Thursday, March 12, 2015

[Guest Post!] Why Fictional Friends Are Just The Best

To whomever may be reading this post, I have Aimee from To the Barricade! guest posting for me today. She's pretty awesome, and the post you are about to read is awesome, too. Enjoy!

A big thanks to Katie for letting me guest post here today! I absolutely love this blog and I’m pretty excited about it. And a big thanks to all you lovely people out there reading! *waves*
If you didn’t know already, or hadn’t guessed, I’m just a tiny bit obsessed with books. I love the pretty covers and nice-smelling pages and plots that keep me up at night, and most of all I love the characters, those large-as-life people running around making me fall in love with them. I especially love those characters that are so close you feel like you’re friends with them, even though you’ve never seen them outside of those pages.
Go ahead, admit you do this too, I’m the last person to judge.
Anyway, if this sounds weird to you, allow me to make a convincing argument:

Why Fictional Friends Are Just The Best

1.  You can visit them any time you like!

This is totally the main benefit - literally all you have to do is open up that book (and smell the pages, of course), flip through, find those laugh-out-loud or even heartbreaking scenes, and visit them all over again. It’s even better after the first time, too, because you find all kinds of new little details and memories. Bring on the warm fuzzies. 

2. They’re a lot less demanding than real friends.

Harsh, but true. Real friends are great and all, but a lot of work, let’s face it. Fictional friends? They’re probably all villains anyway, so not terribly high-maintenance. And you don’t have to feed fictional friends, or clean up for them, so that’s a plus.

3. They’re all pretty hilarious.

Not always true, but for the most part, and especially with characters you like - they tend to be pretty witty, or clumsy, or good with stupid jokes, or sarcastic, or something like that. And it’s nearly always on-point, or if it’s not, it’s hilariously adorkable. (That’s a word I’m allowed to use, right?) And we all know that funny friends are basically the best.

4. They’re always around.

So this kind of goes with #1, but you can always depend on fictional friends. They’re right there to make you laugh or cry or just smile or give you ALLLL the feelings whenever you need it! I mean, they can’t actually give hugs or anything, but it sure feels that way sometimes, and having them to rely on is the best.

And, my personal favorite…

5. They take you on adventures.

I’ve been so many different places with my own fictional friends, both in this world and out of it, that I never could have gone on my own. The second you open up that book and take the character’s hand you’ll be taken somewhere you only could have dreamed of, and you’ll experience it all with them and get to know them at the same cool is that? I’ll never get over it, myself. You also get to experience all the feels and trauma too, the more you get to know them, but eh. It’s an incredible experience, those books you’re really attached to. And it’s even better if you do it several times and get to be very, very good friends with those people.
If that’s not a convincing argument for why they’re the best ever, I don’t know what is.

What about you? Who’s your favorite fictional friend? How do you feel about fictional besties in general? Comment away.

Thanks again to Katie for letting me guest post! Even if I waited until the absolute last possible second to actually finish the post, but we won’t talk about that. She’s guest posting on my blog, To the Barricade, as well, and you should totally check that out!
If you for whatever reason want to see more, you can check out my blog up above, or find me on Pinterest, Twitter, or Goodreads!


  1. Hmm... I love all of the Harry Potter characters! But the Pevensies over in Narnia are hard competition ;)

    1. Yes. The Harry Potter characters are quite loveable. Especially the Weasley twins. They always made me laugh so hard.

  2. Most of my friends are fictional! Okay, maybe not, but I still have too many fictional "best friends" to count...pretty much everyone from Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings, also Ponyboy from The Outsiders, Willy Henry and Doctor Warthrope from The Monstrumologist series, and the Armitage family from Joan Aiken's Armitage Family stories.

    1. I understand you. I basically come away from most books with another "friend."
      Hmm. I haven't heard of some of the series you mentioned. But Lord of the Rings is always a good choice. :D

  3. Thanks so much for having me! It was a super fun post to write. :D

    1. Thanks for posting! It was super fun to read. :D

  4. Well, I was always under the impression that BFF should mean Best Fictional Friend, so.... I think if I could choose one person, it would be Anne Shirley. But I am liable to change my mind. Like, what if Harry Potter gets jealous?

    1. Ha. xP I like that definition.
      I love Anne Shirley, mostly because she reminds me of myself. I don't act like her, but my mind thinks like she talks, if that makes sense.
      Nah. I don't think Harry Potter would get jealous. He has enough fictional besties. xP

  5. Fictional friends are pretty awesome, and I love how their roles in books help me go on wonderful adventures whether it be through fantasy worlds or even back into the past. My most recent fictional besties have come from the Tales of Goldstone Wood series. The characters are all so funny, and the world in these books is so huge. There's so much to explore, and the world just keeps on growing.

    1. Fictional friends are epic.
      I WAS SO HOPING YOU'D MENTION THOSE CHARACTERS! I love the characters from The Tales of Goldstone Woods to death. I especially love Eanrin. He's so awesome. And Rose Red. All of them, actually.

    2. Rose Red and Eanrin are my two favorites, too! I love them so much! *squeals for infinity*

  6. I have so many fictional friends! Most of my BFFs (best fictional friends, referencing Ally R.) come from the Ilyon Chronicles. *cough*Jace*cough* Hehe. :)

    1. YES! And I was hoping you'd comment about the Ilyon Chronicles.
      Of course Jace is your bestie. xP

  7. Ooh, awesome post, Aimee! I know that my books have been my lifeline for a good many years, so you make a ton of valid points. Way to go! :D

    1. I know, right? She writes the awesomest posts. :D

  8. Hi Katie!
    Here's your prompt for the flash fiction challenge! (I don't know how to make the picture appear in the comment itself, so I just copied and pasted the link from pinterest)
    I'll leave the word limit at 1000 (a picture does paint a thousand words, after all :) I hope it goes well!

    1. Thank you, Sierra!
      I hope it goes well, too. I'm a bit nervous, but should be able to come up with something. :D
      Good luck with your Flash Fiction as well!

  9. Fictional friends are the best I absolutely agree! Mine never worry about the fact that I don't leave my house often or hate communicating with the outside world. They just lie in wait to spring the next great adventure on me. At the moment I'm enjoying spending time with my friend Jason Bourne in the book series by Eric Van Lustbader. Turns out he's as good in the books as he is in the movies.

    1. They are quite epic, and their adventures never seem to end! That makes me happy. ^.^
      Hm, haven't heard about him before...
      Thanks for commenting. :)

  10. Oh my gosh, I am such a weirdo. I have too many to say, so I'll only name one:

    Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars. She is like me in a lot of ways. She is sarcastic, likes correcting people (self-confesssed grammar snob), and to top it off? She likes tea. I like tea. We both like tea.

    Match made in heaven if you ask me, :)

    1. No, no. You're not weird. I have countless upon countless of fictional friends. xD
      I've never watched Pretty Little Liars, but she sounds like a great character. Except I don't like tea. *hides* I know, shame on me.

  11. Hi Katie,
    I just found your blog. I really love writing too!!! :D I hope you will check out my blog and follow it by email! I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment, if you wish. :)

    1. Hey, Ashley. :)
      Yay! More writing friends. xD Thanks for stopping by at my blog!

  12. I don't have many fictional friends, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a lot of characters, but I've never really thought of any of them as a friend. However, if I were to pick a character that I'd want to be my friend, it'll be Anne from Anne of Green Gables. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Precious @ Clockwork Desires

    1. We have more Anne lovers, yay! :D She's pretty hilarious.
      You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine. :)


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