Friday, January 8, 2016

Creative Faith // Guest Post By Rachel Alison

There might just be a giveaway at the end of this post so make sure to keep reading.

Hello all! I'm super excited to have Rachel on my blog today. I've been following her blog, Random Rants By Rcubed, for over a year now, and her posts are always fantastic and I usually leave them giggling. But guess what? RACHEL IS LAUNCHING A NEW BLOG! It's called Silver Mess, and you should all go follow it to get excited for her posts with me. :D Rachel is just a really awesome person. 
the (1).jpg

She's also guest posting today, and here's her post: Creative Faith.
(It's a really powerful post. I love it so much. <3)


Hey there! My name is Rachel Alison, and in lieu of launching my latest website, Silver Mess, Katie has graciously allowed me to guest post on her blog!

Silver Mess is all about creativity, and how it pertains to all areas of life--style, art, music, film, literature, architecture, photography, and more. Beyond even creativity, though, it's about creation. As a born-again Christian, I  believe that God created the world--this world, in which we love, breathe, eat sleep, talk, laugh, cry, run, etc., etc., etc. This Earth is our tangible home. Unless we start Mars colonization at some point in the near future (who even wants to live there? It's dusty and red), we're going to stay here. 

Oftentime, I find myself getting so caught up in the moment that I forget to step back, pause, and look at the whole beauty of this earth. Sure, humans have run it over and abused it and utterly disregarded the whole idea of "stewardship," but guess what? If you look at it from space, like astronauts do, I bet it's still beautiful.

And it is this whole concept of beauty and God that blows my mind. When humans create beautiful things--art, words, ideas--we create that which we have absorbed from other people. Every heard of the whole "there is no such thing as an original idea" pitch? Well, that's true--for humans. We don't have the capacity to create real, genuine, untainted ideas that have no been inspired by what we've already seen. We don't have the ability to create something out of nothing.

But God does.

Think about the beginning. There was only God, but there was nothing else. There was just God and His existence. And then He came up with the idea.

If you really think about it, God came up with the concept of the idea. He came up with the concept of creation. And when He spoke birds, living creatures, plants, and humans into existence, He spoke into being biology, psychology, chemistry, emotion, ability, the concept of communication, the study of Himself, life. And he came up with this no inspiration and nothing to influence Him--He's God; He created the idea of influence. He created the idea of inspiration.

He made humans with the potential to create. 

He came up with the idea of potential.

He came up with the idea of creativity itself.

And that's so hard to wrap my mind around. What is it like to simply exist? What is it like to create something out of nothing? I'll never understand it, because I'm not God, but that makes me appreciate and believe in Him all the more.

And, quite simply put, Silver Mess is about pursuing creativity, but also helping fulfill one's God-given gifts by creating that which is pure, noble, and true. True art doesn't necessarily have to flash God's name over everything in gaudy clearance Christmas lights, but it should be whatever is pure, noble, lovely. We glorify God when we create something to the best of our abilities.

And that's why I created Silver Mess--to help foster the potential that God has given humanity to create things that are worthy of praise.

Whatever you enjoy doing--whether it be writing, painting, designing, etc., etc., etc.--you do to the glory of God.

- - -
This is the last post of the Silver Mess Blog Tour-Nado! Thank you so much for those of you who stuck around for the entire length of it, and for those of you who weren't aware that this fun of a party was going on, click here to read/watch the other discussions, guest posts, and video!

Also... I'm holding a giveaway! If you love artsy craft supplies and Starbucks and live in the United States (sorry, I'm a broke high school student who's saving for college), feel free to enter it!

(Katie popping in. Rachel has a YouTube channel, and on her channel she has a video of all the goodies included in this giveaway. Katie out.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

- Rachel Alison | Silver Mess



  1. Thank you so much for posting this! Sorry for the miscommunication :(

    1. You are so welcome, Rachel! And really, I'm sorry. It's my fault for thinking it was tomorrow -- you communicated everything clearly. *sighs at myself*

  2. This was a great post! It was so nice to read your thoughts, because I've been thinking the same thing recently - God is the author of creativity, and He created us to create. It's a God-given desire!

    Anyway, I'm going to check out the new website right now! :)

  3. Very nice post! :) God's ways are pretty amazing. :)

  4. Wonderful post! :)

    Allie D.

  5. This is beautiful post, Rachel! It reminds me of the book I read in 2015 titled "The Artisan Soul" by Erwin McManus. I highly recommend! =)

    Tessa Emily Hall

    1. Thank you so much, Tessa! The book sounds good :)

  6. I think I will follow this new blog. :D

  7. This was a great post. I'm a Christian - unashamedly a Catholic - and I do take my faith seriously. But sometimes I do forget to pause, to look around, to really think about it. I get so caught up in everything and all that frantic writing I do. This was a great post, Rachel! ^_^

  8. Hi, Rachel! I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever. I'm super excited to check out this new blog of yours!

    As for this post, it's beautiful. I really love the idea of God simply being. We're called to be like God, and (I know this is somewhat different than your point), in the same way, we need to just be. Obviously, we are not God. Our "being" doesn't look the same. He just is. But there is something very important to be said for just resting in God's promises and presence. I think that is an important part of our own creativity, too.

    Anyway, good luck with your new blog!

    1. THANK YOU, RACHELLE! Hope you're doing well + thank you for commenting on my blog :)

  9. This is great, Rachel! I love the thought that God created creating :). A lot of stuff about God is hard for me to wrap my mind around, too, including the fact that He has simply ALWAYS been there!
    Wonderful post!

  10. I'm so excited for Rachel's new blog! And this post was really great. It's really weird to think about how God created creating and creativity. *brain explodes* Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Ooohhhh I love this. <3 *runs over to your blog*

  12. Thanks for sharing. ^ ^ I hadn't thought of originality and creation like this. Best wishes with your blog!


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