Saturday, May 7, 2016

thoughts about life with song lyrics

If you aren't aware (which would make me surprised knowing how much I flail over them), my favorite band is Twenty One Pilots. (link leads to their website)

This band is so awesome that they deserve a post. Their songs are just deep. Relatable. I wanted to go ahead and do a little bit of "throwing" my thoughts around about life with some of their lyrics. Each lyric will have a link that leads to a youtube video of that song.

And please note that all lyrics are just interpreted how I take them. There's no correct meaning -- it's just how I use and relate to them in my life. :)

Also, this might not be everyone's taste in music? But each of their songs are different, so if you don't like one, definitely try another. Some are peaceful and others are more intense. I can point you toward a specific song. :D

*loves this band so much guys AHH*

"they say stay in your lane, boy, but we go where we want to."
- lane boy by Twenty One Pilots.

I love this lyric. Often we're expected just to go in this "lane" through life. Once we're finished with high school, we move onto college. The question is, "where are you going to college?" Not, "are you going to college?" 

Expectations are all around. Fit in with the crowd. Listen to certain music. Watch certain things. Dress this way. Just "be okay" with the crazy mixed up thoughts of the people of this world.

But, as Christians, we have a mission. We can't just fit in with the crowd. Act like all the rest of them. You've probably heard this before from a pastor, but "we want others to look at us and say... they're different." And that's because we act differently. For a reason.

We aren't going to stay in our lane. We're going to stay away from dressing a certain way and saying a certain thing -- driving off a road in life where others might go. We're gonna move all over the highway of society, spreading our love with us.

(note: the artist used this lyric to describe doing things differently in the music industry -- deeper lyrics and things outside the norm. Just another thing I like about this band: even though they might've written it a certain way, I can still apply it to a very serious part of my life.)

- - -
"death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit"
- heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilots

Ugh, I love this lyric. For the longest time after hearing this song, I didn't get it. I'd sing along and chant the saying, but I didn't think about what the song was really talking about.

A dog inspires a rabbit to run -- to use all of it's energy and do everything it can to get away from the dog. From death.

And in the same way, death inspires us humans (unless you're a mortal dragon or something) -- to run. It scares us. And I think what's important is to use that fear of death and shape it into a passion and a fire. A fire to live out God's love before He takes us home. Love others well. Do good in the world.

Basically I just love line so much and it makes me think about living life well. (which is easier said than done. ha.)
- - -
"peace will win, fear will lose"
- car radio by Twenty One Pilots

Do you ever take a look at the news? It's a scary place. There's chaos everywhere. Bad things happening. Constant wars and fights breaking out in other nations -- and in our own.

But... there's also hope. In the midst of the fear of wondering who the next president will be or seeing terrorist attacks throughout the world... Peace will win. Fear will lose. God will win. Satan will lose.

I think that's super important to remember. Especially in the world we live in. And to quote another one of their songs, Migraine... Life has a hopeful undertone. The peace and the hope is there.

- - -
"you will die, but now your life is free. take pride in what is sure to die"
- truce by Twenty One Pilots

We'll all die eventually. But while we have time, we can take pride in ourselves. It kind of goes back to the death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit, line. God's given us a lovely amount of time here on earth, and now we can do what we can with it.

I love the "take pride in what is sure to die" part of this line. We are the ones that are sure to die. And it's so easy to become insecure. Insecurity is huge a lot in my writing -- is this good enough? this probably is stupid. what if this book doesn't live up to the other one? Insecurity can be huge in life, too -- what am I going to do after school? am I just that weird writer person? am I making the right decisions? 

Taking a healthy amount of pride -- confidence for yourself -- is so important. God made you to be a certain way. Embrace that. I'm working to become better at that, and this song is such a good reminder. <3 

- - -
I'm going to stop the rambles, now, because I could seriously go on forever about this band. You'll probably see more about them eventually, since I can't ever imagine that I'll stop feeling this way about their songs.

I know this post was a little bit different than what I normally write, but I hope you enjoyed it or found a new band to listen to. <3 

// katie grace

Have you listened to Twenty One Pilots? What's your favorite song? Need some help with recommendations? 

And what are some of your favorite song lyrics in general? What do they mean to you?

*alllll the questions and thoughts for you today, mwahaha*


  1. YES TWENTY ONE PILOTS. I am a massive fan also :))

    I love your interpretation of the lyrics, so many of their songs are deep and thoughtful. My favorites are probably Lane Boy or Migraine or Kitchen Sink :)

    1. YESSS! I didn't know you were a fan! This makes me happy. xD

      Migraine! <3 That's one of my favorites. It's so relateable, and fun to rap with. :P

  2. Whoa, that first one is great, same with 'Peace will win, fear will lose.' Maybe I should check out some of Twenty-One Pilot's stuff. :) Can you recommend any favourite starters - something medium...and cool...I guess. I really don't know though. Something good. :)

    1. *whispers* I am not Katie, but I really love them and I do have a few suggestions. xD
      Definitely listen to Car Radio -- it's important. Holding On To You, Semi-Automatic, Tear In My Heart, Message Man, Lane Boy...

    2. Thanks Aimee! :) I'll definitely check them out.

    3. (btw Katie, I've tagged you for the Top Ten Villain's Tag. If you can't do it, that's okay) :)

      Maiden of the Misty Mountains: Top Ten Villains Tag

    4. Yess! Aimee recommended some awesome songs.
      If you're looking for some that aren't quite as filled with rapping and intensity... Listen to Trees, Truce, House of Gold (this is perfect since it's mother's day today, since the singer wrote it for his mother), and Goner. And basically any on their self-titled "Twenty One Pilots" album. There are a lot more Christian parallels in there. :)

      Ooh, and thank you! I'll check the tag out. ^.^

  3. Ugh yes they're so great. I was singing along to Heavydirtysoul today, and I realised what those lyrics were meaning for the first time ever and it was an awesome moment. Although my favourite has always been Car Radio. Nice interpretations! It's always good to hear how other people perceive things.

    1. Right? Ahhh, I love it when I just *get* a lyric for the first time. It's such an exciting moment.

      Car Radio. <3 That was the second TOP song I ever listened to. :D

  4. *is ready to confess a huge secret I've been keeping* so awhile back I saw a picture of you on a blog post of yours dressing up to the outfits in the TØP music videos... And I got interested!

    I'd have to say the only songs of theirs I've listened to is Ride, Lane Boy, Stressed Out, and Fairly Local. Fairly Local being my favorite because I love the meanings!

    Most of my favorite songs I like to come up with deep, intricate meanings for. I love Phoebe Ryan's 'Dead' because it's something along the lines of thinking you're dead because things are too good to be true, and 'Mine' because it's about a girl trying to recover from heartbreak (HAHA this is about me heartbroken over discontinued first drafts) and basically taking ahold of her life. Machineheart's 'Watercolors' is wonderful too, and I'd think it's a song about being in your head and fantasies, away from reality.

    (And psssst my friend didn't watch Civil War yet and guess who offered to watch it again with her? MEEEEE! It was more enjoyable this time though, because I got the plot more and everything seemed 10x funnier :P)

    1. EEEP! *is very excited* I think that was the 1st of January? Wow, that seems like it was so long ago. o.o

      RIDE! <3 That is one of my favorites. "I've been thinking too much..." << love that line in that song. Ooh, and the Fairly Local music video is just awesomeee.

      Ooh, I need to look all of those songs up! I haven't heard of any of them. *will do that and let you know how I like them*

      (AHHHH! Yus. AND I WATCHED IT. I loved it so much ohmygosh. I was expecting there to be more deaths, actually. So that was my only disappointment. :P But WANDA. BUCKY. VISION. Ugh all the lovely characters. <3 *is plotting how I can go see it again because I NEED to.)

  5. YASS. I LOVE TWENTY-ONE PILOTS. It's almost getting to be a problem as I can't stop listening to every single one of their songs over and over and over and over again.... and i love your interpretations. I completely agree with all of them. Aren't the lyrics so beautiful? I almost never listen to TØP casually... it's the kind of thing where I'll color or draw while listening to it so I can just breathe all the gorgeous lyrics in.

    1. PFFT. Listening excessively to TOP is always acceptable. ;)

      YES. Ooh, I need to do some drawing while listening. Or take a walk. So nice. ^.^

  6. Meee! Bro and I love Ride right now, Stressed Out, House of Gold, the Judge, Holding Onto You, Fake You Out, ack! So many!

    1. I love all of those so much. Can't even choose a favorite. xD

  7. KATIE KATIE KATIE I LOVE THIS. I loveeeee this. Seriously. xD *flails because all the TOP* I'm sure you've heard me rant about this a thousand times, but seriously, they're so important for so many reasons, and I'm always finding new layers in their music.

    1. AIMEE AIMEE AIMEE YESS. You're going to see them so soon and ackkk trying not to let all the jealously run out. xD

      So much importance with this band I can't even. <3

  8. Really neat post idea!

    I... don't like Twenty One Pilots? *hides face* Hehe, there music just isn't for me. That style is just a little too "rappy" for me, I guess? But I will try out more of their songs and see if I find one I like. :)

    But I did love the way you found that meaning in those lyrics. :D

    Oh, I have SO MANY favorite lines in song lyrics. Just... how do I choose? :P I love a lot of Lauren Daigle's stuff... her lyrics have simple but have overwhelmingly beautiful meaning. (And they go to absolutely amazing and fabulous music, so that's a plus.) If you want to check out some of her lyrics, here's a link:

    Here's some lyrics from her song, Loyal:

    I could never earn Your heart
    I could never reach that far
    But You have pulled me close
    You've never let me go
    I'm safe forever in Your arms
    Your promises I can not break
    And I know You will never change

    (from later in the song)

    When my world shakes
    Your love remains unshaken
    So constant, so perfect, unwavering

    They're simple lyrics and they just state the meaning, but I find it oh-so-beautiful along with her breathtaking music.(Have you noticed that I'm on a Lauren Daigle kick? :P)

    Another one of my favorite artists is Andrew Peterson who wrote the Wingfeather Saga. (which I think you've read, I think?) Not all of the melodies are super great and catchy, but... the lyrics. He has SUCH a gift with words. Ack. I can't even.

    Okay, so this is probably a really long comment. I apologize. :P

    Loved this post idea! Lyrics are amazing... (and I love the word, too. I mean, "lyrics" just sounds so musical and delicate and... *cuddles the word* Okay, I'm done rambling. :P)

    1. And, once again, I make a typo with repeating the 'I think' in the parenthesis. *scolds myself*

    2. Sigh, there are the rappy songs. :P Here are some non-rappy songs: Truce, Trees, House of Gold, Goner, Hometown, Before You Start Your Day, Doubt, Polarize, We Don't Believe What's On TV, MARCH TO THE SEA OH MY GOODNESS YES. <3 Listen to March to the Sea for sure because it's gorgeous and it's a story but yet an allegory to the Christian walk and wow.

      ANDREW PETERSON! I don't like all of his music, but I enjoyed his newest album quite a lot. It's so peaceful and calming. I especially like "Be Kind to Yourself." :)

      Loved the lyrics you shared. <3 *will have to look more of them up*

    3. Thanks for those recommendations! I will have to look them up. :)

      YES ANDREW PETERSON IS AWESOME! My favorite album of his is "Behold the Lamb of God." If you haven't listened to it yet, definitely do so. It's so worth the money. Personally, I think the best of his songs are all in that album. :)

      I LOVE "Be Kind To Yourself." Oh my goodness. <3 In the music video he sings it with his daughter, and it's so sweet. :) I love the lyrics in that one, too. I think it sort of encapsulates the doubts that a lot of teens have. I think one of the messages AP was trying to convey was that you're loved just the way that you are by God and family, and to "be kind to yourself" as in "don't view yourself as ugly, insignificant, or untalented. Be kind to yourself." Sorry for this rant, but this song is just so meaningful to me. <3

  9. Ugh I love their music SO MUCH. Their music may just seem odd to other people, but if you really take the time to listen to it and observe and think about it, there's so many layers to their songs, such deep meanings. And that's what I love most about TOP. Songs with lyrics that have meaning are always my favorite (such as icon for hire *cough*) because it's not just mindless music. I think my favorite lyrics from any TOP song has to be "sometimes to stay alive you've got to kill your mind" because as a seriously anxious person that is the truest thing ever for me and I just love it so darn much. .-.

    1. UGH YES.

      *still needs to listen to more Icon For Hire songs I am the absolute worst* I KEEP FORGETTING BUT I REALLY WANT TO. I just want to take /time/ to listen to it so I can hear the lyrics and not just pay attention to the catchy tune. :P

    2. I will ambush you and like just randomly send you songs late at night.

  10. This is such a cool post, Katie! It was fun to read :). I love "peace will win, fear will lose", it's so true and encouraging!

    I have WAY too many favorite songs, which means I also have WAY too many favorite lyrics XD. But Lauren Daigle's songs have some of the best lyrics, just to name one artist ('cause seriously, I could talk about favorite songs forever).

    (just askin', did you get to see Civil War yet?)

    1. I agree, Savannah, Lauren Daigle is AH-MA-ZING. :)

    2. Isn't it an awesome line? *happy sigh* <3

      Ooh, you both like Lauren Daigle? Okay, so I really need to listen to some of her songs. :P

      YES! I SAW IT! SO AMAZING. AHHH. *screams* I loved it so much and it's one of my favorite movies. :P

    3. It's a good thing that peace will win and fear will lose, otherwise we'd be in a heap of trouble :D.

      YES listen to Lauren Daigle :D. She's got a really good voice, too!

      YAY YOU GOT TO SEE IT! Did you die of feels?

    4. *whispers* also, I just saw someone's post where the flailed all over about Civil War in the form of a movie review. You should so write a post about CW sometime, Katie. *nods*

    5. I am getting really curious about Marvel. :D

      And yus, Katie, listen to ALLLL her songs. They're amazing and beautiful and inspiring. <3 And Lauren Daigle has the BEST voice! I think you'd really like it. :)


      Ooooh that is an idea. I definitely should think about. *nods back*

      I finally listened to some of Lauren's songs! She has a very pretty voice. ^.^

    7. Y-A-Y! Did you like the lyrics and tune?

  11. I adore Twenty One Pilots, all of their songs are great. Addict with a Pen, is the one that hits me the hardest.

    1. ADDICT WITH A PEN. I can play that song on the piano and ughhh it's so pretty and meaningful. <3

  12. So I've been following you for a couple of weeks and now I'm gonna comment because TWENTY ONE PILOTS. Basically, I've never really paid much attention to their lyrics until a few months ago and I can't believe I've missed this all these years. They are golden. And give so much hope. And this post made me extremely happy. And I wish more bands were as deep as them. *sings to the sky

    Anyways, I love your blog. I'm a writer as well and I've really enjoyed what you write about, it's encouraging and makes me smile. Keep at it! *gives pizza

    1. AWW! Yay for comments! *happiness for new commenting friends*

      TWENTY ONE PILOTS AHH. Yes, totally. They're so hopeful and great. As for other bands, I really like Switchfoot and then I just discovered a Christian artist called "NF." His songs are really awesome. I love "Oh Lord." He addresses so many deep thoughts in that one.

      THANK YOU. *more happiness* *eats and shares pizza* <3

  13. I enjoyed reading your post! =) I love listening to music that isn't just "fun" but it also encourages you in your Christian walk! One song that I love is by Steven Curtis shows what my goal is in writing/blogging/life. I just love all of his songs!!! (most young people today don't listen to him, but who cares?! He clearly LOVES Jesus and shows it in his music!)

    “And if I can sing
    Let my songs be full of His glory
    If I can speak
    Let my words be full of His grace

    And if I should live or die
    Let me be found pursuing this prize
    The One that alone satisfies
    The treasure of Jesus”
    —Treasure of Jesus by Steven Curtis Chapman

    1. Exactly! Music can be fun, but I love it when it's heartfelt and meaningful as well. <3

      Aww, I remember him! I actually saw him in concert. ^.^ I love his "Long Way Home" song. (Can't remember if that's the actual title?)

  14. Question for you: What draft for you is the hardest? I saw a prologue that I wrote several months, if not years, ago. I tried writing more, like actually starting the book. I came up with a really great outline even. But I can't seem to get what I want. Do you have any advice? Thanks

    1. Like, writing draft? Definitely the second where I'm doing most of the rewriting. REWRITING IS JUST SO DIFFICULT AND PETTY AND UGHH. *has a really bad relationship with rewriting sigh* :P

      Sigh, that's what happened with my Little Red Rain Coat book. I had some of an outline, but it just wasn't WORKING. That's when I just switched to a new story instead. Sometimes taking a break can help or just pushing through -- you can always fix things in edits.

  15. I really love how you described the "death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit." I never thought about that before. okay, I have, but never deeply enough to conjure a meaning.

    "Peace will win, fear will lose" is one of the best lines. I whisper that to myself when Im afraid. I suffer from crippling anxiety so basically Im afraid all the time and I tell myself that when fear starts to win.

    I love the line "Our brains our sick well that's okay." I actually hated it at first. but the more I listened the more I understood. It became the line that saved me from a terrible time with depression and stuff. like, its okay to admit we're sick. it's okay. it doesnt mean its okay to sit and mope in that and its certainly not a licence to not try to get better. but for me, I had to accept it before I could fix it. we have to acknowledge it first.

    tbh if you ever wanna talk TOP lyrics, hit me up on twitter man. I SO LOVE THAT BAND.

    this post was perfect <3

    1. YESS that line is just perfection ahh. <3

      Yes I love that line. I love all of their lines, really. They're super helpful for getting through tough moments. <3

      Ahhh yus. Also the "we're broken people" anthem. So great and I'm just going to keep flailing about it. I love your meaning of the "brains our sick well that's okay" because YES.

      I WILL. Yus. *happy flailing*

  16. I actually have never heard of Twenty One Pilots before, but from what you say, Katie, I am assuming that they are pretty awesome. :-)
    I think one of my favorites out of the lyrics you posted is "peace will win, fear will lose". So true!! :-)

    1. GASP! You should totally listen to that one!

      Yess, "peace will win, fear will lose" is such a great line. <3

  17. I've just recently become obsessed with Twenty One Pilots.
    My favorite is "Ride" or "Hometown" :)

    1. YESS more TOP fans. :D
      Ooh, I looove Ride as well. Hometown I'm still trying to like -- it's not one of my favorites. *hides* But yet I don't think I've taken a bunch of time to listen to it's lyrics? So I need to do that.

    2. :D
      Yeah, I started out not liking it... But then I really listened to the lyrics and decided it was okay :) You should

  18. I've heard a lot about twenty one pilots... maybe I need to give them a try! :)
    I tagged you in a blog post over on my blog
    I don't know if you ever/usually participate in them, but I figured I might as well try. :D

    1. Oooh, thanks for the tag! I'll definitely keep it in mind for writing about. ^.^
      AND YES! Give Twenty One Pilots a try. *nodnod*

  19. Awesome post! Song lyrics are just such amzing things!

    Nabila // Hot Town Cool Girl

  20. OH MY GOSH I LOVE TWENTY ONE PILOTS! my favorite lyric is "cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind" and for me i took that to mean that in order to calm down and relax, you need to turn your mind off and quit worrying about everything. LOVE this lyric because I can relate to it so much! Love this blog post! :)

    1. YESSS that lyric is awesome. And the whole song -- Migraine -- is awesome. *happy flailing*

  21. Okay, so this whole Twenty One Pilots thing...I don't get it. When I listen to the radio "Stressed Out" plays like, all the dang time and I don't particularly like that song, like the lyrics are good, but the music isn't my thing, at least there. So what's the deal with them? Are their other songs better? What are ones you'd recommend?
    I love how you think so deeply about your song lyrics though. My fav band is Imagine Dragons and I definitely do the same thing.

    1. TWENTY ONE PILOTS. Okay. Yes. Stressed Out is their most popular song by FAR. I wouldn't say it's their best, though?
      Well, what kind of music do you like? Quieter music? More rapping? Less rapping? Music that makes you think? Music that you can just listen to for fun? They have so many different songs to choose from, so it kinda of depends on what you're looking for. So I can definitely recommend some once I get a feel of what you're looking for!

      Ooh, Imagine Dragons is also a good band. I've been listening to them more lately, but not so much the lyrics. I should, though.

    2. I kind of like all kinds, which makes it hard to define what I'm looking for. Favorite bands range from Imagine Dragons, Skillet, Florence and the Machine, Adele, Bastille, Birdy, Of Monsters and of Men...I like indie/alternative rock and yeah, music that makes you think a little. What's your favorite Twenty One Pilots song?
      Yes, you should. XD

  22. I LOVE TWENTY ONE PILOTS TOO!!!! =) My favorite songs are "Heavydirtysoul," "Fairly Local," and "Lane Boy." "Hometown" is awesome too! *turns on blurryface* Blurryface is my favorite album of theirs, if you can tell. =)
    Oh, and my name's Micaiah, and I blog at Ramblings of a Writer. =)

  23. KAAAATIIEE GRACCEEE. First I've gotta say FSDLKFJSALDNAS TWENTY ONE PILOTS YEP. *shrieks excitedly* This morning I've been reading blogs and listening to Blurryface in its beautiful entirety. SO OBVIOUSLY I'M SQUEALING OVER THIS POST OMG. "The question is, "where are you going to college?" Not, "are you going to college?"" << YESSSSS! *jumps around* this is exactly what I was talking about on my blog a few weeks ago! I'm so giddy to see other awesome humans getting this too eeeeeeep. AND LANE BOY MAKES ME SO HAPPY FOR THAT REASON. And also Twenty One Pilots just inspire me as a musician because I've often thought about "genres" and which one do I fit into?? MAYBE I DON'T FIT AT ALL. HA. *screams happily some more and hugs these lyrics* but yes, I agree that the lyrics are very multi-layered and work for other things in life too. :D

    GAH AMEN. "Life has a hopeful undertone." << such a fave (honestly Migraine is a fave in and of itself AAAAH.) "I know this post was a little bit different than what I normally write..." < DON'T STAY IN YO LANE, BOY. ;) haha but seriously I LOVE THIS POST CAN I SNUGGLE IT. <3 And I especially just love reading about stuff that you're passionate about and makes you feel alive!! That's where it's all at, yo. ;) OMG YOU DID NOT JUST ASK ME TO PICK A FAVORITE SONG. WAHAAAAATTT STAAAAHP. Okay, it's probably a tie between Ride and Message Man and The Judge and Trees and Guns For Hands and Migraine. THAT REALLY NARROWED IT DOWN, RIGHT??

    yep. <3

  24. I like Twenty One Pilots but sometimes I worry about the lyric meanings. Thanks for putting this post together :)

    1. Twenty One Pilots are amazing. The lyrics usually work for each individual's interpretation too, which is part of why I love them.


    I really love House of Gold, Johnny Boy, March to the Sea, Be Concerned, Addict with A Pen, Holding on to You and Kitchen Sink. They all just have really just BEAUTIFUL lyrics and wonderful tunes.
    *happy scream for really amazing lyrics*


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