April has been the most insane month so far this year, and I think you can all tell that this blog has suffered because of that. Posting has been scarce. I'm really hoping I can pick up the pace in May, but loads of catch up work hangs over with school. -.-
I really can't wait for summer.
Anyways, to the highlights!
- Camp was this month. That was definitely the GREATEST highlight of this month. I wrote 65,733 words and had the best cabin you could ever have. See?
We're pretty awesome. Together, we all wrote over 40,000 words in one day to make our goal. I had just a fantabulous time with them. :D
- I was in a Shakespeare play with a bunch of other homeschoolers from my Church. This is the only way that makes Shakespeare enjoyable. We had over a hundred people come, which made it really nerve racking, but we were able to gather lots of energy from the crowd.
- I don't usually do anything for April Fools, but because I was up until midnight waiting for Camp NaNoWriMo to start, I thought I might as well do something while I thought of it.
- My family went to a pizza restaurant covered with tons of quotes on the wall. This was one of my favorites, just because I can relate so well. :p
- I went to a youth conference a couple hours away with my youth group that was amazing. It was nice to get away from the writing insanity for a couple of days, and really focus on God and spend some time in prayer while being with my friends.
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Despite the business of the month, I managed to read six books. It isn't a lot, but compared to previous months I'm impressed that I able to read that many. xD

I know, I just read Heartless in January, but I'm reading it again for the Goodread's read through of Moonblood that I'm doing with a bunch of other awesome people. I still have to reread Veiled Rose despite the fact that it starts tomorrow... But, eh. Details. :p
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I'm going to copy down the graphics of each of these lovely posts, and they'll lead you to the blog. :)
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I know I link to one of Athelas's post just about every month, but she offers such amazing advice, so you really need to read them.
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Basically, my favorite author is having a one year anniversary celebration the whole month of May that includes fan art contests, Q & A sessions with the characters, and a cover reveal of the prequel novella about the tortured gladiator's past: Jace. You should all go sign up to participate, because it will be epic.
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And Mickayla wrote a post on priorities. (which unfortunately didn't have a handy graphic for me to share) Her words were so insightful, and it was really neat to see such a deep and meaningful message from her.
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I didn't ramble very much this month, which might have been a relief to you all. xD
But I did write up the post below, (picture leads you to the post) and this one where I talked about Camp NaNoWriMo.
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- Katie Grace
Have you read any of the books I read this month? What did you think about them? And HOW DID CAMP GO? Are you as sad as I am that it's ending?