Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Introducing: The Left-Handed Typist // Abi Ellison

What's this? A post? On a Wednesday?! 


In my last post I briefly mentioned that my amazing critique partner, Abi, started a blog. How Abi and I met is completely one of those God things. Here's how it all happened last September:

Me: *is halfway through draft three edits* *thinking about beta readers* *wishing for a critique partner so I don't have to send this book to betas without another set of eyes*
Abi: *randomly finds my blog* (More on that below.) *randomly emails me* *mentions she likes editing*
Me: *hates editing own work, but loves editing other people's works* *suggests... becoming... critique partners*
Abi: *says yes!* (YAY!)

Boom. We're critique partners, and within a week she's editing my chapters and I'm editing hers. It's crazy how that worked out so perfectly. How she emailed me when I needed a critique partner. I'm so blessed. <3

Enough of me babbling. Here's my critique partner, Abi, writing about important blogging thoughts. (She has wonderful insights on why you should join her and really anyone in the blogging community.)

Hey everyone! I warn you I have never done this blog thing before that has taken over the world. To be completely honest, I have never thought of myself as the blogging personality. I would have laughed if you had told me last year that I would be starting a blog. And I have absolutely no idea how to write a post. Especially a guest post. So cross your fingers and we'll see what happens!

Katie is the person who made me want a blog. I found her through a friend's Pinterest when I wanted something to read one day and her blog (and crazy sense of humor) totally captivated me. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's never happened again with any other blogs I follow. We have become good friends and critique partners since then and I owe her tons!

So. That brings me to what I just decided will be the main point of my post. Why am I here? And why should you join me?

I am mainly here because I love to write. And even more than that, I love to edit. When I have a huge pile of responsibilities and schoolwork, this is how I get away. Now most people will find that crazy. My sister, for example, thinks reading and writing are the worst possible cures for a headache. I disagree. And you all know Katie hates to edit. (Katie here. Absolutely accurate.) That's why I am her friend :) (Okay, so that's not the only reason, but that's how it started.)

After lots of prayer, I made the decision that I will not be going on to college this summer. Instead, I will be working through the paths of experience and self-education to become better at what I do. Because no amount of classes for four years (no matter how much I may love them) will teach me what experience can. You're probably thinking "so what?" But what no college means for me is I will have to branch out . . . through blogging and connecting with other people.

What boosted me from being a scribbling recluse in my bedroom to an actual budding author just this fall was people. I connected with some friends and (*gasp*) sent them my work. It was scary, let me tell you. Having their support, confidence, and interest is what motivates me to keep going. I realized that was completely invaluable. So here I am, trying my best to reach out to more people.
This is where you come in! I have learned over the last year, that I not only want the support of fellow writers and book enthusiasts, I need it! And to be joined with lots of people I have never met who have similar passions is truly amazing. (I mean, seriously, you have no idea how much I freaked out over my first comment.) So if you have any interest whatsoever, come check out my blog. But I warn you, joining my site is not for the fainthearted. I will expect you to be an active, supportive member, not just a passive onlooker who likes my sense of humor. What's in it for you? The same, of course! No relationship, even over the internet, can exist without interaction. So in exchange for your interest and time, I will pour back into you.

Hey, that wasn't too bad! Before I go, I want to say another HUGE thanks to Katie. I wouldn't be here without you!
- - -

Thank you so much for guest posting, Abi! :D I love what you said and can totally relate to it for my own blogging journey. I blog for all of the above things as well, and it's so important to have people join you in the whole experience. 

What are you all waiting for? Here's the link to Abi's blog, The Left-Handed Typist. I'm sure it'd make her ecstatic to have some of you lovely people following it. :D

Do you have a critique partner? How'd you find each other?
What do you think is important about blogging?


  1. This was an awesome post, Abi! So much insight in writing in general. :) I'm checking your blog right now.

    And Katie... That's so great you found a cool critique partner. I don't have a critique partner yet, but hopefully by next year I'll be ready to have one. I feel like I shouldn't look for one yet since I'm still going through first drafts and barely second ones, so maybe when I finish a few projects I'll keep an eye out for one or two :) still, so happy you guys met each other!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! Yeah, critique partners are totally every they are hyped up to be, so definitely go for it whenever you're ready!!

  2. That's so awesome that you guys became critique partners like that. I haven't got any critique partners yet, but I hope I have as good luck as you two did! Congratulations on starting your blog Abi. It sounds like you have a great grasp on this whole blogging thing already. I'm sure your blog is going to be amazing.

    1. Thanks, Imogen! I promise I didn't even know critique partners were a thing. I just wanted help :p
      Okay, so don't get annoyed because I'm sure you get this a LOT, but how do you pronounce your name? I really want to use it for a main character for a story in my head, but I want people to read it right . . . Eye-muh-jen or Emma-jen, maybe? *crosses fingers* And I see you're from Australia?! Which I assume means you come packaged with the awesome accent . . . Cool!!

  3. You guys are awesome! Abi, I feel you! I have never really found a blog quite like Katies, if I had to live with only one, it'd be a tie between A Writer's Faith and Nadine Brandes. I have a critique partner, and this is really funny actually, we really connected during NaNo, me begging for snippets of her story, so we read the first chapters of each others stories. Then after it ended, I agreed to review her short story in the book Space Kitties. Then I asked her if she would Alpha read RRN, Rayray's novel. She asked the same about hers, and after that, it escalated.

    1. I know, what's up with Katie blowing the rest of us out of the water? Hellooo!
      That's so cool that you have a critique partner, too! They are totally invaluable. And apparently never having met the person is the way to do it? :D

  4. Ooh, great post, Abi! Congratulations on joining the blogosphere! *twirls and hands you cake* I'll be heading over to check out your blog posthaste! (By the way, I love the name you chose for it!)

    It's so wonderful that you have a critique partner, Katie! God truly works in the most interesting ways, doesn't He? I myself don't have a critique partner as of yet, but I don't think I'm ready for one at this point. I still have to finish first drafts. XD

    1. It'd better be moist chocolate cake, Mary. Or maybe Italian Creme with raspberry filling. ;-)
      And yes, God totally knew what He was doing before we had even found each other. How cool is that?!

  5. I don't have a critique partner, but I do have a few good friends on a forum who tell me what they think of my work when I post it. :)
    Checking out Abi's blog now!

    1. Hey, that works too, Sarah. I send my work to more people than just Katie, but she's the one I really bounce things off of :D

  6. Welcome to the blogosphere, Abi! Blogging is the best, seriously. I think you're really going to enjoy it!

    Hah, I need that miracle of finding a critque partner like that. I kind of had one, but then, hah.. nope.

    1. Aww, it'll work out. I seriously got lucky to snatch such a good one first try!

  7. I love when you meet someone and you find out they're a writer, and then you become best friends because of it! Glad you found a critique partner, they are indispensable.

    1. I definitely agree! Internet relationships, especially, exist so well over a shared interest :D

  8. My favorite part of critique partners are the encouragement that comes with them! I think they are important to have, even if you don't have a novel that needs editing. I've found that mine are incredibly useful for motivation to just keep GOING so that one day, there will be a novel in need of editing. Also, I like to send mine chapters of my work as I go along sometimes, it helps to have someone else excited about your work ;) Great post!

    1. Yes, I send my chapters out one at a time, too. Excruciating for the team, since I'm a really slow writer, but more motivation for me! :D

  9. YAY A POST ON A WEDNESDAY! It was so cool to hear from Abi! I'll have to check out her blog right now:)

    Also I tagged you on my blog:)

    1. Aren't Wednesdays always full of surprises? :D Thanks, Grace!

  10. Ooo, a post on a Wednesday! :D

    Nice to meet you, Abi! This was a great post, I'll be checking out your blog (love its title, by the way).

    I don't have a critique partner but, as Sarah said, I don't think I'm ready for one yet :). My WIPs are taking their sweet time coming together (also, plot bunnies. Enough said).

    1. Enough said is right. I just decided to drag my critique partner/alpha team through the mud as I hit those road bumps, hehe.
      I'm so glad you like the title. It took me FOREVER to come up with something I liked!

  11. This is a lovely story. It's amazing the things that God does sometimes. I looked for a critique partner a while back and found a pen(email) pal. I don't actually have anything to be critiqued yet though. And I have another potential critique partner/beta reader who I met in an interesting way. I met her on the forum, and shortly after she realized I'd met her sister in person a few weeks before.
    I agree with you about experience of college, Abi.

    1. Oh my goodness, yes. Katie and I are totally e-mail-pals! We e-mail like most people text xD
      No way! I met a local author the other day only to find out she was the married older sister of a girl in my choir and on my alpha team. Crazy, right?!
      It's so nice to find other people who think college isn't necessarily the answer. It obviously is for some, but it doesn't HAVE to be for everyone. And the more I think about it, the more jazzed I get that I'm not going anywhere after I graduate. I've got work to do right here :D

  12. My sister and I are kind of critique partners for each other. I'm also a 'brainstorming buddy' for a good friend who's just starting to plan a novel. It's good fun to help out. :)

    1. It IS fun. I can't think of anything I'd rather spend my time doing. And I think it's really awesome that it's mostly a stay-at-home job, too. Bodes well for the future, I think :D

  13. That's such an amazing story of God's faithfulness - answering your unspoken prayer!

    And I'm going to check out Abi's blog now, because even just the title is so good.

    1. I'm so glad you like the title, Jessica! I wanted something original that would give a bit of a hint about who I was :D And yes, God is so faithful. I needed that reassurance in the middle of my "college or no college" turmoil and He definitely came through in ways I had never imagined :)

  14. Oh, what a great story!

    Abi, I love how you spell your full name. :)

    1. Thanks, Emily! Because I'm sure you want to know the full story . . . My grandmother's name is Gayle and it's my mom's middle name, so they reinvented the name Abigayle :D

  15. Welcome, Abigayle! If either you or Katie ever want a third set of eyes for your work, just let me know at my blog! I enjoy editing other people's work, just not my own. :P Here is my blog address:(

    1. Sorry I never got back on here to reply to comments :) I would love a third set of eyes, just not quite yet :) I will need beta readers once I finish my "first" draft that my alphas are assisting me with. So consider yourself signed up. I probably won't be ready until at least June. Katie is now accepting betas and I encourage to read hers if you can! *does bet Katie *nod* impersonation*


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