Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kind Things To Do For Writers, Bloggers, + Authors

You can change the course of someone's day. 

I think that's obvious. You can give a $10,000 check to a random person on the street, and their day is gonna change. Likewise, you could murder someone on the street, and their day is drastically going to change, as, well, so is yours. (I promise this whole post isn't going to be morbid.)

Personally, I believe that one of the most effective ways of changing someone's day is to reach them with kindness.

As you may know, Valentine's Day is coming up. (Or maybe you're like me and aren't very aware of this holiday. Except the chocolate part. Don't you think we should be giving each other pizza instead?)


Valentine's Day is all about showing that you care for people you love -- changing their day for the better. Most of the time it's for couples, but especially when I was younger, in Sunday School we'd hand out valentine's and chocolate to each other. All that fun stuff.

You can find plenty of ideas on "the Google" for acts of kindness, gift ideas, fun outings, etc...

...BUT! Why stop there? I'm going to safely assume that if you're reading this blog, you spend time on the internet and love books. So, naturally, you might have internet friends or favorite authors. And why not do something unexpected for them that will make them happy?

This Valentine's Day(or every day, ha), in addition to being kind to those in life around you (cause, priorities), I've written up a different list:

(and you can do this all from the comfort of your couch.)


Commenting is awesome, people. As a blogger, it makes me so incredibly happy to know that people are reading my content and interacting with it. It's even better when I get to meet other writers and bloggers and start up conversations with them. 


This. THIS, people! Sharing one of your favorite blogger's post (on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest...) will definitely make their day. Bloggers want to reach more people with their blog, and eventually there's only so much they can do. So they also have to rely on readers to spread their blog around so more people can find it.

*cough* Aaaand you can always share my posts using the buttons in the footer. *wink*


I mean, why not go the extra mile? Send the link to a friend! Or several. I won't complain. Ha. :P


It is sooo inspiring to get an email in my inbox from a blog reader telling me how much they like my blog. Or even if they send me a funny pizza related thing or ask a question -- just the fact that they think of coming to my blog is awesome. Don't be shy to email your favorite bloggers. They usually have a contact page with an email or contact form. WE LOVE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS!


Because usually their awesomeness spreads to other websites. ;) I only blog on Saturdays (usually), but tweet on Twitter daily. So if you follow me on there, we can connect more. (YAY!) And usually I'll follow you back so we can be buddies. :D


I'm not an author, but from talking with authors, I've figured out that reviews are VERY important. And reviews don't have to be long! Just a few sentences phrasing your thoughts on the book. It could literally take a minute, and after you're finished you can post it on Goodreads + Amazon. Boom. Author's day made.


If a friend recommends a book to me, I'm 110% more likely to read it rather than just seeing it on Amazon or Goodreads. Why? Cause I trust their judgement and tastes in books. So using word of mouth to spread along a series is extremely important for authors.

This is also great for YOU because then you'll be able to flail about the characters together.


Just like you can do for a blogger, you can send an encouraging email to one of your authors. Like I said before, I'm not an author, but I can imagine that there are times of doubt, stress, and just feeling overwhelmed. Sending a message telling them about how much you love their books and that you're praying them could really lift their spirits.


As far as I know, most library sites have a place where you can request that they buy a book. I've done this several times, and for the most part, libraries usually buy them. 

A friend just did this for me the other day, and it is so awesome. SO AWESOME. It's like getting fan art and it's just the coolest thing ever. 


This is also kind of terrifying (at least for me because: PEOPLE READING MY BOOK AHH NO), but I think most writer's would agree that it's exciting to have people interested in your book. Ask about the characters, plot, and things like that. Usually writers like to flail about their feels-inducing book. 

But don't ask them about it in person. They'll probably scream and run away.


"Wow, Katie," you say. "Totally didn't see that one coming." 

BUT REALLY. Words are just powerful. If you've read their book, flail about it. Ask how edits are going. WAR WITH THEM. Flail about it. Just flail, okay? 

If you haven't read the book, be excited! Be encouraging, and remind them occasionally to just sit down and write. (Or edit.) Writers usually need it.


Now go forth and change the world someone's day for the better. *nod*

- Katie Grace

I'm going to try for doing at least four of these things on Valentine's day. Any of you with me? 

Also, are there any other acts of kindness you can think of for people on the internet?


  1. I can totally relate to how great it is as a writer to have people do things like that for me. It's amazing how wonderfully excited I get when a friend asks how my writing is going. Speaking of which, how is your editing going? :D

    1. P.S. I just requested to be your friend on Goodreads. ;)

    2. Editing's... going! xD I'm REALLY HOPING that I can finish this draft by tomorrow. But the ending needs a lot more work than I thought, so that might not be possible. :/ I'll see what I can do.

      How's your writing/editing going?

      YAY! I accepted your request. :D

    3. I've been blowing my brain with scribbling red pen all over my third draft. I'm torn between liking it because I know (at least, I hope) it's making the story heaps better, but it's also sooo hardddd. :D

    4. SO HARD. Ack, it's hard to like your book while editing when you're specifically looking for EVERYTHING bad. *sigh* But that's SO awesome for making it to your third draft! That shows a lot of perseverance already.

      *hands pizza* We'll get through this together!

    5. *Hands you a piece* Together, yes, we can do this. :)

  2. Great ideas, Katie! And ooh, can you share the mock cover sometime?

    1. Thank you! :D Ooh, I'll go add the cover to the "things I'm writing" page after I finish replying to comments. *nodnod*

  3. Awesome post. :) Final suggestion about the authors . . . just ask about their book. Like, not just "what's it about" but other stuff too. Or, if you've read their stories, come up with theories. Show you're interested.

    1. Thank you!
      Ahh, yes, that's a great idea. I love it when people ask about writing in general. How I do it, my strategies and such. Thank you for pointing that out. :D

  4. Great ideas, Katie! I'll try and join you in doing 4. ( =

  5. Loved these! Thanks for sharing! This post is being shared to my FB ;)

  6. I love these ideas!!!! I'm definitely going to have to do some of these:)

  7. This is such a great post, Katie! I'll definitely be doing some of these things :). Thanks for posting this!

    Valentine's Day pizza? Yeah, that should totally be a thing. *hands Katie pizza*

    By the way, one thing I would add to the list would be to buy an author's book. Like, buy it brand-new, since this supports the author :).

    (by the way, how is editing going?)

    1. Thank you so much, Savannah! <3 Glad you'll be trying some. :D

      YES. ALL THE PIZZA. *stomach growl*

      Oh my gosh. *headdesks a million times* HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS?! Well. That is obviously probably one of the most important things. Ahh, you're so smart. Thanks for mentioning that. xD

      EDITING. Ha. It's... blah. I'm trying to feel optimistic but this draft has been going on FOREVER and it feels like the end is never going to be near. And my ending's a mess. *grump* I'll see what I can do about it. Seems like I'll need to brainstorm...

      How's editing/writing going for you?

    2. You're welcome :D. I'm probably going to buy at least one brand-new book this February, just because it is the month of Valentine's day and I might as well show at least one author some love by doing that. I'm just not sure what book yet ...

      I'm not editing anything right now, and writing is going fairly well. Except I keep skipping from novel to novel and not being able to decide which novel to work with because of all the stinking plot bunnies. *sigh* I'll figure something out :D.

    3. Ooh, picking out a book is hard... One of Jaye L. Knight's? You'll have to tell me if you decide on a book. *nodnod*

      Ahhh, that's hard. :P You can do it! Are you planning to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo?

    4. Jaye L. Knight's books are definitely on my 'considering buying' list :D. Do you own any of her books? And yes, I'll let you know what I decide on. Speaking of books, did you know J.K. Rowling is writing something new?

      I've heard a lot of people talking about Camp NaNoWriMo, but somehow I still don't know much about it :D. Do you know if there's a website for it?

    5. Yay! I have all of her books. :D
      Okay. Yes, I've heard of it, but I'm really confused? I know that it has to do with Harry Potter, but then I've heard things about it being a play and an eighth book, and just... huh? Do you understand better?

      Oh my goodness gracious Camp NaNoWriMo is my FAVORITE THING! Okay, I'll try to explain it as best as I can without getting ramble-y.

      Camp NaNoWriMo is another NaNoWriMo month-long writing project. It takes place in April + July taking on the idea of a "virtual writing camp." You're placed in cabins with 12 other people, and together you try to meet your own goal and a cabin goal. The cabins are the absolute BEST PART OF IT. I LOVE THE CABINS SO SO SO MUCH. I'm usually in a cabin with a bunch of other Christian, homeschooled writers. AND, last year we had Nadine Brandes and Jaye L. Knight in our cabin. So... maybe... you could join our cabin? We have our own chat room for Word Wars and basically it's the best thing ever. xD I organize our cabin and who's in it, so I would LOVE to invite you. :D

      Another fantastic way Camp is different from NaNoWriMo, is that you can CHOOSE your own word count goal. Just want to do 20,000? That's fine. You want to edit instead? That's fine. It's sooo much more flexible and just awesome. is their website, I think. It would be sooo fun to have you in our cabin! (Athelas Hale, Faith Song, Alea Harper, Jessi Roberts, Natasha Roxby, Jaye L. Knight, and Nadine Brandes are some people we usually have.)

    6. Yeah, I'm still kinda confused about the new HP book too, but the description of it on Amazon says 'based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series'. So ... yeah, that wasn't terribly helpful :D. I can't decide whether I'm excited for it to come out or if I'm feeling a bit apprehensive. I'm slightly worried I could end up not liking this book ... I mean, Harry is an ADULT and it also follows his son. And I still can't figure out if it's a real book, or if it's a play. I'm hoping it's a book but I feel like it's a play. I guess we'll find out on July 31st :D.

      Ooo, Camp Nano sounds like SO MUCH fun! I would LOVE to join your cabin, but I need to talk to my parents about joining Camp Nano this year first, so I'll get back to you about that. But if they say yes, I will most definitely accept the invitation to your cabin. *nodnod* It sounds like a TON of fun, and I've been wanting to join in one of the Nano events for a quite awhile. Jaye and Nadine Brandes were in your cabin? That is awesomeness :D.

  8. I agree with all of this so much. Nothing makes my day more than comments on my blog or on anything, really. Especially if I blogged about my novel and people react positively. It's like the greatest thing ever. I plan to throw this blog and the others I follow at people shortly because yes.

    Also, we should give people pizza on Valentine's Day. That makes more sense.

    1. Commentinggg. <3 So many warm fuzzies.
      AH YES. I still need to blog about my novel. I keep putting it off because I don't know what to say but I NEED TO DO THE THING. *deep breaths* *mustn't think of people beta-ing*

      UM, RIGHT? Let's make it happen.

  9. Katie, I believe we should start a tradition of sending pizza to people on Valentine's Day... What better way to make someone's day?? (I mean, it's the ONLY love-triangle that really matters anyway?!) #PizzaValentines

    This post just fills me with happy!! :D So many nice things to make people smile! (I really like smiles... It's one of the very first things I notice when I meet new people.) And btw, I'm totally sharing this. And commenting. And I might have to blow up your email. Hehehe! :P

    Lovely post! Have a splendid weekend! <3

    1. (Okay that was the greatest pun ever I can't stop laughing oh my goodness. xD) #PizzaValentinesForTheWin

      Smileeees! :D I love smiles, too. <3 Someday I want to meet you and we can smile and squeal together. xD

      Same you to, dear! <3

    2. Mwahaha! Pizza-puns are so... cheesy. *snorts* Okay, so sorry! I'll stop now. XD

      Oh, girl! Meeting up someday would be so amazing!! I have so many blogging-pals I wanna meet... There should be some kind of Blogger-Con or something!! (Or maybe there is & I don't know about it.) Anyway, I think it would be fabulous. We must plan on it & plan on devouring pizza together too. :)

    3. Oh gosh. XD

      YES. That has to happen. o.o There'd be SO MUCH EXCITEMENT.

  10. I love the idea of this post and all the ideas you mentioned :) *nods* they're all so true, and while i'm not an author or anything, i know that all of these are so encouraging for others. i'm gonna try some of these out this valentine's day for sure :)

    ALSO IKR? Why not pizza???

    1. Huzzah! We'll do them together. *nod*

      RIGHT?! *sigh*

  11. Hi Katie!! These are all amazing, and yesterday a mysterious email popped up in my inbox saying MY LIBRARY ORDERED A TIME TO DIE!!! *coughs* sorry, anyways, I'm always open if you need a beta reader, warring buddy(most of the time), or just encouragement.

    1. Eeep! That's so exciting. :D My library ordered it about a year ago. I was so happy. xD

  12. All of these are great!I want to do some of them this week too.

  13. Good ideas Katie! Good luck on your book and your blog!

  14. Katie, have you ever checked out I think you should check it out. I received a beta book for free from there to review but with your blog and connections, maybe it could be another source for you too. Happy Valentines Day. Your Aunt

    1. I've heard a LOT about it, but have never really checked it out. I should -- though. Free books always sound awesome. xD *nod*

      Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. I love all of your tips for bloggers. Very true. :)

  16. THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD. It always makes my day when someone shows interest in my books, or when someone says something really nice about my blog, shares my blog, comments, etc. (I think it would really make my day to have someone randomly give me $10,000. It probably wouldn't be that fun to get randomly murdered though. *nods sagely*)

    And YES, we should totally be giving each other pizza on Valentine's. I mean, chocolate is good and all. But PIZZA. Get with the program, people.

    Thanks for sharing! (Also, I think it's super cool that you have an aunt named Kathy, because I also have an aunt named Kathy.)

    1. Oh my gosh think of all the BOOKS you could buy with $10,000 dollars. o.o I could line my walls with books. *happy sigh*
      Yeah, let's not get ourselves murdered. *nod*

      YES PIZZA, PLEASE. I mean, I wouldn't complain if someone gave me pizza AND chocolate, though... That'd be the ultimate combination.

      (Omgoodness, really? That's awesome. xD)

  17. This post made me so happy! You have such a way with words :)
    <3/Audrey Ryan

    (P.S. We should TOTALLY start giving pizza instead of chocolate)

    1. Eeep this comment made me grin so hard. THANK YOU, AUDREY! <3

  18. These are all spot on! There are so many ways to show kindness- and many of them are nearly effortless, but they can mean so much. I feel like are someone who does these things on your list a lot, so thank you! :) Also, yes, I would far prefer pizza than chocolate.

    1. {ahem} I feel like *you* are someone who does these things a lot... I can't type. My apologies. *hands pizza*

    2. Ahhh, thank you, Bailey! <3 You're too kind. *devours pizza*
      Thank you for commenting and Happy Valentine's Day!

  19. Because I am an author/writer/blogger, I can say that all of your points are exactly right!!!! =) Authors LOVE getting reviews and knowing that someone out there is reading what they wrote. It can be discouraging when it seems that your novel is just sitting there...with no one reading it. And the same goes to bloggers. =) Encouragement is SO appreciated...sometimes writing takes too long, gets old, and gets pushed off...someone encouragement might just make you pick up your manuscript again! =D

    1. I totally agree with everything you said! :D
      How long ago did you publish your book?

    2. I first published it in July...but there were some things that needed to be changed, so it is being re-made right now. =)

    3. Ohhh, right! How awesome. :D How much are you changing? Are you rewriting it completely, or...?

  20. This is such a great idea! I know how awesome is to get a comment on a blog and it just warms my heart. I'm going to share this post in my slovak blogging community because they should try it. I have a lot of friends their but I feel like we are forgetting about commenting on our contents because of laziness and we don't support each other. That was the first thing when I started blogging in english. Bloggers in this community are much more kind. But then again, it can be just my feeling. Though it makes me feel sad sometimes, because I try to comment on all blog posts of my friends in slovak community and show them my support but most of the time there is no feedback. :/
    Kindess is definitely the key and not just here on the internet but in general. :)

    1. Ack, thank you SO much for sharing the post! <3

      Yeah... When I first started blogging I didn't know how important it was to give back to the community and follow their blogs and comment on their posts. I'm still not perfect at it, but try to do it as much as I can. :D

      Oh, definitely! You can be a total sweetheart on the internet but if you're a jerk in person... That doesn't really get you anywhere. :P

  21. Valentine's Day is over, but I think I need to do some kindnesses anyway, (beginning with leaving you a comment of course! :D)

    It's sad how so many use the internet as a way of criticizing and tearing people down in a way no one would do in real life, so I think it's up to us to make this as a happy a place as possible, and use the internet as a tool to encourage others and spread sunshine. So, thank-you for sharing this list of ways to do that!

    1. Why thank you. ;)

      Ack, I know! It's frustrating when I see that, because most people wouldn't say something so mean to someone in person. (well, maybe they would. I don't know enough rude people. xD)

      Thank you for commenting! <3

    2. Hey Katie! I also just tagged you in my latest post; I'm looking forward to hearing what answers you have! (If you do tags. :)

  22. Yes yes yes! Commenting and sharing is so important! There's nothing worse than writing a post and realizing that no one commented a few days later. No matter how much confidence you have, it's always nice to be validated.

    Great post! I'm off to give it some love on Twitter (see, I know how to listen:P)

    1. Exactly. I think any blogger sometimes has doubts about blogging or a certain posts, so to see comments on it always makes me feel better.

      Thank youuu, Sunny! <3

  23. All these suggestions are wonderful! Especially sharing a person's posts and blogs with friends. That's always made my day when people do that for me, because then I know they really connected with the post, or my blog in general. Comments are also amazing! And, as a writer having someone make a mock cover for you sounds like an amazing thing!

  24. Great post, sissy! I totally agree with ALL OF THESE. Having people comment on your post is such a big deal, too. I didn't realize how much big of a deal it made until I started blogging and saw for myself! Hope your Valentine's Day was lovely! *ugs*

      Hope your Valentine's Day was lovely as well! *ugs back*

  25. This is literally awesome, Katie!
    I don't do a lot of that stuff on the Internet, but try to do kind acts when we go shopping or something.
    Here recently I put little notes in 20 lockers at a swimming place! I like to think of how surprised the people were when they found them. :)
    Happy Valentine's day!

    1. Aww, that's such a sweet thing to do, Paige! I love that idea.

      Happy Valentine's Day! <3

  26. Replace chocolate with pizza? D: noooooo! (I mean, I like pizza, but... chocolate!)

    Seriously, though, this is a great list! :)

    1. Well... Maybe not REPLACE. Add in? We could give each other pizza AND chocolate?

      Thank you. :D

    2. That seems fair. :) Or, you know, just to make life simple, we could all give each other baby dragons...

    3. Oh my goodness CAN WE DO THIS? I like the way you're thinking. I would love a baby dragon.

  27. aaaahhhhhh I LOVE this! Kind of reading it a day late...but like you said, works for everyday. It's amazing how a very small, simple act can totally change your outlook for the day. It can just brighten it. Something as small as a smile, or someone holding a door. I love all the things you listed.


    1. Exactly! I especially love it when people smile. People don't make eye contact very often, and when they do, they usually just look away. (myself included, a lot of the time...) I want to get better at smiling at people cause it makes me so happy when someone else does it to me.

      YESSSSSSS I LOVE ALL THE PIZZA. *high-fives fellow Katie*

  28. (Okay, so totally random, but I got really excited because there were daisies in the graphic haha.)

    And these are such sweet ideas! I can totally agree with the blogger/writer things-- all of those totally make my day-- and now I'm inspired to reach out and do something nice for all those amazing internet peeps I know.

    Like yourself. You're awesome. Have some pizza. ;)

    1. (Yay! You always remind me of daises. :P)

      Do ittt. *nodnod*
      Well thanks. *eats pizza* ;) *and shares of course*

  29. Saw this linked by Nadine Brandes on Twitter and decided to check it out -- glad that I did! Your suggestions for showing kindness to published authors are great, because yes we definitely do have lots of times of discouragement and stress and self-doubt where an enthusiastic note from a reader, or a positive review on Amazon or GR or some other significant outlet, can make all the difference in the world.

    Also, I hope I can say this without sounding critical, because I know what you mean by the terms "author" and "writer" and I know that a lot of people do see them as separate things. But I mean this by way of encouragement to my fellow prose-wranglers here -- if you've written a book or a short story or an essay or a poem or an article, you ARE an author whether you've been commercially published or not. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel lesser because you're still working toward publication! Published writers aren't lofty celebrities, we're just people who've learned how to get agents and editors to look favorably on at least some of their work -- but even pro authors, even bestsellers, still get manuscripts and stories rejected and have to scrap projects and start over all the time. We're all in the same craft together, and learning something new with everything we write! Writers are authors and authors are writers, all of us. :)

    Thanks for the post, Katie!

    1. Aww, thank you so much for commenting! It makes me very happy to have an author like you reading. :D

      I love what you said about the writers and authors and completely agree. Sometimes I too often push myself away from the "author" category. But I also separated them for this post just so it was easier to get my point across. :P
      Your words are so awesome, though. But your words mean so much. <3

      Thank you, R.J! <3

  30. This is a great post. ^ ^ I try to comment on every post I read even if the comment is short. Comments are the best! I'm trying to get better at sharing posts and writing reviews. Getting there!

    1. Comments are amazingly awesome. And I have to admit that I'm not the greatest at sharing other posts... That's something I need to work on.

  31. These are such sweet things to do for other writers and bloggers! I know that I should reach out to others in the community more, and this is such a nice way to get started. <3

    1. Oh gosh, I feel like you've always done an excellent job! You ARE the person who hosted that fan week awhile ago. You were leaving comments and sharing posts like crazy. o.o

  32. Hi Katie! *waves* I love your blog! *hugs* have some pizza! Oh, and my book is currently in the state of me not looking at it for a few weeks. (Tip from Jacqueline West, over at ) and I just... Ugh, I really don't like the previous few chapters I've written, but they all hold something important to the story in them... Ugh. Well, good luck with your writing!

    1. Oooh, you've read Jacqueline's books, too?

      Writing is just... hard. Gack. I suppose that's what editing is for... but it's hard to edit chapters you don't really like. I totally understand the feeling. YOU CAN DO THIS!
      Thank you. <3

  33. It is so nice to get any of the things you mentioned above. Comments, emails, shares, followers, fellow critiques. It's great to know people like what you have to say!

    1. I totally agree!
      Thanks for spreading the love by commenting, Bethany. :)


don't be shy to hang out in the comment section!
make frens, check back for my replies, keep things clean, shout about pizza, squeal about books, moan about editing... all that cool stuff.