Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Camp Update - I'm Back!

*smiles weakly and then collapses*

I'm back from camp! ...Mostly. I'm still writing, but definitely not as crazily as I have been these last two weeks.
Seriously. It's been insane. 

And that up there, fellow writers, is why I've disappeared from the blogosphere these past two weeks. Almost every moment of my free time has been dedicated to furiously writing in my writer burrow, feeding off of word wars and word sprints.

The words started to add up quickly, and in a matter of two weeks I had 50,000 words.

This is after the thing happened.

*flails* I'm pretty excited. 

Lately on a bunch of blogs I've been seeing them share playlists or songs that inspired their Camp project, or that they listen to while writing. Basically, I've only been listening to one song on repeat:

Your Love is a Song by Switchfoot. 

First of all, I love this song, and the lyrics fit my book perfectly. It's like the artist wrote it after reading my novel. Though the song was released in 2009. And my book isn't even finish. *shrugs* Confusing time-traveling related details.

And I have a short snippet. I would've shared other quotes with you, but I forgot to write them down while writing. :p

But all the excitement aside, I don't want to completely have everything in this post on me. I'm very blessed to be homeschooled. My writing friends have supplied me with many Word Wars. (You know who you are. Thank you.) I write rather fast.
((Really fast, in fact. I'm going to desperately hope that there are some full sentences in my document and the past two weeks haven't been me upchucking useless word vomit.))

Camp is hard. Writing is hard. But don't give up on your characters, or your story.

Don't become discouraged if you're a slower writer than others, or if you're behind on your word goal.

You will finish your novel. Every word you write adds up to the story you love and gets you one step closer to sharing it with the world.

You can do it. 

- Katie Grace

Well. Do you have a "theme" song for your book? Or how about a snippet or quote to share? And most importantly, how is Camp going? Let me know!


  1. Hi, Katie!
    HOLY SMOKES! I cannot believe how much you have written in the past two weeks. *applause* Great job with Camp NaNoWriMo!
    And that is also one of my favorite songs. :)

    1. I know. I'm surprised that I was able to write that much. I don't think it'll be happening again anytime soon... :p
      Yay for liking the same song! *fistbump*

  2. *Claps* way to go on all you have gotten done this month!! Keep up the amazing work!! =D
    I don't actually have a theme song for this book! I ushally do but I just haven't found one that fits this book yet. =/
    Camp is going pretty well! I'm not doing nearly as much as you are but I'm still having a lot of fun. =D I'm a tad bit ahead but not much. =)

    1. Thank you, Mickayla!
      I hope you find one soon. I didn't have one for my last novel, so it's been fun having one this time around. :)
      Good. *nods* Having fun is important. I would never sign up for Camp if I wasn't excited about it in the first place.

  3. Wow!!!! You write so fast! I haven't nearly written that much. :) Congrats!

    1. Thank you for the help with the Word Wars! :D
      You'll get there. You have been busy with edits, so I completely understand.

  4. Wow! Great job :D I'm doing Camp NaNoWrimo but I'm only editing my book from last November. Just from that quote your book sounds great! And the fact that the Switchfoot song was written about your book must mean it is marvelous lol ;) A quote from my work in progress? It's rather long, or well actually I suppose it is a snippet of a scene but:

    Moriah delivered the flapjacks drenched in syrup and topped with pink sprinkles. The six year old's eyes lit up when she saw the sprinkles. Reassuming her ‘Anne attitude’ she said,

    “Oh! It looks so yummy and romantic.”

    “Do you even know what romantic means?” Moriah smiled.

    Kate thought for a moment, “No. It must be something good. Anne of Green Gables says it all the time so I will too.”

    Paris laughed, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kate.”

    1. Ooh, you're editing? I admire you for that. I don't think I would be able to ruin the joy of camp with edits. :p
      I hope to make it marvelous! Hopefully it'll turn out that way. xD
      I love your snippet! Kate seems like a fun character to write.

  5. Do you think that maybe you should higher your wcg? lol
    I am not doing to hot. My wc is where is should have been on day nine or ten. :P

    1. Ha. xD My new goal is to finish the book by the end of the month, but since I'm so bad at estimating, I have no idea how much I have left to write. :p Sooo we'll see where it goes.
      Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. BUT, day nine or ten isn't too bad. I've been seeing you pin a lot of Word War pins on Pinterest. I'll have to comment under one of them soon here so I can help you out. :D

  6. Wow, well done!! I love Switchfoot :)

    1. Thanks!
      Switchfoot is AWESOME. I love their whole Hello Hurricane album. It gets me through the late-night writing. xD

  7. Congrats, that is so awesome! Love that song and the band. I always make playlists for my books, can never just pick one song =)

    1. Thank you, Anna!
      Playlists are sooo fun to make. I wish I wasn't so picky with my "it has to fit the book PERFECTLY" attitude, but at least I found one. *shrugs* Good luck with writing!
      Thanks for reading. :)

  8. Wow, Katie Grace, the way you've been writing over the past couple weeks is AMAZING!!! I'm a little familiar with Switchfoot, but just the songs I hear on the radio. And then I couldn't pick them out. :/

    As for my songs... I have a whole playlist. Not all of my songs are /exactly/ along the lines of my book, but I have a few favorites that sort of work: "Mechanical Planet," by VERIDIA, "Set Me Free," by Casting Crowns, and "Cinderella," by Steven Curtis Chapman (which is probably my favorite song on there. :) ).

    Aaannnddd... I don't think that I'll share a snippet. My wording is /pretty/ bad for this one. Mostly word vomit. :P This month has been an exercise in learning to ignore perfectionism. :P

    1. You've been amazing as well, Natasha! Seriously, you're not that far behind me. And for your first NaNo challenge... Wow. You're doing awesome. :D

      *will have to look up the songs she hasn't heard before* I love "Cinderella," and have probably heard of "Set Me Free." "Mechanical Planet," is a cool name for a song title.

      That's okay. xD Even if I did go through my manuscript in search of other snippets, I probably wouldn't have found any. :p I understand.

    2. Haha, thanks, Katie! I really would have liked to have gotten in a few more words than I have recently, but I'm glad with the progress I've made. :)

      Yes, "Cinderella" is amazing. It's kind of sad, but I love the song anyways. Sort of... bittersweet. "Set Me Free" is on Casting Crowns' "Lifesong" album, I believe. And, "Mechanical Planet" has a really cool sound, as do all of VERIDIA's other songs. I haven't heard any other groups with a similar sound. They've become one of my favorites. They only have one album, though, with only five songs on it. They're a pretty new group.

      Yeah. First drafts are first drafts are first drafts. You can't always find something that sounds really good. You should be able to in later drafts, but the first draft is kind of iffy if you're not being perfectionist about it. :P

    3. Have you heard the artist's story of Cinderella behind the song? It is really sad, so I can get that the song has a sad tone to it. :/
      Exactly. xP

    4. Yes, I have! I've known it for a long time! It makes me sad. For a good long while, I couldn't listen to the song without tearing up. It's one of those... bittersweet songs, you know?

  9. Wow. 0_0 You have my most sincere congratulations, Katie! I look forward to Camp in July, but even then I'll probably have the stamina only for 10k.

    1. Thank you, Victoria! :D
      Writing is very exhausting, so I get what you mean. I'd really like to be in the same cabin with you in July, though!

  10. Congrats! It always amazes me when I see how fast people can write!
    Now off to my novel (which I am really behind at the moment)...

    1. Thank you!
      *wishes you the best of luck with your novel* You can do it!

  11. *gasp* whoaaaaaaa! That is so awesomesauce! ;) I'm at 22,000 total! ah! This is the most ever for me, so I'm totally excited! So, will you be continuing? What's your actual goal? Keep writing, girl! :D

    1. 22,000!? That's awesome!
      I'll definitely be continuing. My new goal might be to finish the book, actually, but I'm not sure. xD We'll see what happens.
      You keep writing, too!

  12. Wow, you are a boss! I'm behind in CampNaNoWriMo and my goal is only 30K but I'm catching up! I'm at 12K now! But I'm also working at another book at the same time so technically I've written more this month lol. The theme for my CampNaNoWriMoNovel is a toss up between Warriors by Imagine Dragons or I Believe by Christina Perry.

    Stori Tori's Blog

    1. Ha, thanks. xD
      Awesomeness! It'd be hard for me to work on two different projects at the same time. I don't think my mind could focus on either one.
      I've heard Warriors before. It's awesome for writing inspiration. :D

  13. That. Is a lot of words. That's awesome, Katie! I'm afraid I don't listen to much music when I'm writing. I get distracted way to easily!

    1. Yeah. xD There are times where I find myself singing along to the lyrics instead of actually writing.

  14. You are an awesome writer, Katie! Seriously, you were writing super fast. You already know by now that I'm done with 50k, but I, too, contribute that to lots of word wars with my awesome cabin members. :) I don't have a specific playlist for my book, but I listen to a lot of random songs and Switchfoot almost always finds its way on that list.

    1. Our cabin members sound equally awesome.. xD
      And you are super awesome for making 50k! Especially since you were a lot busier with school and such. I'm not sure how you find time. You're just really amazing. :p
      Switchfoot is great. *nods*

  15. Oh my goodness I love that song! Congrats on writing 50k!

    1. It is such an awesome song!
      Thank you very much!


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