Saturday, October 15, 2016

Don't Be Afraid To Give NaNo A Try

I told myself I wasn't going to write a post about NaNoWriMo, because that is the #1 hot topic in the blogosphere right now, but I couldn't resist. I love NaNo too much to not talk about it.

(before I continue, NaNo is an insane writing challenge that stands for National Novel Writing Month where you write 50,000 words in one month.)

Maybe when you hear the word, "NaNo," your mind automatically goes to, "more like naNO. Nahh no. Heh. sweats nervously at my lame sense of humor that sounds better out loud

I took a poll on my Twitter (that I may or may not spend too much time on), and a surprising amount of people were still as of yet undecided on whether they would do the NaNo challenge or not.

Basically, this post is to convince you to give NaNo a try. Before that scares you, I do understand that NaNo is not for everyone. Some writers write best without pressure and on their own time.

But, if you are one of those unsure writers, still debating on whether or not you should do NaNo this year... go for it.

Yeah, you might not make it. You might decide against it after a couple of days. You might start falling behind on school and and realize that it's all simply a little too much.

But don't let the fear of failing hold you back. Instead let the hope of succeeding push you forward. 

Because what if you do succeed? What if you walk out of November with 50,000 words and/or a finished novel? (we won't talk about the need for sleep and intake of caffeine consumption)
"NaNo Stats show: You have a 0% chance of winning if you don't create a novel. Let's do this!"
(dorky little quote from NaNo's website that is 100% true :P)

Maybe you'll surprise yourself -- that's how my first NaNo year turned out. (I was going for 15,000 words. Ha. Silly me.) Maybe sudden motivation will appear.

Maybe you won't make 50,000 words, and that's okay. Maybe you'll only come out with 5,000 or 10,000 or 20,000 words. What I'm going to say is obvious, but an important reminder -- that's more words than what you started with. 

If NaNoWriMo can inspire you to write some words -- however many that may be -- that is the real goal. 

If you're going into the month, knowing that you want to shoot for less than 50,000 words, you can use the Young Writer's Program that NaNo offers. It's for writers eighteen years of age or younger, and more like Camp NaNoWriMo in the way that you're able to choose your own word count. (and there's no shame for going for half the amount of words or even less!)

Don't be afraid to give NaNo a try. NaNo has taught me how to write under a deadline. Shown me how many writers are actually out there. Forced me to just get the words on the page. To show that editing isn't important in the first draft -- that can come later.

It's a scary challenge. It will be stressful. But go for it. No one's going to think any less of you if you come out of November with under 50,000 words. We'll all be happy to celebrate at the writing that did get done.

// katie grace

(convinced yet? sign up here and add me as a buddy if you want to stalk my stats!)
(and like I said already, no shame is NaNo isn't for you! There's no guilt in not being able to do it this year. :)

What scares you about NaNoWriMo?


  1. Nahh no, I would, except I know I can't write that much, and yes I would have more words than I started with, but I don't think this is for me at this stage because I would be stressed about not meeting the goal, as you said it is not for everyone. And not me mostly I think because I hate to fail... I really, really hate failing. So I will hopefully still get some words out without joining in, but my younger sister is doing it, so maybe I shall have some word wars with her and see if I can write enough during some war we have so that she hasn't written double in that time, which is what usually happens.... again failing but it does make me write and it is only a little fail.

    1. Still I must say I do admire all those of you who can manage to get out so many words!

    2. That totally makes sense! It IS stressful and along with everything else going on in life, that can be too much. xD Hopefully your sister and all the other crazy writers out there can be inspiring and help you to get some words down!

  2. Ack yes. This is gonna be great. :D

    My planning is actually working out really well (and it even inspired me to edit a bit more for book #1 so I am very very pleased) and I'm not freaking out anymore.

    Ha. Actually no. I am freaking out. But it's going to be so fun. :P

    Goals have been like rocket blasters for me. After my first Camp NaNo I was like "hey...maybe I can actually stick with this writing thing." And then after the second Camp and I finished my first draft of this WIP I juts stopped and thought "Hang on...I CAN do this. Wow." And it was the best feeling ever. And I'm really hoping that NaNo will be the same. Only on a bigger and slightly more 'help-I'm-dying' scale. xD

    1. XD

      We'll all be on that "help-I'm-dying" scale together, at least. :P BUT I'M SO EXCITED. I'm exactly the same way for NaNo events -- they're so inspiring to write allll the words.


  3. Good post :) I'm gonna try NaNo this year.

    1. *gasp* YAY! You can do it!
      What are you writing?

  4. I'm going to go for 100k, which I have full confidence I will be able to do...*cue screaming in the background* Haha, it'll be fun...and the fourth day I'll come back and re-read this comment as proof I said it'd be fun.

    1. YESS. I did 105k last year, and it was insane, but awesome. YOU CAN DO IT. :D

  5. I'm thinking of doing Nano for the first time this year and you're post made me more motivated because I honestly don't know what to write haha.
    Anyway, lovely post. ♥

    1. Ughh, that's always hard. I'm constantly nervous that I won't have an idea for when NaNo comes, but so far inspiration has always delivered.

      "So far," I say. :P

      BUT GO FOR IT.

  6. Wow this was really motivational!...But I still don't think I'm going to do NaNo lol. I mean for a second there you had me really considering it but I always get burned out participating in writing challenges like this so I think I might just work on a WIP or two like regular during November (instead of aiming to write a whole book). But you're totally right about having way more words than what you started out with at the end of the month and I confess, I kind of want to do NaNo now. I'm just not ready to deal with the stress that accompanies it :P

    1. Ahhh, yes. That makes sense. Sometimes the burnout that happens afterwards isn't exactly worth it for certain writers.

      You should totally do that! Or set a goal to write every day -- doesn't matter how many words you write. It can get you in a nice habit that way. :D

  7. Ahh, I love this post. ^_^

    And for me, this year is my first year of attempting NaNo. I'm going to be INSANELY busy in November, and sometimes I question why I even signed up. But I'm taking the big leap anyway. It's kind of crazy to think that when I emerge from this crazy month, I might just have a well-on-it's-way novel! o.o

    ANYWAY. I loved this post. You're awesome for offering a challenged to try NaNo to everyone. :D EXCITED TO DO NANO WITH YOU!

    1. The month of November will pass by so quickly, though. It becomes a blur as you begin to lose more and more sleep and understand less and less of what's going on. XD


  8. Ok, ok. I'll do it! :P

    This will be my first year to do NaNo for real. Two years ago I did it, but I was adding 50,000 to an existing novel. And I think I only got to 30,000, but it motivated me to do some writing, rather than none. For some reason I have both a young NaNo and regular NaNo account. I think I got confused back in the day when I was setting it up.

    All that to say, I'm going to go right now to clean up my accounts and set up a new project, a project that I have no idea what it will be about.

    NaNo will give me the writing kick I need. Maybe I'll even win this year!

    *I would like to thank my friends and family for never giving up on me but always believing. I'd like to thank Katie Grace and a handful of other bloggers who inspired me to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. Y'all are my people, and I couldn't what I do without you.*

    *bows to applause*

    1. AH REALLY? Oh my gosh, I am grinning with excitement that you are going to do the thing. *fist pump*

      (I friend-ed (??) you back so I can stalk you stats, mwahahah)



    I added you on the website and cant wait to check out your progress this year!
    seriously, my first year my friend had to practically BEG me to do it. (the begging lasted 1-2 years before I finally did it.) and now its my favorite month. I literally CRAVE November. its SO worth it.

    1. Yaas, I'll have to add you back.

      And I'm the exact same way. I just thrive off of these insane NaNo events. The community and the adventure and the craziness is just the best combination. (and an excuse for staying up late. Ha.)

  10. I'm still one of those folks who are "undetermined." I was determined to do it . . . before I saw how much school I would have this year. Plus I'll be gone at a film camp for a few days. So, I just don't know. But I'm hoping to!

    1. Gah, that WOULD be crazy. I totally understand if that becomes too much. :P You can always sign up and give it a try, seeing if you can get ahead or no. But then sometimes it's hard to let yourself be okay with not winning, so... that's hard. :P I hope you'll find time, though!

    2. I decided to give it a shot and I have a few friends joining me. We'll see how it goes!

  11. I appreciate this post very much. You've *almost* convinced me to do it!

    1. *pushes you over from the almost-convinced edge to the convinced edge* DO THE THING. xD

  12. NaNo somewhat terrifies me, but I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm not going to be able to go for 50k, I already know that. But for my first attempt at NaNo, I'm okay with that. I think that I'm going to try for 25k. I'm really excited!

    1. Dude, 25k is still a lot! So you go, girl. SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW YOU DO. <3

  13. I don't know why but I'm doing my NaNo. like. uuuuhhhg - it's like my first time and I know I'm insane. xD I did Camp NaNo for the first time this July -- and did it!! I'm planning on finishing my camp novel next maybe 50k may not happen, but I'm going for words like you said ;)

    1. omg the first time is always the most terrifying. xD

      yaas, and "finishing your novel" is a totally cool goal. That's basically what NaNoWriMo is for -- to help get a finished work in your hands. SO YAY.

  14. I think I laughed a little to much at your "naNO" joke. hahahaaa. I'm going to be doing nano this year to finish up my novel (I JUST REACHED 50K BTW GAH) so I'll probably reach 70-80k if I dare say it xD

    good luck on nano, girl!

    1. YAY SOMEONE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY. Thank you for appreciating my lame sense of humor. It means a lot. XD

      YESS. that's a loooot of words but YOU CAN DO THE THING.

  15. TRUTH. This entire post had me nodding the entire time.

  16. NaNo was such a disaster for me last year, but I think I actually have a chance of winning this year and I'm just rEALLY EXCITED ABOUT THE STORY I'M WRITING. BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT.

    1. YOU CAN DO IT. Seriously. And if you don't, that's okay. BUT I WILL MESSAGE YOU AND WE CAN BE NANO BUDDIES.

  17. Eeep, this is gloriousness. And I completely agree that there's no shame if NaNo doesn't work for someone! I think it's easy to feel pressured into doing it, since like EVERYONE ELSE IS. So I admire writers who stick true to their processes and just do what they can *nods* But at the same time I loooove NaNo for all the camaraderie! and like, you can literally get on twitter and shout "naNOOOOO" and there will be a dozen people instantly sobbing with you. Best time of year tbh. :')

    1. RIGHT?? IT'S HONESTLY THE BEST. So much sobbing and flailing and chocolate and sleep deprived madness. XD

  18. NANOWRIMO! I'm so insanely excited XD. This is my first year so I have NO IDEAS about what I'm doing. My plan is to wing it and basically do whatever I want (and somehow survive *shrugs*). I'm HOPING to just make it to 50k, but somewhere around 75k would be what I'd really like to hit. WE SHALL SEE *cackles*.

    ~ Savannah

    1. DUUUDE THAT WOULD BE COOL. You should try for the thing. asjdkfl;. xD

      I don't think I have any word goals for this month. Just to write a full novel. (WHICH HOPEFULLY WON'T TURN INTO A 100k BEAST LIKE LAST TIME. Ugh. xD)

  19. This is a very convincing post x) and if I were undecided still I would probably do it just because of this. But I'm not doing it this year x( Good luck to you though!!

    1. Awhh, that's okay. Hopefully another year! <3
      Thank you!

  20. I think it sounds cool!! I just do not have the time!!

  21. The nano thing ain't for me. I've tried writing my own book, and failed miserably!
    Have fun!

    1. It's not for everyone. You can just avoid lack of sleep and stress by not doing it, then. Super smart! xD

  22. Such an inspiring post! I love that, "naNO"! Haha, laughed so hard. I'm just slightly obsessed with puns.

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

    1. Haha, puns are just the best. I'm more than slightly obsessed with them as well. XD

  23. The more I hear about NaNo, the more I want to do it some day. You've got me convinced, okay?! It just won't be this year, because life is already hectic, and I have no idea of what I'd write (and I'm the planning type, so I probably need a whole year just to plan the book before I write it. :P)

    Anyway, go you! I hope you have an excellent NaNo this year, and you have my admiration for squeezing it in between work and school, and the other commitments you no doubt have. :)

    1. Start planning now so you'll be ready for next year! Seriously. I like to have my idea for NaNo (though that usually never happens) several months in advance so I can figure out what I'm doing and everything that goes along with it. :P

      It's gonna be crazy! But I think I'm up for the challenge. :P

  24. Hum... You got me thinking. I might try but reduce my goal to 30 000 words (so a thousand words per day) so I don't lose complete motivation before I even start! I also would like to plot for once (thank God for reading week just before it starts!)

    Okay you got me I'm totally in!!!!!!!! Really excited about it! I think I made up my mind on the story, so I'm really pumped to start it soon! Now I just have to remember what my password is and I'll be able to add you on NaNo! :D

    1. Oooh, 1,000 words per day is a nice and neat number. You should totally go for it! It's definitely a challenge, but is easier than the official NaNo.

      YES. DO IT. *flailing*

  25. i am this close to being convinced to do NaNo.

    *sigh* IT SOUNDS SO NICE BUUUUUUT. November is probably going to be like a really busy month and wow seriously autumn like we should give you an award for lamest excuse to walk the face of the planet. xD I DON'T KNOW THOUGH. I think I might maybe just try to do 1k a day and see where that goes??? I don't know. Like you said, it would definitely get me more words. so yeah. MAYBE I WILL SIGN UP.

    decisions. ugh. they were never my strong point.

    1. DO 1k A DAY. Sometimes you motivation can surprise you and you'll do more, but if it turns out to be scarily hard... then you will be glad you didn't commit to a crazy 50k. :P

      decisions are never an ENFPs strong point. I FEEL YA, GIRL. :P

  26. Nahh no. *snorts a laugh* That's funny. xD *isn't nervous at all*

  27. I'm always like, Nanooo because "I don't have a laptop." but now I DO have a laptop sooo... I'll see if I can try next summer! :P

  28. XD I'm having no restraint when it comes to NaNo-themed posts this year. I have so many NaNo post ideas, it's a problem. :P

    I relate to this post so much, especially when I was starting out. I remember my first NaNoWriMo, I was afraid that I wouldn't make the 50K, and then I accidentally wrote way more. :P

    I loved your NaNo pun. I snort laughed in public. :P

  29. Man, I so wish I could do NaNo, but November has a ton of stuff going on every year and it just doesn't work. =P One day I will, though. One day I will.

  30. I think Nano is awesome, but I cant seem to write under pressure.
    I am going to make my own goal for the month.

  31. I'm commenting solely to tell you I loved the lame pun, and I actually thought it was kind of clever, and basically let's be friends haha. I totally agree with this post - I did NaNo last year and I only wrote 20k over the first two weeks and then stopped, but... I still have 20k I didn't have before so that's that. I also love it, because writing can feel very isolating, but during NaNo there's a sense of community that's just fantastic.


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