This month was crazy, crazy, crazy insane, but it's finally coming to an end. NaNo was the best and worst decision of my life. *collapses tiredly* xD
(I've been collapsing a lot this month. It'll get better in December. I promise. :P)
T h e H i g h l i g h ts
Well, I mean NaNo was pretty much the biggest thing of the month. A highlight, but it lost its fun pretty quickly. xD
I went with my family to see the play Phantom of the Opera! *starts singing dramatically* We don't see plays very often, so it was fun and a really good play. :D
I started the TV show, LOST. *insert dramatic music for absolutely no reason* I just finished the first season and it has already made me cry, scream, laugh, and sob. Ugly sob. It's pretty amazing. xD

We (my family) don't get too crazy over Black Friday shopping, but we usually go to one store Thursday night. This year we went to Best Buy and got Inside Out because it was cheap and its an amazing movie we've been wanting to own for a while. We stood in line for an hour and a half for that one movie, but... Ah well. :P
Christmas decorations! We don't do much for decorating, but we have our Christmas tree and stockings and it just generally feels nice. :)
B o o k T h i n g s
// A Monster Calls + Cinder + A Time to Speak + Dreams of Caladria + Illuminae //
Since NaNo has been taking up ALL OF MY TIME, I've only read ONE book this month. *sigh* It was A Time to Speak by Nadine Brandes. Amazingly epic and I read it it one day. xD I deserted NaNo but I don't care.
BUT, after NaNo ends, I'm going to turn December into a reading month (despite the tons of editing I'll be doing... -.^). The books I'll be reading:
- Cinder
- Scarlet
- Cress
- Winter
[all by Marissa Meyer]
- A Monster Calls
[Patrick Ness]
- Illuminae
[Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff]
- Walk on Earth a Stranger
[Rae Carson]
- Six of Crows
[Leigh Bardugo]
I'm totally going to read more than the list above, but these are the books I want to read for sure. So if any of you have some epic recommendations for me to read... *cough cough* *coughs very loudly*
I bought five books this month (picture before) and in turn used up the rest of my Amazon giftcard. *sniff* Buuuut, Christmas approaches eventually... And I WON'T buy anymore books until then, so if you see me doing so, yell at me or something. xD
// A Monster Calls + Cinder + A Time to Speak + Dreams of Caladria + Illuminae //
A Monster Calls is actually going to be made into a movie, so before I see it (even though it's not coming out until later 2016, I think) I want to read it. It's made people cry and I've heard super good things about it. (Plus I always love books that make me cry...)
Here's the trailer:
Definitely a teaser trailer since it doesn't tell you much, but I like it already.
T h e W o r l d o f W r i t i n g
This is the first time I've written a novel longer than 100,000 words. o.O
So now I'm just typing furiously today so I can finish my novel by midnight. (!!) I'M SO EXCITED.
This month was awesome, though. NaNoWriMo brings all these writers together to shoot for a crazy insane goal, and I got to "hang" out warring with my lovely online writing buddies ALL month. I had such a blast.
So, a special thank you to all my Word War buddies! I didn't realize there were so many people I warred/sprinted with throughout this month until I started writing down all the names. (yes, some of them are duplicate names, and yes, that was purposeful because they just have the same name. xD) I don't think I actually really wrote this month without warring someone... o.O
*exhausted sigh* I have done so much writing this month, that I am just done. xD *collapses* I am ready to go into hibernation mode and just read and sleep and eat pizza and generally do nothing for all of December.
BUT, I will resist. December will be used outlining my new plot development, letting The Sand Dragon's Song rest in it's word document, and start continuing the edits of Song of the Desert. (Though I will also try to read an insane amount of books so I will have some fun. :D)
R a m b l i n g s o f t h e M o n t h
So, remember at the end of last month I said that I was going to also do a Blogspot Blogger Design post sometime in November?
Well, that didn't happen. So, I'm going to do it in December. Don't fear -- it'll come!
My four posts about NaNo:
O t h e r A w e s o m e P o s t s
So I was basically a horrible blogger friend this month. With NaNo, I couldn't comment on all the blogs and keep track of all the posts, but I did read/stalk my Bloglovin' feed throughout the month, so I'm caught up! I'm looking forward to being around the blogosphere more in December again. Buuut, there are some posts that stuck out to me that I remembered to link to. (It's actually more of a blog shout out this month, but oh well.)
My awesome friend and loyal commenter, Anna Holden, is starting a blog! *dances around* It's called The Everstorm Comes (epic name, yes?) Her first post will be next Saturday, SO GO FOLLOW IT NOW SO YOU CAN READ IT! *will reward you with cookies if you follow* *go ahead* *go follow it* *thank you* ;)
Rachelle has returned to the blogosphere with a reading and writing themed GIVEAWAY!
Now I'm double the happy, because Ana has returned to the blogging world as well! I've missed her bookish and writing posts. :)
Cait's post on "what writer's are really trying to say" was so fabulous. It made me laugh and I can related to everything.
T h i n g s t o C o m e!
In December: (WAHT. IT'S DECEMBER TOMORROW. LIKE, HOW?! *tries to calm self*)
- Definitely a blogspot blogger design post, again. Last time people seemed interested in sidebars, so I'll share my thoughts on that.
- The year in review. My year in books, writing, blogging, life... Just kind of a GIANT wrap up post with some cool stats because stats are awesome. xD
- Also, maybe a survey to see what you guys are most interested in for the new year and such? *shrug*
(That's all the posts I have planned out for now, but there will be more.)
If you don't remember what my posting schedule is, it's EVERY Saturday. If I have an extra post to write in the month, it will be on Tuesday. Otherwise the Monthly Highlights post will be up on the last day of the month no matter what day it is. :)
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- Katie Grace
Any books I HAVE to read over Christmas break? I'd love recommendations!
What are you looking forward to in December? (Anything besides Christmas? ;)
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