Saturday, September 3, 2016

Being Real // burning youth

It is ridiculously hard to be real on the internet. 

Before you jump to conclusions, no, I'm not a robot, or a creepy man, or a serial killer pretending to be a real "Katie Grace on the internet."

I'm just me. A sixteen year old girl who has dreams too large for her own good. Who has the ability to cry too easily, eat a whole pizza, back up into a garbage can, and get bad grades in her schoolwork.

But in my head, I'm Katie Grace. She is the writer who writes 20,000 words in one day, who has it all together, who writes blog post after post and novel after novel. 

The sixteen year old me fails at deadlines. Who looks at the tasks on her to-do list and the bags under her eyes and the unreasonable time blinking on the clock and just sighs. 

Katie Grace won't stop. The clock is always ticking. There's always things to be done, and she will continue like her energy is limitless. Bigger goals. Smaller deadlines. Do things faster, better, go, go, go. 

But which one is really me? 

Both. Both are me. I'm Katie Grace -- the sixteen year old girl who loves to write, but is unsure of her ability to actually do it well. 

I'm the girl who blogs a lot and it's working out well for her, but she constantly fears that she will someday run out of material. Or that people will become uninterested.

I'm the girl who writes about doing so much, but not about the struggle and the stress to get that done.

I've been thinking about this for awhile, now. How to balance the two and be real without sharing every part of my soul.

And then the fabulous Kate emailed me about a blog project. A group blog. A blog that writes about real things. Real struggles. Real feelings. A perfect place where I could share my real thoughts and feel like they belong. I haven't written anything on there yet, but I will. And so I thought I'd let you know about it.

Here is a snippet of the lovely mission statement Kate wrote up --

we are the young ones
the emotional ones

the restless,
the drifters,
the dancers,
the artists,

the midnight cereal eaters,
and drivers of dirt roads that got lost
between the trees.

we are the up all nighters,
with the wide eyes,
and the dreams that won't call it quits.

So I guess this post was a mixture of a lot of things -- something I've been thinking about, self promo, pushing you over to a blog where fifteen amazing minds have joined together to create this beautiful anthem. I hope to see you over there. <3 

// katie grace

Can you relate to the struggle? 

Hope to see you over at burning youth. <3

(also, congrats to Mary H. and Anika for winning the giveaway!)


  1. This looks like an amazing project. I've just read a few blog posts on the website. They are so beautiful and they squeezed my heart with emotions. I think it's important to have a place like this where people can go and see that they're not the only ones who struggle in life and that they can talk about it and find support. It's truly be beautiful. :)
    Btw. I looooove your new blog design. It's SO PRETTY!!! :)

    1. It's such an amazing thing, and I'm glad you think it's important! Hopefully through the community we can reach a lot of people and touch a lot of hearts. <3

      THANK YOUU! I'm excited about it. :D

  2. Wow that is so cool Katie! It looks totally amazing. That Mission Statement. Just-- *is wordless* So emotional, so true.

    Just. So. REAL.

    I love it. Thanks massively for sharing. :)

    1. RIGHT?! The mission statement just wowed me when I first read it. *flails*

      Of course! Thanks massively for being excited. ;)

  3. DIS IS SO COOOOOL! I will definitely be following!

    1. ISN'T IT?! Eeek, yay! Glad to have you over there. :D

  4. I am the one with multiple personalities and too much to do! :p

  5. Wow, what a powerful message, Katie! It can be hard to remember sometimes that all these fabulous bloggers I follow are human too... they make mistakes, they cry, they criticize themselves. Just like I do.

    It is hard sometimes to remember that when I read posts mentioning their accomplishments. Like... I'm really, really proud of them and happy for them that they made those accomplishments - writing another novel, passionately pursuing their goals, generally having their LIFE together - but, even though it makes me excited that they've done it, a part of me just whispers, "but... I haven't done any of those things."

    And that only decreases my sense of self-value.

    It IS hard to realize sometimes that everyone doesn't necessarily have it ALL together. But if I try to learn through my blindness in that area, then I'll grow. Through that, I can become more motivated and more inspired to try and complete something that I've been wanting to do for a long time.

    And through that, I'll learn that everyone is human, and that they mess up along the way... that it's hard sometimes.

    That's why I was so ridiculously excited about Burning Youth. They are definitely so REAL. And their posts are so deep and encouraging that I actually believe they could really, really bless a struggling teen who happens upon it. :)

    Thanks again for sharing, Katie! :D

    1. Eeek, I'm so glad you are excited about this, Emily! I feel like it can reach everyone in some way, so I'm glad it's already reached you. <3 <3 <3

      I'm so excited for this -- to not hide the struggles and show the hope that they can be overcome. And shine some light on the realness in the blogger community. *happy flailing*

  6. I love this. ♥♥ And I'm heading right over to check out Burning Youth!

  7. Oh my goodness Katie O.O This is so amazing. Oh my goodness. I am so, so happy for you getting to be apart of this.

    I think a lot of bloggers struggle with thinking they have to have it all together. But we don't. We're all human. If we waited till we had it all together before we did anything, we'd never live. We're all broken and bent and a little confused (some more than others hehe) but that's what makes us beautiful. We are God's beautiful masterpieces, his wonderful creations, and art has a certain mess about it that makes it beautiful.

    Go be real, Katie! <3

    1. So am I, hannah! <3

      Gah, your words are always so beautiful. I love what you said in this comment -- it's so true. <3


  8. I love Burning Youth- can't wait to see what you post:)

  9. 8-0 Katie Grace, this is amazing!!!! Like Hannah said, I'm so glad that you're a part of this! I'll have to check it out!

    1. Isn't it amazing? I'm so blessed to be a part of this wonderful group. :D

  10. This was so great, Katie! I loved it!:) I'll have to go check out your new collab blog!

    1. Eeep, I hope you like it! Thanks for sharing in the excitement, Emma. :d

  11. I think people being genuine is one of the hardest things to find now a days, especially on the internet. It's just to easy to fake some things.

    You and your blog don't feel fake, and that is why I enjoy it. :D

    1. Right? It's so easy to put a mask on yourself on the internet and build yourself up to look like this amazing thing. :P

      Awhh, thank you. <3

  12. Wow...I was actually thinking of this exact topic this morning for a blog post - that we are not as strong as we pretend, and we need to encourage one another and push forward to the prize we fight for. =) It's been on my heart recently. Everyone sees their own struggles, but it's hard to realize that others around us are also having their own trials. Especially when they look so accomplished and strong. (like you) =P LOL.

    Keep pushing on in the good fight, Katie!!!

    //Hosanna Emily

    1. Awwh, how awesome that we were thinking of the same thing! It's something more people relate to than I think, and that's partially why I'm so excited for this blog. To talk about the things no one talks about :D


  13. I FEEL YOU KATIE. And I'm definitely in the same boat. I could say more, but I think id'd be easier to share one-on-one that in a comment. xD

    So so thrilled for you to be involved with Burning Youth - that is so cool, girl, and I can't wait to read through that whole amazing blog. EEP.

    1. Yesss don't ever be afraid to send me a message because ajslad; yes. xD <3

      RIGHT?! Every post has been gorgeous so far. Which makes me a little nervous to post on there, but I'M EXCITED.

  14. I <3 THIS BLOG SOOOOO MUCH!!! It's so relatable and vulnerable and real. There is so much brilliance and talent here. You go, girl!

    1. I know. o.O I'm so honored to be surrounded by so much talent and see my name up there with them. :D

  15. EEEEPP I LOVE THIS!! BY is such an incredible movement, and it's so amazing to see this happening. I LOVE IT.


  16. OH MY WORD this is so EXCITING!! So glad you're a part of this, Katie! *scampers over to check out Burning Youth*

    1. And the mission statement is BEAUTIFUL by the way, I absolutely love it.

    2. *stumbles back here after reading Burning Youth and dies from overexposure to sheer awesomeness*

    3. *flailing from your comments* Burning Youth has so much awesomeness on the blog and I cannot wait to be a part of it. o.o

  17. WHOA KATIE GRACE YOU PUNCHED ME IN THE HEART WITH THIS ONE. <3333 Seriously, I cannot stress enough HOW MUCH I. CAN. RELATE. TO. THIS. Like...these exact thoughts about struggling to do more and always get something done and keep writing and it's soo emotionally taxing when we don't have an outlet to release all of our true feelings -- the raw, emotional, bloody ones that we shut up inside a lot of times. ASDFGHJKL I JUST FEEL THIS SO HARD. YOU SAID IT SO MUCH BETTER UP THERE ^^^ IT'S SO ON POINT.

    I'm so super duper excited to see what you post on Burning Youth (!!!) and here at your beautiful blog (WHICH I DIDN'T EVEN SEE UNTIL JUST NOW THAT IT HAS A NEW DESIGN AND DFHJKJHH WHAAAT IT'S ABSOLUTELY STUNNING <333) *hugs and waffles* thank you for this. :)


    1. UGH YES YES YES. Ugh you are like my long lost twin because we can relate so much to each other it's unreal. XD WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO MEET UP AND JUST EXCHANGE OUR WOES OF GROWING UP TO BEING ARTISTS AND ALL THAT. :P

      ajsdklf;. *flailing* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME BE A PART OF THIS. <3 <3 You and Kate have contributed SO much to the blogging community and you two are just the beeeest.

  18. Yaaasss I am so excited for thisss. I just recently heard about this and looked at the blog and it's so cool that you're doing this.

  19. I can't put into words how much I love our little BY community. MAKES MY HEART SO HAPPY!!!!! I love all y'all so much :')

    This post was fantastic.

    1. SO MUCH LOVEEEE. *chucks pizza at your face* xD <3

  20. Super beautiful blog post. And I love the website! You've got a fan in me!

    1. Awhh, thanks, Halee! (love how you spell your name, by the way. It's so awesome.)

  21. I am SO excited about Burning Youth!!! You are an amazing writer, Katie, and I know you will bring a lot to that wonderful place!! ♥

    1. Omg, thank you so much, Megan! That is so sweet. <3

  22. Ohhhh Katie I cannot wait to see the things you write on there because you are so gifted and just gah you gave me emotions love you xD <3 <3 <3

    1. ajskdl;f love you toooo my wonderful fren. <3 xD

  23. Hi! Thought you ought to know I nominated you for the Wisteria Writer's Tag, which you can check out here! ^.^

    xoxo Morning

    1. Sorry, the link isn't working... basically, it's the most recent post that's up. >.<

    2. Booo links. :P I'll go check it out, thank you! :D


    Love the images! Did you ink that on your wrist? Looks legit!! :D And I totally relate to the struggle of "being real" on the Internet. I'm a serious mess and hope that my blog conveys that its author does not, in fact, have it all together. At least not most days. LET'S BE REAL YO LIFE IS HARD

    Glad to be going on this blogging adventure with you!

    *fist bump*

    1. It's just a pen. xD I was laughing after I read this, thinking that if it was a real tattoo, how I would feel about it when I'm a grandma. "BURNING YOUTH." :P

      YES I'm so glad you're doing this as well! <3

  25. LOVE THIS!

    Btw i nominated you for the wisteria writer tag! check it out if you're interested:

  26. I am literally speechless . . . this post is amazing. <3 <3 <3 <3

    Sophia xx
    A Lantern In Her Hand
    The Inkpot Girl

  27. THIS POST. ITS SO GREAT, and it feels so real!

  28. I REALLY LOVED THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Hey stranger,
    haven't commented here before I guess. I've just read blog post after post and loved it. I think it's time for commenting on your blog now. Vacation almost over now and I have to clean my room. I haaaate cleaning my room plus throwing out stuff. I just love old memories that come up when looking at old birthday cards. Do you know the feeling?
    Well my parents think differently. So apparently I am stuck with my fate of cleaning and tidying. I wish I'd be done soon o.O
    Your blogdesign or more your header is wonderfull, Katie Grace! I really love it. I played with Photoshop earlier this week and since I've got a Graphic Tablet for my birthday, it's even more fun. I can't decide whether I should start my own blog or just keep reading others. Dunno. Whattcha think?
    I don't know if anyone has asked you before, but since I kinda know Photoshop and I really like to draw and design stuff, would you be interested in having me design a cover for your book The Sand Dragon's Song? I would love to, but if you already have a cover, never mind.
    How are you? I forgot to ask at the beginning, but it's never to late, isn't it?

    Angelina Pan (just the sister of the famous Peter Pan xD)
    --> It's kinda my pen name on the internet, so don't mind that please!

  30. "we are the up all nighters,
    with the wide eyes,
    and the dreams that won't call it quits."

    when i read this afresh after reading your post, and saw that part in bold, i was just like "that's Katie Grace's verse right there." i would not say your dreams are too big for your own good, but that they are just big enough for that supernova soul of yours, and you are gonna shake the world with those too-big dreams Katie. <3 i can't wait to watch them unfold more and more.

    basically this whole thing makes me want to cry. i love you man :')

  31. Hey Katie Grace! I nominated you for the Ultimate Writer Tag on my blog, Spreading My Joy here:

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

  32. That poem was really and truly beautiful <3


don't be shy to hang out in the comment section!
make frens, check back for my replies, keep things clean, shout about pizza, squeal about books, moan about editing... all that cool stuff.