Saturday, January 2, 2016

Goals For 2016

So New Years Resolutions are a thing every January. People make up a list filled with goals to exercise, eat less (or maybe actually eat more pizza in my case), or read an insane amount of books. And so since someone suggested this post on my blog survey, I'm going to do the thing.

Most of the goals are writing related, but there will be a few life goals and other random things scattered throughout.

(I'll also share some of the survey results at the end of this post, so keep reading!)

I originally put "GOALS FOR 2015" in the picture above before realizing that it's 2016 now. *headdesk*
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*immediately starts shaking*
Having people read my writing is one of my greatest dreams and one of my deepest fears. BUT 2016 IS THE YEAR! Insecurity is just something I have to overcome with my writing. Not everyone will like my novel and that's okay. I'll just have to deal with that.

But since plenty of people have asked me, I will be needing beta readers in March. Probably. (Probably, because my book likes to do whatever it pleases and sometimes demands more editing than I'd like.)


I will continue to post every Saturday morning since that has been working out well, and my "Monthly Highlights" post will go up on the last day of the month. If I post a random tag or babbling that's not quite as important, I'll do that on a Tuesday.

And if I don't post on a Saturday (without a good excuse), do feel free to chuck pizza at my face. (I won't complain.)

This is something I've gotten quite horrible at within the last few months. I read so many blogs. SO MANY. I think I have close to 150 on my Bloglovin' feed. It's kind of crazy.

So most often in the mornings I'll read alllll the posts, but never actually VISIT the blog and comment. I know how awesome it feels to get a comment, so I want to be better about doing that for the awesome bloggers I follow.


100 books is a lot. o.o I read eighty books this year, and twenty extra books will be quite a stretch. BUT I'M GOING TO DO IT. 100 is just a nice and round number and it would be such an awesome accomplishment.


Since I'm one of those weird homeschooler kids, school is a little bit more flexible which means that it's easier to fall behind on my work. Last year I was doing school long after Memorial Day and it just wasn't very fun. I've stayed caught up so far, so here's to hoping that it will stay that way! xD


Last year I wrote two new drafts, but I'm not quite sure about this year. I'm not sure when I'd do it. I'm not sure if I'd have time to do it with all the editing. (*groan*) But it would make me super happy to participate in NaNoWriMo again. I'd most likely do a Little Red Riding contemporary retelling that I have in mind. More on that... in October... if I decide to write it. :P

And now this is the point where I'd insert a goal about eating lots of pizza but that seems a bit excessive.

I also have goals I'm not certain enough with to put them in large print and bold letters. Like getting my driver's license, going to a Twenty One Pilots concert (ha, probably not going to happen, but I'm putting it here anyways), rewrite and edit The Sand Dragon's Song, getting a job, buying a gigantic bookshelf, and actually going to bed before midnight on a regular basis. (heh... heh...)


*awkwardly and suddenly transitions to the survey results*

Just go to my last post if you haven't already taken the survey. I'd still very much appreciate your answers!

what type of posts do you like the best?

I'm very relieved that you people like the Monthly Highlights. I'm never sure if I make them too boring or not. :P

do you like pizza?
It makes me insanely happy that no one answered number five.
other comments: 

  • Apparently most of you really want to actually know what my book is about and all that stuff. So that was super flattering. Expect to see a post semi-soonish about the desert fantasy adventures.
  • Quite a few people also wanted more faith-related posts. (which makes sense since it is A Writer's Faith.) Maybe I'll do some posts about faith and writing or faith and reading. 
  • Twelve different people mentioned pizza in their answers. Which is epic. (someone even wished that the new year would bring me stalling pizza delivery trucks (TRUCKS!!) outside my house. 
  • Taken from an answer: "Twenty One Pilots is amazing. (and they're from my hometown and friends with my parents.....)" ...Wait, friends with your PARENTS? That's awesome. *tries not to become jealous* ;)
  • And Someone mentioned that my blog is hard to read on a mobile device, so I shall look into that. Thank you for letting me know!

YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO KIND. From now on if I'm ever sad or feeling down, all I have to do is read your comments on the survey and I'll feel all happy and fuzzy inside. <3 

Thank you!

- Katie Grace

Do you make New Years resolutions/goals? If you do, what are three of them?
Oh! How many books are you planning to (or trying to) read in 2016?

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                                                            CONNECT WITH ME!


  1. I am going to try to read a 100 books as well. Most likely I will just end up eating pizza and crying.

    1. YAY! We can be 100 book buddies! :D
      Ha. The reality of that though. That will be me when I'm editing. :P

  2. OH MY GOSH I MUST BETA READ YOUR NOVEL IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR BETA READERS (March is my summer so I will have little to do but write AND SO I WOULD LOVE TO READ IT)!

    Agh hahaha thank you so much for reading my blog literally no one reads it (except my friends but I force them to :P) and commenting! When I get the email I become giddy like "Oh my gosh Katie commented again!"

    Good luck on 100 books! My goal will probably be just 50 since I'm trying to write two first drafts this year.

    I hope our goals work out for both of us! :)

    1. IT WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY FOR YOU TO BETA READ MY NOVEL! (And scared. But, mostly happy. :P)

      Aww, I'm so glad! xD I never comment as much as I like to but your posts are awesome. :D

      Two drafts? Whoah. Impressive. I can totally understand why you'd go for 50 then. :P Do you have some certain books you want to read this year?

    2. You already know my obsession with Illuminae haha! Also: Passenger by Alex Bracken-I don't have it yet-, the Tellus books by Lucy Saxon-have it-, the Star Wars books, Lost Stars and Aftermath-have it too-and maybe I'm going to get the Cinder books. I got lots of bookstore gift cards fhis Christmas so I'm going to use them once I'm done reading the books I now have :)

    3. Illuminaeeee! *flails*
      Hmm, I haven't read any of the other books aside from the Lunar Chronicles. I've heard of the Star Wars books, but I don't think I'm too interested in reading them especially with how many there are. o.o

  3. Go with your reading goal! Trying to balance writing/reading/school to stay on top of it all can be super hard :/

    A Little Red Riding retelling sounds awesome :) And buying a gigantic bookshelf is a very worthy goal :)

    1. Thank you! :D I'm excited to push myself to make it. Do you have a reading goal for this year?

      I'm hoping it turns out awesome, ha. I have little ideas bouncing around in my head but I need to figure out how to piece all of the ideas together. If I can do that, it could be awesome. :P

  4. Yay, my goal is to read 100 books this year too! I've failed two times, but maybe I'll make it this year? Posting and commenting consistently would be good time seeing as I failed on that towards the end of the year.

    I can't wait to hear more about Song of the Desert. My favorite thing about this blog is pretty much everything you have on here about writing, so I can't wait to see more of those posts.

    I don't even know what my goals are for this year. Most of them that I've come up with already are less achievement focused than they were last year like reading my Bible from front to back (I have never done this before) and taking time to relax and do one fun thing every week. Mainly I just want to make sure I'm not always so stressed. It would be also be good to write/edit a novel draft or two or send a short story out or code more or go to a writer's conference. Like Realm Makers. Maybe.

    1. YAY another 100 book buddy!

      Aww, thank you! <3 I love writing about writing. Except my own writing because I get all insecure and everything but I shall try to talk about it more often since people are interested. :P

      Ooooh, you're thinking about going to Realm Makers? o.O I'm really hoping it will work out for me to go this year, but I'm not quite sure. It would be AWESOME to meet each other. :D

  5. I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions... although I suppose I have, tentatively in my head, and I should probably write those out on paper before I forget. OH oh oh I know: that should be my resolution. Quit procrastinating! He. he. he. Like that's going to happen...
    But ONE of my goals is to read 100 books this year. I can't believe I'm even doing this, but Imma try. I read 70 last year, so that is quite the stretch, though last year was my first year setting a goal for myself (I set it to 50 & exceeded that) so I think I can do it.
    I would LOVE to read your book. The way you talk about it, it sounds absolutely amazing and I can't wait to read it!!
    My good friend, Bailey, actually just got 21 Pilots tickets for Christmas and was talking about them when I saw her on New Year's Eve! ;) I need to start listening to them more, they sound amazing.

    1. Quit procrastinating... Ha. That's probably one of the hardest resolutions to make, so good luck with that! xD

      Eeep, 100 books! I tried for 67 last year and made it to 80, so I'm really hoping I can do this too. We'll have to keep each other accountable. :D

      Awww, that's so sweet of you! I hope if you do get a chance to read it that you really, really like it. :D

      Whoah, she got Twenty One Pilots tickets? o.O *may be jealous* :P That's so awesome. It would be amazing to see them live.

  6. Three goals I have made is: exercise more, write more and get closer to God (Definitely not in that order)
    This year my goal was to read 100 books and I ended up reading 130(ish). So my goal for the year is 120! Good luck with your goal XD

    1. Getting closer to God and growing more in my faith is DEFINITELY one of my resolutions. It's such an important thing and I need to focus on it more often.

      Whoah, 130? Amazing. o.o You totally got your goal!

  7. I would LOVE to beta-read your novel!!! :D Pizza is doubt about it. We have this great little pizza place here - ah, so good!!! :)
    Happy New Years, Katie Grace!

    ~Faith, a girl who's been following your blog for several months but has never (that I remember anyways...) left a comment xD

    1. Happy New Years, Faith! Thanks for much for following (and commenting!). It makes me happy. :D

  8. They all sound like great goals. And eating more pizza is definitely something that should be up there. Just saying. Pizza is important.

    And yes, I want to hear more about this desert fantasy novel because YES. *cough* please.

    1. Pizza is very important. *nodnod*

      Okay, I'll share about my novel as long as you share about yours. Deal? xD

    2. The last meal I hate in 2015 was pizza. It is very important.

      Oh, fine. Deal. xD

  9. these are all amazing resolutions :) i definitely need to work on commenting on other people's blogs a lot more, since, well, so often i just read them, nod in appreciation, and just sort of move on. but like you said, it's so rewarding to see someone comment on my blog, so i should take that initiative for others. also, i hope you can accomplish reading all those books this year! my goal is somewhere around 100, because i think that would be a great accomplishment. ughh yeah. life.


    - autumn

    1. Exactly what I do. :P I'm impressed by some bloggers that comment EVERYWHERE and are just so encouraging and add a lot to the blogger community. I really want to try to do that, too. ^.^

      100. Yesss. *high five* We can do this!

      I KNOW. PIZZA. *stomach rumbles*

  10. Twenty One Pilots, pizza, and books... Um, YES. Good luck with your goals this year!! I'm so excited for a whole new year of reading and writing and eating pizza! ;)

    1. So am I! :D And I'm excited for this whole new year filled with blogging and reading other blogs. (Like yours!) I can't wait to see what you post. :D

  11. Reading 100 books is my goal. :) I actually think I can make it with all of the books you recommended to me. One of my goals is to eat more pizza because PIZZA IS AMAZING. And of course the usual write more.

    1. Ha, I have so many more books to recommend to you. There's just so many good ones out there!

  12. I haven't officially made goals, but I do plan to release two more books and make some good progress on my next series. And maybe finally find some music students. I want to read more this year than last year, but my Goodreads goal is lower. :P Sorry, pizza isn't part of my goals. My stomach doesn't like it very much, even if my mouth does. Same with fried chicken. :(

    1. Wow, I'm just amazing that you can release two whole books in a year. It could take me two years alone to edit a novel! xD

      Aww, that's terrible! Do you have a gluten allergy or does it just not sit with you well?

    2. They're both already written, just awaiting final edits. It usually takes me about two to three years to get from the first draft to publishing. So it takes me about that long too, I just got ahead on writing. :)

      I don't know what I have. I seem to be fine with home ground wheat, but I'll randomly feel weird after eating (though also after not eating, or not eating on time) and I can't narrow it down to what's actually affecting me. I know I have problems with processed food and greasy food, but it's not always that that makes me feel bad. But last time I ate pizza I felt bad for several days, so I haven't had it since. :( I felt okay after homemade pizza with homemade crust and sauce, though, thank goodness!

    3. Ahh, that makes a lot of sense. But you must've had a lot of novels written out ahead of time. o.o You're releasing so many so soon!

      *nod* I have that with plain cooked eggs. They give me a stomach ache afterwards, but not for several days, thankfully. :P
      I'm glad you get to have SOME sort of pizza!

  13. I enjoyed getting to see the survey results and it's neat to know that a few other people commented on the faith thing, too. I'm hoping to read 60 books this year, I read 50 last year. I set 15 goal last year and only completed like 4 so I kinda avoided setting any this year although I sorta have a few things in mind. Some of them are the same as yours such as getting a driver's license, staying caught up in schoolwork and getting my novel out to beta readers :) I'm also going to try and read the Bible in six months and memorizing the book of James along with one of my friends... I'm not sure how that will go but I'm going to try. Happy New Year!

    1. Ooh, you're going to send your novel out to beta readers as well? That's so awesome and exciting. :D

      And we might be driver's license buddies! When are you able to take your test?
      Good luck memorizing the book of James! That's a huge goal. o.o

    2. I can't take my test until the first week of June :/ When are you taking yours?

    3. Well, my birthday is March 19th, so anytime after that if I decide to take it. :D Which is coming up soon. o.o

    4. Oh, do you have to have had your driver's permit for 6 months? Where I live, I have to have had my permit for 6 months and I have to complete 30 hours of day driving and ten hours of night driving.

    5. Eliza Noel, I love that you are going to read the Bible in 6 months! That is a hard goal, but also very rewarding! And memorizing a whole book of the Bible too! Way to go!! =D

    6. Eliza - I think that's the rule... But since I'm not sixteen yet I have to wait until I'm sixteen. And that's the same with my state -- 30 hours of day driving and ten hours of night. I've nearly completed all of the day driving. The night will be the hard part...
      Have you taken behind the wheel? Or does your state not do that?

      And I agree with Hosanna, Eliza. That's a lot of reading for six months. o.o

    7. Hosanna, I don't know yet how I'll actually complete it but I figured even if I get behind I should actually finish within a year which that alone would be an accomplishment. As for the memorizing, hopefully I can actually do. I'm pretty bad at memorizing stuff unless it's a song. Of course, with God's help I can do anything :)
      Katie, oh okay. For some reason I didn't realize it had been that long ago that you got your permit and announced it on your blog but i guess it has been. I got my permit about a month ago but I've only actually driven twice. My dad doesn't want me driving when any of my siblings are in the car and it's rare that it's ever just me and him going somewhere. My mom is too afraid to let me drive her places lol Since I'm homeschooled we were able to fill out a paper to make my dad my behind the wheel trainer. Also, I've actually been listening to the Bible reading while I bake or clean my room so it shouldn't be too terribly hard :)

    8. Ahhh. Oh my, that would be hard to find time. o.o Hopefully it gets easier as the year goes on so you can take your test right away! :D

      Ooh, I didn't think of listening to the Bible. That's a good idea. I've done that once or twice, but the narrator on the Bible I use speaks sooo slowlyyy. :P

  14. Eat more pizza is a valid goal. It's pretty much my major goal as well, and since there are so many pizza places in my new area, my goal is to try like, every kind of pizza from each of them. This might take some time, but I'm totally up to the challenge.

    Yeah, with homeschooling, it's so easy to get behind. My last year of high school, I didn't finish until mid July, which was depressing. Like, I had some very legitimate reasons for being behind, but it still wasn't fun playing all that catch-up.

    I'm also raising my Goodreads goal this year. :P Eighty books is impressive. If you can do eighty, I'm sure you can do a hundred.

    1. That sounds like an amazing challenge. I would love to join you. xD

      Ack, July is pretty late. :P But at least you're finished now! :D

      How many books are you trying for this year?
      Happy New Year!


      Yeah, I was finally relieved to finish with it all and move on to other things. :P

      I set my Goodreads goal for 175 books. Since I only read 118 books last year, it's going to be a bit of a stretch to get 27 more. :P

    3. Whoah. Isn't that 57 more? Whoah, you're impressive. ...Good luck. o.o

    4. Yeah *looks sheepish* I should probably mention that I don't math very well. And thank you!

  15. I don't have any New Years resolutions this year. I've decided I'll just focus on following GOD wherever He leads me. :-)

    I haven't thought about a number of books. o.o There are so few good books left! xP (Note: I'm currently waiting on my mom to read two books I got from the library. xP)

    1. That's a very good idea. :P

      Then you can reread books! xP Like Steelheart and Firefight before Calamity comes out. o.o I NEED THAT BOOK NOW!

    2. Oh. o.o I could reread those, couldn't I.

      Calamity... o.o This year. 0.0

    3. Ooh, ohh! So I would love to read those before Calamity comes out, so we could read them together. That'd be awesome. :D


    4. Faith, I was stuck with reading recently too. I happened to read a book that wasn't that good and told my parents about it so now they preview pretty much everything before I read it. This was hard because I love reading and my parents don't have much time to preview books. Although, I know it's good they started doing thet because there is a lot of bad stuff out there. I think it's also veen good, because, just so I can keep reading I've tried a lot of books I thought would be boring. I've read some nonfiction my dad's already read and I've read more classics and things my parents allready know are good :)

  16. Oh. And Beta reading your novel would be so amazing. o.o I've never been a beta reader before, so I don't quite know how it's done, but it would be epic. xD

    1. Eeep. *hides* It would be amazing. All you'd have to do is read it and either comment after every chapter of what things I could improve on or things you like OR just answer some questions at the end. I'd try to make it easy for everyone. :P

    2. That would be so EPIC. As epic as... Steelheart. o.o

    3. No. No. You can't compare beta reading to Steelheart because Steelheart is wayyyy too epic. *flails just thinking about the fantastic novel*

    4. xD It is quite epic... And Epic. xP

  17. I'd love to Beta Read your novel in March, Katie Grace! :) Shoot me an email (I'm at when you're ready to send it out!
    I'm going for the crazy 100 books resolution too :). Think we can do it??

    1. Aww, that means a lot! I'll probably just have a sign up on the blog because it would become confusing trying to keep track of everyone's emails. :P

      We can totally do it! :D *high five*

  18. Behind on school? Yeah, I know how that is. I'm quite familiar with working well past Memorial Day too. xD And for me right now it's awful because I'm graduating this year and I get to have an actual graduation ceremony so I have to have everything done by a certain date... and I don't do well with deadlines. At all. Good luck with the rest of your year. -high fives-
    To put it simply, three of my goals for this year are praying more, writing more, and reading more. A lot more. How many books do I plan to read? As many as I can cram into my brain. xD

    1. Yeeesh deadlines are scary but necessary I've learned. :P You can totally finish it! *gives you pizza to deal with the school*

      Oh, yes. I would love to pray more for other people, too. I've been thinking about starting a document with everyone's prayer requests so I don't forget about them once they mention the request.

    2. Thank you! Pizza makes everything loads better! -noms-
      That's a good idea! I'll have to try that too. :)

  19. I have ten writing goals, way too many to name. Random: what's your favorite Twenty One Pilots song?

    1. Ooh, I have soooo many favorites!
      Stressed Out // Holding On To You // Addict With A Pen // Heavydirtysoul // March To The Sea // Forest // Migraine // Isle of Flightless Birds // ...and basically all the rest of their songs. xD

    2. c.f. I like Polarize, Message Man, We Don't Believe What's on TV, yeah, so many good ones. :D Are you on Spotify?

    3. I like the last two you listed a lot. They're very catchy and fun to sing along with. :D

      I love Spotify! It's how I do allll of my listening. :P

    4. Wait, would that be creepy to follow you?


    No pressure or anything. xD

    1. I'd be most scared to send it to you because your novels are so amazingggg. :P

  21. 100 books?? Eeek... I thought that 50 was going to be difficult. One of my new year resolutions are to write 50k in NaNoWriMo this November. The most I have written was last year, 35,000.

    I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT YOUR BOOK!!!! Give me info please :) :)

    1. YOU ARE GOING TO DO NANOWRIMO?! Oh my goodness that's so exciting. :D Do you know what book you're going to work on for it?

      AWW THAT MAKES ME HAPPY! I can't wait to hear more about yours. :D

    2. I'm not exactly sure, yet. I might rewrite Galaxy Connectors, or start a new one.

  22. You're going to send out your story to beta readers in (possibly) March? Well, then I shall have to talk to my mom about beta-ing for you ...

    100 BOOKS?! Wow. Wow wow wow. I hope you make it! I'm going to try for 50. Just 'cause I have a feeling this year could get a bit crazy for me, otherwise I might try for a higher number.

    Staying caught up with school is a very good resolution. A resolution I need to make :). I'm consistently getting behind!

    Hopefully I'll be writing a first draft this year, too. But we'll see how that goes. However, I'm fairly certain I'll be writing for this year's Rooglewood contest, so I'll at least write a novella this year :).

    On a regular basis, I'm ALWAYS going to before around midnight. Perhaps I should change that :D.

    I haven't really thought about New Years resolutions/goals ... hmm ... well, I'd like to pursue publication more, get my learner's permit, get a public blog, and learn to play the violin, to name a few :).

    1. I might! Hopefully! Probably! :D I can assure you that there won't be any questionable content aside from violence. I would compare it to the Tales of Goldstone Woods. Intense, but nothing too terrible. :P

      50 is still great, though! What are some books you're hoping to read? (or reread?)

      Ooh, right! I forgot about that! I wonder what it will be this year... Five Poison Apples? That'd be epic. :D

      Ooh, I've always wanted to learn to play the violin. :D And you wanted to pursue self publishing, yes?

    2. Well, Starflower is on my list of re-reads, along with Eragon and The Hobbit. For new reads, I am DEFINITELY reading Samara's Peril and Five Magic Spindles, along with Five Enchanted Roses (I know, I know, I should have got my hands on that a long time ago ...), A Time To Die, and possibly Cinder. And that's only to name a few :).

      Yeah, I was actually guessing along the lines of Snow White. Five Poison Apples seems to fit right in with all the other titles. Or maybe they'll do The Snow Queen (Five Ice Castles?) or The Little Mermaid, though what they would title a Little Mermaid collection, I'm not sure :).

      My little sister (Skylar) plays violin like a pro, and I'm SO jealous! We used to have two violins in the house (Skylar's and one she rented before she got her own), and we used to play together. Though I wasn't very good :P.

      I was thinking more along the lines of finally writing and polishing up a full novel that I actually think is any good, while looking into the traditional publishing industry some more (and if I get really, really brave ... possibly querying agents? I dunno. That part probably wouldn't happen this year, anyways.).

      I really hope I can convince my parents that I'm ready for a public blog some time this year :). I think it would be a lot of fun!

    3. Starflower! I have to decide when I want to reread those series again. I just read them this year (...oops, last year...), so maybe 2017 will be the time for rereading TOGW. Or before Poison Crown comes out... whenever that is. *sniff*

      Five Mermaid Tails? Or Five Red Cloaks for a little red riding hood retelling?

      Ooh, that would be really scary and awesome to query agents. I'm not quite sure if that will happen this year or not... Hopefully, but I'll have to see how much editing I have to do once I get feedback from beta readers.

    4. Oh, yes, you totally just reminded me that I should do a re-read of the entire TOGW series before Poison Crown comes out (I will absolutely devour that book when it is published). But (since I also read the whole series this year) I'll probably wait to do it until 2017 as well.

      I just had a random thought bubble right there about another book I need to read this year. Somehow I haven't got my hands on Anne Elisabeth Stengl's 'Goddess Tithe' novella yet. I don't know how that's possible, but it shall happen this year! Have you read it?

      Five Mermaid Tails would be a such a pretty title (and a re-telling of The Little Mermaid would be so fun), and I love Five Red Cloaks! Or maybe Five Captive Princesses for Rapunzel (I seriously couldn't think of any better title). I'm still putting my vote down for Snow White this year, though :).

      Ooo, you're going to think about querying agents this year? *squeals* I hope you do! Yes, scary but awesome :). How cool would it be if you actually found an agent in, like, a year or so (okay, maybe I'm being a tad wishful here)? Hopefully you won't have too much editing to do :).

    5. Ooh, we could do it together! That would be fun. :D
      I'm hoping for some sort of update from Anne soon... She's kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for the last couple months. :P I'm not sure HOW long of a break she's taking from TOGW either. I hope no more than a couple years... :/

      Oooh, yes! I have read it. It's really short and nothing terribly special, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It has one of my favorite characters from the first couple books in the TOGW. :D

      I think I would like to read Snow White stories the most. Beauty and the Beast is my FAVORITE fairy tale, so I just have to get my hands on Five Enchanted Roses. But it costs SO much. *sigh*

      Maybe. Maaaaybe. xD I mean, I have to do it sometime. This year might just be the year...

    6. Yes! What a wonderful idea! We should totally do that! *mentality schedules a re-read of TOGW in 2017 with Katie* We'll have to make a note :).

      You haven't read FER either? Well, now I don't feel so bad :D. The Kindle version is on sale right now, so I can't decide whether or not I want to buy it so I can finally read it ...

      Hopefully this year is the year! That would be SO cool.

    7. YES! That would soooo much fun. :D I don't think I could ever get sick of reading TOGW. :)

      Nope. :P But I will eventually. It's one of those books I want to have on my bookshelf, so I might wait to see if the price goes down...if it ever goes down. :P

      I know! *squeal* I'm going to keep working hard and see how it goes. :D

  23. I'm going for 100 books this year too...I originally thought I could do 150 but looking at what I read last year...I figure I should make the goal feasible. :P

    yessss going to a twenty one pilots concert is always a good goal, whether it happens or not. that's on my agenda too, even though I'm not sure when I'd fit that in.

    (also, if I'd seen your survey, I would've been the 1 person to say I don't like pizza... *dodges pizza boxes thrown my way* I just don't love it...)

    Happy 2016!!

    1. Wow, so many people are going to try for 100 books this year! I'm impressed by all these ambitions goals. :P

      *gasp* You.... don't.... like.... pizza? *pushes hurt feelings aside* Your awesomeness makes up for your lacking love of pizza. xD

    2. I know...I try to like it...but it's just not my thing. At least I got over my very strong dislike of chocolate (I don't know how people could stand to be around me...chocolate is amazing and needs to be loved.)

    3. Waaaht, no chocolate either? (I'm very glad you got over it. xD) My sister used to be like that... We'd make up brownies and she'd eat carrots. :P

    4. now that's just sad...I mean carrots are great and all, but they're nowhere near as amazing as chocolate...

  24. I'm with you on the whole comment on more blogs things. I definitely tend to read the blog posts without remembering to stop and comment. I don't miss many posts, but do I remember to comment? Hahah, don't be so funny. That's definitely a big thing I want to get on top of this year. As to how many books I want to read, any books would be good. I've gotten out of the habit of reading lately, and I really want to get back into reading in my spare time rather than wasting time online or just not making time for it.

    1. Well, I'm very impressed with how much you comment on my blog! :P

      Ack, that was me during the fall months when school started. I'm hoping I can get used to the pattern of school this year and juggle editing, blogging, school, reading better, especially since I'm highly considering getting a job, too.

  25. Goodness, so many people are planning to read a hundred books! I only got about forty read this year, and I'd like to read a few more this year. So, hopefully I'll read at least fifty. In particular, though, I want to read more nonfiction. More biographies and life-type books. And of course fiction. :) Good luck with your goal, Katie!

    I've never really done New Year's Resolutions; honestly, the new year is just another passing of time for me. I am, however, using this break from school to get things in order for another year: finances, exercise, that kind of thing. It's good to take a breath and reevaluate things every now and then. I like your goals. They're realistic but just enough to make you stretch. :) I look forward to seeing you fulfill them.

    1. I know. o.o I was ALMOST going to try for 90 but then I got all competitive and couldn't settle for an amount so close to 100 books. :P I'm trying to get in the habit of reading for at least fifteen minutes before bed instead of writing/randomly browsing the internet, so that'll help me.

      I never used to do resolutions either. It's a lot easier to set writing resolutions rather than "exercise more" and "eat less" kind of goals. :P

  26. Wow, that's a lot of goals! :) I don't tend to make a lot of New Years resolutions because I know our family can tend to get busy and...things can change pretty quickly! That said, I did make a few this year. ;) Three of them? Get my drivers license, Edit (because I don't like it and it needs to get done), and Graduate!!
    I'm going to try and get 150 books read. . .not sure if I'll get that many done, but I'm going to try!

    1. Wahoo! Another person who may get their driver's license! Hopefully we'll both be able to do that easily. :)

      Editing. Ugh. I know some people who like it, but I think for the most part it's just a necessary evil of writing. :P It would be a lot easier if it didn't take SOOOO much time. *sigh*

      Whoah, 150 is a lot. o.o Good luck! :D

  27. Thank you for putting up all of your new year's resolutions, Katie! =) I am looking forward to seeing more about your novel!! =D And this year I am trying to do 100 books in a year too, so I'll race you on goodreads. =) hehe

    1. Ooh. *accepts your friend request on Goodreads and reads super fast to beat you* ;)

    2. Hey, no fair! I am reading a super long book right now. ;)

    3. Mwahaha. ;)

      Well, Goodreads DOES keep track of the number of pages you've read throughout the year, so you may beat me in that, then. :P

  28. I do, 1) the ever common(but ever true), lose weight. 2)read either the little house on the prairie books and/or read the anne of green gables books(both part of my current movie obcessions) and 3)graduate middle school, get in at least one bathhouse show, succeed in general this summer, and finally get a good start to my freshman year of high school(and yes, that really is just one goal) this should be interesting. oh, just have to add one more 4)get confirmed and not regret it at all(working on it/just don't ask)

  29. These are some great goals! :D I wish you the best in fulfilling them. I'm not sure I'm /as/ bananas about pizza as you are, but I do love spinach feta onion pizza very much. ^ ^ Some of my goals are completing another novel, doing NaNoWriMo next year, and journaling. ^ ^

    1. Hm, I'm not quite sure if I'm bananas about spinach feta onion pizza. :P It sounds interesting... xD

      NANOWRIMO! Yess, I am totally doing NaNo this year. I forget... Did you do it last year?

    2. It's really good. I'd give it a try. ^ ^

      Yep I've done it in 2015 and 2014. ^ ^


don't be shy to hang out in the comment section!
make frens, check back for my replies, keep things clean, shout about pizza, squeal about books, moan about editing... all that cool stuff.