three weeks. Sigh.) and since I didn't think giving up internet, blogging, or writing was the best idea, the next obvious choice was... pizza.
But I survived and here's a picture of me happily eating pizza AND hash browns. (Hash browns are my second favorite food. Did you know that? No? Now you do. :P)
I FINISHED LOST. ACK. THE ENDING. I cried so hard, but... it was amazing. So perfect. *happy flailing*
Family quotes:
Tonight's quotes:— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 24, 2016
Dad: *at my new pants* ...Funky.
Mom: My guac's cold. Can you sit on it?
Dad: Can I use your Twitter for a football Q&A?
I also love Aimee's books a little too much. So much that I put her collage aesthetic thingys on my wall and I can now look at them every day. <3
SO MUCH READING THIS MONTH. o.o It just... never stopped. I'd finish a book, and I'd pick up a new one. I never stopped reading. I read seven more books than last month. My total count?
(Yes, I understand that there's only 20 books up there. I haven't read twenty-one books yet just because I'm posting this in the morning and I'll finish my last book tomorrow. :P)
Favorite: THE RECKONERS TRILOGY! (picture below.) I love this series so much. It's hilarious and epic and a series I will forever shove in people's face.
Disappointment: Six of Crows. Ack. There was so much hype for this book, but I just... I just couldn't. I DNFed it at around 30%.
Cover love: Curio or Blue Lily, Lily Blue. THEY'RE BOTH SO GORGEOUS. <3
I love Friday nights because then this can happen:
*casually starts a book at midnight*— Katie Grace (@KatieGraceWrite) February 20, 2016
So now I'm up to 37 books for the year! READING IS JUST EXPLODING! :P
Writing was on and off this month. I'd edit. I'd complain about editing. I'd shun my novel. I'd beg for word wars from my writing friends. I'd get more editing done. REPEAT THE CYCLE again and again. :P
One good thing happened, though. I FINISHED MY FOURTH DRAFT! *collapses* I basically skimmed the last fifteen pages to see if there were any major rewriting spots, and then I just called it good. xD
Now I'm just handing off chapters to my critique partner, Abi. She's about 1/3 of the way done, and after all that, I'll have sign ups for beta readers at the end of March! *freaks out with excitement and nerves*
If you missed it... I posted some of my writing on the blog!
(And of course I'm still counting down the days to the writing conference in June.)
Elsewhere on the internet...
New blogs! :D My amazing writing buddy, Hannah(who I get to meet this summer at the conference, eek!), started a blog: Ink Blots and Coffee Stains.
Another one of my writing friends, Rosalie, is currently writing a serial story! It includes glow in the dark fish, lovely characters, and epic, epic worldbuilding. She has two parts posted so far -- read the first one here.
Hannah(different Hannah from above) has some lovely thoughts on when life gets stressful.
NEXT MONTH IS AN EXCITING (and terrifying and exhausting. xD) MONTH. Because...
- A post about my novel... by my novel. (Yes, Tan is returning to the blog. If you don't know who Tan is... Well... Read this post by him. And good luck.)
- Beta readers. o.o
- MY BIRTHDAY! I'm turning sixteen. Eek. o.o
- I might do some tags. I HAVE SO MANY TAGS TO CATCH UP ON. I may just squish together a whole bunch of questions that are interesting. I'll probably do that on a surprise Tuesday.
- Someone wanted to see my whole novel writing process, so I'll be sharing that as well.
// Katie Grace
How's reading and writing going for you? What are your goals for March?
*leaps* ;)
*leaps* ;)
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