Words are awesome.
Words are practically life. They enable us to communicate with each other, write novels for a living (the dream is real...), and express our fangirl feels with words like: AJDFKALSJFKLS;JF.
The amazing, fabulous, lovely, wonderful, awesome, fantastic (look at me showing off the power of words to get across how cool this blogger is) Abbiee tagged me for the power of words tag. Here are the rules that you'll probably skip over anyways but I feel obligated to put them in. :P
// thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog (optional: give them a waffle slice of pizza for tagging you!).
// answer the original 6 text-themed questions.
// add a typography/word related question of your own for those you tagged to answer.
// tag 6+ bloggers and let them know (via their blogs, social media, whatev).
// include these rules in your post (almost disobeyed this one. whoops).
I never knew that people had favorite letters of the alphabet. o.o IS THIS A THING THAT I'M NOT AWARE OF?! *horrified gasp* ('xcuse me while I go rethink my entire existence)
*writes all the letters for reference so I can study them*
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
HM. Well, I love writing the lowercase letter 'i,' because then I can use a heart as the dot or do something else creative with it. Or I can make a 'u' into a smiley face. And smiley faces are awesome.
But my least favorite? Lowercase 'k.' I really have nothing against the letter, I just hate writing it out. Ew. I get shivers just thinking about it. *shakes head in horror*

ONLY THREE WORLDS OH HELP MY HEART. I love so many words it's insane. And speaking of insane, it's a cool word. Just sayin'.
l o v e l y
e e r i e
t h u n d e r s t o r m
a s j f k d f l
s o n g
(didn't think I'd ACTUALLY leave the last one out, did you? :P)
(and asfjkdfl is totally a word don't even deny it.)
(I'm going to go ahead and assume that the three words are not including swear words, words that put people down, etc. Cause obviously I hate those. ;)
HM. Another hard question. I don't like writing my name. (love mah name, though <3) Is that weird? 'Grace' is fine, but Katie... Eh. I LOVE the sound and the name -- I'm completely happy with it -- but I just don't like how it feels to hand write it out. xD
Also exercise. Can't stand that word. Or mornings. Or school. Math. Those words are dangerous and I might possibly turn into a dragon at the mention of them.
Ha, this is a funny question, because my mom and my sister and I have actually created a word. :P
(to be preformed with a dramatic arm gesture, along with drawing out the "habukaaaaa" in a deep voice kind of like a gorilla)
1. your mission in life; goal or purpose.
(ex: my habuka is to be awesome. *clears throat* HABUKAAAAA.)
I use a lot of dashes in my writing -- I believe they're called something like that -- because it sets off a thought or phrase nicely. ALSO, COMMAS. My mom calls me "comma happy," since I can never stop using them. I have a tiny bit of a problem.
(And parenthesis are fun (awesome, fantastic, fabulous), because you can ramble within a ramble (rambling is basically my best friend) and it's completely okay.)
And alllll the fonts that I had downloaded got erased with a computer update thing, so I don't have any to choose from. *weeps* But my A Twisted Star cover (pictures in this post), used the font WINDSONG for the text. I liked that one a lot. :D
Abbiee's lovely question:
OOH. I know. I would want laughter to sound like "AHAHAHAHAH." (so actual laughter.) So when someone says...
"I like to laugh."
They're really saying...
"I like to AHAHAHAHA."
I don't know why but that made me giggle. (Or should I say laugh, so I can say: ahahaha. ;) IT'S LATE AND I'M IN A CRAZY MOOD SORRY FOR MY LAME ATTEMPTS AT HUMOR. :P
My question for the people I tag (or anyone who wants to do it!):
what's one word that makes you laugh?
I TAG...
// katie grace
So? What's one word that makes you laugh? Do you have a favorite letter of the alphabet, or do you join my 'it's too hard to chose favorites' club?
(pssst! Also, the last day of the month is this Tuesday, which means monthly highlights! There's gonna be lots packed into the post, so make sure to keep an eye out for it. :D)
Oh, I laughed (ahahahahah-ed) at this. ;P This it a pretty cool tag! Lots of random questions that I probably wouldn't be able to answer.
ReplyDeleteI love that you use commas so much, SO DO I! You don't like writing you own name? Hehe, that's funny. My only problem with my name is that I reckon it sounds/looks boring when imagined on the front cover of a book. Meh. I've had so many ideas of variations, just my first two initials and last name, first and middle name, first and last. I can't decide what sounds even vaguely interesting. Jane Maree is the best I can get.
Woah, almost monthly highlights again? What even happened to May?!
Ahh, that makes sense. I like Jane Maree! :D Do you think that's what you'd put on the front of a book?
DeleteI KNOW, RIGHT? I have to hurry up and finish it. :P
Aw, glad you like Jane Maree. Maybe I've just heard my name all my life so it doesn't sound interesting to me anymore. ;D
DeleteThat's probably what I'd put on a book cover (I've visualized it that way in my dreams). It kinda sounds...maybe vaguely cool author-ish? :)
I like Jane Maree, too! I think it sounds very author-ish :).
DeleteOoh, this is one of my favourite topics - words. They are so powerful.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you though; it's so hard to pick a favourite letter, and favourite words, and favourite fonts.. It's interesting to see which ones you finally narrowed it down to. :) And I really like that word you made up too. I might have to add it to my vocabulary.
Right? These questions were basically impossible. xD
DeleteYOU SHOULD ADD IT TO YOUR VOCABULARY. I need to use it more often. It's a fun word. :P
I started giggling at the suggestion of replacing 'laugh' with 'AHAHAHA'!!
ReplyDeleteHm I don't really have a favorite letter but now that I think of it I don't like the letter 'R' or 'D' (*apologizes to the letters along with the lowercase 'k' for you*). Letters I like would be 'S' and 'J', and I love the words incandescent, angst (I LOVE the spelling so so much), and tornado. The words 'pizza' and 'more pizza' are given (and hey we had pizza for dinner yesterday!)
And sammeeee on the writing your first name thing! I spell it out fine, but I get really awkward saying my name out loud :P It's a weird quirk or something.
Ugh, I agree with you on the 'R.' It's very difficult to write it out. As well as making the 'D' circle perfectly... circled. xD
DeleteGASP you had pizza? You should've invited me. I would've found a way there. ;)
*high-fives for weird name quirks*
My favorite letter of the alphabet to write is the letter z. I write in cursive, and z is just really fun to do. Maybe because I never get to use it.
ReplyDeleteI quite enjoyed this post! I never thought about most of these questions . . .
Ooh, really? Interesting. :D
DeleteTHANK YOU! I know, they're odd questions you normally wouldn't think much of. It was fun to put my brain to the test. :D
I had to reply to the comments this time just so I could use my favorite word (since it really just never comes up in day to day life since 7th grade science): Bioluminescence! I love the way it sounds and I love what it means - "the production of light by living organisms". Bioluminescence makes me think of the weird deep sea creatures it refers to (and fireflies!) - but also to their Creator God who is the true light of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post!
I can't say that I love that word quite as much... I suppose since it reminds me of science. *shudders* :P
DeleteBut, also of creation. So I guess that's good, too.
The word Phoropterraptor is fun! It's actually the eyechecking thingy, but with raptor at the end.
ReplyDeleteOoh, nice. I hadn't heard of that one before. Not quite sure how to pronounce it. :P
DeleteThis looks a lot like the text tag! But there's so many tags out there...... XD
ReplyDeleteI love your word you would invent!
SO MANY TAGS. I don't know if I know what the text tag is? I'm assuming similar to this... but I don't think I've seen it. :P
DeleteHaha, well the only reason I say that is because I did the Text Tag a couple weeks ago, and the questions are exactly the same. :D
DeleteAh! Katie you are so amazing...your posts are incredibly inspiring. :D (yes, even a tag!) And "ahahahahaha"...love it! I totally agree with you that favorites are SO hard. Whenever someone asks me my favorite book I'm like "Ummmmmmmmmm". :D
ReplyDeleteYou're such an inspiring girl! =) I love how you're so real with your readers...even if you have to write in all caps to show your feelings. **grins**
DeleteEek! Thank you! You're so sweet, Hannah -- your comments are the best. <3
THIS TAG IS EVIL. EVILLL. I will totally do it. I'm going to have to do a tag-dump post shortly xD Also, I totally agree with the "laughter" thing. It should be ahahahahah.
ReplyDeleteI love how you're basically like "UGH STUPID TAG" and then "YES DO THE THING." xD I look forward to seeing your answers. *nodnod*
DeleteDon't be surprised if habuka shows up in the dictionary someday... I'm totally gonna start using it and make all of my many minions use it too.
ReplyDeleteHope you don't mind ;P
That would be wonderful. xD Have you read Frindle? Your comment reminded me of that. :P
DeleteHaha, no I haven't XD I should though...
DeleteAwesome tag!
ReplyDeleteNabila // Hot Tonw Cool Girl
Thank you! <3
DeleteKATIE KATIE KATIE KATIE OH MY GOODNESS EVERYTHING YOU'RE SO SWEET YOU'RE THE BEST THANK YOU YOU'RE SO KIND. *heart busts with happiness and eyes also bc yeah* <3 I'M SO HAPPY YOU DID THIS TAG!! When I saw that you posted on Twitter and said that you hadn't realized there was another Saturday in May I was like "OOOH I WONDER WHAT SHE'S GOING TO POST EEEEP" AND THEN I COME AND HERE IS THIS TAG THAT I TAGGED YOU IN EEEEEEEEP. *bounces excitedly* (I was very literally flailing my arms when I read that first paragraph gotta be honest here)
ReplyDeleteMATH IS SUCH AN UGLY WORD. And omg U is cute yes especially the German version of U (or is it even?? IDEK) BECAUSE "ü" IS LIKE A U WITH A SMILEY FACE ALREADY HAPPENING AND HOW COULD YA NOT LOVE THAT. xD OMG I USE TOO MANY DASHES TOO. Because honestly periods are just so...final -- like maybe that's not all I have to say -- maybe I could go on some more -- or even FOREVER. XD
AJSFKLA;KSDJF ABBBIEEEEEEEE THANK YOUUUU! *screaming* YES it took me seriously forever to decide but FINALLY I remembered that you tagged me for this thing and I went, "Oh! Yes! I should do that." :P
DeleteEwww math. AND OHMYGOSH. Wow. I didn't even notice that the German u looked like a smiley face. o.o MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
Awesome tag! ^.^
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your answers. I like to AHAHAHAHA, too. ;)
One word that makes me laugh? Discombobulate. And befuddled. I consider those ones onomatopoeias, since they evoke EXACTLY what they sound like. xD
My favorite letter in the alphabet? HM. I adore writing in cursive, so I love the capital L, and lowercase k, e, and z. :)
And some of my (very long list of) favorite words are these: harmony, melody, song, and lyric. See a possible connection? ;)
Looking forward to the monthly highlights post! ^.^
Oh, and HABUKAAAAA. ;)
DeleteDISCOMBOBULATE. I use that word all the time. xD I love complicated words like that. :P
DeleteOoh, I do love the lowercase 'e.' It's just simple and cute. ^.^
Pfft, no connection at all. ;) I do agree on all the music words... maybe that's part of the reason I've titled my books as they are. :P
OH MY GOODNESS. This tag is so fun and brilliant! And YOUR ANSWERS. I am dyyyying! XDDD
ReplyDeleteHABUKAAAAA. I love it so much! It's so catchy and fun to say. THIS NEEDS TO BE A THING.
I'm obsessed with em dashes and commas, too! Seriously, I'm the comma queen. My family laughs at my obsession with commas. BUT THEY'RE THE BEST OKAY.
I'm literally rolling over laughing (I mean, ahahahaing) at your answer to the last question. SO. PERFECT. XDDD
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME. I must do this one day! We writers do love our words. This is a great tag! :D
DeleteOhmygosh thank youuu. I can't wait to see your answers if you choose to do it! :D
...can I steal your word? It's seriously the coolest word I've ever seen. Who makes words anyways?....Like, can I get a job making up words?
ReplyDeleteThis tag is just so epic. XD
YES OMG GO AHEAD AND STEAL ALLLLL THE WORDS. Haha, that would be a fabulous job. I'd just string a bunch of jibberish together. xD
Delete*whispers* Did you see that I tagged you? It showed up in tiny letters for some reason. xD
LOL. That's pretty much how I make my character names-by stringing a bunch of gibberish together. ;)
DeleteI DID and I'm so honored! :D I've just GOT to make a mental note of this. *burns into brain* I have a tendency to forget then remember later and kick myself for it. XD But I am GOING to do this one. *scrambles over to write it down*
Pizza is the best word!
ReplyDeleteYES I AGREE.
DeleteI love this tag so much!!! It's so much fun BUT SO HARD OMG.
ReplyDeleteRIGHT? It was quite a challenge and took a lot longer than I had previously intended. xD
Deleteis it bad that this afternoon I came up with a semi-deranged idea for a story...sorta based on death...? My mom looked at me like I was crazy when I told her my idea
ReplyDeleteThis post was so awesome! And oh my goodness, that tag looks so HARD. I might do it though, because WORDS *nods*.
ReplyDeleteWHAT, you're trying to make me choose one letter of the alphabet as my favorite? Yeah, that's too hard.
One word that makes me laugh is AHAHAHAHA (because that is so obviously a word now) XD.
AHHH I lovelovelove this post *flails wildly* Thanks for tagging me! <3
ReplyDeleteEek! What a creative idea for a tag. Love your answers too. =D
ReplyDeleteThis post made me AHAHAHAHAH. XD