Saturday, December 19, 2015

Currently // December.

Inspired by Emily's "currently" posts. 

I didn't want to do just a plain Christmas post because there are plenty of them going around in the blogosphere right now, so here's a life (with a touch of Christmas) post.
And here's the posting plan for the rest of the month:

I will be doing an "End Of The Year Wrap Up" instead on the 31st. 

Onto the post. :D


currently // LISTENING

Ahahahaha, you knew that was coming, yes? When have I never not listened to Twenty One Pilots?

I'm planning to listen to the audiobook of Winter by Marissa Meyer when it comes in from the library. I don't usually listen to audiobooks, but since the hardcover copy has 15 holds I don't have much of a choice. :P

And now you're waiting for me to say that I'm also listening to Christmas music, yes? Well.... I'm.... not. *hides* I really haven't liked it this season and instead resort to Twenty One Pilots or something else out of my eccentric music tastes. It's weird. *shrug*

currently // WATCHING

Still watching the TV show, LOST, and still absolutely loving it. (Ack, my mind at the sheer genius of it all.)

And here's another weird thing about this Christmas season: No Christmas movies.

Technically it's not that weird since my family's never watched many Christmas movies. But I hear of all these people watching one every other night and... nope. Do you have any recommendations of Christmas movies I should make my family watch? ;)

currently // READING

ALL I'M DOING IS READING. Ahh, it feels so nice to curl up with a book and just read. I haven't been able to since... September (*gasp*), and the happiness inside me has no bounds. 

I went to the library and this happened: 

(the quality of the picture is horrible so I apologize.)

I've already read nine books this month and am hoping for plenty more. :D

  • The Thing About Jellyfish. [3/5]
  • Illuminae. [5/5]
  • Cinder. [5/5]
  • The Schwa Was Here. [5/5]
  • Red Queen. [3/5]
  • Pride and Prejudice. [1/5]
  • The Gifting. [5/5]
  • The Revised Life Of Ellie Sweet. [5/5]
  • Walk On Earth A Stranger. [4/5]

I'm a master procrastinator. Right now I'm just trying to pretend that this horrid world of editing doesn't even exist. After Christmas I'll start again (or "try" to...), but right now I just want to immerse myself in this reading world that I have been away from.

Also, I have been procrastinating several Christmas presents. Mostly because I do not know what to get said people. *coughs and avoids the six days left countdown*

And procrastinating on blogging. WHY IS IT SO EASY TO PROCRASTINATE ON BLOGGING?! I'm always up insanely late the night before I publish a post because I'm never able to get it done sooner. *sigh* Oh well. Someday, someday... :P

  • Christmas! :D (duhh.) 
  • Reading allll the books over Christmas break. 
    • Maybe I'll get wild and read a book a day or something. xD
  • Repainting my room. 
  • Out of town friends visiting. (Yesss.)
  • Watching a Twenty One Pilot's show on TV.
  • NEW YEARS! (I seriously can't believe how fast this year has gone.)
  • Going to the movie theater to watch the new Star Wars on Tuesday. 
    • I've never been a huge Star Wars fan, I'll admit, but I'm looking forward to this one.
    • It's kind of weird how BIG people are emphasizing the "no spoilers" about Star Wars all over social media. I mean, shouldn't that be a general courtesy for all movies?
  • Sleeping in every. single. day. 
    • And staying up late every. single. night.
  • Eating pizza. (ha, you thought I could get through a post without mentioning this? Think again.)
  • Generally just relaxing and enjoying the break from school(!!!!).
  • Maybe... Someday... Getting snow? I usually don't like snow, but having none around Christmas is just WEIRD. Where I live, in the northern USA, there's always snow. Like three feet of snow. And there's currently none. What is this?! (except the below freezing temperatures do kind of make up for it, heh.)
- Katie Grace

What are you looking forward to this Christmas season? What have you been reading?
And since I won't post until after the 25th, MERRY CHRISTMAS! <3 Enjoy it, dear friends. 
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                                                            CONNECT WITH ME!


  1. Your book haul is gorgeous. :D I see several of my favorites in there.
    Also: If you're going to be listening to the Winter audiobook, maybe taken up knitting/crocheting and make at least one person a scarf for Christmas? (Or a cowl- there's an easy button cowl that you just make a rectangle with four buttonholes on one of the short ends, and then you sew two buttons on the other end in line with two of the buttonholes, and it's really nice-looking. Someone actually paid me to make his wife one once.)
    I do not envy your weather right now. Just sayin'.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh, and in answer to the movie question (which I forgot to answer earlier): White Christmas is my favorite Christmas movie in the world. A Christmas Carol is usually a good choice as well (don't know which version is the best, sorry). And my family likes Miracle on 34th Street.

    2. Oooh, knitting would be a good idea. Except... I'm really bad at it. I mean, I've only tried a couple times... So maybe I'll have to try again. Just not give it to someone for Christmas. xD

      Yeesh, I didn't even KNOW there were two "A Christmas Carol" movies. I'm totally uncultured when it comes to this. xD

    3. *spontaneously jumps into this conversation* Knitting is great if you have the patience for it.

    4. Patience. Ahahahaha.

      Ha. :P

      I'll try knitting. Or making cards. Or drawing. Hmm. Or cleaning my room because it's a mess. xD

  2. I looooove Twenty One Pilots. They have such weird music but it's so good! Also, yes, sleeping in and staying up late. I'm finally done with school for the year so now ALL THE READING AND PROCRASTINATING TIME.

    I have to say I'm looking forward to (Christmas, obviously) and also finally going to see Mockingjay pt. 2. And having all that extra time for reading and writing. It'll be so great.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. YOU LOVE TWENTY ONE PILOTS TOO? I'm not sure how I didn't know this. Or maybe I did, but I just forgot. Either way this makes me excited. xD Do you have a favorite songgg? Or top three favorites?

      ACK HAVE YOU SEEN IT YET? OH MY GOSH IT'S SO FABULOUS. ACK. ACK. *flails* It's one of my favorite movies now and I need an excuse to go see it again and cry. xD

      Merry Christmas! You are so awesome. <3 *hugs*

    2. YES I DO. And I can't really say I have a favorite, but I do really like Doubt.


      You are tooooo *hugs back*

    3. Doubtttt. Yaas.

      UGH. PARENTS. WHY. xD My parents aren't interested in the Hunger Games so I had to find friends to go with. Make sure to tell me what you think of itttt cause it's amazinggg.

  3. Christmas movies?? Okay, girl, I've got this.

    If you're going for something classic, watch White Christmas or Miracle on 34th Street. Those are my two personal favorites, and you really can't go wrong there. Anything on Hallmark channel is generally fabulous. My favorite on there would have to be A Very Merry Mix Up. There's another one, but I can't remember what it's called haha. If I remember it I'll come back. xD

    1. Oooh, okay. *marks these down* I should create a list of all the Christmas movies mentioned and see which ones are the most popular. :P Thanks for commenting and the movieeeees! :D

  4. Merry Christmas Katie!
    Yes, my family is one of those who listens to Christmas music all day and watches Christmas movies at least every other night. I love Hallmark Christmas movies! Here are three movies my family watches just about every year:
    The Christmas Card
    The Nativity (I think that's what it's called?)
    I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas day at home with my family... and I'm also really looking forward to a retro sweet 16 party! It's going to be amazing because my friend who I've known since I was 6 who lives 5 hours away is coming!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy reading! :)

    1. Merry Christmas, Eliza! <3
      Ooh, I HAVE watched Elf before. It was awhile ago so I don't remember much of it. I think I liked it? I'll have to watch it again and see. :P

      Ooh, you're going to be sixteen? Awesome! When's your birthday?

  5. I get how you feel about Christmas music this year...I haven't gotten into it either. I think I've listened to Christmas music once this month and actually enjoyed it (my little brother plays the radio constantly so I get regular doses without much choice...) twenty one pilots is an excellent substitute for Christmas music tho. :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing my niece and brother on Christmas Eve, attending the Candlelight service at my new church, sleeping (lol, I always look forward to that), and new books under the tree. *crosses fingers*

    I'm not a huge fan of Christmas movies except for It's A Wonderful Life. I watch that one every year on the 25th because it gives me a lot of feels. :)

    1. I've also found that "Oh Ms Believer" at least sounds very Christmassy. (bells ringing and mentions of snow and cold. Yes? No? :P) So I just call that my Christmas song for the year. xD

      Boooooooooks. *crosses fingers with you* That's basically all I want. xD I have this huge list so I'm hoping I'll at least get two or three. Or book money. *dances around excitedly*

      Ooh, feels? *marks it down* Thank you! xD

  6. Good grief, that's a lot of books! I also got the Winter audiobook because there were so many holds (like 135). I have not read Pride and Predjudice, although I've heard it's a very hard book to read—why didn't you like it? (And, if I may ask, why did you like Ellie Sweet? That girl irked me to no end. XD) Also, I can neither confirm nor deny that I will follow your example in sleeping in and staying up late. Because there's a 100% guarantee but no use in leaving evidence. :D Have a merry Christmas!

    1. 135 HOLDS?!
      *jaw drops*
      *grows dizzy*
      *passes out*
      Um, really? Dude. That's... a lot. xD And I thought thirty was too much...

      Eh. Well, for starters I don't like classics much. So... partially it just might be the kind of books I like. But it was JUST dialogue. For pages... and pages... Blah. And I didn't especially like Darcy very much. (as other girls might think him "swoon-worthy" as the phrase goes. xD)

      Ellie Sweet? Well, I don't read many contemporaries so the cliches don't bother me so much. And since I could identify with Ellie's writer side I kind of pushed away her irksome-ness. I can zone out things like that. Maybe I liked it so much because it was different from "OH NO WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE SOMEONE SAVE THE WORLD" and just... lighter. :P *shrug*



  8. Love this post! I recommend Home Alone (1-4), Elf, Jingle all the Way, and Deck the Halls. Also, any Christmas movies on Hallmark. :)

    Allie D.

    1. Thank you, Allie!
      Oooh, and thanks for all the suggestions! *writes them all down*
      Merry Christmas!

  9. oh, don't ask me for Christmas movies. I'm the gal who tried about 8 movies the other day before giving up on all the cheesiness. ;P

    Oh. But you MUST watch 'It's a wonderful Life.' It's awesome. I believe it's on youtube..

    What color are you painting your room? I just painted mine a lovely grey. <3

    1. I AM PAINTING MINE GREY, TOO! o.O I'm painting it grey, and then doing a little design in the corner with a mustard yellow and aqua/turquoise blue. I'll have to share pictures. :)

      And did you get a new blogger profile picture? I love it! :D
      Merry Christmas, Sarah! <3

  10. So many books! 0.0

    Well, I DON'T reccommend Charlie Brown Christmas... xP
    I like White Christmas, despite their less than modest clothing in a few scenes.

    Oh, and Christmas music... I have so many songs that I like! I'll recommend the ones I like that are not classics. xP

    Labor of Love, sung by Randy Travis (and written by Andrew Peterson):

    No Room, by Todd Agnew:

    Hallelujah (Light has Come), by Barlowgirl: (The video for this one is a little weird.)

    Strange Way to Save the World, by 4Him:

    The Night Before Christmas, by Brandon Heath:
    ...And there are more, if you want them. xP

    1. I KNOW. O.O

      Whoah. So many... Christmas songs that are kind of Christmas songs but not well known Christmas songs. :P I must listen to all of them. *nods* THANK YOU! So much. Maybe I'll like Christmas songs yet. xD

  11. ALLL THE BOOKS I NEED THEM. TWENTY ONE PILOTS. CINDER. LOST. AJDJJDNFFNF. I didn't know it was possible to love you more.


    1. *somehow passes you allllll the books through the internet* *it'll work* *maybe* *maybe not* :P
      ACK YOU LOVE CINDER AND LOST AND TWENTY ONE PILOTS TOO? Well, hello, new best friend. *glomp*

  12. I like your stack of books. :D Libraries are dangerous like that. I went there last week, but I restrained myself and only got five books. :) I'm currently reading The Boy in Striped Pyjamas. It's just one of those books I've heard about for so long, and never actually read.

    Have fun repainting your room, visiting with friends, and editing of course! But seriously, I'm sure your book is amazing, and worth every bit of work you're putting into it. Looking forward to hearing more about it sometime!

    1. Oooooooooh, how are you liking The Boy in Striped Pajamas? I've heard that it's sad. Which makes me intrigued. :P

      Yaay, editing. xD Aww, I look forward to sharing it with you! Someday. :P
      Merry Christmas!

    2. Yes, I've finished it now, and it was sad. Mostly because it's told through the eyes of a little boy who is so innocent, and doesn't comprehend what's going on until it's too late. But it's good, and I'm glad I read it. Are you thinking of reading it sometime? Do you find yourself reading books about WWII much?

    3. Awww. Yeah, I can except that it would be sad. :/ I'll probably read it someday. Not sure when. I have so many books to read right now. :P

      *shakes head* No. I'm not the hugest historical fiction fan. If I do read books like that, it's usually for school. I'm more into a fantasy and sci-fi phase right now, but it could always change. :)

  13. Wow. Your book haul is a bit...scary. But also fabulous. I'm waiting for some snow, too. I have no idea what is wrong with the weather this year. A few days ago I heard the birds chirping. I love birds but they have no right to chirp when Christmas is right around the corner. NO. RIGHT. As for Christmas movies, yes I have recommendations.I love The Polar Express, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Our family's all time favorite), A Charlie Brown Christmas, and White Christmas.

    1. Aha... haha... *tries to consider whether to tell you or not that I have eight more books on hold currently at the library...* *cough* :P

      Birds? In winter? Waht? That's a little extreme. o.o

      Aww, Polar Express! I remember watching that one when I was younger. I hardly remember it now, though...

  14. You MUST watch It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas. I also like the original Miracle on 34th Street with Maureen O'Hara and Natalie Wood and The Santa Clause. And for Christmas specials, Charlie Brown and the Grinch are the best. Polar Express is good, I'm just tired of it. If you want a version of A Christmas Carol that's like the book, go for the newer Disney one, but I don't really like it 'cause it's creepy. But I DO love Scrooge with Albert Finney. I personally really don't like Elf or Home Alone, but a lot of people like them.

    I'm so sorry your holds list for Winter is so long. I jumped on it as soon as it was put in the system and got number 3. They weren't even done processing the book yet...

    1. I WILL! It seems that "It's a Wonderful Life" is very popular and a classic Christmas movie so it is on the top of my list. :D

      *sigh* It's sloooowly moving down. Ah, and you were smart. I needed to reread the rest of the series before I read Winter so my confused self went, "Well, everyone will have already read Winter by the time I'm ready to read it!"
      Right. Says the person who reads two books in a day. :P I'll have to plan ahead the next time a book in a series comes out. Or maybe I'll just buy it next time. xD

  15. Twenty One Pilots are the best :) And that pile of books is just awesome! My family doesn't really do Christmas movies either, I never realised that it's such a big thing :)

    1. Yusss another TOP fan. *high five*

      I feel like I've heard of more people watching Christmas movies in 2015 than really... ever. But maybe it's because I'm in the blogging world more and hear about it more often? *shrug*

  16. You don't have any snow?! That is remarkable. We have so. much. I actually love it, except when I am driving because it makes the roads so slick! There have been a few near death experiences... haha! Your stack of books is impressive! And I am definitely looking forward to eating pizza as well. :P

    1. I KNOW! o.O It's so weird. Soooo weird. I look outside and almost want there to be snow. ...Almost. :P

      Oh dear. o.o Stay safe, Bailey! xD I've only had one experience driving with snow (and it was at night. Not fun), and it was freaky. So I understand. :P
      Pizzaaaaa. xD

  17. I get you with the lack of snow, i mean i live in ks, so anything can happen, but its been a while since we've had a white christmas, just last night it was RAINING! I was soo done, but the wind is steady, so can't complain(love the wind, it makes me feel free. always has always will.) the rain is pretty brilliant, but i'd rather have snow this time of year. I'm excited for everything else this year. I'm an official teen, so that mmakes me feel like there is something special about that. But i think the thing i am most excited about is seeing my crush in january. This guy goes to a different school so i don't see him very often, but he's pretty amazing.

    1. I reaaaaally love rain. Especially when it rains super hard so you can hear it pounding on the roof. That's my favorite time to write. :D
      Ooh, you're officially a teen? When's your birthday?

      Merry Christmas!

    2. April 18th, I've got a little more than 2 years, and 3 months away from legitimately dating. Whoopee.

  18. Oh, same, I just finished The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet and I loved it so much. How was Cinder? I really want to read it, as I'm getting into sci-fi books and I'm wondering if it's any good. Did you like it?

    1. Yay for Ellie Sweet! :D Do you plan on reading the sequel? I requested it at the library but they haven't gotten it yet... So I'm not sure if I'll buy it or not. We'll see. :)

      CINDER IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It's a cyborg/sci-fi/dystopian retelling of Cinder and it's absolutely amazing. Read it. READ IT! :D And then tell me how you like it. *nods*

    2. Oh my gosh, YES! I read a bit of the first chapter included in the back of the first book, and I really liked it.

      AGHHH Cinder! I literally scouted the entire city and visited four bookstores to look for Cinder, but all they had was Winter and Fairest (or is it Fairiest?). Anyway.... I guess that's another book added to my wish list.

      Merry Christmas, since I'm here now! I hope you enjoy :)

  19. Yay for reading and relaxation and fun. ^ ^ I hope you have a great time! One of my favorite Christmas movies is the Santa Clause another one is Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas. ^ ^

    1. Ooooh, Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas? I've never heard of that before. I'll have to look it up. :)

  20. I actually have never listened to Twenty One Pilots ... perhaps I should :).
    You haven't been listening to Christmas music? *gasps* How do you live without it?! (if you can't tell, I really love Christmas music :D)

    My family likes to watch lots of Christmas movies. We watch 'The Polar Express' almost every year, and we also like 'A Smoky Mountain Christmas', along with 'Santa Paws' (I'm not sure if that is actually the title of the movie. But I think that's what my siblings call it, so it probably is.). We normally have a wide range of Christmas movies being watched each year, since my siblings and I vary in age (and interest!) so much :).

    *stares at Katie's pile of books hungrily* *begins to whisper to herself like Gollum* *runs off to request some library books for herself*

    Ooo, what color are you painting your room? My room (well, I wouldn't exactly call it MY room, I share it with all but one of my five siblings) is a dark-ish blue and white right now.

    *gasps* You're going to see the new Star Wars movie? Lucky :). I actually haven't finished watching all the original Star Wars. I've only seen the first two, and wanted to watch the third, but I don't think my siblings were all that interested in finishing those movies :). Someday it shall happen!

    Sleeping in is a definite plus. I've already been staying up 'till around midnight and getting up at eight :D.

    We don't have any snow where I live either :(. I LOVE snow, and am quite disappointed that we don't have any right now. It's sad.

    I've been reading ... well, a lot of books lately :D. I recently finished 'Halfblood' by Jaye L. Knight (yes, finally! It was so sad ...), 'Dare' and 'Deny' by Tricia Mingerink, and I'm working on 'A Light In The Darkness' by Heather Sutherlin. What book are you currently reading?

    ~Savannah Perran

    1. *stares at her just-published comment* Oh my. That was long. Really long. Oops. :D
      ~Savannah Perran

    2. Yay for long comments! I don't mind at all. :)

      You haven't listened to Twenty One Pilots? *gasp* :P Well, it's not everyone's type of music. It's kind of a mix of rap and pop. But the lyrics are amazingggg. So deep and wonderful.
      I knoww. *hides* I'll listen to Christmas songs on Christmas day for sure. And probably Christmas Eve. :)

      Polar Express!!!! Ack, I haven't watched that movie in so long. I remember watching it as a child a lot... Seems like it's time for a rewatch. :)

      I'm planning on painting mine a super light grey. My bedspread is an aqua blue and then I can do mustard yellow highlights throughout the room. (pillows, blankets, lampshade, etc.) I'm super excited. :D

      I'm not a HUGE fan of Star Wars, but I really liked the new one. You'll have to tell me what you think of it if you ever watch it. :)

      Halfblood! *sniff* Oooh, I REALLY need to read Dare and Deny. I've been hearing so much about those books! Soon, soon...
      Well, I'm currently not reading anything. I'll start a new book tonight - just have to decide which one. I think I'll read "Shadow and Bone" or "Beastly Bones."

  21. I've been reading "Cinderella's Dress", by Shonna Slayton. And one thing I'm looking forward to in day's soon to come is the "When Calls the Heart Christmas Special"! :)
    (I've found myself staying up late doing blog posts, too. :D)

    1. Ooh, do you like the book?
      (Yay! I stay up late every night a blog post is due, haha. xD It's sooo easy to procrastinate. Hopefully with this next one I'll get on top of things.)

      Thanks for commenting!

    2. Yes, its an interesting book. :)
      (Yea, it is pretty easy, unfortunately. XO :D)

      Your welcome :)

  22. I just checked Illuminae out, but it's on hold. :(

    1. Ooh, yay! Yeah, it's a pretty popular book, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had lots of holds. :P

    2. actually there were three available, but I had to order it from another library.

  23. That stack of library books...Is. Beautiful.

    I was SO excited for break partly because it meant getting more reading done! I just finished Walk on Earth a Stranger (read it in ONE day) :) I wanted to get The Raven Boys from the library, but it was checked out D: So I just checked out 7 different books... :D

    Ally @ The Scribbling Sprite

    1. It is beautiful! I was inspired to go to the library and check out even more! We haven't gone yet, but soon!


don't be shy to hang out in the comment section!
make frens, check back for my replies, keep things clean, shout about pizza, squeal about books, moan about editing... all that cool stuff.