Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Struggles of Blogging

I know I said that I would do a blogspot design post, but it just wasn't working and so while I'm strongly feeling the feel of blogging struggles, I might as well write a post on it. Logic.

So. Blogging.

Blogging is awesome in so many ways. I could go on for quite awhile about it's awesomeness, but I'll just leave it at awesome and write a post on that later.

But blogging is also hard. (Oh, hey, I also wrote a post about why we call writing hard if you want to read that.)

So here's a list of very relateable (at least I hope) blogging struggles.


At least for me, thinking of ideas for blogging is hard. I mean, I'm posting around  60+ times a year, and that's a lot of original posts. (I don't get bloggers who post like 10 times a month. o.o) Especially for me, since my mind loves to torture me with dry spells where I have no ideas. My brain starts thinking, "I could talk about the possibility of making pizza flavored tacos. That could become a thing, right?" And then I mark it down for a Saturday, and when that Friday night comes, I'm very confused at what I meant. THE STRUGGLE IS VERY REAL.


In my 'how I write a blog post' post, I calculated that it takes around 3-4 hours to write a blog post. Sometimes more or less depending on the topic, but it's a good middle average.

And that's a lot of time. I don't regret the time I take to write up my posts, but sometimes I do wish I could have an automatic post writer or proofreader or format-er. Or I could just smash my head against the keyboard and words would come out. *dies* xD (I think every writer thinks this, actually...)


I know we're supposed to not "blog for followers," but I think it's true that we as bloggers write posts for readers, yes? We write posts so they can be enjoyed by others. But it's a difficult task making yourself known. You can't just go out into the street and yell "HEY EVERYONE GO READ MY BLOG. THANKS." (I wish it was that easy. xD)

No, you have to put yourself out there. Make friends with bloggers. Actually take interest in other blogs. It's surprising how much of a 'social' activity blogging actually is. (I know that sounds weird -- talking about socializing on the internet. BUT IT'S A REAL THING I PROMISE.)


This might be just me, but sometimes I'll write a post I'm very proud of. It gets good feedback, I'm a happy person, and everything is just peachy. Then comes the next week. I write my post, and after I'm finished (or even while I'm writing it), I start to doubt.
"Should I have done something different? This is a horrible idea. Ughh I don't knowwwww. *sighing*" 

I get worried that people read my blog expecting a certain type of post, and I don't want to fail by doing only mediocre. *shrugs* Every artist has their share of insecurities. :P


I try to use a picture in every one of my blog posts, and it is QUITE DIFFICULT to find the right one. And not only find the right picture, but where to put the text. How big to put the text. Make it look amazing.

Also, having all the pictures match on your blog. Mine don't match in the slightest, but I'm doing better with using the same text, now. :P

Struggle #6: BLOG DESIGN

*dies* BLOG DESIGN IS THE WORST. I mean, it's so much fun to make your blog look all pretty and fancy, but its such a pain. Tutorials with coding can either work, do nothing, or completely mess everything up. 

And there's the problem of trying to make it unique. It's never cool to completely copy another blogger's design, so despite wanting to copy some bloggers on their pretty, clean white designs, looks like the orange fall theme is going to stick with me. ;)


Ew schedules. Ew deadlines. 

Schedules are hard because no matter what (within reason), you have to post. If it's late, you're tired, and don't have much motivation... you promised that Saturday post. (totally not me right now. TOTALLY NOT. Heh.) 

But, if I didn't have a schedule... (like I used to) ...I would run into the problem of posting only two times a month. It's happened. I mean, that's still good, but I like setting goals and deadlines for myself. :P

thanks to hannah for thinking of this blogging struggle. ;)

// katie grace

What are some blogging struggles you deal with? 


  1. YES! Sometimes I feel like I'm letting down my followers by only posting consistently once a week - and that post is a serial story that new followers might find it hard to join in on. I get so worried sometimes. What if one day, absolutely no one comments? What if the people aren't enjoying the stuff I write? What if I'm just boring them out? But I just CAN'T think of other ideas! *sobs*
    That's only in my bad moments though, usually I just get annoyed at myself. :)

    Blog Design is just...yeah. Sometimes I feel like my blog looks so unprofessional and I want it to look more like 'so-an-so's-massively-followed-blog.' Sometimes I wonder how I was ever deluded into thinking that this blogging stuff would be easy.

    But it's good to know that I'm not alone! :D

    1. I get you! *hugs* It's so HARD to post more than once a week, though. But yet I feel like posting once a week gives people more time to read and comment and enjoy. :D

      UGH BLOG DESIGN. Right? I want to copy people's design so badly sometimes... but that just isn't fair. :P

      Yes! Us bloggers are in this together. ;)

  2. YES TO ALL OF THIS, KATIE!! I mean, technically, I don't have a blog anymore, but when I used to, blog design was my worst enemy.

    While I don't think I'm going to get back to the blogging world anytime soon, I know last-year-me would be preaching this on her blog :P

    So, yeah! I guess that's why I feel the need to comment on blog posts and talk about blogs with my friends, because I know blogging is what people do voluntarily. No one is forcing them, yet they make the effort to post, connect with followers, and all that. <3 so go you!!!

    1. I do hope that you will maybe pick up your blog eventually? Perhaps? :P

      Yes. o.o Right now the joy of connecting and writing posts outweighs the struggles. I hope that never ever changes, because I don't want to make it feel like a huge chore. :P

      Thank you! ^.^

  3. Ah I know what you mean, I have gone pretty slack recently with posting regularly, I do do a post a week but no one knows what or when to expect it.... At least I won a blog design.... although the problem is that is it all coded and I am too scared to tweak it and it is really hard to change.

    1. You... won a blog design? Like in a giveaway? That's super cool!

      Aaw, that would be scary. I always make sure to save the original template or remember the code I'm changing, so if it doesn't work, I can just make it as it was before. :D

  4. Readers, definetly. When I first started, I was averaging like maybe one comment, now I get around six or seven, which I love! But I though, do people read it?

    1. Yay! Progress! I love seeing how my blog grows throughout the years. :D

  5. YES! To all of these!! #thestruggleisreal

  6. It's strange, but I don't really have trouble finding things to post about. I've thought I post too much... maybe not though. :P

    Time consuming, yes. ;) I don't have a blogging schedule... Maybe I should make one? I think If I did I might be tempted to post on the wrong days sometimes. :P

    1. Ooh, well I'm jealous that you have enough ideas. That's always good. :D

      Do whatever you want! I love blogging schedules because it keeps me posting consistently and my followers know when to expect the next post. :)

    2. It's probably because I post photography a lot, so that's easy. :D

      Yea... I'm not exactly the best schedule person. :P It might be a good idea for me though. *shrugs*

  7. Ooh, this is as great post to keep in mind for if I ever get a blog. :)

  8. Ideas are probably the hardest for me. Once I have a post idea, it doesn't usually take me too long to write up that post, but I make up for it with the amount of time it took me to come up with the idea for it.
    Blog design is tough, too. I don't think I'm naturally very good at it, but I do my best.

    1. Heh... I understand that problem. xD I always am scared I will someday just run OUT of ideas. What then?? :P

      I do love your blog design. ^.^

  9. YESYESYES. Blogging is so stressful. Gosh. I've actually had a post similar to this drafted for the past month, and I never finished it xD

  10. OH MY GOODNESS HYPERVENTILATING BECAUSE THIS IS SO FREAKISHLY AWESOME. Literally I just posted something about struggling with coming up with a new blog post and literally your thought process is LIKE THE SAME EXACT THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME: "...but it just wasn't working and so while I'm strongly feeling the feel of blogging struggles, I might as well write a post on it." << LITERALLY SAME. THAT IS SO AWESOME WE ARE LIKE TWINS. :''') OKAY. (I also need this in my life in case I haven't mentions <<< haha yep basically why aHEM.)

    "Or I could just smash my head against the keyboard and words would come out." << OMG YUUSS THIS WOULD BE NEXT LEVEL. LIKE AS IN, BEST LEVEL. EVER. xD whyyy can't that happen in reality?? wHHY? "(I know that sounds weird -- talking about socializing on the internet. BUT IT'S A REAL THING I PROMISE.)" << YES. (also lol hello my name is i'm-just-going-to-quote-everything-you-said-all-day and i care what you think) THIS IS SO RELATABLE FOR ME OMG. like...blogging takes a LOT of social energy. even if you're not like hanging out at a mall and talking it's still socializing!! IT'S REEEEAL.

    yesyesyes to what you said about post expectations. I think so many of those expectations are only real for the artist, tho. :') BC I KNOW THAT I WORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING and think too much about what people will think about my thing and nine times out of eight, they're all like "ASDFGHJKL;AGDFG SO COOL." ugghh haha i don't even know *bangs head on something*

    oh man I basically struggle with everything. thank you for this <3
    *hugs and so many waffles*



      YEEEES. I have so many friends on the internet it's insane. xD And visiting blogs, commenting on them, taking interest... ACK. It's so much fun but also very tiring and "vroom" there is my energy. xD

      (also I spot a twenty one pilots reference you are actually the best just sayin')

      YEAH I GUESS. I always love everything you post no matter what it is, so I guess I never worry about that. xD I wish the artist could have confidence. WHERE IS MY EXTRA DOSE. CAN I TAKE IT WITH MY COFFEE? PLEASE? xD

      sighhh blogging struggling is annoying but we can do thisss <3
      *more hugs and adds pizza* ;)

  11. Could be that my blog is private so I'm kinda closer to all the people on it, but ... I don't really share these struggles? Sometimes I will in small doses, but normally ... *shrugs* I dunno, I just don't :D. Guess that's the blessing of having a private blog! But ... that might change if (when?) I get a public blog ...

    I guess the two that I do struggle with most (when I do have a struggle) are post expectations and blog design. BECAUSE BOTH THOSE THINGS ARE HARD SOMETIMES. Post expectations = because, ya know, expectations are hard. Blog Design = because I always think my blog could be prettier! (also, I meant to ask you this a couple days ago, but how do you center the titles on your posts? My post title being un-centered has driven me batty for some time)

    1. That's good, though! It means you're confident in your blogging abilities and that's always awesome. I do love your blog, so you should be proud of it. :D

      Either it's in Template, Customized, and somewhere in there... (maybe advanced?) or you'll have to do a web search. Try: "How to center post titles in blogger." :)

    2. Thank you, Katie! I'm so glad! *grins*

      Oh, okay, I'll take a look. Thanks!

  12. I related to this SO MUCH! Every.single.thing. Blogging is not for sissies! Haha <3

    1. EXACTLY. ajdfsalk;fjsj *kills the blogging struggles* xD

  13. Ah! This is SO true for each and every blogger. Every point you made totally resonates with me! Like Kiley said: the struggle is real. ;)

  14. All of these are oh-so-true, Katie. On the having-content point, I've heard of the idea of creating multiple posts at one time around a similar topic. I've wanted to try it, but I haven't been able to put the time and forethought into it, yet. Still, it might be something for you to try. Take a topic and then focus it, leaving different aspects for different posts that you can use at a later date.

    1. Ooh, that makes sense. Kind of like a series of sorts? I should brainstorm ideas that might work for that. *nodnod*

      Thanks for sharing your wisdom. ;)

    2. Yeah, it can be a series or just related topics that can be posted at different times. Either way works. :)


    Yep, I'm one of those freakish bloggers who posts 10x a month. It's a lot of work. Hours. UGH. I do love it, though. But these struggles are SO REAL.

    Blog design! My current nemesis. I do one thing and then I just want to keep making it better (But you can only do so much with a WordPress no-coding-allowed blog. GAH. Sadness.) Because aesthetic is so IMPORTANT! And pictures! So. Hard.

    Finding your niche, and finding other bloggers that'll actually like to read what you blog about.
    So, I'm a faith blogger. (Is that what you call us? I don't even know.) But I follow bunches of writing blogs, because I'm a writer too. Do all my writing-blog friends necessarily care about everything I'm saying? No. Because I'm not writing about writing. LIKE WHAT DO I EVEN DO.

    And also...perfectionism. I want my posts to be perfect. And then when I find a mistake...I die a little inside, because I didn't edit the post as extensively as I would edit my WIP, so now my imperfections are out there for the whole world to see. *cringes* *hides*

    And! Self-promotion. How do you spread the news about your blog without seeming all stuck-up and self-focused? I HONESTLY HAVE NO IDEA. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU FIGURE IT OUT.

    And by the way, I've started a monthly bloggers' link-up! For like, a.n.y.o.n.e. who wants to join. (See. Still can't figure out how to promote without being awkward. *sighs*) << right here's where I talk all about it.

    So if you're're welcome to join! Starting next month. :D

    Thanks for another awesome post, Katie! <3

    1. Yes our link up! And I agree. You don't want to be all like "hey go follow me" but if you don't put yourself out there it's like crickets. You have to find the balance. And I love your falls theme. The colors are calming and very pretty. I'm not a very colorful person so that may be why mine is white :P I am happy with my free design. I would have opted for the other $5 ones on etsy but hey books take a lot of money. And maybe I was just to lazy


    3. Omw you're the sweetest Hann. Thanks! <3

    4. I don't know how you do it. o.o AND ALL YOUR POSTS ARE SO IN DEPTH. You're very impressive. :P

      Self-promotion gahhh. *dies* IT'S SO HARD. I think you do a really good job with promotion. Not too much, but I see your posts on Twitter so I can read them without it being excessive. :)

      Oooh, I'll definitely check out the link out. Thanks. :D

  16. The struggle is SO REAL man. *shakes head and sighs* *curls up in ball and goes to sleep* *whispers* good post, sis. Zzzzz.

    1. *hugs and chocolate* Zzz, I agree. AND ALSO NINE DAYYYYYYYYYS! *screams*

  17. FOUR HOURS?! Mine take like...20 mins for writing. yikes. And pics are always there 'cause I'm always snapping something...yikes. Four hours. *shrinks*

    oh, and about #6. You should look into templates on Etsy. They sell awesome ones for about $5. That's what I did with mine. Much less stressful. :D

    1. YES! They are awesome. I'm going to buy a super awesome one for $2.90. :o It's great!

    2. Eeep why didn't I see these before? I might get one cause 2-5 dollars is cheap

    3. Do it. It's amazing and relitavely easy. XD

    4. Your pictures are always awesome. *flailing*

      YESSSS I've looked at the Etsy designs, but since so many of my blogger friends already use those designs, I don't want to feel like I'm "copying" them. So then they can keep their design and it's recognizable as "their" blog. Maybe someday, because they're really pretty and clean.

    5. aw, thanks! <3 <3

      ohhhh, yup. I know what you mean. I think you really personalize it when you add your own stuff tho. :D Your blog is totally awesome as it is, you have the most inspiring blog. <3

  18. Let's invent automatic post writers and novel writers and not tell anybody so we will be super successful!!! I dream about this thing so often it's not normal. :D
    But I agree with everything you wrote. Especially with the ideas. I have the same problem. Sometime I come up with like 20 topics and then later when I get back to them, I don't like them anymore or I don't know what I wanted to write *sigh*. Not to mention actually writing the post. And take a photo. And make it so I'm at least a little bit happy with how it sounds. The struggles are real.
    Oh and don't get me started on the promotion. You're right it's mostly about socializing which is good but hard. But at the end of the day we wouldn't do this if we didn't like it, right? :D

    1. YUUP. Sigh there's so many different aspects in blogging that take lots of work and time. But it's all worth it in the end. :D

      So much socializing! Which I actually really like, just because I'm an extrovert and I want to know ALLL the people. xD

  19. YES! I HEAR YOU KATIE! I feel like it's so hard and time consuming to come up with a post, then write it! It's also hard to come up with a pretty blog design. Because the key is, you need to have an AMAZING blog design for readers to want to read your posts! Cause the first thing they see is either an amazing, out of this world design - or an ugly BLAH design! A blog design is what keeps them coming!

    Sometimes, I just really wanna be HEARD. I want people to READ my posts, I want people to FEEL my posts! I want people to LIKE my posts!
    But it's just so HARD! *whines like toddler*

    If you need a new color for your blog, just use one! Just use different pictures for the header (totally use the same font though!). And change the font colors. It's pretty easy!

    I only take one to two hours to write a post, but usually it's around one. I have a quick tip for you though, if it's Friday night past midnight and you can't figure out what to do, just do a tag! It's really easy and really fun too! Just look ALL over at people's blogs and eventually you'll find a tag where the blogger tagged anyone who wants to do the tag! :D

    Also, I'm so glad I'm not alone! I thought I was the only one who struggled with these things! And I would never have believed that YOU would struggle with these things! Your posts are always PERFECT and your blog design is BREATHE TAKING! :D


    1. Exactly! It's like judging a book by it's cover. I unfortunately sometimes judge a blog by it's design.

      That doesn't take too long! And I know what you're saying about a tag, but I don't want to do too many of those. I want to keep my content original and more my content. Make sense?

      I think everyone has lots of struggles with blogging. It's always good to know that we're not alone. :) And daww, thank you! I'm glad my work shows through. :D

  20. Finding pictures is the worssttt. Eventually I gave up on finding them and just started slapping words onto my own photography but I'm running out of decent pictures to use for it. It's a problem. ALSO FORMATTING. FORMATTING IS ACTUALLY THE DEATH OF ME, AHH. CAN I JUST STAB IT?

    I love this post though. These struggles are so real. Blogging is hard, dangit. I'm honestly surprised that I've kept up with it for this long xD

    1. I KNOW I WANT TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY OWN BUT I'M SO LAZY. xD And ew formatting. blah.

      I'm very impressed with you. I definitely was not this consistent in my first year so GO YOU.

  21. Oh my goodness!!! This was a totally relatable post, Katie! Blogging can be wonderful and difficult.. Don't get me started on learning all the tech stuff!!!

    Thanks for is post! So glad to know I'm not alone in this blogging boat!!

    God Bless! Net

    1. Tech stuff. *dies* Yes, that's one of the hardest parts, too. :P

  22. YES! To all of these!!

    I find it so hard to stick to a schedule. I've gotten pretty good at saving my ideas as they come to me, but it can be so difficult when nothing seems to be working.

    Also, I love what you said about blogging being a social thing. Sometimes people are drawn into blogging because you can be safe behind your computer screen, but it actually requires you to put yourself out there in order to be successful.

    Great post! I look forward to reading your post on blogspot design:)

    1. Schedules are soooo hard. I've been keeping mine up for awhile, so I'm trying to see how long that will last. Hopefully for the rest of the year. :P

      Thank you, Sunny! <3

  23. Girl, as they like to say...


    Blogging, like anything, takes a lot of work to make meaningful. I feel you on these struggles. Especially the time that it takes. I tend to idolize time and want to use it for my enjoyment all of the time. And let's face it, sometimes blogging isn't fun. Design troubles, dry spells, the discipline of scheduling. Those things aren't always fun. And then the post that I'm super passionate about gets little response. Or I post something that I wouldn't had posted if I could have redone it. Let's not even mention blogger-comparison. That's a real joy stealer.

    But in all of these struggles, blogging is worth it.


    Because of you. Because of the amazing people that we get to meet and the amazing thoughts that we think of while writing posts. Blogging has opened my eyes to my own thoughts and given me friends that I didn't even know that I could have. We meet AWESOME people from all around the world and we, even though we are separated by miles, get to do life together.

    Great post, and good encouragement that I'm not the only one who needs to find that perfect picture!

    1. The struggle is SOOOOOO real.

      Yes, I totally get you. Ugh, blogger-comparison. I really try not to do that too much, but it's sometimes hard NOT to. Especially since there are so many wonderful bloggers out there.

      Oh my gosh, yes! I've made so many friends through blogging. Friends that I'm going to be able to meet, now! It's awesome. :D

  24. Writing and posting post seem hard for some reason.

  25. I don't blog, so I can't relate in THAT ASPECT, but I sympathise. I understand it must be hard. Kind if like writing.
    *fades into background because I don't have a super-uper long comment about the blogging struggle for moi*

    1. It is like writing. A more social writing thing. With more formatting and design. But the core of it is similar. xD

      *waves as you fade away*

  26. So much yesness. Especially now in the summer I've decided to try blogging more original and unique stuff that isn't my writing or tags/awards, and I'm like WHAT DO I SAY WILL PEOPLE LIKE THIS DO I SOUND HORRIBLE DOES EVERYONE HATE ME and it's hard. .-.

    1. Yesness. I love it. xD

      EXACTLY. Ugh, being original and unique is so hard. Even though I like reading tags and awards, I always feel like I'm being a boring blogger when doing them. :P


    Sometimes I feel like I should know that other bloggers have struggles too but it's like WHY CAN'T I THINK OF MORE IDEAS UGH. It's like hard to find your own niche and what you like to do. Because I know that once I find what i love to do I'll be able to expand a lot more on that, the question is WHAT is that. I'm still trying to figure it out. I love photography, and am really excited for a new camera/lens that I ordered, but I'm not sure if that's what I want my blog to be all about? Or writing, or WHAT FKJASKFJAS(INGIDIN arghhhhh

    But then I'm just like, "Autumn (haha, well actually my real name but whatev), your blog is supposed to point to God too so freaking write the post and get it out THERE." Or something I don't know.

    I don't even want to reread this comment because I feel like it's so incoherent but hey I don't do good waking up at 5:30. *FLAILS* WHYYYYY???? sorry i think I'm really tired and I"m not sure what I'm writing.



      I LOVE YOUR BLOG THOUGH. It's always different, but ALWAYS lovely with gorgeous writing and pictures and ahhh. it's quite amazing.

      EXACTLY. Yes you're using your gift to point to God and for other people to enjoy and I think you're doing a lovely job. <3

  28. YAS YAS YAS YAS. This was so accurate!! Having to constantly think of new ideas is probably the hardest part of it all for me. I will have an idea for a post, but when I actually sit down to write, I am just like "wut r wurds..." OHMYGOODNESS great post!

    P.S. I love your blog and I read all of your posts. I just wish I had more time available to comment on every blog that I follow because everyone is fabulously talented!! (crossing my fingers because this summer I pretty much won't have anything to do but read blogs and finally be able to comment on awesome posts) So yeah, Keep up the good work!!


    1. YESS I'm glad you found this relatable! *happy flailing* It's always a relief to know that I'm not the only one struggling. xD

      Aaaw, thank you! It means a lot to me that you enjoy mah little blog. You're awesome. <3

  29. I definitely find blogging a struggle. Since it's a social activity, as you say, it takes a lot of effort for me (though it's much easier to socialize on the internet for the socially anxious than otherwise). I'm also not very good at that, or at blogging for readership, or the coding thing so my blog is kind of just floating, lol.
    I'm TRYING though!! *flails tiredly*

    1. Bleh coding is hard. xD But I think everything with blogging gets easier with time. When I started I DEFINITELY wasn't very social, but with time I've become more of a "social butterfly" and active on other blogs. :D

  30. YESS the struggle is real. Especially schedules. Oh, man. It is SOOO hard to stick with them!!
    But anyway, great post Katie!! =)

    1. Schedules. *le sigh* Those tricky things always have to give us a hard time...
      Thank you, Ariel!

  31. My main issue is just...sitting down to write posts in the first place, because I suck at that :P Once I do that I'm usually good. And NOT CATCHING TYPOS. ALL THE TYPOS. *growls*

    1. Heh well yes that's always a struggle. But yet you most SO OFTEN HOW.

  32. YOU GOTTA DO THE POST ABOUT THE PIZZA FLAVORED TACOS, KATIE, OH MY GOODNESS. That's like...two stunningly beautiful worlds colliding. Doo iiitttt. And these were great tips...I soo feel about schedules XD My sister usually schedules her posts and I just write and post on the fly because IT'S SO HARD to predict what I will want to post about, or whether I'll want to post about that by the time the schedule date gets here and...I've been thinking too much. Help me. XD

    Dude this was awesome sauce.

    1. DUDE it would be hilarious if I someday did a post about that. xD

      Well Abbiee is just her own special and amazing creature like that. It's completely normal to do things on the fly and you actually post quite consistently considering that. SO GO YOU.

  33. Agreed. All of this, to some extent or more XD
    To make your feel a little better: my expectations for your blog is for Katie Grace to post things she has written and for me to read them. I love what your write and who you are. Tis' why I follow your blog ;)
    I only just started and I struggle with scedule, *so much* I need to come up with a new one...
    Thanks for the post!
    Jeneca@ Jeniqua Writes

    1. Well thank you! I'll keep writing posts -- I don't plan on quitting any time soon -- I just hope they'll continue to be interesting to read. xD

      Eek! I'm sure you'll do awesome. :D

  34. I wrote a two-paragraph comment when I realized it was mainly me venting and that is so fun. I needed this post immensely, Katie, so thank you. I've felt so guilty about not sticking to my blog schedule recently and I just feel like throwing my blog across the room. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone. And I also feel super bad because I spend half an hour to an hour on blog posts and wow you put so much into yours. Go Katie!


      Okay. But seriously. Your blog is awesome. Don't throw it across the room, because the pretty design might get hurt. And I love visiting your blog JUST to see the design and the books on the sidebar and ahhh. *happy sigh* YOUR BLOG IS VERY AWESOME AND I LOVE READING IT. *flailing* Honestly. I do.

  35. All of these are so absolutely so true!! I've been blogging for nearly 10 years (I'm 20 now), but only on and off. It hasn't been consistent because of these very things! I often feel like I don't do things that are interesting enough to blog about, but at the same time I can't fabricate something interesting enough to read either. I guess it just shows how much effort and dedication is behind our favorite blogs. :)

    1. Um.

      Did you just say that you've been blogging for nearly 10 years? *whistles* I am very impressed. That's... a lot of posts. xD

  36. Blog design is the hardest. I'm fairly content with the one I have... HOWEVER, there's this blog design that I wanted to get but another blogger already has it! *sobs* Also, you have to add pictures or else it will write, no image available -_-


don't be shy to hang out in the comment section!
make frens, check back for my replies, keep things clean, shout about pizza, squeal about books, moan about editing... all that cool stuff.