Saturday, March 18, 2017

GROWING OLDER + some thoughts on that

Tomorrow I'll be seventeen years old.

This post isn't searching for birthday wishes and hopes of a great day. But since I'll be celebrating my day of birth tomorrow, growing older has been on my mind a lot.

I don't have a specific topic for this post (though that might change by the end of it) -- I just wanted to ramble about age and growing older and those general things. Enjoy. :P

People will soon ask me how it feels to be seventeen (they always do after a birthday, and it's an odd question because everyone knows that it really doesn't feel different at all). I've already gotten questions as to whether I'm excited to be seventeen or not. I don't know how to answer that. Age is a weird thing.

But... Am I excited to be seventeen?

Yes... and no.

Yes, because there's always a certain sort of thrill that comes about with growing older. This means new opportunities and more freedom and staying up later! (okay, maybe not the staying up later part. I've already mastered that. :P)

No, because there's so little time in life.  One of Switchfoot's lyrics explains this well:
I want to do so many things, yet look at how quickly the years are already slipping away! I want to write and I want to meet people and I want to experience all the things... while also staying inside and typing away for hours on end. :P

Ideally, I'd live a full, long life to a hundred years old, filled with many birthdays that include BOOKS! Hypothetically speaking, that would mean I'm only 17% done with my life. I could have lots of my life ahead of me, but unfortunately there's no knowing when my time will come.

Yeah, that can be kind of depressing. But it's also extremely motivating -- am I living each day to their full potential? I might only have ten years left in this world; I might have eighty-two. I don't want to regret how I've lived my life. I'm in my teen years! I'm in prime condition for doing all the things! This is my time to experiment and experience the world and figure out where I want to go for the rest of my life.

It's easy for me to glorify staying inside, binge-watching TV shows or scrolling through social media. And don't get me wrong, it's great fun and relaxation is needed... but I don't want that to sum up my teen years. It's awful how often social media distracts me. I could be writing or reading or talking or drawing or playing music instead! There are so many better ways I can spend my time rather than just scrolling through my Twitter feed. I'm determined to become better at doing rather than thinking about doing -- that's one of my goals for the seventeenth year.

Talking about this, it makes me a little excited (yet still nervous :P) to turn seventeen. It's fueling motivation and getting me ready to continually grow in God, friendship, writing, and other aspects of life.

little tiny katie on the left and her little tiny sister, laura, on the right. (people asked if we were twins back then and they still do now. excUSE ME BUT I'M THREE YEARS OLDER. oh well. :P)
OKAY CAN I JUST AWKWARDLY CHANGE SUBJECTS AND MENTION HOW WEIRD NOSTALGIA IS?? It's such an odd feeling -- bittersweet, in a way. I'm listening to a track of lullabies that put me to sleep every. single. night. when I was younger, and if I close my eyes, it's like I'm seven years old again. My three favorite stuffed animals are curled up under my arms, my nightlight is basically as bright as the sun, and my room is still a faded, soft pink.

(hello, it's future-editing-katie bobbing in. I just finished the lullaby track and find it funny that I don't recognize any of the later songs since I was always asleep by that point. Huh. Anyways. xD)

I think one of the reasons nostalgia is weird, is because of the bittersweet feeling. I think of the memories -- little high-pitched giggles, a piece of chocolate before bed, playing playmobile with my sister for HOURS on end, my favorite sweatshirt that I refused to stop wearing even when it was three sizes too small -- and a rush of happiness runs through And then I'm almost a bit sad, because that phase of my life is over, and I'll never go back to being seven again. Ever. Eek. o.O

Which brings me back to the other points I've talked about in this post, and how I want to make sure that I'm making every moment matter. 

There are my brain  I hope the rest of your day is lovely and that you can make it awesome. xD

katie grace

any thoughts to add?
what makes you nostalgic?


  1. Happy (early) birthday, Katie Grace! Seventeen is a pretty big year... being the youngest in my class and watching everyone grow up though, they say that seventeenth birthday parties are kind of relaxed in comparison to sixteen (because driving) but if you spent your birthday in your room just quietly reading books all day, well, it can't get any more calm than that, right?

    NOSTALGIA. It will hit be like a bullet train placed on one highway that's in Europe (I think it's in Europe) where there's no speed limit at all. Just two days into party planning someone reminded me of one place and all the memories came rushing back and it just made tears fall. It is bittersweet-- how lovely it would be to relive those memories again, but all we can do is honor them and dream on.

    I hope this year brings good memories for you!

    xoxo Abigail Lennah (underwent a name change a while back... so yeah).

    1. AHH THANK YOU, ABIGAIL! I'm tempted to call you morning since I'm so used to doing that. xD

      They are more relaxing. *nodnod* It's kind of that odd in between age -- sixteen is driving and jobs, and then eighteen is the big "adult" year.

      YES. Haha, that analogy made me laugh. xD It would be super cool to travel back in the past just to enjoy one of the "old" days as a child. I miss playing with all my toys and enjoying the fun that came from that. <3

      Thank you! I love your name, by the way. :D

  2. Awww this post was so sweet. <3 You are an amazing inspiring person, Katie.

    "Life is short, I want to live it well." That's just so perfect and amazing and YES. Time management is so hard, but it's worth it. We can't waste the time God's given us.
    On the topic of song lyrics, this made me think of the chorus of a random song:

    "Don't want to waste the time He's given me
    It's not too late to start now"

    It's such an important thing and we simply can't afford to waste it. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep because I'd get so much more done's all just resting in God's arms.

    1. So are you, Jane. <3

      Ooh, do you know what song that's from? I really like that one. *nod*

      RIGHT?! Seriously. Sleep feels like SUCH A WASTE OF TIME. I just wish I could drink insane amounts of caffeine and not sleep because that would be fantastic. :P But you're right -- God's got this. <3

    2. Awh. *hugs*

      Sleep is unfortunately necessary, as I have learnt. xP

      Okay so that song...*shuffles feet* Well uh...I kind of...*whispers* It's one of my song lyrics actually.
      I've got a small heap of song lyrics that come to me at random times and I've actually recently managed to put one of them to music that I've written too. *sheepish grin* So yep. It's part of the chorus of one of my recent inventions. :D

  3. Ive been thinking about this tooo. Growing up is scary and good but yikes!

  4. WHAAAT I think I've been stalking A Writer's Faith since you we're fifteen and you're turning seventeen already?! I hope you have a great birthday! Your blog is amazing and you are one of the most inspiring people of ever in terms of writing. Seriously.

    And wow. "I might only have ten years left in this world; I might have eighty-two." In all honesty, I could only have a few seconds left in this world or a couple of decades. And that's such a powerful reminder in itself to make the most out of life, right?

    OH MY GOSH PLEASE SING THE SOUND OF MUSIC'S 'Sixteen Going on Seventeen' for the last time!!!!! You have a few hours left I beg you to do it!

    - Andrea at A Surge of Thunder

    1. OH MY GOODNESS HAS IT ALREADY BEEN THAT LONG?? I keep thinking that I started this blog when I was sixteen -- but you're right! Wow. Crazy. o.O

      Right?? It reminds me of the book A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes -- we don't exactly know how much time we're given in life and we should live each day like it's our last. (well... not exactly, because that would mean I would just spend my whole day eating pizza and having fun but YOU KNOW.)

      YES I DID! It was marvelous. One of my coworkers has actually been calling me Liesel and it's hilarious. xD

  5. I know you said that you weren't looking for happy birthdays but I'm going to say it anyway: Happy Birthday, Katie!! :D

    This post was great, and I know how you feel. I, myself, am going on 19 next month. It does feel like the years are going by really quickly, and that I'm not using every moment wisely. (Unfortunately, I also get distracted by social media. It's just horrible.)

    This post was so motivational. Thank you for sharing this! :)

    1. Awwh, thank you, Karyssa! <3

      Eek, nineteen? That's an exciting year as well! (I know, it's so distracting. I'm getting better. I just turned off the notifications on my phone so I wouldn't pick it up every time the screen lights up or it vibrates. :P)

      Thank YOU for reading! <3

  6. Happy Birthday Katie! This is such a wonderful post. Growing up is weird and confusing and it proably always will be.

    Nabila // Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure if this feeling will ever change. :P Maybe it's different when we're older. I guess we'll find out. xD

  7. Happy early Birthday!!!! Growing up is strange I always feel like I'm stuck in-between wanting to be a little kid again and being ready to be an adult.

    1. Right? I understand that same feeling. I'm also trying to enjoy the time of life I'm currently in, but it's haaard. xD

  8. wwow, like girl, you are good at writing. reallyyyy good.
    I guess I don't think of it like that, because it feels like I have to first get older to do the things I want to do, go the places I want to go. I want to drive, start apprenticing, (for midwifery) travel, get some kind of job, and it feels like that all starts around 16. :( (I'm 13) So in a way, I can see it as being scary, nut for me, I really want to get older...but don't we all, at 13????
    Nostalgia is SO WEIRD!!! Like this weird feeling you just, get, when you think of something. I can't even explain the feeling, kinda like excited butterflies in your stomach, idk! I get nostalgic thinking of October camp, meeting people for the first time, and there is a lot more but I can't think of it right at this moment. :l
    That was kinda a book of a comment! Do you still read my blog? I was just wondering, sense you used to. :)
    We might be having pizza tonight.... yayyyyyy!!!

    1. Eeep thank you! <3

      Ahh, that makes sense! Yeah, I think I wanted to grow older faster when I was thirteen, too. I can't remember even though it wasn't that long ago. xD

      Awwh, that sounds like fun! <3 Yay for camp!

      Book comments are always accepted. XD And I do visit your blog occasionally! I've been bad about reading blogs lately since there are so many of them! o.o


    2. Your welcome!
      Yeah. :)
      Great! I get you! I've been feeling like it's a ton to keep up with, all the blogs, and the comments i need to reply to, but it is very nice having so many people reading my blog, or taking time to reply to me...did any of that make sense? :l so yeah, that's fine! <3
      I love your blog! You are so amazing! <333

  9. Happy early birthday!
    I quite agree; it's really odd that people ask you if you feel different when you're older because you never actually do. It's all tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow is just about the same as yesterday. Unless you're turning 21, in which case, congratulations, tomorrow can involve drinking, though I wouldn't if I were you.

    And yes, nostalgia is also a weird feeling, though not- in my opinion- for the same reasons as you say it is. For me it's weird because I remember some things and I'm like "how was that so long ago? I feel like it was yesterday" and I remember other things and I'm like "this feel so far away that I'm not sure it belongs to me; it might as well have been a different life." And sometimes the same memories fit into both categories depending what day you remember them on. And sometimes you remember the weirdest things and you're like "How do I remember this? Do I even remember this? Am I fictionalizing it? Why do I even remember this bit of life, given that it was totally meaningless at the time?"

    Anyway. Happy early birthday once again. Hope it's a good one.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! <3

      Right? Ha, that comment made me laugh. I don't have anything against small amounts of alcohol, but it's not for me. (at least... I don't think so. it seems gross. xD)

      Oohh, that's a cool interpretation of it. I totally get that! There's one memory I have as a child and I still don't know if it's real or I just made it up. Maybe it's a dream. Who knows xD

      Thank you! <3

  10. YOU'RE GOING TO BE SEVENTEEN TOMORROW, WHAT. *tosses cake and confetti* HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, KATIE-FRIEND! (honestly I could have just commented tomorrow and wished you happy birthday, but I'm an impatient goldfish)

    This post was so awesome (also you get to be seventeen six months earlier than me. WHYYY? xD) - I loved what you said about life being short, and wanting to live it to the fullest. I don't want to look back on my teenage years and see that I did absolutely NOTHING profitable. I am adamant not to let this happen *crosses arms defiantly*.

    (also, people assume my younger sister is the older sister ALL THE TIME, and we used to get asked if we were twins, too xD)

    "And then I'm almost a bit sad, because that phase of my life is over, and I'll never go back to being seven again. Ever. Eek." YES IT'S SAD. Basically I can think of all the good times that I'll never experience again and be sad that it's never going to happen again. But I guess chapters have to end somewhere, huh?

    ANYWAYS. I loved this post so much THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR BRAIN and happy early birthday again ;). I hope it's an epic one! <3 <3 <3 <3

    ~ Savannah


      (ooh, when's your birthday? I want to try to remember even though I probably won't. xD)

      RIGHT? My teen years are disappearing so quickly! o.o I HAVE TWO MORE YEARS TO ENJOY AND I'M GOING TO MAKE THEM COUNT. (or three, depending on how you look at it, I suppose...)

      (I'm glad I'm not the only one. It can be annoying, but I suppose I'll be happy about it when I'm older. :P)

      Yeah. *sniff* And we can look forward to more upcoming good times! :D


  11. First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    I know that feeling well. Like, I wanna get older but not? And it's sometimes difficult to try to live every single moment. But I definitely want to look back on my teen years and remember all the late nights out with my friends and all the trips and experiences, and not just the binge-watching netflix

    1. THANK YOU!

      I completely agree. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one experiencing these feelings. <3

  12. aw okay you and your little sis are so cute <33

    this post is amazingness and there is such truth here. happy birthday, Katie! <33

  13. You are so right. Time has a way of slipping by ( sprinting by?) faster and faster each year. It's crazy to think about things that aren't too far in the future for me.

    I just love the way you described nostalgia. As an Air Force kid, nostalgia pretty much defined many of my moving experiences. It's such a weird, achy feeling. Bittersweet is exactly the right word. And all of that makes me want to live my life to the fullest, because I don't know what the coming years will bring.

    Basically, wonderful thoughts here and your words are always so lovely. <3 (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)

    1. I think sprinting by is a better term. :P

      Ahh, that must be an even weirder feeling since you moved so often. o.o Since each move must bring along some excitement and sadness and nerves, and then all the memories are in different locations. Wow. Eek. <3

      Thank youu. You're the best. <3

      (also when is your birthday?)

  14. Ugh, yes. I completely understand how you feel. Growing older is exciting, yet it's also sort of scary. There is so much ahead, but it feels like you're leaving a bit of yourself behind. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Seventeen is a big age, last year you'll be a kid.

    1. "It feels like you're leaving a bit of yourself behind." I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THIS FEELING. o.o Crazy relateable.

      THANK YOU. I know. It's terrifying and exciting. xD

    2. Haha, thanks:) I always feel that way around my birthday.

  15. Happy birthday! *gives you cake* *throws confetti* AND I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL. I just turned fifteen, and I don't want to waste my life or anything. I don't want to look back and only have memories of me surfing the internet.

    The most random things make me nostalgic, like lemon bars and Christmas carols. =)

    Great post!


    1. Exactly! It's cool seeing how so many other teens have the same feeling.

      Awwh. Christmas carols. <3

  16. Happy 17the birthday Katie!
    I hope you have a special day.

    Much love,

  17. Aw! You were so adorable! And still are. XD I loved this post. You are so right when you say that the fact that we don't know when our time is should be MOTIVATING, even if it is depressing. I see it as a duty as a child of God to leave the world a better place before I die; and it doesn't have to be anything big and famous, just little things like inspiring people, making them think and feel loved. For me, it's publishing a book so I can encourage readers through the words I write. That Switchfoot song is great - I love how song lyrics can sum up a whole entire thought. :D
    And you're right about nostalgia. It's such a weird feeling, but it's kind of cool because each of us have certain memories that are so different from everyone else's. You try to convey that idea, emotion, or expression from the past to someone else but they can never feel it the same as you do. That's me with my favorite songs that are my favorite simply because they're nostalgic and remind me of so much that I want to experience again.
    Thanks for the thought-provoking post with all your beautiful inspiration! And happiest of birthdays!!! <3

    1. EXACTLY. Yes, I totally agree with you. Publishing a book and doing the best to encourage and inspire those with my words is a big goal of mine.

      AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH! I love how lyrics and verses can sum up thoughts from my head. (aka every twenty one pilots song ever xD) It makes me wish that I had a better voice/ability to compose lyrics. It would be amazing to be a music artist.

      Thank you for reading and always being so encouraging. <3

  18. Happy early birthday! *hugs* I hope seventeen is an AWESOME year for you!

    Wow. That was heartfelt! I was just wishing myself back to my old house the other day, back when there seemed like no worries in the world. Just hours of laying on the floor of my bedroom writing, running around the yard, listening to music...

    This post was beautiful. Thank you for all of this. You're awesome <3

    audrey caylin

    1. *hugs bag* THANK YOU!

      Awh, I love that image. And yes to running around the yard! Barefoot with the sprinkles on... *happy sigh*

      You're awesome, too! <3


    I've been listening to a lot of preaches lately about destiny/calling, etc. and I'll wish you what I've heard the most: May God reveal to you His calling(s) for your life, His perfect plan for you, so that starting at seventeen and forevermore, you won't feel like you're running in circle or wasting time, ya know? You have purpose.

    But I have to say, you're consistent with your blog and you're an insane NaNoWriMo prodigee, so you're quite good at managing your time ;)

    p.s. I do struggle with YouTube videos so I still get yours with Twitter XD


      I love that. <3 It's comforting in knowing that God does have a plan, and I know it's also to serve Him... but I wish I knew what the details were, since it would be so incredibly helpful. :P

      Awh, thank you. I try, but it's been hard. xD

      p.s. eeek I understand that. YouTube can also be incredibly distracting. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DISTRACTIONS. :P

  20. YESS, I can relate so hard! I don't even know how to describe all the mixed feelings of growing up! There's excitement, panic, sadness, anxiety, but mostly eagerness for me! ;D There's a big part of me that's like- CAN'T WAIT TO BE AN ADULT!
    Then the other part that's like- DON'T GROW UP. STAY FIFTEEN FOREVER.XD

    1. I know! So many feelings! All my thoughts are running in completely different directions and it's a bit of a mess. xD

  21. HAPPY (one day early) BIRTHDAY!!! Every day we get older, but birthdays are always the days we FEEL older. It's important to live life to the fullest because we never know when we will run out of time. But at the same time, we feel like we're already so old and we can't get any older because OMG LOOK AT THOSE BABY PICS HOW ARE WE SO YOUNG AND CUTE??? XD Okay, so anyways, have a WONDERFUL birthday, and may you celebrate all your years! :)

    1. THANK YOU, MAY!

      Right? It's weird to think that we actually just keep getting older each day and it's no different from our birthday, really. Weird. Some things are odd to think about and my mind becomes boggled after dwelling on them for too much. :P


  22. Awesome post on aging older. I just celebrated my birthday 2 days ago, and it's strange to think how old I'm getting. Even if I'm not that old. and now i am getting more and more responsibility *silently freaks out*
    Childhood passes so quickly.
    Happy birthday to you :)

    1. I think I remember your birthday being so close to mine last year! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! How old are you now?

      *silently freaks out with you* We'll all freak out together. xD

  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you're having the most fantastic ever day, you are an amazing person that definitely deserves it!!!!! <333333

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!! *Sends balloons and confetti!!!!
    I really loved this post! I got emotional at the end though...;(

  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATIE!!!!!!!! *pulls out Hobbit-sized birthday cake and throws confetti* I do so hope you're having the BEST. DAY. EVER!!!

    I adored this post so much, you just have no idea. I'm constantly moaning about how my life is "going away", which is ridiculous. I'm 24, which sometimes SEEMS old, but like you said, if we live to be 100 there's still many, MANY years ahead of us!

    I LOVED what you said about how you want to DO and not just THINK about doing. That is something I try so hard to work on...and still fall short. But we should definitely take advantage of every moment we have on this earth.

    GAH. I just loved this whole post! *huggles it*

    I hope your 17th year is a blessed one. 17 was one of my most favorite ages to be for some reason!

    (Also, little tiny Katie and sis are ADORABLE. <3)

    1. I totally agree! Life is a weird thing, because I constantly feel like there's soooo many days to come and then I feel like there are way too few.

      Yes! I think sometimes people think "dreamers" are people who just think a lot about dreams and goals and passions, but I'm determined to be a dreamer and a doer. :P

      *hugs you* That's encouraging! Thank you so much for your kind words. <3

  26. "I want to do so many things, yet look at how quickly the years are already slipping away! I want to write and I want to meet people and I want to experience all the things... while also staying inside and typing away for hours on end."

    ^ You literally summed up my entire goals for life. This post was absolutely beautiful, and a bit painful, too, because I feel those same things. I don't want to waste my life getting distracted, but like you said, I want to make every moment count and have purpose and passion in each day. Thank you for this reminder! It is much needed, because I find myself easily distracted and disheartened. Really loved this. Happy Birthday! :)

    1. I knoww I tried not to make this post too painful but I'm feeling all the things in my lil heart. xD *hugs* you're going to do so many great things, erin. You're so inspiring with that big heart of yours! <3

  27. Welp, there goes my heart. :P I totally get the whole "thinking about growing older" thing. That's been constantly on my mind since I turned 18 in 2015 and especially now as I'm approaching 20 and getting married this summer. Basically life as I know it is going to implode right before my eyes and in some respects (as nice and exciting as it is) it feels like this heavy, final countdown towards my wedding day. The last moments of my childhood and independence are ticking quickly away. I was really considering all of this tonight, so this post was like a big smack in the face on top of it all. But it's really nice to know one is not alone, even if it's over the internet.
    Growing older is scary and hard, but it's pretty amazing too. Try to embrace it better than me (who hates change)!

    1. Ahh, you're getting married this summer?? Wow. That would be a huge change. An exciting one -- but I could see how it would be a bit odd to think about the disappearance of your childhood. *hugs* I hope it will be awesome and not too overwhelming or stressful for you. <3

    2. It's intense for sure. But pretty cool. Thank you!
      Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (17 is a great age, just saying)!!!


    I hear you: life gets busier and busier every year, it seems like. (also you can't sing "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" anymore and that's probably the saddest thing about this entire post)

    Also nostalgia is so weird and there's that too. lowkey little Katie is the cutest ever omw.



      awwh thank you so much xD

  29. OH MY GOODNESS, HAPPY DAY-LATE BIRTHDAY, KATIE! I hope you had the most fantastic of birthdays . . . GROWING UP IS SO WEIRD but it's beautiful, too. And awww lil' you and your sister! *squeals*

  30. Happy late birthday!!! My birthday's in April...I'll be 15. Most of my friends tho are over a year older than me so they've all kinda been there lol xD. I did a post on my blog about "5 Childhood Things You Probably Don't Remember". You should go check it out and lemme know if you relate---love childhood.
    -Mic from the Wonderkept life (

    1. Ooh, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for commenting, Michaila! <3

    Also HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! 17 is a really weird age to turn, isn't it? o.O I turned 19 on Saturday and I still kind of can't really believe it... like, I only have a year left of being a teenager. It's super scary and a little depressing and I can tell you with 100% certainty that I'm not ready for it at all. xD
    I've thought about time so much over the past few years. I guess it's part of getting older. It's kind of scary when you stop and realize how much time has actually gone by. o.o And oh my gosh, nostalgia... Nostalgia just tears me up. In a good way, but still. :P Memories will just randomly come to me and before long I'll be a grinning, trying-not-to-blubber mess because they make me so emotional. xD Like, you could be going along in life, wishing to be older, for the next milestone... and then you go and listen to something like Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift and you just want to be 6 again. xD


      Aahh, you did?? HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Nineteen it a scary age -- exactly for the reasons you mentioned. It will be so weird to turn twenty someday and no longer be a teenager. That's... that's only three years off for me. Eek.

      I totally get you. I almost teared up several times while writing this pot. :P Ooh, I'll have to listen to that song. Music can always get to me without fail, man. It just has a way of drawing tears from my eyes. xD

  32. Happy Birthday!! I turned 17 last month and I actually started crying the night before. I'm not even exactly sure why...have a nice day!! Ps. My blog is having a giveaway going on for a pillow and you're welcome to enter!!

    1. Awh. *hugs* I can get why you might. It's a crazy and stressful feeling. But we got this -- we're all in this mess together. <3

  33. This is a beautiful post, Katie! And encouraging, as well. Thank you for sharing... and happy birthday (again.) :)

    Nostalgia is really, really weird. Even thinking about what my life was like a few years ago, what I did on a daily basis, what I worried about and where I went often... hm.
    It's really cool you have a lullaby soundtrack that you can listen to and it takes you so far back! My mom has a few records around the house that I remember vaguely. Of course, I also recall listening to the Power Puff Girl's soundtrack when I was little. XD
    Memories are odd things.

    1. RIGHT? I was just thinking about the other day like... what did I even DO before I started writing?? I don't undersatnd. xD

      Oh my gosh. XD

      I agree. Odd and interesting.

  34. (btw happppppy belated birthday girl!)
    Duuude I can relate. This was so beautiful and inspiring and it made my heart hurt. If we always thought this way, and didn't get so distracted with life, but live... this would be such a *breaks into Luis Armstrong voice* wonder worlddd!!!
    Growing up is an odd beast. You never know whether to love it or cry over it. Either way, it drags you away on this journey and you don't even know where to hold on, how to make it slow, which direction you're facing; you just ride. And it takes you into all these worlds and memories and laughs and tears. Someday you'll look back, and thank the beast for all the times you smiled and all the times you frowned; you're growing from all these things, growing stronger. The years are long, but eternity is longer. This is only the beginning!

    Jazzy @

    1. (ahhh thank you!)

      Ahh, yes! I totally love all you said. Especially your last sentence: The years are long, but eternity is longer. << AMEN TO THAT! It doesn't make the future quite as stressful and scary.

  35. Happy (very) late birthday! Hope you like being 17!

  36. By the way, what site did you use to make your title? I really like it!

    1. Picmonkey! I've used Canva in the past as well.

  37. I feel like I'm the only teen who has no idea what career I want but I'm totally zen about it. XD I know things will work out, I know the future is going to be awesome, and I am super excited about getting older and experiencing new things and learning so much. I can definitely understand the really weird feeling of watching days pass and just being like "When did that happen?" Time goes by really quickly, and that Switchfoot lyric is #accurate. :D

    I tagged you for the Hamilton tag if you're interested!

  38. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you so much and I hope that you had the most wonderful day. <3<3<3<3<3 *tackle hugs*

  39. Aw, my dear, this was a beautiful post. Happy belated birthday! I know the feeling, the fear to get older, because time is slipping away so quickly. Do I have time to stop and breathe for a moment, or will that ruin things? You are admirable for doing so much so young, though you are obviously not as young as your age. I am happy you can look back at your childhood and feel comfort.


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