Saturday, June 25, 2016

Being A Writer is Powerful

Last week at the Minneapolis Young Writer's Conference, two authors changed my whole outlook on writing. Jonathan and Jennifer gave amazing keynotes, using their spoken words to move us young writers. I cried. Some of my friends cried. It was huge and big and awesome and I can't wait to tell you more about it. So here we go.

I have a huge heart for writing. I also have a huge heart for helping people. But my mind never put those two together and considered them as one thing. 

At one point I very briefly considered counseling, or becoming a nurse, doing missions, a doctor, or working somewhere that could help people who are hurting and put a smile on their face and show them the truth in this messy little life.

But writing is where my passion lies. As awesome as it would be to help people in the medical field of things, that's just not me. I would only further scar the patients as I make disgusting sounds at the sight of blood, and that's not the point. (whoops. :P)

Going back to the conference, Jonathan walked onto the stage on the first night. I wasn't sure what to expect -- definitely not what he delivered -- so I sat there with mildly high hopes and my notebook ready. 


He got up. He told stories. That's all he did -- he told powerful stories. Stories that make you cry at the hard parts and then cry even more at the happy parts. Story after story after story was thrown at us, and all I could do was listen. 

The stories were raw. Of people in hard places -- even of him in hard places -- but they moved me. I'm sure they moved everyone in that room. 

The stories all lead to one point -- to one question everyone has:


Everyone has that longing to belong. To be appreciated and liked.

And, each of us has a duty to make sure to see people in this life. Words can be so powerful, especially to those in times of hurting -- just to pay attention and make them feel like a person. Say hi. Take an interest in their passions. Care about other people.

As writer's we have been gifted words.
And not only written words. We can use spoken words to share our love as well. Because words are powerful.

(a snippet of part of the speech he did. He's truly a fantastic speaker.)

The next night Jennifer Nielsen got on the stage.

She delivered another emotional tear-delivering speech. (would've brought some tissues if I had known that I was gonna cry so much over the conference)

Her talk really showed me how helping people and writing go hand and hand. And that gave me so much hope.

One of Jennifer's readers was a girl. She was hurting badly, to the point where she had become suicidal. But she found Jennifer's books. Opened and started to read. Continued reading until she could no longer hold her eyes open. The next day would be the same thing -- hurting and filled with pain, but she had to figure out what happened to the characters.

On and on she kept reading. The next couple paragraphs, the next couple pages. The next chapter -- the next book. And because of that time it took to read Jennifer's books, it allowed her time to rethink everything.

Because of writing, Jennifer literally saved a life.

There were other stories. A story about a man in the army, suffering with PTSD. Jennifer's books helped him to learn how to focus on something and get through the hard days.

This is what I want out of writing.

I want to help people. I want to inspire people. I want to create stories and worlds so readers can escape this life. I want people to smile, laugh, even cry -- to feel things.

And that's what is powerful about writing. A book can influence people in so many different ways. In turn, that gives the author opportunities to make a difference. I know that the authors I met this weekend were super influential and sincere in everything they did. 

I want to be like that. 

I want to be a powerful writer.  

// katie grace

*awkwardly ends rambling and disjointed thoughts about writing without a question because I'm not sure what I'd even ask* 

so go ahead and feel free to ramble in the comments about the power of writing if you'd like. :P



    I'd have to say my #1 goal with my writing is to help other people with my stories. Not physically help but help in a way my story gives an impact to their lives. Like I noticed all my favorite books are books I'd want to be in/travel to and away from reality and I want MY books to do that to other people, to make them find a way to escape real life in my stories.

    I'm so happy you enjoyed the Workshop though! I'm in a debate workshop RIGHT NOW and I'm wishing it was for writing not debate :P


      Yesss, I totally agree with that. Helping people is such a powerful thing and it would be awesome to help people through my stories that I ENJOY crafting.

      Aaw. :P Ooh, so you do debate? Do you enjoy it?

    2. I'm fairly new to it (debate), as I joined the team only last March. Still, I casually use debate for writing research because it's really interesting to put the perspectives of two sides of debates into contrasting characters, if you get what I mean. :P It helps form characters' personalities more!

  2. Wow. Just. WOW. I suddenly have a new goal in my writing. Even just hearing about that is amazing. I used to want to be a nurse or something related to missions but discovered the same as you, it just wasn't me. Writing is me. But I can still do amazing stuff with it. Oh my goodness. I honestly feel like crying right now. This is just so amazing. <3

    1. Right? I totally started crying so don't be ashamed. xD

      Aaw, thank you. I'm glad you could take something out of it. :D

  3. Wow. This was so moving! Before, I just wrote because I liked to and because I wanted to, but after reading this, I suddenly have a reason for writing!

    I wish I lived where they had those kind of writer's conferences! They look super fun, and moving and purposeful! Thank you so much, Katie, for sharing this with us! 😀

    1. You're so very welcome! It's awesome being able to share this with you, because it's something that writers need to hear. I can't be thankful enough for hearing what these authors had to say. <3

  4. This is so cool. By the way, my mom asked me about my opinion on if I would want to do something like that. It is definitely a "YES!" now.

    1. Yess, I'm glad we can share in that passion. :D

  5. YES writing is powerful! I totally agree *nods*. And I want my writing to be powerful, too! I'm hoping that the novella (which is kinda wanting to become a novel, but I dunno ...) I'm writing right now will be a little more powerful than the others stories I've written. The characters in the story are living messy little lives, but I'm trying to weave a subplot of forgiveness/redemption into it (and I'm finding I'm not terribly good at working with subplots. Oh well. That's what edits are for.).

    1. And I think no matter what you write it will move the readers in some way -- God will see to make that happen. Jennifer Nielsen doesn't start out her stories with a theme, but as she writes and rewrites and edits it become apparent for her. So it's a process. Everything about writing is just one... long... process.

  6. Wow, Katie. This was amazing. You have a gift with words, girl!!

  7. That is so true, Katie! This is what I want my writing to do too!! Words can change lives forever! I want my readers to see Jesus in a new way and love Him more. I want them to have hope because of His love! I want to change the world. I don't care if I have lots of readers. I just want to change ONE life--then it is worth all the work!!!

    Great thoughts, Katie!

    1. Yesss, I totally agree with that. :D Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Hosanna!

  8. Wow, this is absolutely amazing. I wish I could have been there to hear the speeches. <3

  9. I think I'm going to cry., yes. What I want from my writing put so beautifully into words. Thank you for making my day, Katie. :)

    1. Awwhh, and thank you for making MY day, Faith, with your lovely comment. You're awesome. :D

  10. Akdhejlheth katie this is beautiful like wow o.o Those talks sound amazing I am flailing and possibly dead now THIS POST OKAY sorry I'm rambling but I think you maybe get what I'm trying to say xD

    1. ajsdklf; anna yes I totally get what you're trying to say. xD IT'S VERY HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS THAT FEELING. :P

  11. This is exactly the effect I want readers to get from my writing. This was absolutely marvelous. Thank you for encouraging us other writers through your encouragement. The hard this is, I have no idea how to go about making my words powerful!!! Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out. :)

    1. I think through doing what you love, the "powerful" aspect will deliver to your readers one way or another. I mean, you made me feel happy feelings with your comment, so I KNOW that it's possible to make readers feel something in your book.

    2. Thanks for the encouragement, Katie. :)

  12. Amazing, wonderful post, Katie!!! SO true. Words are so powerful. I definitely want the words I write in my novels to be pointing the readers to Jesus and changing lives. It would be totally worth writing a book if I could just change ONE life for the better.

    Love this post so much! <3

    1. I totally agree. :D Thank you for commenting your awesome thoughts, Hannah! <3

  13. Wow, this is wonderful! All writers need to have a point for writing, I think, and this is the best one! Thank you for sharing those amazing stories with us! <3

    1. You're so very welcome, Emily! It was super important to me so I'm glad other people think the same way. :)

  14. This is why I love A Time to Die so much. It's such a powerful story.

    I've read several books by Bryan Davis, and he has said that he has received letters saying that if it weren't for his books, the reader would have committed suicide.

    I'm constantly awed by the power of words. And perhaps a bit terrified, as well.

    1. Ugh. A Time to Die. *starts flailing* :P

      YES I AM GLAD THAT I'M NOT THE ONLY TERRIFIED ONE. They're SO powerful and I sometimes worry that mine aren't powerful enough? I don't know. It's just scary. xD

    2. YES. *headdesk* And A Time to Rise doesn't come out until Octoooooobbbbbbeeeeerrrrr. (I made a shiny countdown: )

      Yes, and sometimes I worry that they WILL be powerful, but in the wrong way... It's a scary thing, holding the power over words.

  15. I love it how I heard a preach lately about how Christians have to be more implied in culture and political and so on because everything has a message and if Christians are able to share theirs, this world would be so much better. So yeah, I totally agree: we don't even have to try hard, just to pray that whatever story we're penning, that God uses it for His glory into people's heart. :) (I'm super encouraged by my own comment XD)

    1. EXACTLY! Along with our persistence and prayers and God's awesomeness, I think the story will deliver. Maybe not to everyone, but definitely to most.

      (yas that's what rambling is for xD)

  16. WOW THIS IS REALLY........WOW!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. "As awesome as it would be to help people in the medical field of things, that's just not me. I would only further scar the patients as I make disgusting sounds at the sight of blood, and that's not the point. " <<< IT'S ME IT'S ME IT'S ME.

    Shared hatred for goriness aside, oh my gosh. This post. Especially Jennifer's story. That is what I want to do. I want my writing to help people. And the thought that Jennifer's writing LITERALLY saved that girl's I've known people who are/were suicidal, and if my writing could help them...that would be so incredible.

    I'm out of words. Agh. This is amazing. You're amazing. *hugs*

    1. a;skdjf RIGHT?? ugh the talks were so inspiring and gave me so much hope for the future. It takes a lot of work to get to that place as a writer, but I'M GONNA DO IT.

      You're amazing as well, mah fren. *hugs*

  18. Okay, this was an excellent post. Thanks for sharing some of the amazingness you heard. Those excerpts were super inspiring.

    And how exciting to find a link between your two passions! All the best for being a powerful writer - you go girl. :)

    1. Eek, thank you so much, Jessica! I'm so glad you enjoyed. <3

  19. This was amazing. And encouraging. And inspiring. And fabulous. I love writing, but I never thought of it that way! SO THANK YOU, KATIE. I'm sharing this on Facebook, just so you know. ;) <3

    Much love,
    ~Megan (

    1. YOU ARE SO WELCOME, MEGAN. Omg, thank you for sharing it on Facebook. That made me super happy. <3 You're the best! :D

  20. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Being a writer is truly powerful, maybe one of the most in the world.

    1. I'm only now realizing that, and I'm so happy that it's the case. Being a writer is absolutely the best.

  21. This was great! :) So often I think that my time spent writing is wasted time. After all, what can truly be accomplished by sitting in a quiet room for hours, making up a fictional world? But this post challenged that mindset: a whole heck of a lot can be accomplished by writing! This post just further proves that writing can be, and IS, a ministry. I want my stories to change and save lives. Thank you for this reminder :)

    1. Yesss, that is so true. I think writing can be hard because you can't always *see* how you're making a difference, but yet with your words you can make some of the most powerful differences. We just have to keep at it and encourage each other through the process. :)

  22. AAAHHHHH! This is a great post and so very inspiring to me. Now I really really REALLY want to go to a writing conference.


  23. Actually, I started writing because I couldn't find any real Christian Fantasy adventure books that I liked. So, I just started writing one. I think my dream would be to publish it so others can see Christ through my writing. It's funny though, if I do publish it I may never know if someone is effected by my writing. :D


    1. Sometimes Christian Fantasy books can be hard to find. Have you read some of Enclave Publishing's books? They have LOTS of awesome Christian fantasy.

      THANK YOU. I can't wait to read your book someday. <3

  24. Ah!!!! That's just like me! I was thinking I would be a nurse, but WRITING IS MY PASSION. They seem like completely different fields, but both come from a place of compassion.

    Writers are readers. Reading makes us more empathetic, some of us so empathetic that we want to write our own stories. Voilà!

    1. Yesss, exactly! I was a reader before I was a writer. I mean, I'm sure everyone was. But reading is crucial to writing I've found. :D

  25. Sometimes it's like my jaw drop opens at the power someone's writing can have. It inspires me and amazes me at the same time. I've thought before that is the kind of impact I want to have when people read my writing. Even though I have a passion for writing I always thought that I wanted to be a teacher even now I'm slightly confused. I thought I wanted both, but writing is the first passion. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Anyway a great post. :)

    1. No, it totally makes sense! We all have passions, and it's hard to decide which one to follow. I always say to follow "ALLLL" the passions. Because it's more fun and interesting that way. xD

  26. Katie, I have no doubts that you will be a powerful writer who makes a difference. I think what makes writing so beautiful and inspiring is that it can touch people across generations...few things can do that. A person reading Walt Whitman today is every bit as touched by the words as a person who read him a hundred years ago. I find that to be an incredibly magnificent thought.

    1. AWhh, well thank you. <3

      Isn't it? Writing is amazing because it is FOREVER. People can FOREVER buy my books someday.

      Wow. Dude. Now I'm freaking out about that. xD

  27. This post is so beautiful and self-less. <3

  28. SO MUCH YES!!! This is what I want to live for. I've never understood my desire to be an amazing writer. Being a decent writer just isn't enough, but it never made sense why I needed to be a powerful writer. It's because I want my writing to change lives, just like you pointed out in this post, Katie. Wow, this is just so beautiful. I can't wait to watch that video. This was truly an inspiring post. You're well on your way to being a great writer. (-:

    1. YES, you need to watch the video. He's such an amazing speaker. o.o


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