Saturday, May 27, 2017


BOOM. What better way to start out this post than with a picture of donuts? I moaned over the sad lack of donuts in my life in my April highlights post, but I'm happy to say that the need has been taking care of. :') (but donuts are like pizza. there can never be enough)

May was kind of relaxing? Despite the fact that I squished boatloads of activities into my days? It's a weird concept but somehow that happened. I had fun spending more time with my family, playing board games, and we're almost to the end of the Harry Potter movies. It's been awhile since I've watched the last one so I'm pumped to see it again. :D

Speaking of movies, I'M GETTING SO HYPED FOR SPIDER-MAN HOMECOMING. I just... *faints from excitement* It looks hilarious and exciting and unique and heart-breaking and I JUST WANT IT NOW. Forty-one days! (not that I'm counting or anything... *coughcough*)

And continuing on the topic of Marvel, I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2 yet... but it will happen in June. I re-watched the first one this month in anticipation and it's so weird and dorky but great at the same time. xD

[still loving my bullet journal! I've found that color coding works well for me -- blue for fun events, black for work, and purple for Church. I change it up with a different color scheme each month. :D]

Working has been crazy! (as always) Starbucks had their Frappuchino happy hour deal (actual insanity). To make it bearable there were dress-up themes each day, so I had the chance to rock my Captain America shirt during superhero day. Always representing my fandoms. <3 (I wanted to wear my apron backward as a cape and be my own superhero, but... that unfortunately defeated the whole purpose of the apron. xD)

The most important happening of the month: SCHOOL. IS. OVER. I repeat: school is over. Glorious summer is beginning and I cannot wait. The season of graduation parties has begun, and it's a bit terrifying to realize that this time next year I'll be the one planning my own graduation. *gulp* Yikes. I'll stop thinking about it for now. xD

It's weird to realize how fast a year can zip by. I was reading my monthly highlight's post from May of 2016, and I had just started working for Starbucks! And Captain America: Civil War came out! *sniff* Time for a rewatch... <3

After deciding to take writing slower, I had high hopes for reading to take a giant leap this month. Think of how caught up I could get on my Goodreads goal! I could maybe binge-read ten, fifteen, maybe even twenty books this month with all the extra time!


Or... just five. :P Which is still good, I know, but... I just wish I stayed focused enough to get through all the books I want. *sigh* Oh well. I'm actually getting nervous that I won't make my reading goal of 100 books... o.O

And even though I have Resistance pictured above... I didn't read it. Instead I beta read Exiles, but since that's not out yet... I didn't have a way to take a picture. :P

Ahh, writing. There's not a lot to discuss in this section, since I discussed most of it in my last post, the joy of stress-free writing. Basically, I took a month off of writing (except for 500 words I wrote), and it was a glorious break. This happened more than I'm willing to admit:
My writing hiatus stops today, though. I'm planning to make major progress with some editing this afternoon/evening, and am actually looking forward to it?? I think it's because I'll be doing mostly line edits, and that's my favorite part of the editing process. <3 (don't talk to me about macro edits/big picture stuff. ew. -.-)

Not sure what I'll be working on in June yet. I'll be polishing my conference material for half the month, and afterward maybe I'll try to FINALLY finish my Camp NaNo project. That novel has given me so much struggle. It refuses to be written. *smacks it with pizza and glares*

I know I just took a week off in May for blogging, but I'm going to have to do it again in June. June is just so crazy, you guys. Lots of working, and then a two day Christian concert festival, a week long writing conference, and then a week long family retreat at a cabin. Very fun things... but... hard to squish blogging into the midst. 

I'll post a wrap-up of the writing conference -- memories, things I learned, helpful tips to pass on -- on June 24th. I'll do a June highlights post after that, and in July I'll finally resume my normal posting schedule. After this month there shouldn't be anymore random hiatuses. Thanks for sticking with me through the chaotic journey. <3

katie grace

what are your summer plans?
what's on your summer tbr?


  1. I REALLY NEED TO WATCH GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. It sounds so coool and definitely my style.

    One book that's on my summer/winter (for me) tbr is This Changes Everything because I came across it at a bookstall at the conference I went to over the weekend. AND IT WAS THE ONLY COPY LEFT AND EEEP SO EXCITED. I grabbed it up so fast the instant I laid eyes on it. XD
    Also I'm sort of clambering out of my reading slump which I'm VERY happy about. I actually stayed up late to finish my book and that was so exciting because I haven't been hooked into a story that much for aaages.

    My editing is not going to badly still, and I'm almost finished the maco edits. *flops* I'll be so happy when I can finally get to the line edits though. So much better than trying to rewrite/edit/half start from scratch.

    But despite all the busy and crazy-ness that's happening I've been blessed to be able to take a few nice deep breaths and commit everything to God's hands. Over and over again.

    1. Ooh I definitely need to read 'This Changes Everything' too *nods*.

    2. YES YOU DO. I've read the introduction now and IT'S SO AMAZING.

    3. YESS. I don't think it's my style of movie, but it was still enjoyable to watch. I can't wait for the second. *bounces* (are you a Marvel person?)

      YOU SHOULD TOTALLY READ THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. Such an amazing book and I'm completely astonished that Jaquelle was so young when she wrote it. o.O

      That is a good thing. *nodnod* What book was it?

      YOU CAN DO THIS. I'm astonished by how quickly you're trying to go through it but also so impressed. Go, Jane, go! :D

  2. I want to have some donuts, now! Thanks a lot, Katie! :-)
    Anyway, I loved this monthly recap!

    1. Mwahahaha. Sorry. :P

      Yay! I'm always afraid that they're a bit boring, but I'm glad you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!

  3. I still haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2 either, but I just watched Captain America: Civil War yesterday! Which means I'm all caught up on the on-DVD MCU! (Any idea when GotG2 comes out on DVD, out of curiosity?)

    Good luck on your editing! You got this!

    1. Ahh yes! I read your post on it and enjoyed it greatly. *nod* I JUST LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH! <3

      Ooh, good question. Uhmm, I have no idea. Sometime this fall, probably, but... yeah. I don't know. *is completely unhelpful* :P

  4. I had to do a whole post on my summer TBR, so... yeah. Working at Starbucks sounds crazy! I'm hoping to get a job at Hobby Lobby next spring. :)
    Still in the middle of editing... but it is getting closer to done! Meaning I finished another chapter this week and finished my Definitive Outline. So that's always nice.
    Hope your June is great! It sounds like it'll be a ton of fun!

    1. Ooh, I'll have to go read it! And working at Hobby Lobby would be fun. We have one of those near my house and its tempting not to buy the whole store. xD

      You're doing so awesome! You got this. :D

  5. Oooohhhh I took a writing break in May too and I LOVED it. Well, May isn't over yet, but I don't expect to be writing much since we are moving in the end of May.

    My big brother watched Guardians of the Galaxy and he wants to watch Volume 2 soooo bad. His fanboying over the stuff makes me think it would be cool to watch...but, I'm not sure.

    OH YES THE HAPPY HOUR AT STARBUCKS. Ok, there is a ginormous coincidence there. You read Women of the Word this month and you were at Starbucks for happy hour. I was at Starbucks for happy hour reading Women of the Word with my Bible Study group. *mind blown* XD That's super cool. Too bad it wasn't the same Starbucks...*desperately wants to meet another blogger IRL* :P

    And WOW it's already been a year you've been working at Starbucks?? Gosh, I remember reading the post where you told us you got the job. So long ago yet I remember it like yesterday... :P

    I have lots to read on my TBR this summer...I'm hoping most of all to read Lodestar by Shannon Messenger *insert fangirl streaming* and...I have a whole Goodreads list of books to check out at the library. :) Good luck at the conference and camp and music festival!!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your break as well. <3

      *shrug* It's not everyone's type of movie. I think I liked it more the second time than the first time. I thought it was a bit ridiculous and over the top the first time. But... still fun. xD

      GASP, really?? Awhh, I really do wish it was the same Starbucks. I would start squealing with excitement. xD

      RIGHT?! Dude I have no idea where the time is going. I'm kind of freaking out. xD

  6. 5 books is better than no books! :) and I still haven't seen the first Gaurdians of the Galaxy... *hides behind batman* I'm dying to see Wonder Woman though!
    May all your writing endeavors go well, and may the force be with you.

    1. Ooh, I'm curious to see what the reviews of that movie will be. I'll probably rent the movie instead of going to the theater, but we'll see. :)

  7. I want donuts now.

    Ahhh, summer. I returned from Europe expecting to be stifled in Alabama humidity, but instead I returned to cold?? Not sure how that happened, but at least it's warming up now. xD

    Wow, you have an absolutely packed June. O.o My summer plans include visiting grandparents for a week or two and volunteering at a camp for special needs kids. So my schedule isn't packed, but I'm super excited about the things I'm doing, plus getting back into the swing of writing. (I feel what you said: I'm strangely excited about it?? Even though this plot has given me boatloads of trouble. :P)

    Lowkey jealous you got to beta-read Exiles. :P I've been getting re-hyped about how much I love that series, and getting to beta-read it before the release date is holding a lot of appeal as I lament the fact that years will pass before the whole series is out. xD

    I guess I don't have much on my summer TBR, but I bought The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill and am anxiously awaiting it in the mail. xD I also plan to continue reading Jane Eyre, Sherlock Holmes, and some devotionals. And probably continue The Blood of Kings trilogy? I've chugged my way slowly through the first 15% of By Darkness Hid, but I heard the series gets better.

    Haha, I am so not Marvel-savvy and had only just heard that a Spider Man movie was coming out. Or is it actually Marvel? I don't know. xD

    I can't wait to read about your June once it's over! Have a fabulous one. :D

    1. Sorry. :P

      AHHH. EUROPE. I thought about you while writing this post in anticipation of hearing about your Europe adventures. How was it?? What did you do?? Any adventures?? I'm so excited for you. :D

      Awhhh, working at that camp sounds like such a neat opportunity! I hope that goes well. <3

      I knowww it's been so long. o.o (which... I mean I totally understand being a write and all... but... I get to lament as a reader. :P)

      Ohh, right. I have the first Blood of Kings on my kindle, but haven't been able to get by the first chapter. So I'm waiting until I become inspired to read epic fantasy. (which doesn't happen very often, unfortunately. -.-)

      It is Marvel! XD And I used to be the same way and not know anything about Marvel. But now I'm obsessed. :P

      Have a fabulous June, Emily! <3

    2. AHHH IT WAS AMAZING. I don't want to ramble, but it was definitely the trip of a lifetime. I hope we get to discuss it more sometime. ;)

      Yeah, it's a bit slow to start out with, but it definitely sounds promising! I just need to be inspired to read it, like you said. :P

      Maybe when I watch it I will join the fandom. Who knows? xD

      You too!

    3. AHHH I AM SO GLAD. I totally would love to listen to your rambles (since you listen to mine all the time, ha) if you want to share, though! It sounds so amazing. :D

      Exactly! xD

  8. I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy, yet... but I saw Split! And I bought it, because I love it, and it's mine. *clutches movie to chest* my precious... XD

    1. Ooh, I thought the concept of Split was interesting... but... I can't do horror movies. xD Looks cool, though!

    2. Omg same, Katie!!! I loved the concept, but couldn't even watch the trailer without getting creeped out... So... Twinsies!!

  9. Hi there!!!
    You're right! What better way to start a post than donuts?? HAHAHAHHAHA
    Love ittt!!!
    Hope you've enjoyed/enjoy the reading <3
    And happy writing, girl !!!

  10. What writing conference are you going to?

    1. Minneapolis Young Writer's Workshop!

  11. *starts sobbing uncontrollably* I DONT GET A SUMMER BREAK

    But I am planning on surviving the summer. Though I'm not super thrilled about that little thing called heat....(my friend and I want to boycott summer lol).

    Reading this summer.....well I need to read The Iliad so I can get it back to my friend, I'm currently reading Unwholly and WOW I LOVE THIS SERIES, and then I really need to finish The Fever Code so I can be done with The Maze Runner series because #feels. So yah, I guess those three are my top priority reads right now. 😜

    1. I don't think I get a Summer break either!!!
      You're gonna read The Iliad? Poor you 😯😕😁

    2. Haha. *hugs*

      Yeah, and I'm actually reading it by choice. *shudders* I'm still kinda scared of it though lol

    3. Whaaat, you don't? *gasp* That's awful. I hope you're still able to enjoy your summer, though! :/

      YESSS UNWHOLLY. Awhh, I really love that series. <3

    4. Don't worry, my summer is still gonna be amazing. ;)


  12. Ahhh the pictures in this post are so aesthetically and make me sigh with happiness. *sigh*
    It sounds like you had an absolutely lovely May! And congrats for working at Starbucks for an entire year. :D I was just in there the other day (since our local coffee shop that's amazing had to close it doors *cries*) and they said they were hiring... I considered it. XD

    And it's totally weird to know in a year you'll be graduating. I'm in the same boat. We're both officially seniors, now that the semester is over. If that's not a strange feeling, I'm not sure what is.

    Also: I love your bullet journal. Es so preety. :3

    1. Well thanks. :P It's rare that I'm proud of pictures, so I'm happy that these turned out. xD

      OOH YES WORK THERE. Or even better start working there and then transfer to my store to work with meeee. xD (dude but how awesome would that be o.o)

      RIGHT? Both of us? Ahhhh. The title "senior" sounds so strange. I can't. xD

  13. Those first few sentences about donuts literally sound like it could be me talking. WHY DID I HAVE TO READ THIS POST WHEN IM HUNGRY?! *needs a donut* But I am so glad you got to have some donuts. They are essential to life. *nods*
    KATIE! I am realizing just how alike you and I are! It's so cool!! :D
    Graduations are scary. Cause it means moving forward in life. So yeah. Scary. I'm graduating this year and I am so excited for school to be over, but it's also like - AGH THIS IS A NEW CHAPTER OF LIFE!! XD
    I'll be fine though. I've got some plans *insert thoughtful emoji*. And YOU WILL BE FINE TOO! ;D

    1. AWHH SORRY. If it's any consolation, I don't have any donuts now either. We're both donut-less. *sniff*

      YAY FOR BEING TWINSIES. <3 It's so fun making new friends and finding similarities online. :D

      Ooh, you are? Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS! Eep that's awesome. :D May I ask what your plans are for after highschool? (if I can ask)

    2. *sobs because no donuts for either of us*

      It really is! Sometimes when I read about your adventures at work, I'm like - man, I wanna work at Starbucks! But then I'm like - I don't think I could handle the stress. XD

      Thank you! :D Oh, sure! I'm planning to start looking for a job because I now am jobless (childcare went on break until fall *cries*) and I will probably start looking into driving soon... So that stuff will keep me busy! XD I'm just gonna be very particular about where I work, so finding a job will likely be difficult... Heh heh... XD

    3. Yeahh, it is quite stressful at times. But I like the fast paced environment because I don't like getting bored. :P

      Awhh, childcare! <3 I used to nanny in the summer which was a lot of fun, but... a LOT of work. I admire you for doing that. xD

      Ugh, it is difficult. I'm very blessed for it to have worked out so easily for me. I know it's crazy stressful for others. :/ Keep me updated on the whole process!

  14. HAPPY HOUR AT STARBUCKS IS AWESOME. I love the midnight mint mocha! Ooh! A Christian concert festival? Who's going to be there? I LOVE going to Christian concerts 😄

    1. Oh! The donuts picture is beautiful 💕

    2. YAS, now I want donuts dangit, Katie

    3. For King & Country
      Big Daddy Weave
      Jordan Feliz
      Tenth Avenue North
      We Are Messengers
      Citizen Way

      I just copied and pasted the list from the website, but those are the artists. I'm most excited about Switchfoot. :D


    5. I've seen all of those except Tenth Avenue North, Unspoken and Blanca. Jordan Feliz actually grew up in a town I lived in at one point in my life. Switchfoot and For King and Country are probably my favorite but if you get a chance talk to the Citizen Way guys do because they're very nice and friendly and if Daniel Olsson is still their guitar player he's really young and talented and nice too. (look up his solo cd it's good).
      You'll have to let me know how you like the concert and who was your favorite because they're all very awesome xD

    6. Whaat, really? That's so cool! o.O

      I. LOVE. SWITCHFOOT. I've never seen them live before but I'm so excited. :D

      I will! Eep I can't wait. You're like an expert with concerts it seems. xD

    7. WELLLLLL being a Christian radio DJ is one of my biggest dreams so I kinda make a point of going to allll the concerts (I can afford, that is) and meeting allll the bands.
      Of course living in a big city tons of bands do concerts in helps.
      I got Switchfoot tickets for my birthday/Christmas last year. They're really great! I especially like when they do songs 'campfire style' :)

      So yes, if you ever have questions that are Christian music related just ask me ;)

    8. Haha, yes Katie, always ask Eliza. She knows what she's talking about lol.

    9. I LOVED THE CONCERT, ELIZA. For King and Country put on the best show every and I don't think I'll ever recover from all the squealing I did. SO. AMAZING.

      And switchfoot... *happy sigh* So amazing. I just love music so, so much.

      Ooh, being a Christian DJ would be SO cool. xD What are some of your favorite artists? (I'm always looking for new ones. :P)

    10. For King and Country DOES put on a great show!
      I feel like I mostly have favorite songs not so much favorite artists that I love EVERYTHING they sing but there are a few.
      1 definitely Hollyn
      2. LZ7 (they're British and sing Christian electronic's really cool!)
      3. Relient K (Listen to Deathbed, it's my fave rn)
      4. Switchfoot
      5. Between You and Me (this is actually my friends band... their music is on Spotify)
      6.Tori Kelly
      7. NF
      8. Spencer Kane
      I have a buncha Spotify playlists you can follow if you'd like... my username is elizanoel ;)

      I LOVE MUSIC TOO, GIRL. so always feel free to flail abt it with me xD


  15. DONUTSSSSSSS. Ehem. I also agree with you about line edits - they are my favorite. Like, you can let go of all the hard decisions AT LAST and just scrutinize the wording and make it /pretty/. I LOVE IT.

    Also SIXTEEN DAYYYYYYYYYYYS AKJSDFLHKAJSDFH. I LITERALLY CANNOT HANDLE. *dies slowly* *resurrects self so I can live to see everyone and FLAIL*


  16. those donuts though *cries*

    Your May sounds absolutely lovely!! AND OMG YOUR BULLET JOURNALING IS SO INSPIRING. That is so cool. I've always wanted to try it but it seems a lot harder than it is? I don't know, but your picture looks pretty cool and kind of easy to do.

    And yay for writing conferences!! THEY'RE THE BOMB. I hope you have an absolutely lovely June <33

    1. *cries with you* just... so beautiful.

      AH THANK YOU AUTUMN. you should totally try it because I think you'd be great at it. literally everything you do is aesthetically pleasing sooo xD


  17. Wait, you use purple for Church in your bullet journal too? I thought I was being original with my idea xD

    YOU MUST SEE THE 2ND GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. I had tears in my eyes at the end it was so beautiful. Seriously. I cracked up and then I cried. You need to watch it.

    I hope you have a great June! <3

    audrey caylin

    1. Nah, we're just both geniuses. xD

      OKAY I WILL I'M PLANNING ON SEEING IT IN JUNE!! I've heard that there's a good mix of hilarity and tears so I'm excited. xD

    2. LOL! When I write in my planner that I'm going to church, I use a purple pen... XD

  18. omw those donuts look way too good xD and same on the writing thing - I took a break this month, but next month is onto plotting and then July nano. (which feels like it's coming so soon already xD)

    have a great June, Katie! <33

    1. PLOTTTTINNGGG. Ooh what book are you plotting?? o.O How exciting! :D

  19. I'm slightly envious of you. You get summer break but it will be winter here in a few days. :( *Shivers*. Your June looks like its going to be amazing though!

    1. Noooo winter is coming? Where do you live? Must be somewhere out of the country. Brr. -.-

    2. I live in Australia, so in the southern hemisphere which means all our seasons are back to front! its 3 degrees (Celsius) here currently, which i just looked up and is 37 Fahrenheit. So yeah, slightly envious. I like your donuts too, they look sooo good!

    3. AHH that's so cool! Someday I'll have to travel to Australia and visit all of you awesome bloggers. :D

      Brr, not fun. -.-

  20. Happy summer break, haha! ;D Rock on, girl. And those summer activities sound cool!! Take lots of pictures, of course. ;)
    I've read... 38 books of 100... Life has been super crazy so oops. :P But as for writing: I am going to be finishing my novel, Seek, this month and before July! I'm pretty excited- it's sooo closed. AHH. :P
    God bless, Katie!
    -Ang |

    1. I SHALL! I'm so excited about all the picture taking opportunities. I've really loved exploring photography as of lately. :D

      Hey, that's better than me. I've read 17. -.- BUT WE GOT THIS. (at least, you do. Not sure about me. :P)


    I always love your monthly wrap ups! I'm planning on taking a little break from blogging in June too. All good ;)

    1. Awhh thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them. <3

      Enjoy your blogging break! :D

  22. HOW ARE WE ALMOST SENIORS???? So beyond crazy, wow.

    1. HAHAHA. HA. HA.

      I can't even, Grace. Help. :P

  23. OMG STOP. You sound so productive writing-wise and I can't even force myself to brainstorm ideas or edit my novel??? (Tbf edits SUCK. XD) And yaaaaas! School is ooooooooout! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very appreciative that I get a good education since many children don't... but I just hate school. XD Yas, super excited to hear about that writing conference!

    Love this post, Katie! <3

    may @ forever and everly


      Dude, I totally understand. I know that I'm blessed, but... I just can't with school. So I'm glad I'm not the only one. :P

      Thanks for reading, May! <3

  24. Oh gracious, I'm late to comment on this. Oops xD.

    OOH DOUGHNUTS, I need them so bad. Maybe they'd get me out of my writing rut. Doughnuts have magic abilities to patch up plot holes, right, right? *squints suspiciously*

    And I totally think you read a sizable stack of books this both - I mean, both the Harry Potter ones are HUGE! :D And I'm SUPER jealous that you got to read Exiles, I can't wait until it's released! Also, what did you think of Caraval? I can't decide whether I should read it or not ...

    Have an epic May, Katie! <3

    ~ Savannah @ Scattered Scribblings

    1. I've been late to comment on nearly everything lately, so you're not the only one. xD

      AH TRUE. I guess I didn't give myself credit for how large those HP books are. Thanks for pointing that out. :P

      Ahh, Caraval. I'M SO CONFLICTED. The cover is gorgeous, the aesthetic and whimsical vibe is gorgeous. The concept is gorgeous. The follow through of the concept is semi-gorgeous? The characters are just... gorgeous on the outside, but not on the inside. Their brains are like the size of peas and they frustrated me SO. MUCH. Did we need the stupid romantic tension? Nooo. Ugh. So stupid I cannot. :P

    2. Yes, the Harry Potter books are huuuge. But I love them all!! *holds the precious books and somehow manages to still throw glitter*

  25. I hope you have a relaxing hiatus! I just started reading your blog, so I look forward to your return in July! :)
    I'm working on a first draft of story this summer after taking kind of a year or two long break from writing. EEP. I'm also going to learn some computer programming.
    For TBR, I'm thinking Ember in the Ashes, House of Prayer No. 2, rereading Fullmetal Alchemist, and maybe continuing the A Time to Die series. There are so many good books to read!

    1. Awhh, Emma! I started reading your blog a LONNG time ago when you were published in the Five Glass Slippers collection, so it makes me happy that you're here. <3 I'm so excited for future stories of yours since I loved Broken Glass so much!

      Ooh, definitely continue A Time to Die. It's amazing. <3 And I just finished reading An Ember in the Ashes and am getting started on the second one! I enjoyed that, though it took me a bit to get into it.

      I hope your summer is awesome! <3

  26. Katieeeee. <3 I hope your summer is fabulous. =D

    1. I HOPE YOURS IS AS WELL, VICTORIA! I need to catch up on your Moonfire story sometime this summer because the first thing was all the awesome :P

  27. Hey there, Katie Grace! It's Mez from Brewhaha Book Café here. My co-blogger Bri & I love your blog so much & agree it's one of the most beautiful, personal & inspiration out there. SO, we've nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award! Congrats & keep up the lovely blogging!
    Here's a link to your nomination (if you fancy interacting with some of the fun tied in to the award):

    1. Thanks so much, Mez! I'll be sure to check it out. :D

  28. just found your blog and i love it! it's so cool that you work at starbucks! did you ever get a chance to try the unicorn frappuccino? it looked really interesting, lol!
    hope you have an awesome summer! :)

    1. Eep, I'm so glad you're here, Audrey! Welcome to the writing and bookish insanity. *offers pizza* xD

      I did! It was... interesting. That's a perfect word to describe it. It was rather sour?? I don't know, I don't think it was personally worth the hype, so you didn't miss much. :P

  29. Yes! Yes! Yes! Somebody else who's ridiculously excited about Superman:Homecoming!!! Eeeeek, can't wait to see it!

    How'd your graduation go?


      I'm actually not graduating this year -- next year! When do you graduate?

    2. A. Lot. Of. Happiness.

      Oh, I should have read that correctly! I graduated from high school last year and will graduate from college in 2020. :)

  30. Your pictures are always so cute!

  31. I've just found your blog and I'm so excited I did! I actually am not sure how I finished May without seeing guardians of the galaxy but I too am super pumped for spiderman homecoming it comes out on the 7th of July where I am.

    Congrats for finishing school!

    - FiFi

  32. HOW IS YOUR BULLET JOURNAL SO NEAT STILL. At this point in the year I'm already like *scrawl this* *squints suspiciously at what I wrote* *nonstraight lines* *no calendar* *doesn't fill in anything*

    ^am lowkey describing my bullet journal midlife crisis rn

    (also like lowkey how are we all gonna be seniors so soon waht)

  33. May sounds like it was a fantastic month!

    I love all your pics, BTW! You take some seriously aesthetic-y/Pinterest-y photos. O.o

    And Exiles! AAAAAAH! *cries and screams and laughs nervously because THE INNER FANGIRL HAS BEEN RELEASED* ...Anywhozens. *coughs* *straightens bowtie*

    I hope your editing went well! <3



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