Thursday, November 20, 2014

A #Shelfie For You


I've been tagged by the wonderful Ghost Ryter for the Shelfie award. It's like a selfie...of your bookshelf, therefore being a shelfie. ;) (Interesting new term, eh?)

Here's my bookshelf.

Ta-da! (If the pictures don't turn out very big, click on them, and then I assure you, they will. :)

Even though all those books are on my bookshelf, I really only consider the middle shelf to be 'my' books. Those are my favorites. The top and bottom shelf are those that we've collected through the earlier years, and are no longer on my best books list, but needed to be put somewhere in the house. So they went to me. (And this is only a very small percentage of the books we own. My family loves books. We have a lot of them.) I would've put the Lord of the Rings on the middle shelf, but I ran out of room. :/
Here's a closer look of my middle shelf. :)

Going from left to right, we first have my collection of books from my favorite author(s): Molly Evangeline and Jaye L. Knight. And after that is the rest of my Christian fantasy books.
Here's the next half. From left to right again... First we have a collect of Sci-Fi/Contemporary. Then, starting at "Princess Academy," are my non-Christian books. Near the end is my very small collection of writing books. :)
I always love having real-life copies of books that are available for me to reread. Like I've mentioned in other posts, I reread a lot. So when I see good deals on paperback copies or am willing to spend the regular cost for my favorite book, I will do so.
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And now I get to tag some other wonderful bloggers to share their collection of books with me. (This is completely voluntary)
Click on their blog titles and it will lead you to their blogs.
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Leilani Sunblade at Dreams and Dragons
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Jaye L. Knight at Jaye L. Knight.
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H.M. Wilson at Plottinger Twist
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Victoria M. at Inkdrops and City Lights
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And for those of you whom I did not nominate but still want to participate, go ahead! Make sure you share the post with me. I'd love to see your bookshelves!
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Tell me, have you read any of the books above? Do you share any of my favorites?
- Katie Grace


  1. Nice! My bookshelf isn't large at all. The largest book series it holds is Little House on the Prairie, lol :P ;)

    1. That's okay. The Little House on the Prairie books are good...

    2. Yes, except I haven't read them since I was like 10. I have a lot favorite books, they just aren't on my bookshelf. They're in a mysterious stronghold which contain novels and stories that thrill and exhilarate but are protected by a guardian who will only let you pass if you own the knowledge of the passcode.
      Yup, you guessed it. The library.


    3. *laughs* The library is always a good place to go. I wish more of the self-published books were kept there... What are some of your favorite books?

    4. I enjoyed the Left Behind novels, LOVE Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Narnia... I really liked Purple Moon and a Tale of Two Cities. I don't know, I really like some of the classics like the Anne of Green Gables series and the Love Comes Softly series.

    5. I have been really wanting to read Purple Moon lately. I'm hoping to use up my points for the Monday Minute Challenge to get a free ebook soon. :D

    6. It's definitely worth reading! Can't wait until the sequel comes out! :D

    7. Sequel? 0.0 I didn't know about a sequel...

    8. Tessa is working on the sequel (I believe)

  2. Mhm, you have a beautiful bookshelf! For certain reasons I get most of my books from the library, but I do have something worth showing. Thanks for tagging me, and I hope to put up my #shelfie soon. =)

    1. I'm excited to see your #shelfie soon. xP

    2. Well, it may be a while as I hope to get my own camera on Black Friday... and I want to take a good picture... so hopefully you can wait for two weeks-ish. xP

    3. Ooh! Awesome. Black Friday is always a good time to get good deals on things. :)
      I can wait. :D

  3. This is so awesome! =D Thank you so much for tagging me! =D I am so enveyous of all the books by homeschool authurs you have! Especially J. Grace Pennington's third book! I just want to come and sit next to your book self for about a month and indulge myself. ;D I'll do this tag asap. =D

    1. You are welcome!
      I'm jealous that you got to MEET one of my all time favorite authors. Can I just teleport to where you live sometime so you can read my books and I can meet Grace? :)

    2. Yea, well next time your in Texas I'm sure you could meet her. Grace is a really nice person. =) You know what's awesome? I live with my favorite author. Sarah's the best. =D I would so go for being able to read your books. I would be happy for weeks. =D

    3. Sarah is a really awesome author. :D I have her Destiny Trilogy on my bookshelf. (Though I'm sure you saw that in the post. :p) I have yet to read one of her historical fiction books, but I need to soon.
      I just finished Grace's third Firmament book! (I keep forgetting how to spell it...) It was really awesome. I loved it. I still think the second one is my favorite, but I still really liked this one. :)

    4. Thanks. =D Sometimes its hard though because people just think I'm prejudice when I say her books are awesome. =/ That's okay, I still haven't finished reading a book shes had done for months now and I usually read her books right after there done! =O And I think Sarah has Grace's third book but I haven't read it ether... =P

  4. Great shelfie! Yet now I'm jealous because you have so many books I love but don't own....

    1. I get a lot of books for birthdays and Christmases...

  5. Ooh, this is a cool tag! I have a huge family bookshelf at home that spans half of three walls and is about the height of half a wall, but they are mostly classic books or books that I got when I was in elementary school. Now I mostly borrow books from the library, but occasionally I'll buy a new book. I love to reread books as well! There are so many books that I want to reread: The Hobbit, LOTR, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Little House on the Prairie Series, Code Name Verity, Rose Under Fire and To Kill a Mockingbird, just to name a few.

    1. I really want to reread The Hobbit before the last movie comes out. But I'm not sure if I can do it in time with NaNo...
      Do you want me to edit in your name for this tag?

    2. That's fine. You don't have to unless you absolutely want to. It actually might be kind of difficult for me to do this tag since I don't have much of a shelf with current books right now.

  6. Well, #shelfie has arrived to Inkdrops. x)


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