Apparently last Thursday (March 2nd) was National Book Day, which sparked the inspiration for a bookish post today! It's been too long since I've screeched about my love for stories and characters and covers.
Like any bookworm, my TBR grows at an insane rate -- especially with all the awesome books coming out this year. (LIKE MARISSA MEYER'S NEW BOOK AHH) But yet most of my books below are rereads, which doesn't fare well for helping my TBR pile... but OH WELL. :P

*shrieks* This book arrived in the mail just a couple of days ago! It came ages earlier than Amazon predicted, so I'm an extremely happy bookworm. Thank you, speedy Amazon delivery dudes! ;)
I'm fifty pages into it and already enjoying it immensely. It's a Friday night, so I might forgo some sleep so I can read... We'll see. The book is calling my name. :P
I started reading Ted Dekker because he will be the keynote speaker at Realm Makers. My whole plan was to read his books, find my favorite, and then have him sign it at the conference... but things have since then changed and I won't be going to Realm Makers after all. *sniff* So instead I'm planning to read his books just because they're awesome. xD
I'm beginning to discover that I like mystery/thriller books. Several friends have loaned me a couple of his novels since my library doesn't have them. Black, Obsessed, and The Priest's Graveyard are currently staring me down from my bookshelf demanding to be read. :P I'm not sure which one to pick up first -- have you read any of those three?

I'm beginning to discover that I like mystery/thriller books. Several friends have loaned me a couple of his novels since my library doesn't have them. Black, Obsessed, and The Priest's Graveyard are currently staring me down from my bookshelf demanding to be read. :P I'm not sure which one to pick up first -- have you read any of those three?

(I first typed the Hunger Games as "The HUMger Games." That would've made an interesting version of the story. :P)
Even though I've watched all the movies... I... haven't read all the Hunger Game books. (*hides* I'm a bad bookworm, I know, I know...) BUT THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE! I'm excited to see how the movies and books differ and experience Suzanne's writing.
I bought super pretty editions of these books at a Half Price Books Clearance sale -- only a dollar a piece! I die a little every time I look at them because THEIR COVERS THOUGH. I love the simplistic minimalism. So beautiful. <3
(I feel like I should be a cover design assistant. I could shriek over the covers while "ooh-ing" and "ahhh-ing" over the pretty fonts and colors. I really wouldn't offer any design help... just excitement. xD)
(Okay well now that I'm babbling on about covers, is anyone else INSANELY CURIOUS with how cover designs create covers? Maybe I should be a cover design assistant just to peer over their shoulder while they work and see allll the inside secrets. Not annoying at all, right? ;)
(Oops here goes another parenthesis ramble about covers because I just remembered that Kirk DuoPonce did a time-lapse video on this, actually! It's awesome and he has crazy amounts of talent.)
Even though I've watched all the movies... I... haven't read all the Hunger Game books. (*hides* I'm a bad bookworm, I know, I know...) BUT THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE! I'm excited to see how the movies and books differ and experience Suzanne's writing.
I bought super pretty editions of these books at a Half Price Books Clearance sale -- only a dollar a piece! I die a little every time I look at them because THEIR COVERS THOUGH. I love the simplistic minimalism. So beautiful. <3
(I feel like I should be a cover design assistant. I could shriek over the covers while "ooh-ing" and "ahhh-ing" over the pretty fonts and colors. I really wouldn't offer any design help... just excitement. xD)
(Okay well now that I'm babbling on about covers, is anyone else INSANELY CURIOUS with how cover designs create covers? Maybe I should be a cover design assistant just to peer over their shoulder while they work and see allll the inside secrets. Not annoying at all, right? ;)
(Oops here goes another parenthesis ramble about covers because I just remembered that Kirk DuoPonce did a time-lapse video on this, actually! It's awesome and he has crazy amounts of talent.)
![]() |
(I'm actually happy with how this picture turned out since I took it a couple days ago when the lighting was nice. all the other pictures in this post are a little grainy and I apologize. :P) |
I know I've talked about Martin Hospitality quite a bit, but I feel like it deserves the attention. The author, Abi, is my critique partner (who has been a tremendous help with my own writing), and I can't wait to read the finished version of the novel. I read one of the earliest drafts, so it'll be neat to see what has changed through the editing process.
Once upon a time (about a year ago), I checked out The Night Circus from the library. It sat on my floor until the library demand that I give it back (how dare they), and haven't picked it up since then. Oops.
But after all the hype and attention and raving reviews it has gotten, I'M FINALLY GOING TO READ IT! It's been on my to-read list for at least a couple of years. It's about a magical circus and I've heard that the writing is gorgeous. What's not to like about it?
Another reread -- this time Hannah and I plan to buddy read it together and flail and screech over the lovely characters.
The Percy Jackson series is one I remember enjoying immensely when I first read them. (I enjoyed the first series -- but unfortunately not a huge fan of the others) I giggled a lot and flew through the series. I'm behind in my reading goal for the year (*cries*), so quick and fun reads like this will be very helpful. xD
Once upon a time (about a year ago), I checked out The Night Circus from the library. It sat on my floor until the library demand that I give it back (how dare they), and haven't picked it up since then. Oops.
But after all the hype and attention and raving reviews it has gotten, I'M FINALLY GOING TO READ IT! It's been on my to-read list for at least a couple of years. It's about a magical circus and I've heard that the writing is gorgeous. What's not to like about it?
![]() |
(yay for overused and dirty library copies! -.-) |
The Percy Jackson series is one I remember enjoying immensely when I first read them. (I enjoyed the first series -- but unfortunately not a huge fan of the others) I giggled a lot and flew through the series. I'm behind in my reading goal for the year (*cries*), so quick and fun reads like this will be very helpful. xD
I also plan to finish the Harry Potter series (just finished the fourth one!), and might end up buying some books on Amazon that my library doesn't have. I've been eyeing a few -- Wires and Nerves by Marissa Meyer, Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore, and Defy by Tricia Mingerink. Maybe I'll splurge and buy all of them as a birthday present for myself. Stay tuned. :P
katie grace
katie grace
what are some books on your TBR list?
OH MY GOODNESS that Kirk DuoPonce video!!! IT'S SO COOL. (if only he'd make a cover for my book for free XD)
ReplyDeletePercy Jackson is the best book for a good laugh. XD And definitely the first series is the best. (Although I will say that I rather liked Leo)
I'm currently swamped with books I've promised to critique. I just can't stop accepting requests from a dozen or so writers. (I still don't know why they're all asking me? Maybe I'm just a handy person to ask?) I'm halfway through one, have three waiting, and four others that I'm critiquing as they're written. AND I'M TRYING NOT TO GET BEHIND ON ANY. >.< It's almost becoming a problem but I just find it so hard to turn anyone down.
On top of all that, I'm editing my novel and hopefully starting to plan my Camp NaNo novel soon-ish. Ack it's kinda crazy but fun at the same time.
Also life stuff and volunteering and school work and eek. I think I just ranted to you about everything I have on but oh well. :P
ISN'T IT THE BEST?! I wish he did them for ever cover he created, because they're sooo amazing to watch.
DeleteUghh, I understand that problem. That was me last year -- I said yes to everyone and anyone and found myself bogged down with a million beta novels that I never finished. -.- So I've had to start turning down people which is sooo haard but then I can give special attention to those I actually say yes to. :D
EEP. *dances around because CAMP NANOWRIMO* I can't wait. :D
Ehh, you're good. Ranting can help. :P As well as chocolate. Eat chocolate and rant on! :P (horrible life advice from katie ;)
I hope that you enjoy The Hunger Games series! They're great books. The movies are actually pretty similar to the books.
ReplyDeleteThe Night Circus seems really interesting! Maybe I'll try reading it :-)
That's what I've heard. I'm really excited. :D
DeleteI'll have to let you know what I think! It's on hold at the library. *bounces up and down impatiently*
Have fun reading The Hunger Games! In my opinion it was the only series whose movie adaptations I genuinely liked :) Oh and THE LOST GIRL OF ASTOR STREET!!! The blurb is everything I need in life, especially since I love Libba Bray's The Diviners and TLGoAS is set in the Roaring Twenties as well... I think?
ReplyDeleteCurrently I'm reading Slasher Girls and Monster Boys, a horror/thriller YA anthology. My actual, real-life TBR has diminished because I like keeping it small as to not get overwhelmed and not read anything, so I only have two books in it: Passenger and A Madness So Discreet. When it comes to books I'd like to read though and mentally plan on buying / borrowing / reading, the list expands enormously.
Enjoy your reading, Katie <3
- Andrea at A Surge of Thunder
YESS YOU MUST READ IT. *clutches heart* I just finished it and it was sooo amazing. I'm really glad I bought it, because it was fabulous. :D
DeleteOoh, I've heard of that one. I've always had this curiosity about wanting to read a horror novel, just to see if I would be scared or not. I know movies would scare me to death, but I've never been scared by a book before? *shrug* But probably not best to test that out. :P
Ooh, is Passenger the one with the boat on the cover? That's huge. o.o
Enjoy yours! <3
I'm reading The Hunger Games this spring, as well as - ummm.... *checks Goodreads TBR list* The Hamilton biography by Cherow, and maybe finish the Oracles of Fire series by Bryan Davis! *glares at library*
ReplyDeleteYour TBR sounds great! Hope you can make a dent in it ;)
Ooh, the Hamilton biography? I read the first couple chapters of that one... IT'S SO BIG. I had to give it back to the library since I didn't read it in time. :P
DeleteAhhh I really, really want to read The Lost Girl of Astor Street. o.o It looks fabulous!!
ReplyDeleteKirk DuPonce is... amazing. His covers are gorgeous. And that VIDEO! Just makes me appreciate how much work goes into one cover. (I would have loved a video of the making of one of the Out of Time books as well! Now THAT would be so cool to see. o.o)
You need to. o.o
Delete(Eeek, that would be SO. AMAZING. I want a video like that. xD) One of my dreams would be to have Kirk do a cover for me. If I ever self publish (which is doubtful... but you never know), I would definitely invest the money to have him make one. :D
RIGHT?! I'M SO, SO, SO EXCITED. It's my goal to own every book she writes, which is starting to be a problem because she comes out with books so often and they all cost money! xD
Your TBR list looks really good. :) Yes, I read Martin Hospitality last month! I read it in like, 36 hours. It was so good, I enjoyed it immensely. :D
ReplyDeleteOh, you've seen the Hunger Games, but you haven't read the books? Well, I haven't read them or seen them. But I have seen all the Lord of the Rings movies but... I have yet to read the books. :P But they are on my TBR list for the year, so they will be read.
Eep, I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well! I can't wait to reread it.
Delete*hides* Yeah. Ooh, you haven't read the LotR trilogy yet?! *gasp* I hope you do soon! :D
Woah, your TBR is amazing! Overwhelming, but you have a lot of good reading ahead of you :)
ReplyDeleteI know I'm worried that it might fall on me in my sleep and I'll be suffocated by all the books I want to read. I better get cracking. xD
DeleteOoo, PJO!!! I swear I've read that book more times than I can count. XD And I ADORE your copies of the Hunger Games. When I bought from Amazon (and they SHOWED A NORMAL COVER), I ended up with a movie cover.
ReplyDeleteI was not happy.
GASP, really?? Dude, that is totally not cool. *sniff* I would be so sad! You'll just have to order another copy and you can join me in the "owning-two-editions-of-the-hunger-games" book club. :P
DeleteHow cool I didn't know that there even was a National Book Day, spend too much time rolling down hills in a spinning char I guess :P I don't really know what a TBR is but I think it could either stand for.. Those Book I need to Read, Transformers Bacon and Rosters, The Big Rig, or finally. Those Blasted Ruffians. :D
ReplyDeleteHA -- you got that right. ;)
DeleteOops. Wow, how'd you guess Those Blasted Ruffians? It actually stands for "To Be Read." Probably should've explained that in the post. XD
Since when was there a National Book Day? WHY DID I MISS IT?!? It's one of my (late) resolutions for 2017 to read more books. I'm trying to read an hour every night. I'm currently re-reading A Time To Rise, so next up on my list is finishing Pride and Prejudice then starting Harry Potter (and maybe giving in to the temptation to order By Darkness Hid).
ReplyDeleteThat's such a lovely list of books! I watched all the Hunger Games movies before reading the books too XD
audrey caylin
DeleteWow, an hour every night adds up real fast. Go you! I usually can only fit in 10-15 minutes before I realize that it's almost one and that I should probably sleep. :P
Yay! Glad I'm not the only one. xD And yay for all the books you mentioned!
You didn't read the HG books b4 the movies? Oh well, I did the exact opposite XD I read the books and only watched Mockingjay pt.1 (people said it was the most boring one, but I still liked it)
ReplyDeleteHum, my tbr spring list? Probably anything they give me to read at school :P but I'm excited for "Les fleurs du mal" by Baudelaire, it's a French poetry must, so I can't wait to tackle it! Oh, and the Handmaid's tale by Margaret Atwood. Other than that, I'm trying to get my hands on Dumas's Three Musketeers's spinoff (it's called Le Vicomte de Bragelonne I believe). Because the first two books of the series were just sooooo good. I thought Les Mis would be my all time favorite, but The three musketeers and Vingt ans aprĆØs (lit. Takes place 20 years after the first book) are not far behind (Ah, so much happiness thinking about these books!)
I LOVED MOCKINGJAY PART ONE. AND PART TWO. *clutches heart* Dude, the scene with the "Hanging Tree" song? That was my favorite ever. I just really love that movie. <3
DeleteI... don't think I've really heard of any of those. o.O Probably because I'm not fluent in French fiction. I do want to read (or watch) Les Mis eventually though. :D
Dude if you're gonna read Ted Dekker, start with Black. I grew up on the Circle trilogy and it's slightly FANTASTIC. There's like thirty more books to read after it if you want to know the whole story, but start with Black. It'll give you an idea of what Ted writes and loves.
ReplyDeleteOoh, okay! Good to know. Thanks for the suggestion! :D
DeleteI have a rather hit-and-miss relationship with Ted Decker's books. I've enjoyed some, but others are just too much for me. Of the ones you've mentioned, I've only read Black, but the Circle books are interesting.
ReplyDeleteMy TBR pile is endless, of course, but I'm still working on rereading through my bookshelf, which has a whole lot of possibilities. I just started King's Folly by Jill Williamson, which I'm super excited about. I'm also looking forward to reading The Illusionist's Apprentice by Kristy Cambron and A Sparrow in Terezin...also by Kristy Cambron. :D
*nod* That's what I've heard from other readers of his books, too. I guess I'll see wait and see what I think of all of his books. :P
DeleteOoh, I've been wanting to read Jill Williamson's newest series. They're just so big! o.O
Oh my gosh I want to read Martin Hospitality so badly!! And my TBR pile is eating me alive right now x)
ReplyDeleteYESS you need to read it!! And same. We'll try to survive together. xD
DeleteTHAT TOP PICTURE. ALL THE BOOKS. *pets the gorgeous things*
ReplyDeleteOoh, you have to take pictures of the front covers of your copies of The Hunger Games! AND HOW DARE YOU NOT READ THEM. But I guess it's okay, since you're reading them now xD. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
And do tell what you thought of The Night Circus after you finish it! Literally EVERYONE is talking about it, and a lot of hyped books fall flat for me, so I'm not sure whether I should get it or not ...
I'm currently drowning in my TBR, basically *promptly dies*. But I'm REALLY looking forward to reading Heartless (Marissa Meyer) because I should have gotten to it A LONG TIME AGO and yet I still haven't?
Also I LISTENED TO TWENTY ONE PILOTS *officially gives Katie a reason to smile today*. I listened to March To The Sea, Fairly Local, and Ride - they're not my favorite band, but OH BOY do they have a way of sticking in your head for the rest of the day. AND THE STORY IDEAS, good gracious xD. And I LOVED Fairly Local and Ride, those two were so good. Do you have a favorite(s) out of their songs?
~ Savannah Grace
I was kicking myself after I took the pictures because I totally should've showcased The Hunger Games covers! Another time, I guess. :P
DeleteIT'S SO HYPED. I know, I'm really nervous that I won't like it. -.- But it sounds so good, so I don't know why I wouldn't. We'll see. xD
AHH. Yup. I smiled so big at that. EEP. Yess they have sooo many great story ideas. For story ideas, you should watch the music video of Heathens. It's great. *nodnod*
As for my favorite song? SAVANNAHHH. THAT'S SO MEAAAAN. I love Holding On To You. Such a great song, inspiring, encouraging song that means so much to me. <3 (and the music video for that one is epic as well. o.o)
Now I have a lot of motivation to read! LoL!!!
ReplyDeleteGo read alll the things! xD
DeleteAhhh your spring TBR looks so fabulous! So many pretty books and good grief, so many really fabulous books! I mean, HP and PJ and Martin Hospitality and even Hunger Games even though I read those when I was too young to read those and they kinda creeped me out. XD
ReplyDeleteNow that I've finished the Lunar Chronicles I think I'll try and read the Selection series, or whatever they're called. That and a random assortment of books, like The Lost Girl of Astor Street and some craft books I've been neglecting...
Ahh, yeah. Those could definitely be creepy if you read them when you were younger. My mom made me wait a couple years before I dove into the series. :P
DeleteOoh, I liked that series! I only read the first one. They were a nice light and fluffy read.
My TBR pile is empty. Empty, empty, empty. *cries*
ReplyDeleteOh, but I might read The Night Circus. Our library has it.
It's... empty? Whaaat? Time to reread all the things, then! :P
DeleteOh! And are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? You should, and then you should create a project, so then I can invite you to Cabin Michtam. :P
*salutes* Mission accepted.
DeleteI will be doing Camp, but I haven't decided if I'm going to write the story I'm developing, or edit a previous story. I'm going to do both, since there's two Camps, but I don't know which order I'll do them in.
Ooooh yes your birthday is coming up!! *ugs* I can't wait to read Percy Jackson with you AHDJDJDN!! And I realllyyyyy wanna read Martin Hospitality but I AM A BROKE BEAN *cries forever* And if you decide to be a co-cover designer, you could be the "tester" and the designer will show you the cover and rate its potential by how loudly you screech XP
ReplyDelete*laughs way harder than I should at the thought of designers rating book covers by Katie's pterodactyl screeches* xD
Delete~ Savannah
YES. I CAN SCREECH REALLY LOUDLY. Mwahahaha. Dude this should actually be a thing because I'd be great at it. xD
DeleteI haven't read any Ted Dekker, but I am going to Realm Makers this year!! So sad you can't make it because it would have been fun to run into you there. :)
ReplyDeleteI watched the time lapse video the other day. It was soo coool! And my mind exploded a little watching it all come together. (small explosion :P)
Awwh, I'll miss being there so much! It would've been great to see you. <3
DeleteRIGHT? So many fireworks went off in my brain. xD
*stares at you* :P
DeleteI have to finish Six of Crows, start Crooked Kingdom, Every Falling Star, A Thousand Pieces of You and others. Yeah... :P
ReplyDeleteDude, Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom are HUGE. And I'm curious to know what you think of A Thousand Pieces of You. I've heard mixed opinions about that one.
DeleteAAAAHHHH THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!! They're the best! I really want to read The Lost Girl of Astor Street and Martin Hospitality.
DeleteDo ittt. They both deserve to be read and loved. <3
Quick question:
ReplyDeleteDo you mind if I use your picture of 'Martin Hospitality' on my private blog? I'll give you the credit and put a link to your blog of course :)
For sure! <3
DeleteThanks Katie dear <3
DeleteYou're going to love The Hunger Games. The books hurt WAY more than the movies. Anyway, these books all look so cool!
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading a trilogy about a girl in Robin Hood's gang. The first book wasn't amazing (give it 3 stars)but I'm still going to read the other two. And to save myself from going to look at my goodreads list, I'll just tell you the ones I know off the top of my head: Gone with the Wind, Room with a View, and the Diary of Anne Frank.
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! :) I tagged you for The Song, Movies, and Books Tag if you're interested!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Unwholly and The Fever Code, both of which are currently being neglected. ;P