Saturday, September 24, 2016

How Writing Has Shaped My Everyday Life

(Thank you, Emily Drown, for submitting this question in my Q+A vlog! This was one of those that I couldn't possibly answer in a video, so here it is in a post. :)

I have been writing for almost three years.

In some ways, that's not a long time, but that's also a very, very, very, very long time. SO MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN THREE YEARS! I ice skated for three years. I did gymnastics for three years. And now I've almost been writing for that amount of time. (crazy how passions change. Can't imagine writing ever changing, though.)

So how has writing shaped my everyday life?

This is just an amazing question, and I'm going to go right in and ramble about my thoughts. Let's do this.

Writing has basically changed the way I do everything. From when I wake up in the morning to when I lay my head on the pillow, most things have to do with writing.

Thinking about my characters. My story. The plot. How can I make it better? How can I improve the story? What else does it need? 

It's changed the way I read -- I look at things with more of a critical eye. I analyze the writing and flail over a beautiful sentence or character development. The same goes for movies -- how do they show a story? How can I tell a story in the same visual way, but with words?

(side note: I wish that writing would help me with writing essays and research papers, but unfortunately that's something creative writing hasn't aided me with. :P)

I now have so many online friends I connect with all the time. Skyping with them, flailing with them, writing, reading, and being the best of buddies. Without writing, I wouldn't know that they even existed. (Except when they someday become famous authors. ;)

That's... a weird thought. Without writing, I wouldn't be blogging, and we'd all be nameless nobodies to each other. o.o *has a small crisis thinking about that, and is immediately very thankful that we all are aware of each other's existence*

Writing has changed the way I look at things for inspiration. That old house isn't just an old house -- it has a story. That song -- there's a story. The forest of birch trees -- just another story in this giant and magical world. Everything has a story behind it.

I don't look at people the same as I used to. I'm trying to say this in a non-creepy and stalkerish way as possible, but I study people. How they interact. How their eyes thin into a happy scrunch when they laugh and how they might play with their hair when they're nervous.

Often when I'm in a crowd of people, I'm just amazed. Because every one of those people has a story. A dream. Fears. Hard moments, and good ones. 

And as a writer, I get to write about these people. For these people. It's a terrifying and wonderful thing.

Another drastic thing that's changed my everyday life because of writing, is the fact that EVERY SPARE MOMENT IS FILLED WITH WRITING. After school and work, then it's time to writewritewritewritewrite. If I'm not writing, I'm blogging or reading or social media-ing which all totally counts toward writing in a strange way. (blogging and social media --> platform. Reading --> inspiration, research, + so many things to learn through it.) 

It's exhausting. It is. Sometimes I just want to flop and lay on the floor and say, "THIS IS SO HARD." But if writing a book was easy, where would be the satisfaction of saying, "I did it," at the end? Being a writer is a special kind of warrior -- of pushing through this mentally and physically draining personal project and conquering it. 

(I don't even know WHAT I thought about before writing. Probably pizza. But I dunno, man. IT MUST BE SO WEIRD TO HAVE A MIND WITHOUT WRITING THOUGHTS CONSTANTLY RACING AROUND. o.o)

And most of all, writing has given me a dream. It's given me motivation and determination to get published and making my dream of becoming an author a reality. It's given me a passion to work as hard as I can so I can pursue publishing after high school.

Writing is an amazing thing, and it's crazy how much it's changed my everyday life. I don't know what I would be doing without writing. (probably reading 300 books a year. and scrolling through pinterest endlessly. )

Basically, writing has changed my everyday life drastically. Sometimes, more often than not, it's a scary journey with doubt and stress and so much mental energy... BUT it's also the best thing in the world, and it's so thrilling to be able to call myself a writer. I can't wait to someday have a published book to show for all of it. :D

// katie grace

how has writing shaped your everyday life?


  1. Ahh, yay! Thanks for answering this question. :D I adored this post; your thoughts are so insightful. <3

    Wow, I can see how writing has changed your life so much. It's something that requires a LOT of time and energy... and tears too. ;) (I'm nowhere near as accomplished as you are in writing, and I already use up a ton of all that in the name of writing.) It can be hard, but I love stories. It's worth it. <3

    And it's just SCARY how much I relate with the part about the realization that EVERYTHING HAS A STORY. A story could happen ANYWHERE and with ANYONE. That's a mind-blowing thought. I walk by people in the street, and it just hits me that their lives are every bit as intricate as mine. Wow.

    Also, I too wonder what non-writers think about. What do they DO with their brains if they're not filled with stories? O.o It's just hard to imagine. xD

    (by the way, I'm absolutely LOVING your new post headers. They all tie together so beautifully with the same font and layout and pens and such. YOU ARE SO CREATIVE and I can't.)

    Thank you so much for answering my question! FOLLOW THOSE DREAMS. I know God has big, incredible plans for you. <3 <3 <3

    1. Eeep, thank you!! And thank you for sending in the question -- I knew it was a great one right when I saw it. :D

      I KNOW. (ha, always the tears. Unfortunately. :P) Stories are always worth it. <3

      RIGHT?! It's kind of crazy. I mean, even the clothes I'm wearing have a story to them. (Probably not a very INTERESTING story, but what about the people who made them? My mind goes crazy with thinking about it all. xD)

      Oh my gosh, I totally agree. I sometimes look at my family and just think, "what could they possibly have going on in their heads?" I mean that in the nicest way possible. It just seems weird to not have writerly things running around in the brain. xD

      (EEP, THANK YOU. That actually means a lot to me because I spend a lot of time on them and it gives me alll the happy feelings that you notice. *hugs* xD)

      GAH THANK YOU. Same for you, Emily -- I can't wait to see where God takes you. <3

  2. Ooo! Great post! I absolutely love writing, but I need to be more dedicated (Word wars, Katie, word wars.). XP You just gave me some inspiration to write today!

    1. ALLLL THE WORD WARS, MWAHAHA. (so very helpful.)

      YAS! Are you planning to do NaNoWriMo? You've probably already told me this, but it somehow escaped my mind. :P If you are... we'll have to do lots of word wars then. :D

    2. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do NaNoWriMo. I might die, especially with all the schoolwork. But I'll still try! YES, WORD WARS!

  3. Woooah, Katie. Powerful stuff right here. This was an awesome post.



    I love this post so much and I can relate to it so super hard. <3 <3

    1. GAHH THANK YOU. <3 <3

      Right?? I'm so glad to have all of you writers who can relate. xD It just seems so weird. o.o

  5. Remembering that time before writing actually playing a huge role in our lives is super weird because it's just hard to imagine ourselves doing anything but writing. When I look back to that point, I think, "Dude, I feel so empty." I love that as writers, we're constantly looking that everything has a story. There's probably a reason why a huge portion of a rock somewhere is splintered in half with initials covering the broken pieces. And meeting bloggers sharing the same passions = YES. FLAILING WITH BLOGGERS AND FANGIRL THOUGH. *flails*

    I saw the research paper thing, and for awhile, I wasn't entire sure how to go on about it at school because 90% of the writing the essay was procrastination and figuring out what in the name of shish kebabs the essay's thesis was. It can be so formulaic and constricting, but look at the bright side: since we're writers (and since this often coincides reading a lot) we tend to have a vast vocabulary and an actual clear idea, road, and end goal, and people are impressed with those things.

    Last thing: did you ever mention in your q&a how you got into writing at the beginning of those three years? Was it a casual thing you used to do before you fell in love doing it and what was the tipping point that made you realize you wanted to write? I'm curious. ^.^

    xoxo Morning
    Ups & Downs
    xoxo Morning

    1. Right? o.o I just can't imagine my mind being so empty. It sounds rather nice, actually. xD

      ajskdlf; yeeeessss. I WISH I COULD WRITE RESEARCH PAPERS WELL. But I'm okay with admitting that it is not my strength. They're not fun anyways. xD

      Uhh, can't remember what I said in my q+a. Buuut I used to hate writing, actually. DESPISE it. The word "writing" would send me into a series of moans and groans.

      I started writing because I didn't know what to read. (that sounds weird, because i have sooo many books I can read, now. But this was before Goodreads. xD) So I started my own book! And... haven't really stopped since. :D

      How did you start writing?

    2. Our minds are actually filled with stuff (which is a great excuse whenever my parents complain about me being stuck too long in my room writing and saying that mindlessly sitting in my room is not okay). "Writers have their minds filled with stuff and we need to process mhmkay?" xD

      The only good research that ever comes is trying to look for stuff for our novels, and I swear it's a problem for every writer when they're trying to figure out the technical stuff. I had eyebrows raised when I searched up where bleeding affects the human body the most and just how to put out a fire in twelve steps. >.<

      Well, it's good to hear that you're into writing now! Writing our own stories is the best. The best part is that we don't have to wait for a long time to actually get the next portion of the story (you know, that ridiculous long waiting period for the next part of a series to come out)?

      The way I got into writing started isn't a happy story: when I was younger, I suffered a period of depression because people wouldn't let me express my opinions so my confidence was being bogged down to nothing. For awhile, I never spoke and would break down crying if spoken to. Writing was the way allowing me to actually speak and be confident and do the things I never could do when I was silenced. I still struggle with talking even today, which is the reason why I hardly spoke during our group video chat and didn't speak coherently in sentences, but writing has helped me have a brighter outlook on life. I honestly think that's what God's placed me on this world for, to place things in word form that aren't easily spoken. ^.^

  6. This entire post. ❤ You deserve pizza for writing all of this out! 🍕🍕

    Yes to always thinking about writing! I don't even know what I had to think about all day without everything coming back to writing! I mean, I had God and family still, but . . . Yeah. Strange.

    OH OH OH! I have a word for realizing that the people around you live similarly complex lives: S-O-N-D-E-R. Look it up on Pinterest:

    Also, on a random note, my brother referred to you as "your writing friend who really likes pizza" the other day XD I just laughed because it's the most accurate description of you ever! :D

    1. RIGHT?! I know. It's so weird. o.O

      *looks at the link immediately* Ahhh, that is such a nice word. I shall begin to use it, now. xD

      Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy. I am giggling so hard -- that is fantastic. Kudos to your brother. :P

  7. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS omg this post makes me so happy. You're going to conquer the world with your writing some day.

    1. omg and your COMMENT makes me so happy. *flails forever* <3 <3

  8. This is so very relatable. :') I agree with aaaall of this, although I've basically been writing for 7 years. Which seems like a lot. And I have NO IDEA what I thought about before then, because the last 7 years my brain is 100% in writers' mode. If I'm not writing, then I'm thinking about it. I can't even think of a single thing I do that doesn't directly relate to writing...I mean even food. Gotta eat to live to write. *nods* (Actually gotta eat just because food is really delicious but whatever. I DIGRESS.) I also totally know what you mean about analysing everything for writing! Like books I read + movies I watch = all is my brain figuring out "so how would I write that?" Basically I am obsessed. And I don't think this passion is going away any time soon.😂

    1. Seven. o.o


  9. Wait, some people have brains that AREN'T filled with writing thoughts? THAT'S A THING?! *feels horrible for these people*

    WRITING IS EVERYTHING (okay, well, not EVERYTHING, but ... a lot of things XD). Like you said, I honestly don't know how I would survive if someone said 'everyone is banned from writing FOREVER'. I think I would die xD.

    ANYWAYS. I'm the same as you - thinking every person has a story. IT'S SO FUN! *romps around with all the plot bunnies* Kinda weird, but mostly fun XD.

    Love this post, Katie!

    ~ Savannah

    1. *gasp* Don't even talk about that. It would be horrible to be banned from writing. o.o

      *allll the plot bunnies* WE ARE A LITTLE BIT INSANE BUT IT'S BEST THAT WAY. :D

  10. I have no idea how long I've been writing... I think when I started high school (eek, that's six years!??!!?!)?

    Anyway, totally relate. Even when I pray, I frequently have to shift my mind back to God and not to that character begging to come to life. CHARACTERS. I'm obsessed with them. What do people think about when they're not writers?

    love you, keep writing! <3

    Taïsha // (It's in French and forgotten but I will make it bilingual and actual one day - hopefully).

    1. Oooh, that is a long time. YOU ALL ARE SO INSANE. xD

      (yaas, I look forward to when it's bilingual so I can actually read the thing. :P)

  11. I can not even imagine not writing!!! Happy Autumn!!!!

    1. Right? It's such a crazy thought.
      Happy Autumn to you, too! <3

  12. Wow. Amazing post. I personally am not much of a writer. I want to be, but I just never really started. Hopefully I can start writing this year, but anyways this basically summed up my thoughts on reading. That's what I do with my spare time, and it's hard to imagine what I would be doing if I hadn't gotten into reading.
    As I said above, wonderful post. I'm glad you decided to answer the question in a post :)
    Brooke @ The Brookeworm

    1. Yuuus, reading is what I mostly did before writing, and that's a great thing. xD It would be awesome if you started writing someday. I will definitely read anything you write. :)

  13. Thank goodness for writing! You put so many things into words about the art of writing in this post that I have only vaguely thought about before. Writing has also changed my life. Honestly, I don't even know where I'd be without writing. <3
    Thank you for posting this! It got me thinking. :)

    Sophia xx
    A Lantern In Her Hand
    The Inkpot Girl

    1. Yess! Writing is a fabulous, fabulous thing. <3

      Thank you for commenting!

  14. YES this is SO TRUE. I think it has really gotten to a point where it affects my life in the past year or so. But since then, it has been SO much of my life and I love it even more for that.

    And YES I see things as having stories too! I have had people say "Oh, that's weird.." or "Wow that's creepy", but I think it is SO cool!! GAH I could go on forever about this. :P

    I LOVE this post, Katie!! ♥♥♥

    1. "wow, that's creepy." XD IT IS SO COOL. I GUESS I could see it getting creepy when we're staring at people and imaging their past and stuff, buuut. pfft. :P IT'S A WRITER THING. THEY WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND.

      Thank you! <3

  15. WHAT A GORGEOUS POST YES YES sometimes people are so inspiring you want to just write a book about them. Though, sometimes I can see some sort of pain in their eyes. Eyes can say a lot about a person...anywho, brilliant post and I'm off to get my chocolate cake out of the oven (no im not lying)

    1. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THAT. Ugh, and it's sad to me and I just want to give everyone a hug with what they're dealing with sometimes and it's sad because I can't. :P

      (omg did you enjoy it)

  16. I have been to countless birthday parties, and I have discovered that the emotional trauma they put me through is a treasure trove! Writing also helps me evaluate other people's action like I would a book character's.

    1. Hehe. xD I love how birthday parties are a huge inspiration for you. :D

  17. I can totally relate! I think I've been writing since I was about 8, but over the last couple years or so is when I've gotten more serious about it. And yeah, now it's like everything makes me think of my writing. Obviously books are great for inspiration, but also TV/movies, music, and even just everyday stuff that happens... and I really love how not only is my mind sort of programmed to catch that stuff, but I can do something about it, create something out of it. And being a writer makes me appreciate a good story... and I think somehow it's also made me way more emotional when it comes to stories. xD
    And yeah, the majority of the time I spend on the Internet would be vastly different if I wasn't a writer. xD Ever since I discovered Go Teen Writers early last year I've discovered sooo many blogs and I just love reading them. It's weird how, even if you haven't known something for a super long time, once you're used to it you can't imagine not having it. o.O

    1. YES. Gah, I get so emotional to stories it's insane. Real and fake stories. xD

      Same. o.o I don't know WHAT I would be doing on the internet if it wasn't for blogging and writing. Probably... webkinz. Haha, that was so long ago and now I'm getting all the memories. :')

  18. I LIKE THIS POST *nodnod*
    I've been "writing" for as long as I can remember, but I really never pursued it really hard until recently (LIKE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE). And I find it so true that I WATCH PEOPLE. Not like a stalker at all. xD But I like hearing people's conversations and what they say or do IT'S SO INSPIRING.
    I think that was the wrong word but I can't think of any others right now SOOO.
    But writing has literally become a part of me so it's really strange to think of life without it. AAAAAAHHHH.

    1. THANK YOU. *nodnod*

      (you don't just write, you WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE. I'm giggling. xD) RIGHT? I just... can't think about it for too long or it gets weird. xD

  19. I love this so much, Katie!!! I couldn't agree more about writing being life changing. I didn't really get serious about writing until about two years ago, and I haven't stopped since. It's so encouraging to hear about another writer's journey, especially when you're undergoing it. It's amazing how much it changes your mindset. And YES!!! Thank you, writing IS hard and it IS scary, because it takes so much brainpower and courage to write a story and share it with people. But it's sooooo so worth it. <3 Best wishes for you and your writing career. I may be biased, but I think it's one of the best. (-;

    1. I know. o.o I didn't realize how terrifying writing actually was when I started, but creating something so close to your heart and then just handing it out to people for them to pick apart is terrifying. :P

      *sniff* Thank you. :')

  20. I feel very much the same about writing! I love being able to analyze stories and I think about my books all the time. XD This is all very true for me too!

    1. Yay! It's so cool to see that I'm not alone in all of this. xD

  21. I'm so glad that you're a writer... it fits you so well. :)
    And yes I so agree, everything has a story behind it and every now and then I'll think about how everyone around me has a story too, and just *sigh.* XD

    I've only been writing seriously since last November. I'd only been writing a novel every November since 2011 and then occasionally poking it with a stick till the following November.
    When writing my WIP's sequel in 2015, however, I thought "wow if I'm bothering to write this write... I need to really do IT."
    And then I did. And I found the blogging world, and you and twitter and here I am still trying to do "it," (XD)

    Thank you for sharing Katie!
    Jeneca @ Jeniqua Writes

    1. Eep, thank you. :D

      Ooh, really? So you've started pretty recently. That's cool! I'm astonished by how good you've come in such a short time. xD


  22. Writing makes life interesting for me.

  23. This is so beautifully written, Katie Grace. (Wow, Katie Grace wrote something gorgeous. Shocker. (not) ) I don't know what I would do without writing. It's such an outlet, a way to destress and create and bring joy. I can't imagine life without it.

    1. (shhhHHHHH. "oh, grace anne wrote an amazingly sweet comment? shocker. NOT." :P)

      I knoww, it's the best. <3

  24. Wow, this is such a good post! I am not much of a writer BUT I still loved it! 👏🏻😉

  25. I have written stories for a while and it has increase my spelling a grammar a lot... which I'm very thankful for :P


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